l'AOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, .October 13, uai J "roll my own" with SHARKEY SCORES DECISIVE VICTORY OVER CARNERA MAD!- IN FRANCE A 120 A LEAVES THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenui H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance... For lesser periods, paid In advanee, per week : By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period .......... By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ..... By mail to all other countries, per year ... ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Local readers, per insertion, per line . Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line .... Contract tates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAIJ'T EDITION DANG E IIS IN Attention has been drawn at various times to the dangers of hunting. No part p the country seejns to be exempt. Men lose their lives either through their own carelessness or irom mat oi jneir ieuows jn tne ieiu. Only recently the Saturday Evening Post oublished an article on the suhipct which was well wortnv of studv. TrB;,i. iVc-u -a . , ... - , . "Shooting Without an absolute certainty of what may be hidden among the leaves common and constantly recurring cause oi trouble. The trained hunter when he fires does so with the knowledge Vliair lie Ja nilUULlllU Ulr UlllC. ferent from the fallow who cause the leaves stirred or a "There can be neither sympathy nor forgiveness for trio half hnnrn. irlin fircc at r.. HUllVVi HI,V 11(1.0 Mb OVMlVklllUg IIV llUb CVlll Last season, the article states, more than 300 persons were killed in hunting and there were approximately 1500 non-fatnl accidents. Annthov stntompnt mnHp 70 per cent of the shooting accidents have been caused by people under 21 years of age, many of whom have been the victims. It strongly urges instructed uoiore being allowed forth with a gun. UNITED STATUS It is intwestinir to note thiit the United States is now taking an active interest in Irei((ent ot i ranee is to vsjst tne United States in the near future. Nothing but good can come from such a visit. Tboy should take place more often. The publicity that will 1" M . - " it.i. uiti form the American people in of the dtfv. ' Awnnlcil the cwetrl certificate of purity, merit and quality by the IiiHtitulc )f llyii-ne, London. Rhum Negrita RFI. $ 4 .00 Tm hU l VmSm, m 4JMt tnmt PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS These absolutely pure papers are packed in automatic booklet, double slotted so that the papers can be taken out either to the left or right hand tide. Ready-gummed and very strong, yt thin, they are -the best end most convenient ypu can buy. Testa hae proved them to be superfine papers In every way. $5D0 10c $6,00 9.00 1.40 .02 .25 .15 .S6 J8 Tuesday, Oct 13, 1931 HUNTING. " ' " or behind a wall of brush is a X UU O Jiaii J11UJCJ J1MII till- pulls the trigger merely be twig cracked. cnmotVitnrr Vio Vina nr.f coon " ' in Hip artM fa thnt npnvlv that lads should bo properly AND IJANCK. ... world 1 politics . and that the . ,1 caw wjjjjui vunikjf lu m- regard to the great questions . 1 FHined the world over as "Oh! Nick Rum" lh. mw Coalr Boar4 Mall till This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tne Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, HIGH WINS IN SOCCER Defeats Booth School By Score of 2 to 1 on Saturday The regular Junior Football League fixture between High School (first year) and Booth last Satur- day was productive of a very hard to one. a strong cross wind was trouble- some at times, but both teams put up a good exhibition and the spec- tators were well rewarded for turn- tag out on such a threatening alter- noon. In spite of playing uphill, Booth had the better of the opening exchange and Morgan had to clear from MeMeekln. Over anxiety on the part of the latter spoiled a good chance for Booth as he eot off- aide. Ferguson and Eby defended well and Christlson and Wilson we.V cheeked. Blake did well to save from Santurbane. CQlussl was too . high with a drive at the other end ' and MacDonald had hard lines. Gomez was in rare .form for Booth. A cross from Dungate was not well cleared and Christlson put High a goal up. Nelson went close at the ottw end and MeMeekln again worried Morgan. The