ad . % et Se + = FIVE FIRMS TORK’ SELL{ TOVE B. ©. Packers Put up 232,234 Cases Gurneys commenced mak- During Past Season, Mostly ing stoves in 1848, Still in On Skeena and Naas. the same line of business a 1919. Hundreds in use in More than half the Prince Rupert. caught in British Columbia waters — t salmonty OF ALL SALMON) :!:!'!° ss." Skidegate, petroleum on. and described lands des THE DAILY NEWS KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION RENA LAND RE [DINO DIV iMON } DISTHILT UF GUBEN CHANLOTTE DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARI ISLANDS ISLANDS TAAK AUTICE that “ m , CAKE NOTICE that William J. Lear kidevate, B. ¢ set tie viens to appiy] Ss) gate, I eter, Wilends ty apply | or a : ' al a ; a license tw prospect for coal and and undet tin ' Ving ‘t eum n nd under the Following | ibed lands Commencing at & post planted twenty mmencing at a post planted five miles) hains east of the forth cast Gorner fieast of the north-east corner of DL 1 ?) »| 1 64%, thence West 80 chains, thence] thence east 80 chains, thence north 0} hains thence ast 80 «Chal chains thenes west #80 chante then | south & chains, to point of commence : pote h da f Octot 1919 pated thie 23rd day of Uctober, 1919 vated thie @5th « of October, . WILLIAM 4. LEARY \ppiican wi LLIAN J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RBCORDING DIVISION KEENA DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND RECORDING DIVISION ISLANDS | that William J, Leary o | settler, intends to apply prospect for coal and the following TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary ot TAKE NOTICE B.C., settler, intends Ww appiy |] Skidegate, B. ¢ ah oy for coal a@iuifor a license to under the following] petroleum on and under ribed lands or @ ticense to a y 2 8 » yv five pack. Commencing &t & pos! planted twenty) mimencing at a post planted one mile thie a q by ave pa chains east of the north-east corner ol] north f the north-west corner of DI . ing firms; one quarter by sSiX[DL 611, thence east 80 chains, thence] 593, theuce west 80 chains, thence south| ON SALE AT . : south 80 chains, thence west 80 chain®/ 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence sker i the ‘mainder by 9 pac kers, anc ae rema inde . thence north 80 chains, to point of com north 80 chains, to point of commence , © ‘ee ’ ‘ries, [mencement ment Fred Stork Ss or vo wares ee Dated this 23rd day of October, 19190 Dated this 25th day of October, 1919 ranging in their output from tooe WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant St ied : —_— Tr = = z Hardware 3 cases to nearly 30,000 cases SKEENA LAND RECORDING PIVINON SKFENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION oa The total pack form the 1919 DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTT SPOOND AV E , ae ISLANDS ISLANDS ND AVENU season amounted to 1,393,156 ; ck : — FAKE NOTICR that William J. Leary oi A\KE NOTICE that William J eary ol Phone Bla 114 cases, and of this the B, ¢ ack. Skidggate, B, ¢ settler, ‘tatends to apply] Skidegate, B ri settier, intends to apply a’ AOC oO “ib . for @ license to prospect for coal anuljfor a license to prospect for coal and ers’ Association contributed petroleum on and ander the following | petroleum on and wnder th following | 234 cases, the greatest proportion | described lands deseribed lands $$$ . di Commencing at 4@ post planted twenty mmencing at @& post planted at the) of which came from their ¢an~] pains east of the gorth east coruer off north-east corner of DL 2799, thence Skeen: : al OL Sti, thence east 80 chains, thence] west 8° chains, thence south 80 chains, | neries along the keena River , north 80 chains, thence West 80 chains thence east 80 chains thence north #&v/ though the Fraser River, Rivers |inence south 80 chains, to point of com-}enaums, to point of commencem a mencement Dated this 2tst day of October igi9 Inlet, the Naas, and other British | iigied tis gard day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applica ‘ ar “ar WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant » y : — Columbia salmon areas did near!; ' SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION as‘well, The Gosse~Millard Pack. