pharmacy Week October 11 to 17 Phones si and 82 0;, . : : :i Agent Norman A. t' y.'U train from a trip Af Kitsumkalum Lake. DOLLAR $ STORE VISIT OUR NEW DEPARTMENT Wa enounce iho opening ei our niiw Pictoriol Printed f.3!cn Deportment where you w 1 ind a full line of v-r.a fiou patterns and fU. irons. (ft . r X T m PRINTED . :; DATTCDK1Q PICTORIAL REVIEW FASHION QUARTERLY 25 Cents a Copy COAL Br the real Coal our fa-tdson and Cassldy tMniton-lrt any quantities. nulklej Valley Hay, Gttln sod Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co "HONES 58 AND 558 Yes, purity be praised. Many a person's life has been saved because pure medicine has been administered at the correct time. That's why doctors suggest that prescriptions be filled here, for they know that only the nurest chemicals flvm I- V able are used by us in filling No matter where you are, Orme's can fill your prescription better. Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druqet'sts Third Ave. and Fulton St. Father of Mrs. John Hanson Is Dead in States Mrs. John H. Hanson, wife o! the pastor of St. Taul's Lutheran Church here, received the sad in formation over the week-end of the death on Friday afternoon at his home in Northfleld. Minn., ol her father, Ivar Nystuen. The late Mr. Nystuen was a real pioneer of the state of North Da kota, having come to America from Norway by sailing boat In 1855. Predeceased by his wife who died some twelve years ago, Mr. Nys tuen Is survived by eighth children, Including a son. Rev. Joseph Nystuen, Lutheran Church pastor a' Dahl. N.D. The funeral is taking place today at Northfield. THANKSGIVING IS OBSERVED Special Services at First United Church on Sunday ' Thanksgiving services at the First United Church were well attended on Sunday last when the pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, sooke at both serv ice on appropriate subjects, in the morning on "The Value and Need of Praise," and in the evening, "The Orace of Gratitude." The church was tastefully decorated. At the morning service the baptism of Oscar Prank and Margaret Josephine, children of Mr. and Mrs. V. Syraes. took place and also the baptism of Kenneth William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson. New members were received In Dr. and Mrs. R. Q. Large, Miss Dlmock and Mrs. E. Smith. The children's choir rendered "God Is Ever Good" In a very pleasing manner. Special music was provided by Miss M. A. Way and Mas Elisabeth Sturgeon, who gave an organ and piano duet. In the evening MUs Edna Vlckers was soloist in the anthem, "O Lord, How Manifold Are Thy Works," and Dr. Large sang "The Penitent" Mrs. A. Wilson was at the organ. At the conclusion of the morning service the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was observed. ft "RVERY comfort, luxury and convenience known to modern railroad travel is yours on the "Continental Limited". Radio, valet service, library buffet-observation cars, and the famed C.N.R. personal service. Trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, at 12.50 p..m., connecting with this crack flyer. IW Information rail or wrlt Inrml rngml e fX v... i. M.EwiN.n.r. r.a. fM ' I'tlnce. Haprl, B.U mnadian National UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED l,. Steamers leave Prlnc Itupert tor Vancouver: I, TAU EVEKY TtXSNAY. ..M. t. 0cean Fa,l3 arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. CAKI)KNA EYKltY rntDAV MIIINKIIIT Weekii ...V,mWn' Vancouver Bunday midnight appro. ""'rigi to Port Blmpnon, Allc Arai, Anyox, Stewart and Nasi 1 UM I It ii'un tiifv .Tt). . .... .... mam Delicate Child One of five girls all of whom took Dr. Williams- Pink Pills (tonic). Now a Fine Woman St. Peter's tober 20. I "I was the eldest ot five girls," writes . 1. n r. u ... I mis. a. u. lucoara-Healtny son, 202 Lancaster at. west, Kitcnener, Ontario, "and my m n I k as Ti m Williams' Tinlt Pills to us all. My young- 3i siaicr was very aciicate. She was nearly thirteen when mother took her to the doctor and he said 'Give her Dc Williams' Tink Pills like you gave the other girls'. Mother did so, and today she is married, and is a fine healthy woman." The Iron and other elements in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) increase the amount of haemoglobin or oxygen-carrying agent in the blood. The increased supply ol oxygen kindles We in all your tissues. The result is a better appetite, a feeling of well-being, and restlul sleep. Begin now to take Dr. Williams' rink Pills. SO cents a package at any druggist's. Be sure to say "Dr. Williams' " so that the druggist will know exactly what you want. Ill LOCAL ITEMS Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. the cast at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Anglican Cathedral tea at home of Mrs George Rorlo, Fourth Ave. W, Thursday afternoon, October 15, from 3 to 6. Presbyterian Church, Church bazaar, Oc- HlH