December 17, day, 1919 IES RIM iy SMOKING TOBACCO rat) ny | piereeenee ae ; {| THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR SALE—Lots 19 and 20, Block 18, Section 1, Third Avenue near : —— $3,500 Each i A REAL NAP. {MARINE INSURANOE REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE ; Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. 0. Box 66 ~ Rttteeteeeeatedoeenee eel Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth DON'T PAY 80c when you can get Our Own Brand BUTTER { ‘or 70c., none better ere ee OLIVES ON SALE, 250 \ VALUE, SELLING 2 FOR 25c. CASH SPECIALS AP Serre, Moree UNI On Bb aes ce cdiccaccccce $1.00 WOVOS. SPOUNONS 6 ic ecb Hive. of 3 dozen for $1.00 w Malaga Grapes in barrels, per lb. .............. 40c big Pancake Syrup Special............ 40c botties for 25c ooms, regular $1.00, on sale for. .. T5e sh ground Coffee, Special....... 3 ibs. for $1.35 rity Tubes. 100 Tubes on sale at .2 for 55c These are the regular 35¢ stock n Meah Special....... .5 Ibs. for 35c irk's ¢ “alsup now selling for Dhiiee etac _25e per bottle. QUAKER PORK & BEANS SPECIAL cular 2 tins for, 25c, on sale for 10c¢ or $1.00 per doz. COUPa—meins, regular 206, for......... 20. ccecccee 15c I Eine Geek 14a 0 bw a 0'k0 hdd oie .2 for 25c Hamsterly Cherry Preserves, 4-Ib. tin Regular $1.35—on Sale for ..... Me os 686 666 CN oes Vi eave $1.00 Castile Soap, small MNEs bhi ees 0-46 in wks as tol 7 for 25c Just Ransteed ¢ a Large Consignmens of Rice, Will Sell till All Gone at 15c per Pound—Order Your Sack Now. kin’s Best Coffee 1 tir value for 600 or 2 for 1.15 1 650 or 2 for 1.26 9 tins for $1.00 65 vaiue I¢ in One Shoe Black .2 tins for 25c¢ Inew BR ans, Spec tal 3 Ibs. for 250 Maple Leaf Milk, ps ase ‘ ee Pacific Milk, per case, No Limit tae theres $5.25 led Cider, regu! HY pecial 2 botties for 55e Largest Stock of Xmas Oracbere, Xmas Stockings in the City. Lowmey'’s Cheeolates in Boxes at Ridiculously Low Prices, Also a large Assortment of Xmas Candy—Buy Now. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? yy eres you want a hot water bottie, @ bath-spray or anything else in the rubber goods tine, you can make your selection here, knowing that the quality of the items purchased is of the very best and that the price is as tow as possibile to quote on the quality offered. Now is the time to make your selection from our new stock of-— Hot Water Botties, Rubber Gloves, ice Bags, Face Bottles, Bath Sprays, Fountain Syringes, Ete. Zhe Priace Rupert Drug Co. FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street Mail Orders Given®Prompt Attention P.O. BOX 215 PHONE 134 : National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prompt Attention ————E——EEEE a, — Sail Y NEws oD SWIMMING | HOLE SUBJECT OF PICTURE Jack Plokford in “tn Wrong” be Much Enjoyed by West- holme Patrons. will The Old Swimming Hole,” fa. it Ameriean song and story, thie pening seene in In Wrong Jack Pickford’s new pic- ture, di ees by First National and which will be shown at the Westholime Theatre tonight. Here one Johnny Spivens, the chara played by Piekford, akir entrance by coming up f the depth n the shore sits his faithful low atching hi Clothes. Johnny, lie driver of a gerocer’s wowran. | past the edge of town t distant customer, and has taken this opportunity to cool the hot Which the story home summer's day on starts He goes lies to his mother about his plunge into the creek, and .is ipped for it In Wrong introduces Jack (Kiord as a poor lad with all rt 1 ambition, who does not ein to be able to get ahead. After has lost his girl to a city man, lired” from his job, and has his rival made the hero of his opportunity comes shows how to capturs bank robbers witha no more pre- fous weapon than a pitehfork. the hour, Then he tte ee oe es es a 2 | The Man in the Moon | } THAT in regard to who will follow premier of Can- ida no less than six ministers look at the other and say, “It is ay” . . . THAT Sir Thomas White finds fie can do more for the interests he serves by being on the outside id pulling the strings. . . . LHA'T George E. does not foster the idea, THAT one minister is strongly f the opinion that it should be Me’ in” THAT having been anything a chairman of bea i success as the Board of Railway Commis- sioners Sir Henry Drayton finds himself eminently qualified for the premiership. e-@ @ rHAT Sir James Lougheed, having regard to his well known to labor men and prohibi- should make an ideal leader of a great Government. dislike tion, THAT J. A. Galder, who obeys the biblical injunction to be all things to all men, and especially to J. A., would be little worse than any of the others. THAT Bob Rogers is really the iman for the job, because everyone knows where Bob is. * © gf hiAT Bob would cure ills of the country because would have his fingers on inedicine ehest, all the he the (THAT Juneau had an excuse soing to sleep, having been cod by an earthquake, but what excuse has Prince Rupert? . . 7 THAT the quake may have goissed us, but there are rumblings eat things to come. rHAT it was stated at the police inquiry that there were leaks in the police station. rHAT a reeent visitor to that popula institution found its source in the ceiling over the tele- phone. THAT George there there, a joker says as long as is a member of the force will always be a “Leek” PIONEER MISSIONARY WAS SERIOUSLY ILL Rev, J. B. MeCullagh, the pio- eer Angliean missionary, who forty years has been in charge ( the mission at Aiyansh on the Naas River, has: been seriously il! but is now out of danger, Owing to the strenuous and trying na- ture of the work he had a nervous preakdown, Mr. MeCullagh is a student of Indian life and language. He has written a geed deal about the In- dian languages on this coast and their similarity to other langu- aes. D. H. Beatty, of Kitwanga, was an arrival on last night's train, ey BANK FOR ANYOX is | TO OPEN THIS WEEK a Bank of <@osametes és) Have Branch at Smelter Town. \ braneh of the Canadian Bank of Commerce is opening in Anyox this week. This bank does the business of the Granby Consoli- dated and as there is a large pay- roll there and no bank the new branch should prove to be a great convenience, not only to the com- pany, but also to the residents of the town and district, HAYSPORT CANNERY HAS CHANGED HANDS: Maritime Fisheries, Ltd., are aol Owners of Skeena Property. LD. T. Sandison, managing di- rector of the Maritime Figheries, | Ltd., owner of the Aliford Bay announces that the com. pany has purchased the Haysport property, on the Skeena River, 24 miles Prince Rupert. It is that the aequisition of the property by a strong eompany ihe that headed by Mr. Sandison ith expert knowledge of all nehes of deep fisheries, 1! be an important factor in the advancement of the plant. cannery, from believed sea bon W. Peck was an arrival in town this morning from Vancou- ver. oe Mr. and Mrs, Charles Embleton returned foom the south this morning, Mrs. Il, N. Linnell arrived from the south this morning to spend some days visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Fisher, Fourth Ave, East. . . > The Pioneer sold her eatch of halibut yesterday to the Pacifie Sea Products Co. for tie and 9.1¢. She had 85,000 pounds. The Tor- 75,000 pounds to Stovage for the same kenskjeld sold the Cold priee. The Tom and Al with about 20,000 pounds left for Seattle yesterday afternoon, The Alton landed 85,000 pounds. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE APPLICATION FOR GRAZING PERMITS FOR THE SEASON OF 1920. ieploctinns for permits to graze live- stock on the Crown range within each grazing district of the Province of British Columbia must be fled with the District Foresters at Cranbrook, Fort George, Kam- 4 Nelson, Prince Rupert, Vancouver and Vernon or with. the Conunissioner of Grazing, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B C,, on or before February 29, 1920. Blank forms upon which to submit ap- plications may be obtained from the Dis- trict Foresters at the above named places or from the Department of Lands at Vic- toria, > NADEN, ot tnd a of Lands. Department ©: Lands, Victoria, B. December: $e, 1919. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT- —DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess, of Bay Point, California, hotel-keeper, in tends tu apply for @ licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following de scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresby island, British Columbia, commencing 4) & post planted about 200 yards from tx southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles east of the northeast corner of Robert Reid’s coal and petroleum licence number 10460, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thencr west 80 chains to the point of commence ment. CHARLES E. BURGESS. By Hans K. Christensen, _ Located October 9th, 1919. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND Dis TRICT—-RECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA. Agent TAKE NOTICE that I, Peter Piombo, of Prinee Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend to apply for a lieence to prospect for coa oll and petroleum over the following seribed lands on the West Coast of (ira ham Island; Commencing at & post planted at three miles north of the horth east corner of Lot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence su chains west, thence 80 chains south thence 80 chains east to point of com- mencement, PETER PIOMBO. Located July 27, 1919. Dated September 25th, 1949 OE PPO D OL OOP RIDE OUR) Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer x. # fadoss Nabe . Tetons T) ck ys. AVOID ALUM - IN FOOD Baking Powder is one of the most important food inguedionta. “4 Alum or other injurious acids are frequently used some concerns ‘° lower the cost of production. MAGIC Containe No Alum It is a pure ee baking p ovdler and is suerethaalen bethe best, —— and most health- ul baking powder possible to p uce. W. Matthew Williams. in “Chemistry of Cooking.” “Phosphates are the bone- making material of food and have something to do with building up of brain and nervous matter.” Made in Canada tek: Ls SN NE Serie: es hes aks wo Goh iE hoo pan Wehsas tokens Gokaas Gohows Gohavs Soha sa Gohsatiehs«sfohsawWcha«lcl Beds s Machine os Ca hves When s Woke n ns satility in “Miss Dulcie From | Dixie,” in which she is a Southern girl who eomes North to end a family estrangement of Civil War days and succeeds, and also wins * the man she loves and a fortune. * This Vitagraph picture, which » will be seen in the Empress to- * night is adapted from the popular: * vance. The boys should rved ceipts which Ways be prece Gleason. where payment has beer * made for the year in ad- when collecting carry oflicial re- rec Cee eee ee He SMITH & MALLETT nd Mebane Mehonntalns Solan. Ge] OTS, OS, ONT, © TS O US, © LS FT. OT. OL. O ET GLADYS LESLIE MISS Dra pee peer * DULCIE FROM DiXIE); =“? SVSSCRIBERs * enjopnpacanin —— * Subseribers to The News Gladys Leslie, the star with the|}# are asked to pay.the de- “million dollar smile,” has a role|* livery boys each tmonth well suited to her charming ver-|* when they call, except tn RRR KE EB \dvertise in the Daily News. PLUMBING ENGINEERS IN THE SUPREME COURT OF aes enupt 0b renee COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA- novel of the same title by Lulah| Ragsdale and was directed by Jos, | TION ACT” | , 5 Honour F. MeB. Young, made the 19th day! € December, A.D. 1917, I was appointed) administrator of the estate of Seldon Ed- ward Stebbins, deceased, and all parties | AND HEATING Estimates furnished. and — Address, ard Avenue, head IN THE MATTER OF SELDON EDWARD g STEBBINS, DECEASED, INTESTATE. of Second Street. “ _ TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of wa Phone 174 .— P.O. Box 274 ee having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properry | verified, to me, on or before 15th day of | December, A. D. 1919, and all parties in- debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtednss to me/| forthwith J. H. MeMULLIN, OMeial Administrator Dated this 20th day of November, 1919 VEGETABLES “ietetedl Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Labor, Exchange. Phone 547 TOM TEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. Wholesale and Retali General Contractors and Prince Rupert, B.C, — P.O. Box 725 OPO POD CPC Ee PERO Ee Launch Alice B. Picnic and Fishing Parties Chilli Con Carne s Hot Tomales Trips round Hlarbor At the -, MYHIL eee ES CHILLI PARLOR - 835 Second Avenue Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 - i = ? ss ? — = ae me ae Men's Pocket WATCHE St are in demand. ~ There are Styles in Men’s Watch s the same as anything else. The Gruen Verithin is one of the neat- est and best at from $25. to $150: We carry the Waltham from $12. to $100. and you'll find a wide variety of cases. Also we stock Hamilton Howard and Regina. GRUEY STANDARD PRICES deweler The Gift Store PODS EEE OEE OOOO” POTATO HE JOHN BULGER ae 2-322 ie ste ie rareg ee 7 * od Pe ae