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ; DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ne Company ranks second, with ISsbANDS ‘| : ) 997 ss he AKE NOTICE that William J. Leary AKER NOTICE that William J. Leary « 1 pack of 140,227 Caees. he skidegate, B.C., Settler, intends to apply] Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply 4 other large packers are the Ang: offor a license to prospect for coal analy a license to prospect for coal and | . “i " ; i petroleum on and wr petroleum on and under the following 8B. C. Packing Company, Wilh Peccriped tands escribed lands 9 74a: ace . : % vmmencing af & post planted sixty ommenciag at & post planted at 133,716; the Wallace Fisheri hains east of the south-east corner of north-east. corner of DL. $708, thence vith 115.125, and J. H. Todd & lL. 262, thence cast 80 chains, thence] west 80 chains, thence north 86 chains, . ® a0 th 80 chains, thence West 80 chains] thence east 80 ehains, thence south 8 Sons, with 103,324 eases. Fifty] ia, nce north $0 chains, to point of com bains t of commencement . . allace | a cement Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919 thousand cases of the Wallace) eg this gard day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicat salmon was cauelt west coast of Varcouver 38,030 eases Fisheries’ along the Island, and of these vere chums ALL READY tm order to allow the children to play out doors ° Skidegate, B. for winds and storms rh® pack of other canners fol the season ranks in the following]! during the Fall and Winter season it is hecessary that their little feet be de-ertbed lands :— he _WILLIAN J. LEARY, Xpplican'. ‘BENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS a AKE NOTICRN that Wiillam J. Leary AKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of settler, intends to apply] — ehoins east Of the south-east corner « th-east corner of DI. #2799, thence We have « strong and at the 85,000; Western Packers, 76,273;]5: 262, tence east 80 chains, thence] yo>th 86 chains, thence east 86 chains , Nootka Packing Company, 19,939; ]8e"% 88 chains, thence west 80 chains nee south 80 chains, thence west 80 — To wa : ~ E VOMpany, 89,90" Ttheace south 80 chains, to point of com hains, to point of commencement Kildala Packing Company, 418,884; | meoncement mated this 2ist day of October, 1919 A STYLISH SHOE ora 2 Osied this 23rd day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant B. ©, Canning Company 11,889 WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applican ne nF, LBARY, for the youngster, We have them . rc '6 450 SKREENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION for girls es well es for boys. A and M. DesBrisay & Co., 36,45 KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE winting run on the Fraser River 1918 the output of the N ty te a ig DEAF DEAFNESS “it eanneries Was 392,663 {919 it was 276.519 island cases; in tf You are a to your Local Druggist and order Goncen- has beén on the down grade as a Sourdal, price r tin : This New Soauatty gives oe im salmon fleld since the banner year mediate relic’, and quickly effects a 273 729 O50 ¢ . nani permanent cure. It penetrates to of 1913, when 732,059 cases were the actual seet of the complaint, and packed. This year the output of has completeiy cured many cases . : es Which were considered hopeless. If the Fraser River canneries was ; your Chemist does not yet stock 158,718. Since 1896. when theli *‘Sourdel’ do not accept any sub stitute, but send money- order | for a first attempt was made to record supT @irect to the * sotbeting the total number of cases of sal- mon canned in British Columbia, Co., 38, Station ‘noes. Srapeen Surrey, Eng., and a package Solve your gift problens , VICTORIOUS : with Photographs. CALLIES i Make the appointment to- day. It’s none too early Tm foros gue | orrseca~| A lange crowd turned out at the Suite 22, Alder Block Skating Rink last night to watch All busses stop at our door the second game of the Senior Basketball League series. The Callies met the Travellers and beat them by a score of 24-12. Phere was nothing exciting about the contest, the Seotsmen having ihe best of it all the way through. Lee Dell proved an satisfactory referee. . : rhe next game will be played y S 3 Turkish, Medical, Steam. on Friday night between the Sons Shower and Tub Baths. “4 England and fhe Drydock after Open Day and Night ‘hich there will be no game until January 6. PHONE 309 722 FULION ST. SEES STEWART TURKISH MS! . BATHS aad Seuiteston Col. T. 4. Lamb, who is asso- E H SHOCKLEY ciated with Sir Donald Mann. has . juat made en inspection of the GENERAL CONTRACTOR work al the Big Missouri mine and Office and Shop Fraser St. himself as very well Sasa. doors, mouldings and pleased with operations and indi- all interior finish lumber al- cations there. ways in stock. s ¢ Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's It is seported that the George hardwood. Copper Group, owned by W. B. elipresses The Fraser]s efficient and] petrokeem on and DISTRICT o QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS strong Curable shoe is what Is needed cases, rhe remaining twenty- for the kiddies, SLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary Next time you go shopping bring three canneries range from the einstein ran a g , | Shidegate, B. « settler, intends to aj them with you to the . ¥ : ~k A OTICE that iam eary of a license to prospect for coal a: ’ € Maritime Fisheries with a pack] ., jegate, B.C., settler, intends to appls|jcircleum om and or” i eae ° of 28,996 cases, to H. B, Babbing-|! @ ltecense to prospect for coal anc} jo 0. Sees See ee Sa nce | south poin Phone 357. i918 was due principally to smal-] tx ace north 80 chains, to point of com ed this 25th day of October, 1919 ; t repent ; enscanh|'*' packs from the Vancouver Is- 1 — —_ g3rd day of Gctot 1919 * WILLIAM J. LEARY _Appiivant - ————————— «_ fiand canneries, and to the disap- _WILLIAM J. LEARY, “Applicant aut KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION ISLANDS DISTRICT UF QUEEN CHARLOTTE AKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of ist ANDS le ga t seth niends tw apt : ense t© prospect for coal a AKE NOTICE Hiiam 3. | role un a o unde tive folowing legate, B. t tends at ibed lands ; a Heense & . 2 a ’ ume neing @f &@ post planted one mile vleum mn and Une following th the north-west ornhe r D ribed lands thence east 80 thence « ath chains Ommencing at & post planted twenty chains, thence west $0 chains. thence ms north of the south-west corner « ' th 80 chains, to point of commen 266, thence West 80 chains, thence t th = ee east $0 faens | Daied this 23th day of Getober, 1919 mee south 80 chains, to point « om ILLIA JEARY. Applican ncement ——_ 3 . LBARY. Applicant ed this 23rd day of Getober, 1919 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION __ WILLIAM J. |. LEARY. Applicant KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . TAKE NOTICE that William J. | : DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary degate, B.C, settler, intends to apply will be matied per return with full ary otlf @ license to prospect fo oa] and directions, the pack of this year has been ex- d-gatc, B.C, settier, intends to apply|lp.iroleum on and unter the fehow ae ad eded only two years, 1917 ae 8 license to prospect for coal and ribed lands int ceded only two yea 1917 wa troleum on and under the following ommencing at @ post planted at the ai ivis, and in those years by a cribed lands alltel i ry | 2 eth-east corner of DL 2795, thence > . : ommencing &@: & post plante Wentyiv st 80 chains, ther south . hri comparatively small margin. chains north of the south-west corner of ace east 80 chains. thence “norte be At Cc ristmas Time i aM eg Di. 266, thence east $0 chains, thence ins to point of commencement. > ath $0 chatas, thence west 80 chains./|..ied this 2ist day of October, 1919 wenece north $0 chains, w point of com WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant “ed this ard yee avenee \ s 2 of Octol SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION _ WILLIAM J. LEARY. “App! DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE onal ; : ISLANDS SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF pUEEN CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary ISLA} s >. degate, B. ¢ settler, intends 1t Diy TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of} + a license Ww prospect for coal and hidegate, B. ¢ settler, intends ta apply g oleum on gnd under the following a lheense to prospect for coal « eribed lands roleum on and wu r the following Smimencing at & post planted at the cribed lands ® rth west corner ~ DL 498, thence ommencing at & post planted twenty/« $0 chains, thence sowth 66 chains, hains north of the south-west cormer of|wonce cast 80 chains, thence north 80 . 266. thence east 80 chains, thence 23, to point Bf commencement orth $@ chains, thence west §¢@ chains,/p ied this 22nd day of October, sGe8. mee south 80 chains, t© point of com WILLIAM J. LEARY _ Appii m neement —_—- sted this 23rd of Octo KEENA LAND KECORDING DIVISION WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant DISTRICT OF QUEEN Se — ae ISLANDS “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION TALE We Th E that Willan J a of DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE |>\dega'te, B settier mds to af ISLANDS &S heense Ww pr t fer coal and AKE NOTICE that William J. Leary : : Bied r the following kidegatec. B. « setiler. imiends | in a r @ leeuse to prospect for camencing af & post planted one mils under the [ the th-wes rhe er £ “ribed lands — thence east & hains. ther mort [_mencing at post a twenty: heins, thence weet & maims, tie “ins north of the Borla west coreer of i+ ath & hat t » t : Galle « 255. thence casi 86 tains taence | O« Bt south 8° chains, thence west & tain: stead this 25th Gay f Oct r. 1919 ieee porth 60 chains, to point of = j WILLIt® Pan? Appiices SctSaeest. _ ae 5 ale es ted this 23rd Gay of Octet : LEENA AND KE ADING DIVISION WILLIAS 3. LEARY. 4pplicent DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE GRADING DIVISION ae SEEENA LAND REX DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ARE SOTICE Wiliam J. Leary “i Gegate. B . tens = apy am J 5 omer | pect for coal snd Sets &5 “am © ahG weder the followins fur a! and raped es uu wing nce sf & post planted at thx east mer . Si. S705, tence : seat — 6 t'aime. thence sowth 66 chains es Si Sho ae rih- west roe? : >oCe weet & “ims. thepre orth #6 a. 255. thence cast & heins, thence | ‘218%, bo potest of commencement chains, thence west § haims, | Peied 1019 this Zist Gay of October WILu ™ $6 cheins, w point of HLLIAM J LEARY oe bement ae 4 Daied this 23ra day of « 519 KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION WILLIAM ; LE any pplicant MSTRICT ne 4 7 = CHARLOTTE Rd ehteediiete ee al SREENA LAND RE‘ IRDING DIVIShO eg DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE FAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of ISLANDS ; iigegeice. & , Settler, intes to apply TAKE NOTICE that William J. Lear; r @ leemse to prospect for coal and skidegate, B.C. settler, mteuds a got =o a and under the following ~ - ‘rt s . rT @ leemse to prespe mal « Fati Giv George and R. George, is under] pemrcieum on a % = itowtns “eeneng st & post planted at the mates iven. Seanelee Oaeen an f & ing ail aaenee Obs, Shae 2. > r ser — oT te -€as wore ? nee REPAIR WORK U*DEX TAKEN optic mn to W. A. Melloche, of New ae St 8 pest planted Give mics | ‘2%! 