CO l.O.DJS. Bridge and dance October 30. Moose Hallowe'en dance. Oct. 30 Prr-sbyterlan vembcr 5. Fall Bazaar, No Moot Qarnival und Dance No. 12 and li ' v Baptlst.salc of work, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, November 19. SINGER SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale and for Kent McRAERKOS., LTD. THE DAILY NEWS Local Items E, D. Hogan of Porcher Island was a week-end visitor In town. Dinnrnvare, china, crockery glassware. Hcilbroncr's store. Annual general meeting football association, City Hall, Tuesday, Oct. 20, 8 p.m. Election of officers, etc, for 1932. Bishop G. A. Rlx returned to the city on Sunday afternoon's tral:i from a brief trip fd Terrace on ecclesiastical duties. I Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Oodwln of j Burns Lake were among those who ( registered last week at the British 1 1 newspaper Association. Mrs. William W. Wood arrived in the city on Sunday afternoon's train from Philadelphia to pay a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dlbb, Graham Avenue. Westview. The Ten Years Ago column of the Vancouver Sun recalls a villi This afternoon's train, due from . . ' agriculture, and Col, C. W. Peck, V.C., at the tune M.P. for Skcena, The regular monthly bu'tlneM luncheon of the Prince Rupert, Gyro Club took place today at the Commodore Cafe. Various matteis . . . - , . . . . of club business were dealt with. Harvest Festival sale to be held pres,dent c a um waJ ln n S. A. Citadel tonight at 8 p.rr. Home cooking, ete. Get your winter vegetables now. Come one. come all. (238) chair. We have Just moved Into our new premises at the corner of . .wJTnlrd Avenue and McBrlde Street. 1 i r, . , , . Lee Yei Tai, for driving to the whefe we fQr a- continuation common danger, was fined $10 ' . ,f Mlrnn,n ,H .i , with nntlnn of seven davs' ImnrlJ- - . . . . " . .... fHnri Our riVirmt' nnmKnp 1 411 onment; by Magistrate McClymont rdon'S HARDWAhE. (239 ' very gratifying The following is from the Twenty Years' Ago column of the Vancouver Province: "J. T. C. William Dominion Inspector of fisheries for Northern British Columbia, who ! in Vancouver today, states that the salmon pack this season exceeds that of last year. Two steamers left the Skeena River for Vancouver last night with shipments to tailing 18.000 cases." Common Table Salt Often Helps Stomach Drink plenty of water with pinch ot salt. If bloated with gas add a spoon pf Adlerika. This washes out BOTH stomach and bowels and rids you of all gas. OrmcX Ltd.. Drugs. -nulld M. C. Payrolls Pacific Milk Is Fortunate Perhaps Pacific Milk Is fortunate, in fact it Is good fortune, for nature has given to British Columbia a combination of sol), water and climate which produces milk of ideal quality. That is why Pacific Milk Is so much superior to outside brands. PACIFIC MILK Factory at AbboUford '100 II, ,C. Owned and Controlled" I You'll like this tempting Eras Stewart on official duties. m cny police court, t.nis mornuiK. .. I. R. Frank of Terrace arrived In I The the .... . following is from Twen- "With the object of inaugurating ty yearg Arq coiujf Van. the city on Sunday afternoon's a Urge colonisation project, the C0UVfr provtnce- -p k gands and tra,n ,rom tne lnterlor l0T a brleJ Duke of 8wland has acquired of four visit to town. a n arr, t an interest In 2.000 acres south of nmlUm Uom Seatu& wmnlng , Fort Oeorge. It is hts Intention to Challoner & MltChet Trophy of- C. W. Homer, provincial asses-sell 160-acre farms on easy termi fered tQ tne Jlrst fat drlve sor, returned to the city on the Ca- to htt scottisn tenants wno may . It ,,h tola this mornlnz from a brief trn desife to come to Canada." Twen- Brltbh c0iumbtl t(artonr ,to. Anyox 6a official business. ty years Ago cuiuimi, vaucuuvcf - t. Province. NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Bur coal and ret your full weight. Discount SI. 00 a ton. Note our advertisements for rash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone S80. rf Announcements Eagles social and dance, October 14. Ladles refreshments. Gents 50c. Gyro Fall HoedOwn. October 16, Moose Hall. Catholic Basaar. October 21 and Conoert. October 23. couver and waypolnts. H. B. MeOulre. managing director of the Woodbine Gold Mining Co. Ltd.. was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going through on a business trip to Van couver. Development work is being pcrty under Mr. Mcuulre's direction and result are reported to be Actdltv. use quick-acting Cystex (Slss-tex. Of ten stops trouble in 24 hours. Guaranteed to work satisfac torily or return pmDty box and get money bacK. only ix at druggists. Stainless Steel Table Knives S2.25 Half Doz. A special shipment just recoived. These hnvo white handles, will not become stained in use. We have just a few dozen ' of this special. John Bulger. Ltd. Jeweller Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE Si PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 5C6 Nlglit Calls 1C1 Tuesday, October 13, 1931 Keep a copy of the New Maslc Cook Book handy and you'll never have to worry about thinking up susscstions tor attractive meals. Here, for Instance. Is a delightful menu selected at random from the dozens of Interesting recipes It contains. DINNER MENU Cream Franchise Soup Orange and Cheese Salad Swiss Steak With browned potatoes Muffins Caramel Pie Almond Cakes Chase a Sanborn's Tea or Coffee rym sw 11 to Look for this nark on every tin. It Js c suarantee that Miglc Baling Powder does not contain alum or any harmful ' Try this Recipe for ' ALMOND CAKES ' t cup butter 1 1 am Dour I cup njtf S tenpoons Masle i cup Bilk B.llnj Powder. Scijl 1 clp .Inonds bJjndicd nd cut in pieces Mix Ingredients In order given, and bake in individual cake pans, or small paper containers, as shown in the illustration. This recipe together with those used In the Magic Menu, and dozens of other equally delightful ones, are all listed In the New FREE Magic Cook Book. If you bake at home, wite Corp. E. II. Clark R. C. M. P. re-; Don Archie sailed last Saturdav turned to the city on the Catala rwght on the Prince John for a this morning from a brief trip to j trip to Lockeport, Queen Charlotte Union steamer Catala. Capt. A.1 Provincial Constable L. A. N phr r t tr)v n m i of E- Dickson, arrived ui port at 9 Potterton of Stewart arrived in the Stewart arrived In the city on the o'clock Sunday niglij; from the city from the north on the Catala Catala this morning from the "outh and sailed a couple of hours this morning and will return to north and will return to Stewart Ialer cr Ayox. Stewart and other Stewart on the Prince Rupert to- next Saturday afternoon on steamer Prince George. It; Is possible that Father Leray may shortly be transferred to Smlthes. the nortnern points wnence the re turned here this morning, sailing at 1:30 this afternoon for Van morrow afternoon with a prisoner in his charge. mi at 40? flaw arc Kidney Acidity If you feel old and run-down from Gettlnv Un Nights. Nervousness, Neuralgia. Lumbago, Leg Pains Dlz- contlnued -on the Woodbine pro- zmeM Burning Bladder or kidney ! Islands. Tom Dybhavn and his young daughter returned to the city on the Catala Sunday evening from a rnp to Vancouver. Provincial Constable G. E. Ash-ton of Massett sailed by the Prince John Saturday night on his return to the Islands-after a visit of two or three days in town. Jack McColl of Anyox. who has bten on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south, was a passenger abjard the CataU Sunday evening returning to the tmelter town. T. J. Shenton. Inspector of mines who has been ill for the past six weeks is able to be out again bu: it will be a week or more before he is sufflcienUy recovered to resume work at his office. standard Brands Limited, Fraser Ave. at Liberty St.. Toronto, and a copy will be sent yoo. W. R. MoFarlane. well known pioneer Alice Arm prospector, arrived ln int c:ty on Sunday afternoon's train after having spent several months ln the new Raln-b. w Creek gold field. , Dr. and Mrs. R. N. Rogers of Ketchikan passed through the city on the Prince George Sunday evening en route to Vancouver whence tiiey will proceed on a trip to Buf-!alo. N.Y. Mrs. D D. Munro, who arrived ln the city two weeks ago from Terrace and has since been a patient ln the Prince Rupert General Hospital, sailed Sunday night on the Prince George for Vancouver. MEETING TONIGHT Annual basketball meeting night at City Hall. 8 p.m. H0T& ARRIVALS New RoyaL Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot St Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarclll Trlrphortt tSl BUY MAK-trCANADA GOODS if asSm ssish v am isiaiiiiiiMSfisrrM n wessi LssssssasFH rr-Wiila L-VLBtsssssssssssssssssl to- Royal Sam Bell. Stewart; W. J. Leng, Ketchikan; Olof Jensen, Seattle. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water ln all rooms. A. J. PRUDIIOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sta. Savoy R. Stone. Vancouver; L. Wester and M. Pederson, C.N.R.; Johnj Gregory, Haysport; C. L. Ryan.: Kntohlkan; A. Patterson, city. T. Elwood Brooks of Terrace arrived in the city on Sunday afternoon's uulii from the Interior for a brief vUU to town. Harry Thrupp of the Canadian National division freight office, sailed Sunday night on the Prince Oeorge for a brief trip 'to Ocean Falls on official business. He will return to thr city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M. T. LEE COMPANY 303 3rd Ave. IV. Phone CC3 We have added one more Jersey cow to our herd, and are ln a position to supply a few more customers with real Prince Rupert milk. Dominion Dairy Phone Red COS Daily Delivery Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Doeks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinintrMachlncry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts