I EK8 r3 Moii rwo THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE TH& RUPERT DAILY BRITISH NEWS. COLUMBIA NORTHERN B. C. NEWS Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu H. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor f , TERRACE BURNS LAKE SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or canler, yearly period, paid In advance ...... For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month ..., v By mall to all parts or Northern and Central British Columbia paid In advance for yearly period ..........J By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year. By mail to all other countries, per year i ADVERTISING BATES . Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per Word .. Local readers, per Insertion, per line ... Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on Application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 86 5.00 SO : 100 :$coo " 9.00 1,40 j .02 J .25 .15 Tuesday, July 7, 1931 WHERE SHALL WE B.IJY Just now there are a. number of young people just graduating from the High School and -they are looking for positions. Local merchants are unable to employ them because business is too quiet. The parents of some of these young people sM out of town for many of their supplies. They do not patronize the home people yet they like the home people to employ their children. What is to be done? Local merchants have been reducing their prices until in most cases they are down to the level of the big city prices. In some cases they are less. It is possible to go around town and pick up many lines of goods that cannot be duplicated at the price in Vancouver. Also there is a good selection. We suggest that it is good for Prince Rupert for the re sidents to buy at home and it is good for the residents themselves. i NEED OF PUBLICITY There is creat need of nublicitv for the hiehwav be tween KamToops and Hazelton according to people who have made the trip. Few people realize that there is such a highway and many who drive over it never see the in teresting features. What is needed is a guide book to be prepared jointly by the people along the route such as Wil liams Lake, Quesnel, rrince George, Vanderhoof, Burns Lake, Telkwa, Smithers and Hazelton. It would indicate to tourists where the worth while things were to be seen. Then along the highway there should be notice boards in dicating to tourists where to look for the outstanding fea tures. At present the route is wholly unorganized and unex- ploited and the Towns along the route get very little bene' fit from it. , H. a. KATES ON CABS No results have yet been obtained from the agitation for lower rates on automobiles between Hazelton and Prince Rupert. The charge of $40 . is out of all proportion to the i i iii t i i, service renoereu arm me distance covered, a smaii ar can be shipped to Vancouver for the same price. The rate needs to be cut m half before it will Brow attractive to enough people to make the business worth attending to. . MUSICAL ORGANIZATION The Russian Chorus coming this week under Gyro auspices is said to be an outstanding musical organization and worthy the attention of all local people who are interested in vocal music. The Gyro Club is to be congratulated on its public spirit 4n deciding to bring such an organization to the city and the response of the public should be satisfactory to them and to the visiting musicians. I (By Gee) James H. Evant TS3 vlce-chlrron of the Mtfnl. tob Committee of the World' Grata Exhibition and Conference. James IL Evunt, Depnty Minister rt Agriculture for that prairie Pro trace, bring to the tmderUMnf of 1932 the advantages f a lengthy and varied agrkotture eiperlence. Mr. Evsns, who it a Welihmtn, saduated from the University of Wales at Aberystwyth, and after coming to Canodt attended Manitoba Arritoltural College at Win-tilper( obtaining a B.8-A. degree In In 1918 i appointed Deputy . , arlnirors and Immi- i.w t ktittihi snd an active arySHOU vt " ' " member of a pumbr of trganliallons In whicn the departtaent Is la- r, t. alia a member of the World's Orsin Exhibition snd Us of ths skaErVsBBBW Executlvo and Finanes Commit. Conference, The Prince Rupert Sea Caden arrived on Wednesday and proceeded to Little's Island where they will be encamped lor a few weeks.' R. Blafice was in town Tuesday making the necessary Several friends greeted Mi Alice PiUsbury, Prince Rupert, as she passed through on Tuesday on her way to Burns Lake and Vancouver for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton rived from Prince Rupert on Sa turday and proceeded to their residence at Lakelse Lake . for the summer holidays. C. P. Bala-gno came to Terras, on Saturday from Prince Rupert to spend a vacation. F. C. Bishop went to Prince Ru-4 pert on Sunday and returned cn Tuesday with a generator wlti which he was able to renew the light and power service on Wednesday night. It was a smart plec-j of work on Mr. Bishop's part hU entire equipment having been destroyed by fire on Saturday. W. H. Cotton spent several dnjs in town last week, lining up tni local work for the public works department. Mr. arid Mrs. H. 