6° chuins. thence north $6 chelee Green 269. York. Mr. Melloche spent somej|«e*t of the north-east ccrmer of DI: - thence West S@ chains. thence south #6 : . ibence cast 60 chains, thence « eo | (™eas, to pommt of commencement lume this summer e }OOKINE over] Rains, thence west 66 aims . _ ated this 2ist day of October, 1916 this district north 86 chains, te point of commence: WILLIAM 3. LEARY. Appiicar i . meni. » >. > The roadbed on the way to the Premier mine is in excellent con- we trans- made it is Pron® Green GOT 1017 Sra Avenue Dalgarno & Watts dition and a recon’ in portation is being : Dated this 25: Gay of Wit Assembly of the Pr SKEEN* LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF OUEEN CHARLOTTE 1S LANDS AKE NOTICE that Vv am J . om: egete, B. i settler. intends to apply s license +t prospect for coal andi etroleum on and ler the f = : ribed lands ; Ctober, 1919 Lim i. LEARY NOTICE NOTICE 158 HEREBY GIVEN what « --'* Mication will be made Line ’ anticipated that 3,000 tons of ore met of Britis mmencng at 2 post planied one} BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS will be st iu r mS St the BEE seshios if ot | EP east of the north-west corner of Di | - wi ~ shipped this winte rae am HITECTI “Ral met g | 498 a c Ro S° chains, thence south! ~pectaliets in Light end Heavy Coa- ? SH COLUMMDIA for ate t >. “" «mains, thence West 66 chains. thence | olreetion, Repairs end Alterations. N : Pp : E ating ¢ -# a said bil rth 60 chains, to point of ouman 2 Newton Pullen, : re to be t= Ve-~~ Piest Class Staircase Work and ‘ b Fusion, Marine reporter |= Xa ' ;| Dated this 22nd heuaher, 494 Fintshing for the Victoria Daily Colonist, | povercie WILLI LEAR ' ant | s 8 . AM J LEARY “ Extimates Cheerfutly Given arrived on the steamer this morn- | “Sites « ee Frevinee of Br rT ‘ : oak ne is JUS . 8 : ing to spend a short hol iday with DATED ot ue . ' We : j as cheap ts get your ROK AND CONCRETE SUN oWNe revinte f fee of ’ “ printing done wel’ and do ' CONTRACTORS his father. He returns south on| dy ot Note, OO oe rome aa it ia t a pln: Ray Sunday. | . ROY LONG © cone % away. Tez} Solicitor for the Applicants The Newe Print Shop : OO —————————————=—————_— | DON’) ad 4 Unless it is the Best. It does not pay to get any other kind The News Printing Department \ specializes on high-class work. There are experi- enced men in charge and they do the work well. SS —E—E_ | | | Letterheads | | Envelopes } I Business Forms \ We have on hand a Pesiers few ‘specially choice in- Dodgers vitation cards in several Creal styles. Call at the office ey and see them before Booklets ordering. a Daily News Job Department = = SAESNA LAND RECORDING DIVISION tetieetetedeie ado 7 ims thict UF YUREN CHARLOTTE ; ISLANDS Hand Your Baggag: ; TAKE NUTICE that William J. Lear) { sk degate, B. « seilier, witends t aps i & heense +t prospect ior coai 4 ‘ pevroteum on and under the followms } ribbed lands mmencing at & post planted twent) Motor Transfer and ; bh.ims east of the north-east corner of . ‘ Di. Sii, thence west 80 chains, ties Passenger Service ; sth 80 chains, thence east $0 hains } ‘hace north 80 chains, tw point of com Stand, Empress Hote ; im cement Dated this 23rd day of Uctotx vs 176 BI k } WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant Phones , ac 334 ; SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION oo DISTRICT UF QUEEN CHARLUTTE :s ‘ ISLANDS Quick Deliveries AKE NOTICE that Williem Jj. Leary —ererrre POOR C$} CC; EL; OCO~O Sh degate Kt seilier nt is 6t appl) ~ — fe & hcehnse ' prospect ior coal wing uv eun m and under the ribed lands mupencing at & post plant: f. N | IST RY u h-wesi corner 4 bl —_ = ne west 80 chains Seem north #0 chai = —_—-—— henee east 80 chain ibence south ir t point of commencement OFFICER MOURS Dated mis 23nd day of October, 1919. 