3j i UP n S3 I N't UN i B1 FACTE fOUR This li Ml it In mm tcda f; World Sport News and Views1 BROOKLYN ! K RFATFN Robins Are Still, However, in Third Place Senators and Athletics Draw in Rain PHILADELPHIA, July 7:-The Brooklyn Robins dropped a decision yesterday to tbe Phillies but the Chicago Cubs also lost to the St Louis Cardinals so the Dodgers are still In third place while the Cards increased their league leadership over the New York Giants to lour full games. In ,the American League, the Washington Senators and Philadelphia Athletics playecfvto a scoreless deadlock in the rain while the Chicago White Sox defeated the St. Louis Browns: Yesterday's scorn: National League Brooklyn 3, Philadelphia 5; St. Louis 6, Chleago 5. American League Philadelphia 0, Washington 0, (called In seventh, rain). Chicago 5, St Louis 3. Baseball Standings National League W. L. St. Louis 46 28 New York 40 30 Brooklyn .:. 41 33 Chicago .39 32 Boston 21 36 Philadelphia 32 41 Pittsburg 29 41 Cincinnati 26 49 American League W. L. Philadelphia 51 21 Washington - 48 27 New York 39 31 Cleveland 36 37 St. Louis .33 40 Boston .28 41 Detroit .28 46 Chleago .26 46 City League W. L. Sons Of Canada 4 2 Old Empress 3 3 Elks - 3 4 BASEBALL July 9 Old Empress vs. Elks. Demcrard ' ' VI.C' nut BEST PObCU"pU "- -"Ba - Pet. .622 572 554 .549 507 .438 .414 .347 Pet. .708 .640 557 .493 .452 .406 578 561 Pet. .666 .500 333 Throwing the Javelin mkehikksb'sk' swiiiajil Hi r' " EaaaaattzVrOTK1 f?ff4HSBKlK3!c w Hfla6EittattcjaaaVjEBH PrPg-fyl " 9eEF"HEH laHaaaiEaVUiiav r &UsL The costume of this contestant made an amusing contrast at n1diers' sports day held at Chelsea, England, recently. Improvements on Playgrounds to Be Carried Out Work of Improvements on play ground equipment as recommended by the Gyro Cub, with the exception of slides, will be carried out by he city. A recommendation to this effect from the board of works was adopted by the city council last nleht. I Captain) Fong, Tinker. Wlngham. and Norrlngton. Reserves: Lyons. Redpath, and Bond. dUHV lit I ill T m T ggggggggggkH advertisement Is not uubllsnd or displayed by tho Liquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, SPORT CHAT A review of the Dominion Day Cup football series this year reveals some Interesting Items. In the competition the Merchants and 'the Legion each scored six goals while the Regiment liad but one, scored by Norrlngton. Baptle was the leading scorer with four goals, the other Legion goals being obtained by A. Hodgklnson and D. Jack. The Mer- As for the slides, it was felt that chants got two goals by McKay, these were dangerous and should ana "e eacn Amor- A' "icKens, not be continued. Already some of s- Dickens and S. Currle. the slides have been taken out, i , The Oyro Club had requeslU a fao COD1petlUori. has so rriuch council to make repairs at various playgrounds. KEGIMENT LINEUP -Thb following players will repre sent the Regiment Football Club In the league game with Canadian Legion tonight: Laidler. Kelsey, Thurber, Ede- cutnbe, Watson. DeJong, Wilson It. resulted from penal kicks and the Legion is the team that owes most to this free kick. Against the Regiment, in the last few minutes a penalty enabled Jack to score and give the Legion tffeir first step in the trophy. !n the first game between the Legion and the Merchants A. Dickens scored from a penalty for the Merchants. The Legion had one awarded them too, but Jack missed In the final on Dominion Day a penalty In tbe closing seconds en abled Baptle to score and gave the Legion a second chance to fight for the Cup and tills time they made no mistake. I Charlie Baptle has a rather Interesting record in this particular trophy. He has placed In four successive finals and has been on the winning team each time. This year he won with the Legion and he won with the same team last year. Two years ago he was on the winning Thistle team and previous to that he played with the Regiment when : they beat Ben Self's aggregation of stars. Baptle's record surely stands , by Itself. ' I A matter of much discussion ' among football fans and players is I the question of foul throw-ins. In , the Dominion Day final there were : 17 frees awarded for the violation of the rule governing this act. I Surely the players can learn or their committees can instruct the play-iers how to throw a ball In. George llllll, of the Merchant team, and I George Mitchell of the same team 'are probably the best at gaining ! distance with this penalty. I I The player taking the throw-in j must stand facing the field of play; ; ' he nust throw It in with both hands (basketball players often throw wlta one hand though holding the ball with both hands); he must bring the ball from behind and throw It over his head, not over one shoulder; he must keep a part of both feet on the ground. He may rise on his toes provided he does not lift foot off while throwing. He must stand outside the field of play so that neither foot should touch free kick as at present, but this will have to be approved of by the Dominion Football authorities before It will apply locally. A THE DAILY NETS