second half was evenly con-3.00 tatted and Booth staged a strong attack that Fisher and Allan did wfeH" to repel. MacDonald and Coiusal were persistent and the latter struck the upright, but netted from the rebound and the teams were level. High broke away but Bby was safe. Ritchie stopped Nakamoto, but High was all out for goals and Wilson narrowly missed. A beautiful combined run by the Booth forwards was worthy of a goal but MacDonald was Just wide. De Marco misjudged a ball and Kirk-endall got away, and from his cross Wilson hit the underside of the crossbar for the baU to come to Santurbane, who gave High the, lead. Booth attacked strongly and Oolussi was clever, but his parting effort was blocked. Faw defended "Saoto wdcSSS : a g00d attack but Oome2 stopped them. Fun time found High leading y tne oaa goal in three and win ners of a very exiting game, 7!eams: ih: Morgan, Allan. Fisher, I Nakamoto, Faw, Klrkendall, Wilson, chrtottson, Santurbane Dungate. Booth: d. Blake, Eby, Ferguson, ' "eMarco, Gomez, Ritchie, Nelson, Mcoreub, coiussi, MacDonald, Mc- Roferee: W. W. C. O'Nell. Tfin&M A IVJEMT WAtlirXlf IXIJ X IS PLAYED , , ., , ''ul" Odlies and A. Styles Wln- ners Saturday Evening on ON.R. Courts An intereung and keeniyvcon lMwa American tournament was i played Saturday olghtpn the Cana- ' dten National Recreation Assocla - Uon's courts, the winners being Miss Ruth O lilies and A. Styles. After the tournament refresh ments were served and Howard Bar rett- vice-president of the Canadian kTailAHitl T- 41 lH " 1ocu1mo"m nr. p zes t0 thc,r w,n" J A Teng was convener for the cvciuiiks pruceeuings, ana oiner members of the committee were Mr F- A. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Valde and A. Woods. Mrs. Rogers land Mrs. Valde were In charge oj refreshment. Early next month it Is planned to have another American tournament with a club tournament in December. . Mrs. Helen Wills Moody Leaving on i Voyage to Japan : SAN FRANCISCO Oct. 13. Mrs. Helen Wills Moody, women's na tional tennis champion, will leave here shorUy for a trip to Japan. She will not be accompanied by her hus band. I Mr and Mrs. D. Edenshaw of Massett are paying a brief ylalt io the city, having arrived from the island on their boat Sunday Italian Giant Met Waterloo and Never Had Chance Last Night Against Husky Sailor NEW Y)RK, Oct. 13.Primo Camera, the Italian giant, p met his Waterloo here last nitrht and was eiven the decision .at the end oi a gruelling fifteen-round bout with one. of tne fifteen rounds, Sharkey being awarded twelve while honors in two were fairly even. The Italian was "radically out on hU feet as the . . Bong ended the final round. He tm the ount of nine In the lourth. He took fierce punishmeo. and couId not nave withstood mucn more of Sharkey's treat-: ment. I As a rosuU or the bout. Sharkey le once again established as the! principal contender for Max Bchmellng's world's heavyweight1 puglllsUc crown, Badly Beaten IB SwSwSMSSjIt jSl BBSHEb SSSaBlliisfsSSrSB Massive Pruno Camera who lost to Sharkey. Lindberghs Pass Through Japanese City on Way Home NAOASAKI, Japan, Oct. 13 Col. and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh were here at the end of the week en route home to the United States. They have heen called back on ac- bergh's father, Senator DwJghV Morrow. Ro1r Hnmo Qf ,Jai'fV AVWC Ol Los Angeles LOS. ANGELES, Oct. 13-Don Moyle m and Cecil Allen, Los Angelas Pattullo Speech Is Heard Here Vancouver Address of Liberal Leadrj-Catne In Plainly The speech of T. D. Pattullo, pro- vlnclal Liberal leader and M.LA tor Prince Rupert, broadcast last Friday night from Vancouver over broadcasting station CNRV. came in well here and was heard by many local radio listeners. Dealing with ia number of matters of live current interest, Mr. Pattullo was in fine fighting form and roundly criticized the administration of the Tolmle government on a number of scores. GLASGOW CUP RESULT The Glasgow Clip final was somewhat confused among Old Country football results in Saturday's paper. The score In the final game for this trophy was: Rangers 3, Queen's Park 0. aviators who recently new from !'aPan Taooma. "turnft to their h,ome here flnd wcrt' fon fnday RED WINGS CHAMPIONS Rochester Winner .Over St. Paul In tittle World's Series ROCHESTER, Oct. 131toches-ter Red Wines, winners for the eighth year of the International League pennant, won the Little World Series when they defeated St. Paol Saints, American Association champion'', in Ihe dcilin; game by a score of 9 to 3. Had Good Hunting Wear Waas Kiver . 