8 om. te 12; 9:30 p.m. to 6:30 om LIAM 3. Lb Ants, Xpplicant KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION OA. J. 8. BROWN t DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE DENTIST , ISLANDS i Office: Smith Bleck, Thirc Avenue TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary : Phene 44. Skidegate, B . settler niends +t ‘ . : vb wo Oe ee - - for a licemse to prospect for coal an i petroleum on and under th f “ ™ r described lands mimencing af &@ post planted at th north-west corner of DI 408 thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 bains thence West 80 chains, thence porth ehiias, to peint of commencement Deted this 22nd day of Octobe: 1919 WILLIAM 3. LEARY. Appticant KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION r DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . NOTICE OF CANCELI TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of Shidegate, B. ( settle?, intends to apply OF RESERV! fe a lheense prospect for coal : petroleum Qh «& under the follov NOTICE 18 HEREBY a& seribed lands windbDreak Keserve ’ : jmencing at & post planted at theliand ten chains in © : ; Oe rth-east cormer of DL 795. thence sorth shore : a . west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, d in themee east 80 chains, thence south 6&0 gst ja chains, to point of commencement cancel) lied im So far «as Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919 portica ng betwee a WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. jand tudian Reserve N ~ a NADE SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Deputy M DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Departinent of Lands ISLANDS Victoria. B momen Novembe : TARE NOTH E that William J. Leary en - Sa degate, B settler, intends to apply TIMBE SALE X &s Heense to prospect for al b > leum om and under the following Victoria, B s cribed lands Sealed tenders will be “unpencing at & post planted at the} ter Lands t he rth-weet corner of Di 408 thence lithe oth day f Decemt est S060 chains, thence north & hains. |, Ase f Licence X Hence weet 80 chains, thx south 801744 0 feet f St a 4ihs, to point of commencement 127e rés Pulpw ; : ted this 22nd day f October, 1919 ated on Link Lake, A a> WILLIAS 2. LEARY. Ape at ree years © t movel of timber >REENA LAND REX ORDING DIVISION ' urther part ars DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ter, Victoria, 5 ISLANDS Prince Rupert, 8 TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary Skidegaic, B. Settler, imicnds apt TIMBER SALE i f & hKeense 1 prospect for coal a - cum of end unde: tie f W ths Vietorta, 8 rtthed lands soak enders Ww t “amencing af 8 © planted > : t arxts east of the north west curver of fbi.[the 7th day f Januar a2 ‘ves thence «284 80 chains, thence north | purchase . & , : 4 . hains, thence west & bains, | 7f feet of Sy : s south «& hains. 1 point of commenr ter 2 _s S a2 Sedgwick Bay. Lyell isle bated this 22nd day of October, 1018 lotte § Destrict WILtits EARY, Applicant Tw “ars © oe movel of timix Purther part ars ter. Victoria, & » i Prince Rupert. 8 ; SE... ‘S 2g TIMBER SALE Xiits oe ’ La PSS | \ ee o-- Sealed waeers : “ ’ ; ae “ ot : - <= : on ta a "x emde 7 CES ie ase of Licence Ait CANCELLATION OF RESERVE | a anus ones iciane sk a3 — : NOTICE is BEREBY GIVEN ‘thet tx Three ars © reserve etistineg wer i _ ‘a eee : t appee Range 5. Coast Pietrirt ance lied ; fiber particulars 6. R NADEN tr Vietorta. 8 Deputy Minister of Lands [Prince Rupert. BX ts) Oepartpest, Victoria, 8. C . MINERAL Aul Sih October. MINE tee Certificate of improvemen'* mer resi wNiorrs 4 the Neat River ¥ : Destreet W bee te aiext s wes Rar <2. - rTaae oe wa i. 6 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. Miner's orth vee aw siré?-> - —_ sixty Gave fom fhe Ga 2 NoT : es hereby «irom that the eaerve 4 Dex w ng . ne , evietic ve fete 839° and 187° et af Improvements far De Chariot District. by reatam of & Setire wainieg a Creee Grent of t As mn the BL : Gazette of Tih : . ake “ot . mi 7 . . % - = $3 seeet be Wi Sire oa - “NAD =N * soe * ety Minister of Lands Prv ewemia . Ih partment of Tati "Dated thie (1em Gay of December fad September, 1616 eis