READY FOR ! TRACK MEET , Spartan Athletic Club Alakes final Arraneements for Event Saturday A meeting of the Spartan Club was held last night in the I Toe H rooms, the vice-president, Phil Edgecumbe, being in the chair. Arrangements were completed for the second club track meet which will take place next Saturday eve nine. The program will be similar 0 that of the first meet, with the iddition of an 880-yard relay, and 1 ladles' 76-yard dash. Only club members, who have paid up their fees, will be eligible to compete in this meet, and it was decided that all entries must be handed In before Friday evening to the secretary, Archie Thompson. A feature of the meet will be the medley relay, which will be a close contest between Walters' Whizzbangs, Klhs-lor's Curios and Edgecumbe's Enos. A list of marks, one of which an athlete must be able to equal or surpass In order to become a club member, was definitely set,, and a permanent committer consisting of Sidney Woodslde and Norman Klt-lor was appointed to set the handicaps, j GOLF FINAL i VERY CLOSE Silly Burke Wins United States Title From George Van Elm By i Single Stroke TOLEDO. Ohio, July 7: Billy Burke of Greenwich, Conn., won .he United States open golf championship yesterday by defeating George Van, Elm by one stroke In the W-hole play-off7148 to 149. The two had tied for the championship on Saturday and again In the 36-hole )lay-off on Sunday. GIRLS HAVE THEIR CAMP G. I. T. of First Presbyterian Church to Have Two Weeks' . Outing at Salt Lake 1 Seventeen members of the Canadian Girls In Training of First Presbyterian Church left yesterday for the Salt Lake to go Into camp for wieks. Mrs. C. O. Ham Is in charge of the party of girls, which vill use two of the cabins at the ike. LEGION LINEUP Canadian Legion will field the following team against the Regiment in tonight's league football game: B. Murray. Haddon. tyood- i "Ide T. Bussanich. J. Murray. Bap- tie J. Campbell, A. Hodgklnson, F. Hodgkinson. W. Murray. CITY CUP SCHEDULE Time Table For Mobley Tro(ihy Regiment. July 21 Regiment vs. Merch I Football Competition Announced j Fixture for Mobley Cup league football trophy are announced as follows: July 7 Regiment vs. Canadian Legion. July 10 Merchants vs. July 14 Canadian Legion vi. Merchants. July 17 Canadian Legion vs. ants. July-24 Merchants vs. Canadian Legion. July 23 Regiment vs. Canadian T trlon. July 31 Merchants vs. the sideline. The latest advices In- i Aug. 4 Canadian Legion vs. dlcate that in future the penalty for Merchants, a violation of this rule will be a; Aug. 7 Canadian Legion vs. throw-In to the other side, not a i Regiment, Aug. U Regiment vs. Merch-ants. " 1 Aug 14Merchaht vs. Canadlaa Legion, 7 e will grow up strong and healthy mother, dreams of her baby'i IJVERV J, future. She pictures the yean ahttd .-sees Sim growing up through sturdy, healthy childhood to strong, vigoroui manhood. 1 What baby will become depend very largely upon that service of love even mort important than the tiny garments so carefully chosen. Zfi$- the reth btfat baby anivH the nftctant mother will mit quite sure that the till be Me to eti bubj herself. So much depend upon thf ! In babyhood re laid the foundations of future health and happineM. No substitute it equal to maternal milk for giving baby a ound tart in life. And no substitute so stirtly tafeguards a child against nutritionil diseases, such as rickets. Doctors, nurses and mothers daily testify to the remarkable value of "Ovaltine" in promoting adequate lactation When this deliciou beverage is uktif before the birth the milk is sufficient iif quantity and rtch m quality, bven hetv onh taken after the birth the use of Ovaltme" has quickly effected a radical change in tKii quality and quantity of th4) milk "Ovaltine", moreover, maintains the mother's strength while nursing and en-sures a quick return to normal health. "Ovaltine' is prepared from Nature' food which are richest in nutriment ripe barley malt, creamy milk and eggs. It is quickly prepared and easily digested. There is no food beverage comparable with "Ovaltine". It is the richest in food value, the most economical in use. Ortlthu h toll tt 8 JoeJ llttl, I itf, T. $1.23 and special, f .0 I'milf riti tint, tUo utvfi tl ttit u . A. WAMtEh LIMITED, London, r (inland nJ Peterborough, CanjuU TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE (bnaHAes Jvotfieis to ftteast-feed tfieln liaties lie. and 20c. packagrt ( in yi'pmtnd teretr-top lint. PIPE TESTED 01 (L POLICEMAN "So one but an old policeman on night duty knout the joys of lighting up after long tiourt onthehent. It produces n comiKinlonthip between lilmtetf nnii a pipeful of gwnl toltacco that deflei description. Coming off duty the other morning I bought my fitit imckage of Turret pipe tobacco. I tried It out . . . it's a real tobacco . . . ju$t something about tt that makes it a mnn'j smoke." If you're looking for the perfect pipe tobaeea try Turret ple toharrol Rlth, iwrft, cool and mild- a lox burning tobacco mad from the finest burlry leaf -Llruded by riperta. 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