7" . , Lar?e Party Returned A to Town! Early This Mornfnr With Bag of Geese and Ducks , A largt bird hunting party In-1 ch'dinK Cwt. W. P. Armour. Dr. J.' H Carson F. A. MacCallum. Mayor C. H. Qrme. Aid. O. W Rudder-ham. Aid. J. H. PUlsbury and Ctpt. J. R. Elfert returned early thji morning from a three-day hunting trip to QulnemAas in the Naas River district. The trip was made on the Pacific Salvage Co.'s power vwwi saivneo Prince, and rfe. spite rough weather, there was good bag of geese and ducks. CLARA BOW i COMEBACK Gets Leading Part in Plclure "Get the Woman" Golnr on Location In December HOLLYWOOD. Oct. 13 Following her recent breakdown, Clara Bow is soon to attempt a comeback in the talking picture. She has been cast jo the lead of "Oet the Woman." and the picture will go on location early In December. KjsJIWa V fn Be Given Aid; President Hoover Putting Ills Recovery Plan Into Effert In the United Stales WASHINGTON, D.C Oct. 13-! Under his recovery plan program,' President Herbert Hoover has launched a scheme to aid the railways In their financing. This would also be of considerable assistance to the smaller banks. I wtiidiqtiUch I MW& TU Ntlion't LmtiTt) Too Good Jack Sharkey, who gave Prtmo j Camera worst defeat of his career last night. j IS GOING ! 1 ON STAGE "Pepper" Martin Sirns Vaudeville Contract for Winter ST. LOUIS, Oct. J3. "Pepper-Martin, sensational batter and fielder of the 193! world series, has wu teP hn u,e throughout the winter in various parti of the country. Heavy Action Expected In Boxing Bout Henry Peetb of Anyx and Billy 1 w ui rrmce ype wwn tfr-sw m4 event at a b9xln? COwnameot this week, Deetb ijaj credit tor dacUlon over Bagshaw In the smelter town about eighteen mopths Ago. Tbe local boy has tartly imptovd since then, however, and u conldent he can turn the tables in hU home town. Bagshaw oarrlw a wicked punch iind is always daogwou. while DceUi made i legion of admirers In this city when e fought Wendle here last. Owen Fisher, who is promoting &he card, announces that his list fit preitmlnaries' will be well up to Ibe high standard of the Empress Social Club. AReputotioti of- -oti Of CjOhtirtUOUS brands moA . jpGOMMNVa I 11 V HI MM BL IB - w .shshi m m w w .shshb 4lf"rrSi3 I m rsss sb w m m m m CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE Play to Start This Evening. Owing to yesterday being a boll. ' iv play In the Cribbage League will commence this evening, and thereafter on Monday evenings, j he schedule for the first of the se ison follows: October 13 Musketeers vs. Moose. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Seal Cove. I. O. O. F. vs. Elks. Eagles vs. O rot to. Swift's vs. Knights of Columbus October 19 Elks vs. Swift's. Seal Cove vs. I. O. O. F. Moose vs. Englet. Orolto vs. Prince Rupert Hotel, K. C.'s vs. Musketeers. October 2C Seal Cove vs. Moose. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Moose I. O. O. F. v. Musketeers. Eagles vs Swift's. Elks vs. Knights of Columbus November I Seal Cove vs. Eagles. Swift's vs. Musketeers. Blk vs. Grotto. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. I. O d F KnJgfeU a Columbus vs. Mouse November 9 Grotto vs. Moose. Mucketeers vs. Seal Cove Swift's vs. I. O. O. P. Elks vs. Prince Rupert Hotel Eagles vs. Knights of Columbus. November 16 Moose vs. Elks. I. O. O. F. vs. Engles. Grotto vs. Swift's. Prlne Rupert Hotel v. Musketeer! K..QM v. Sl Gove. November 23 Swift's vs. Seal Cove. Elks vs. Musketeers. I, O. O. F. vs. Moose. Egi9 tV. r?trua. Rupett llMl. ! Grotto vs. Knights of Columbus November 30 Seal Cure vs. Elks. Musketeers vs. Eagles. Moose vs. Swift's. Grotto vs. I. O. O. F. K. C.'s vs. Prince Rupert Hutfi December 7 Swift's w. Prince Rupert Hi tel Musketeers vs. Grotto. Moose vs. Elks. 1. O. O. F. vs. K. C.'s. Mtss Yvette Desroslers -.did Sunday night on the Prince George !nr a trip to Vancouver. years tkese J93J f "Hl uiTSSi; Pub,ishe'1 the or 1,y Uiuor Control n Board a w by the Government of British Columbia.