D Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss. Pr. George . 4 p.m Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Pr. Henry, .. 9 a ir. Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 2 p.m Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pm. tea. Cardena, midnight. eamraay ss. pr. Rupert. 7 p.m. July 4 ss.Prln. Louise 5:30 trm. July 8 ss.Prin. Alice 5:30 p.m. July ll ss.Prin. Charlotte 5:30 pm. July 15-ss. Prtn. Louise 5:30 pm. July 18 ss.Prin. Alice 5:30 pm. July 22 ss. Prin. Charlotte July 25 ss. Prln. Ionise 5:30pm July 29 ss. Prln. Alice 5:30 pru. IjFrom Varrcoarer Sunday ss. CataTa 4 nm. Monday Pr. Charles ll':30 a.m Wed.-4s. Pr. Rupert 1130 a.m Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pm. Fri-ra, Pr. George, 11:30 a.m Friday ss. Cardena pin. Sator. ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 a.m Ju(ly 6 ss, Prln. CharWlte "5 am. July 10 ss. Prtn. Louise.. 9 a.m, July 13 ss. Prln. Alice 9 am. July 17 ss. Prln. Charlotte 9 a.m July 20-4S. Prln. Louise . 9 a.m. July 24 ss. Prln. Alice 9 am. July 27 s. Prln. Charlotte j....."L- 9 am July 31 ss. Prln. Louise ... 9 ajr For Naas Rirer and, Port Simpson-Sunday ' ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River & rort Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anj-os Sunday ss. Catata 8 pjn. Monday ss. Pr. Charles. 8 pm Friday as. Pr. George. 3 pa. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday is. Catala .11:30 am Thurs Pr. Charles, 10:30 am Sat. ss. Pr. George ' 6 p.ai. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 p.rr. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn Sat. ss. Prince George, 7 p.m From Ocean Falls Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert; 11:30 ajn Friday ss. Pr, OeSgft.U :30 a.n Friday- s. Cardena p.ra ss. Prlniels Mary 4 p.r Sat. ss. Pr. Henry. 11:30 am For South Queen Charlotte Islands-July t ss. Prince John 10 pxi July 20 ss. Prince John 10 pm From South Queen Charlotte Islands-July 15 ss. Prince John a.m. July 29 am. For North Queen Charlottes Mon. ss. Prince Charles, 8 p.n: From North Queen Charlottes Thurs. ss. Pr. Charles 10:30 a.m. For Alaska Wed-ss. Prince George. .... 3 p.m. Sat Prince Henry 3 pm uly 6 ss. Prln. Charlotte II am. July 10 ss. Prln. Louise 11 a.m July IS ss. Prln. Aire. ... 11 a.m July 17 As. Prln. Charlotte 11 a.m, July 20 as. Prln. Louise 11 am. July 24 ss. Prtn. Alice . 11 am. July 27ss. Prln. Charlotte "11 am, July M ks. Prtn. Louise 11 am. July 4 ss. Prln. Louise. .. 4 pm July 8 as. Prln. Allee. .. 4 pm. July 11 ss. Prtn. Charlotte 4 pm July 15 ss. Prln Louise.. 4 pm, July 18 ss. Prln. Alice . . 4 pm Jujy 22ss. Prln. Charlotte 4 p.m. July 25 ss. Prln LoMlse.. 4 p.r July 29 ss. Prln. Alice,... 4 pm. From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena pm. Words of MO 1AE mat roc avter. - "Wl PACK -TIE 1 f - IS III " Mail Schedule For the East bally, except Sunday ...11:30 am. From the East j Dally, except Tuesday . 1:30 pm. For Vancouver 1 Monday 2 pm. Xuesday l2:S0hooi Wednesday, 4:80 pm. Thursday 1 pjnv Friday H pin. Saturday 4:30, p.m.' ...8 pm. From Vancouver . Sunday 4 Pm. - Monday . am. ,v 11:30 am.; Wednesday 11:30 am. Friday 9 am.; : 11:30 pm. Saturday 11:30 am. For Stewart and Ahyox Sunday 7 pin. Magic won. ( T$ ftfi CAvJB . "yww z A RIDB in lw-f. JAI DIDN'T YES . AMD I U At A . " - " v 1 Nearly everybody likeg'to keep in t6uch With Prince Rupert when aWay fbt their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor land the mails during the summer months are carried almost daily tb most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for the summer and gone on an Extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others for shorter periods. No time is too short for us to look after our patrons. THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Monday 7 pm. Friday 7 pm. From Stewart and Premier-Tuesday 11:30 am. Thuftday 10:30 am. Saturday 1....6 pm. For Naas River fcnrl Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pm. I"rmn Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 am. For North Queen Charlottes-Monday 7 pm. From Queen Charlottes-Thursday 10:30 am. For South. Queen Charlottes-July 6 and 24 10 pm. From South Queen Charlottes-July 15 and 29 am. For Alaskan-July 6, 10, 3, 17, 20, 24, 27 and 31 16 am. From Alaska-July 4, 8, 11, 15, 18. 