'Nicholls tlbd daughter left last week for a two weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere on the coast. Miss B.'.Barron : of Endako and Miss D. M. Shaw of Sheraton left last Tuesday by auto for Vancouver where they will spend the summer vacation. ... Miss Paine, who arrived hero a few weeks ago from the United States, is now engaged as a clerk hi the Jewell Market, The Burns Lake Liberal Association was reorganized at a meeting last Friday night. New officers were! elected. i Dr. R. Agnew, Vancouver dentist, is paying a Visit to Burns Lake, and district. Ladies' and girls' teams have been turning out for practice and It Is possible that a three-team softball league may be organized here. Mrs. A. D. McKeen of Vancouver Is here to pay an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. S. Flemlnj. , Jim Cowans has found that It really pays to advertise. He called . (or applications lor men to handle his milk route and received dozens tof bids for the !od, some even vol-! lunteering to do the work free of charge apart from their board. 1 Alex Kerr Is opening up a camp! out Lakelse way where a few men' Ell Fletcher returned home last will be employed for two or thres I Wednesday from Smithers. weeks. i - . Mr. and Mrs. A. Little of Prince Miss L. Halllwell came un from George were the guests here last Prince Rupert on Wednesday tc ' week of Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Holmes, spend the vacation with her par-j enU at Athol Orange. I A lew parts of this district re- iporrea sugni irosisiasi jvionuay aim i Tuesday. Slim Jordan was In his element' i July 1 when he conducted with his, wtlliam and Kathleen Bennett accustomed eclat the CosmopolU an)j n0rence Von Tyne were vlsW tan band which rendered snappy, tors Jn Burns Lake jast week popular musk: for th$ parade ahl' . , the sports The Native Sons put on j District visitors in town during a good program of sports on Wed-, the past week have included: A. P. nesday and drew a very appreciative crowd. The members of the C. Andersen, Prince George; S. S. Phil- lips. Smithers; Mr. and. Mrs. J. P. O.I.T. supplied refreshments on the : Barker. Streatham; George F. Ben- j, ball park grounds and were well son, Ootsa Lake. patronised. The Canadian Girts in Training are leaving for Lakelse Lake on Monday where they are to go Into cams for a fortnight Mrs. Allan. the interests of the business. Quite a rush of poles were hauled in before the end of June and Vanderhoof girls did well In the sports competitions at the Domin ion Day celebration in Prince, George. The vanacrnooi giru Das ketball team defeated Prince Oeorge by a score of 7 to 6. Mary Irving won 100 yards open dash, Peggy Turn-j bull, the high Jump for girls while LalU Held won another high Jump event for girls. ! Mr. and Mrs. McArthur sr. and Mr. and Mrs. McArthur Jr. left last week on their return to their homes In Alice Arm after spending a holt-day here vUlllng with Mr. and Mrs. F E Dtirrant. Vanderhoof Superior School Were: proficiency, Ruth Docking, Wallace Mitchell and Margaret Jean Dun-, bar: deportment. Betty Paterson, Laurence Utndmarch and James , Matthew Prout; regularity and .punctuality. Jean Ootdte, Kenneth 'stiver, Nellie 8llver, Douglas Cook,1 ' James Seldon, Beulah Wells. Ray-1 ,mond Patterson, Jullen Longln and Jean Clare Rae Work has recommenced on the erection of H. J. Jewell1 new store, replacing one which was destroyed by fire some time ago. Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. J. H.j Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Carroll have Smith will be in charge. returned to their Decker Lake re Mrs. Kirkaldy, ol the popular lee cream shop, has been under the weather recenUy but Is now convalescing nicely. Meantime Mrs. W. E. Smith has been looking after sidence. A. W. Anderson and Pete Olsen are goiri north of Hazelton In search of placer gold. H. L. MorrilL formerly ol Palling, who sold his interests to J. A. Long about five years ago and has since been farming in Washington and inear Vernon, and Mrs. Morrill are wheat and, if growing eonditlojis continue favorable throughout the season, it is his intention to show it Exhibition and Conference at Re glna next year. Several others in the Lakes district may also exhibit. Recent welcome rains have great- Wist &rl Impfoypd crop conditions In this UlcvJn addition to allaying a quS forest fre hazard. ALICE ARM erine Smith; attendance. Kenneth Smith. Division II.: Protlciency. Fred Salt; deportment. Patricia Russell; attendance. Carl FJfty men are now employed rushing the new Hagllwget bride to completion. Hanson's pole yard once again at present revisiting this district . boasts several huge stacks, ready - - Despite a bi rain shower durlnsr for the awakening of the market. ! Charles Hunter of Colleymount the middle of the d;. Smltbe ha snlendid stand of Reward ! had a uccful Dominion Dav VANDERHOOF celebration. Stilthers and Hswm ton divided honors in a bapeba'l rerlca. Smithers winning the flr In competition at the World's Grain 1 game 17 to 15 and Hazelton th recond. 