22, 25 and 29 ... 4 pm. aw " niAClMQ ztKlt. - v I V Ns- TEUV. VOO HOVJ JO Tuesday, Juty ?. 1931 THE BAIL NEttB PAGE FTV2 W hy Not Let People Know Of Yout Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. 4 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS For tent, for sale and all other small advertisements In this section charged at the.tate 6t i rents a word per insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 29c a vtord. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT THKKE-ROOMED cottage for rem. phone Red 165. ill CHOICE Apartments for rent.! Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Four-roomed flat. Ap- ply Smith & Mallett. FAMILY cabins for tent on La-kclse Lake shore. For particular phone Blue 901. 13. J FOR RENTFurnlshed Apartment by day, week or month. Ph6ne Red 107. if FOR RENT Four-roomed moder.T apartment, partly furnished. 1 Phone Red C07, , 11 FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern apartment Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. . i t FOR RENT Two four or five-roomed furnished apartments. Apply Mussallem's, Phone 18. tf For RENT Modem 5-roomed house with cement basement on Biggar Place. Phone 'Green 376 tf FOR RENT Pianos, phonograph, sewing machines and cars. Walker's, cor. Second Avenu' and Foarth Street. tf For RENT Five-roomed cottage with cook stove and heater. Next door to Daily News. Apply PuK !mi, Daily News business office FOR SALE For sale wicker baby buggy, almost new. Apply Dally News. tf FOR SALE Bedroom suite, 2 large dr-s;-ers. 3 beds, drop leaf table, and 5 dining chairs, small Rose wood organ, this Is an antique- ami other articles. Apply 225 Second Avenue, upstairs. tf BOARD AND ROOM Room AND BOARD. Phone Red 124 t; ' .mi. . . . . i . WANTED TKNUERS for the sale of a 123 Hudson Sedan will be received up to July 20. Half cash, balance "Tanged. Karen Motors Ltd. tt TENDERS TENDERS will be received up to May, July 10. at 6 ft.m., on the "instruction of a residence on l ot 40-41-42, Block I, Section 2. J'lans and specifications may be obtained at 8. D. Johnston's Office Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 151 Ml Nr.lt M. ACT trlirirati of Improtement NOTICE r "lygun Fractional Minri Claim, alt-in the Atltn Mining bullion ol -Mr DUtrlct. When, locawd:- About oh milt ' winiiiK th Speculatloh Swptltt " ' lrrr Vfank Mineral Claim. i AKE N017CB that . John Dunham ' Mlnra CertlflcSt No. 3544S D. 1 ' "ft. aUtjr dajr from the date hertrf ippiy to th Minmg ncorjft for a "''Hints of ImDrovemrnU. for tha P'-Ke of obialnina a crown 'Ortnt of j "" iooY iaiin. A"d further Uk notice that action J""t aitlon 84, mutt b commeneea ""re the tiwmano tf avrch Certificate 1 1'iipriivrmcuiU; D'fl thU lit Uj M Ma), AD. 1831. H. McN. FRA8ER, A rent A Real Vacation Swimming, Fishing, Hunting Comfortable Restmore Beds Food Is home coolced par excellence. Tim noMi: farm Rates: $20 per day, children under 12, half price. Wire or Write Tor Reservations JirAtiXME RAJAUT TL ELL, Queen Charlotte Is. PALMISTRY MRS JAMES CLARK, Palmistry ' unu urysuu ueaamg. wauac Block. Telephone Blaclr 037 TAXI SERVICE Taxi service phone oit.l Promptness and security. Bert it J Mac. tf j TRANSFERS B. 8c r: TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. t! AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEPT AUCTION MART We buy. Kll or exchange any kind et furniture or household goods, musical Instruments ma chlnery, etc. General repairs. crating, packing and shipping.! Workmanship guaranteed. JaU phone Biacx 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWKS. Auctioneer., Federal Block tf SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do it-Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful!y Equipped tor Diving and General Salvage Work Agents lor EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows ot all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for litre Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Cofllldge Propellers Sand and Oravel in any quantity delivered anywhert by water Pbone, Day or Mgbt S64 PO llot IMU brJUXTTrtSK hook, copper cuff KKY. LAST CHANCE OP Till PINK j HUSK UKUUJ Ur M1MHAL kUIIUS. Bltutlrd In tb Cot 9ken Mining DlfUIon t bead of Klkane Witt. TAKE NOTICl v W H UtMto. tnt miner'i wrtlflet 47S7. France Nicoll free mtrxr't certificate SS318D. Alexander McLeod. free artnr' certificate 34-7J9D. R. A. Heftejrman free mrnri err-nrtrM innin mimA mtttr H.n Imm du btreof to apply to the mininc torflfr for eertfiott of lmprorfBnU kn- ii nurooM, of ob'jiiniM crown tnnlt for tr tov cUiau Ana Tortiwr uto Mtu that action , muit tM oonisunrad bror Ult lsUino j ot atich ctrtlTlcitf of lmprovtnnU. I tutxl M 17tb diT of ADMI. 19J1 CARPENTRY R. GREENFIELD, Carpenter. AlUi ations, repairs, first class practical experience. Phone Black 414 325 2nd Avenue. Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. THOMASSON Dressmaker St Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, l'hone Blue 901 Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 "TILLIE THE TOILER" f Aii voo 5fcT MlWOTSTS. TLLlE SCtlAMBOLV AMD -TMIUK "T BUMS 1 1 feMOCfW movaj: CHIROPRACTIC 1 gunsh)ne nei Ray Treatments Nervous, remale and Child rens"' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASI'INALL v- (Chiropractor) Phone firteh 241 & i Exchange Bli. lOpp. Orme's) SHOE REPAIRS 1 MAC Shoe Hospital.' Shoe repairs of all kinds, Second AfervrrS West. it FOR Ffnest Worlc try, bouts Shim. 331 Second Avenue West, Box 30, Prince "RTrpcrt. B.C. V. SEASONAL FRUITS IN Retail Market Attractive Terrace Strawberries Coming Egg Price Drops Many new seasonal fruits arid Vegetables are now being offered on the local retail market. There will be no further supplies of strawberries from the south and local housewives will have to depend upon the Terrace crop for thetr preserving following the destruction of the southern crop by rain. The gg market has had another 'matted drop. Butter is also weak. - Market prices current today are as follows: Vegetables B. C. New Potatoes, 8 lbs 25 B. C. Beets, bunch, 2 for 15 Parsiey. ounch .u. .1 Oregon Celery, head .25 Spinach. B. C. lb 10 Oarllc, imported, per lb 43 Parsnips, 2 bunches .15, Oreen Beans, 2 bunches 15 Cabbage, green .0' onions, 4 lbs .25 B.C. head lettuce, head .1,1 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb .20 Green Peas, lb , .10 Rhubarb, outdoor, lb . .05 Turnfos, 2 bunches 15 r a- L- c cauliflower """"ower, hd na., 2 tvz Or. and ana .25 3 B. C. Bunch Carrots .06 Victoria hothouse cucumbers each 15 and .50 California bunch carrots .19 'California bunch beets, bunch .10 Oreen Onions, 3 bunches 10 Radishes, 3 bunches 10 Terraee Asparagus, lb JO Apples Yellow Transparenls, 2 lbs. .. .15 Wlneftap, extra fancy, 2 lbs .25 Fruits-Valencia Oranges 20c to .76 Lemons. Sunklst, doz .40 Florida Orapefrult 126 to ,w California Grapefruit ....llc to .10 Bananas, 2 lbs. ... ) Calif. Seedless Grapes, tb. .25, Terrace Strawberries 2, boxes .45; Canteloupes, Cal., 15c to iS' Byng Cherries 25 Plums, lb J5 Pears, doc .50 Peaches, dos .50 Apricots, lb . .w .15 Oasaba Melons, lb .... ,15 Watermelons, lb 09 Honey Dew Melons, with, SOc to 40 Ooofeberrles. lb. 10 out v-cxe A P1JVU (vjrIAT'S J I WMJT VOO Td S iS 1 W nro i cant QBT OPF AMD "THE I WtTcn I I ... 1 Take The DAILY NEWS with you When Going on Summer Holidays The cement irdustry of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is operating at caoacity. 0 REDUCTION On All Suits Till our present stock Is sold. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Prices $30 to $55 LING THE TAILOR S17 Second Ave. Phone CI9 By Westover. - v - rn- m 4 mm Iri m vttti I t -' U . . Subscription Department 9k 4il corriMocct 111 1 " ' ' V. t t I. V t . 'If if V lP'1 'V