12 ro fl. There was a program of horse races and children'. sports. A large dance In the evening brought the celebration to a fitting close. , Charles E. Thels of Spokane who I Interested In the Bablnc Bonanza mine, and H. II. Hunt, mining engineer, have been making a thorough examination of th? property. Mrs. T. W. Falconer and daugh- j George A. Clay, assistant Jaunlta. arrived from New intendent of the Canadian Na- Weitmlnster last week and wllI.tKmai Railways at Smithers for' spend the summer vacation here, j th pait few years. Is returning to i VVInnlPeg where he will resume hi. 4 Miss M. D. Henderson left last former duties as conductor. P. O. I Tuesday for Anyox after having Resell, former assistant Supcrln- Mr. and Mrs. Blair Fleming and acted as presiding examiner at the tendent here, will return to Smlth-tlaughter. Marlon, have returned to Entrance examinations here. From ers. their home at New Westminster af- Anyox she proceeded to Vancou-. ter a visit at Douglas Lodge. Winners of honor rolls at the ver to spend the summer vacation. Mind Your Health ana Drink Daily I'ure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 P.O. Box 4lJ Visitors Welcome FuJlo Alda. Jean Falrourn. John Carpenter. Bert Clay. Alex Millar, j Jack Chapman. Douglas Bamford.' Walter Syrnk, Donald Colllson,! Tom Mutch. Margaret Mutch, Hnrry Sea ton. Flora McMillan.. Mirlorle Carnthers, Uno Olovson. Jolinny Dunlap. Clarance Morrl E?borne Erlckson. Helen Mehatfey, Billy Thome and Mabel Berg hav been recommended for promotion from the public school to the lilgn school here Tuesday, July 7, 1931 Write for Copy Of Fall Fail Prize Book, 1931 Those who wish to enter exhibits in the Prince Rupert Fil Fair should write to the secretary for a copy of the new prize book and read the list of new prizes offered this year to fanners and others. There are many special prizes in addition to the monej prizes offeved by the Fair -Board. Residents out of town are especially invited to enter flowers either in the floral display ur individual exhibits. Prepare for the exhibition now and then get ready to visit the fair September 1 to 4. Read more about the fair in he DAILY NEWS, Prince Rupert, B.C. NEW HAZELTON Mrs. Fred Castell has retuned STEWART PRINCE GEORGE Fred Thurman of Hyder recel- The local tennis club completed from the Hazelton Hospital to herlved word last week or the drown- j its championship tournament last home at Evelyn with her Infant ine of his ton Blcawortti Baddy Monday evening. W. L. Hornsby ichild, Thurman, at Jrneau. Mr. Trrar- emerged as Winner of the men's v i man left at once lor the Alaska ""Sies ana mun iiomsDy. me The marriage will take place thlsj Capital. 'XhSSSd I Day baseball feattare. The base-Winners of honor rolls In the 1 1x111 amf Part f a tlM cele" New Haielton public school were bratlon program which was staged as follows: Division I.: Proficiency Slwart lwiJltal board. Athol Russell; deportment. Cath-i , The home of .-Mr. and Mrs. George P. Heinekiy on Third St was completely destroyed by fire a few days ago. Good prearef is being made on he work of extending Hie Dear River road. About half-a-mlle of grading and a -quarter at a -mile of rrht-of-wy has tfllreJfttly been completed. E. B. Workman of Vancouver has made an offer of $75,000 for the purchase of the local electric lighting system with the undertaking to :nttal an Initial plant of up to 1,000 Horsepower. The city council has decided thai' tire oiler is too low and has given the Intending purchaser further time to amend his offer if he so desires. Dr. Wallace R. Qunn of Victoria, in charge of the division of animal hosbandty, has toeert visiting this district recently on Inspection ' I Miss Mxrjorie Roberts, teacher in Little Dickie Berdett sustained the kxat hook will spend the painful burns whH playing with next year in Glasgow, ficotlaml. an fire-crackers on Dominion Day. an exchange teacher. Mbw Martha He Is receiving treatment in Stew- Cochrane of Glasgow Will teach art General Hospital. here. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage fa., Ltd. VUINCE UUPEUT. IJ.C. Uccause it dotsn't pay (0 advertise poor products, 11 uut pay 10 uuy mose tuvertiscd.