& :(.i t--ii' i. tr:- ! in : th,,' i: Today's Weather Prince Rupo: barometer 30.1 5ea smooth. Vol XXII , No. 233. Qrcast, calm; rj s eraturc 51; rroLIS, Ohio, Oct. IS. Be- .'i an airship had been seen down In flame near here vcek-end led to general air for traces of such a It was reported that raem-Ur airship's crew could be iping from the burning ship air. wat no official admission v airship was missing. CHINAMEN INDIGNANT With Kate at Shelling of Man-'hurian Cities by Japanese 'UNO. Oct. 11. The Chinese i" in! i,i ,1 Ml, I'M' n. , T! t . M' '"IV ii'lv DoUlna over as a result 1 bulling from the air during m few days of Manehurian a result of which many have been killed. Japanese reply that the shell- "i ot start untu altar Chinese ' had fired on the planes. "'time, a more or lets tfesal- wurfarc continues. Shooting Traeedy Found Accidental '"Wry Held Into Circumstances of ulh of Peter Anderson on Ecstall River An inquiry conducted at the week. tntt y Deputy Coroner A. J. Lan-'t' i established that the clrcum-'"urs attending the death of (1'T Andersen, aged 45. who was "" While UD thi Ecstiill Itlvr ut 'ii' firm of last week by u bullet """ "is own rifle, were of accl 'ui nature. Whom many Conservatives would like to see replace Premier S. F. Tolmle. QUESTION OF GOLD French and American Bankers In Important Conference WASHINGTON, D.C Oct. 13. French and I'nited SUtes bankers In conference here are making plans which it Is hoped may result in the restoration of the gold standard In Europe. France and the United SUtes Kf ti sn them control nearly three-quarters of the world's gold supplv. It Is proposed to redistribute thi!. told In an orderly manner without hurtlnr the finances of either country. WATERWAY DISCUSSED Motives of United States In Project Being Questioned nTTJwi net is - The St. Law development Is the rence waterway principal topic of discussion every where In the Eosi juanww. t h.. i tit htn made known that !the United States has offered to bear the entire cost of the construe of the tnternsUonal secUon of the proposed seaway from the Great Lukes n the offer were accepted. i u f.ar..H thHt CHiiiidUin labor 'mlKht not be uwd in th. work Con tnii or th-- section cnignt ai.so oc in uurstmn. WASHINGTON. D.C, Oct. 13: Premier Pierre laval of France Informed President Herbert Hoover oi er the week-end that he was In favor of a 50 per rent cut in war debts all around and a 25 per rent reduction in armaments, Laval and Hoover will confer here two weeks hence on matters of mutual and International Thomas Edison Still Sinking Only Ills Great Vitality Has Kept His Alive This Long WEST ORANGE, NJ., Oct. 13. Thomas A. Bdison. great America nJ inventor, lies In a stupor as death creeps steadily toward his bedside. Only the great vitality of the 84- y ear-old scientist has kept his alive this long, his physicians declare. j Halibut Landings MONDAY'S SALES American Llanona. 34,000 lbs 7.6 and 3c; Cold Storage. Foremost, 34,000 lbs, 7.5c and 3c: Booth. Leviathan. 40.000 lbs, 8.9c and 4c; AUln. Canadian Capella I.. 9.000 lbs.; 8c and 35c; Cold Storage. Zapora. 10.000 bis., 7c and 3c; going to New Westminster. Oulvlk, 4,000 lbs.; 85c and 5c; Atlin. TUESDAY'S SALES American North. 40,000 bis,; 9.9c and 4c; rvJH Rtnrace. Oceanic 8,000 lbs, lie and 4c; Booth. Onah. 7.000, 115c and 4c: Booth. Battern Point, 4,400 lbs.; He and 4c; Booth. Canadian Teeny Mllly, 6.000 lbs., 9.6c and 3c; Storage Mon is H . 6.000 lbs.; 9.5c and 3c; At lui KID LEWIS CANDIDATE Former World's Welterweisht Boxing Champion Seek' Parliamentary Honors LONDON, Oct. 13. Kid Lewis. former world's welterweight boxing champion, will be a candidate for parliament at the genera' election Uils month. The Jewish boy is run nlng in Whltechapel, where he 11 greaUy admired, as a supporter of Sir Oswald Mosley. The Weather Langara Island Clear, light westerly wind; sea moderate. Dead Tree Point: ParUy cloudy; calm; barometer 29.98; temperature 52; heavy swell. WHEAT PRICES UP NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B. Cr, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1931 Old Sol smiled relentlessly upon New York recenUy. to give Manhattan some of the hottest September days In history, with result that New York University foot tal squad repaired to Lido Beach to workout in bathing suits ROADIS FEASIBLE Will Cost Only $5,C?J.CO0 to Build Alaska Highways, Sars Hon. George Black VICTORIA, Ott 13. Hon. George Black, Member of Parliament for. the Yukon and Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons, also chairman of the Canadian-American Alaska h!hwiy committee, declares that the engineering feasibility of the pro-poked road has been completely demonstrated by information already gathered. The proposed road leaving the British Columbia hifhway system at Hazelton could be rompleted at a cost of (5,000,000, Capt. Black said. Information Is now being placed before the Canadian and American governments for final PASSING OF OLD TIMER jhn Stalker Beid Dies in Victoria Where he Lived Since 1893 VICTORIA. Oct. 13. John Stalker Read, resident of Victoria since 1893. died here Friday at the age of 63 years. j Anti-Japanese Riots in Canton Ten Tenons Killed and Ninety In-' jured in Chinese Metropolis j CANTON. Oct. 13 Ten persons ; were killed and ninety injured Sat urday night when Chinese students rioted here In demand for a boycott on the Japanese. Governor on Quebec Tour Lord and Countess Bmboroufh Visiting Ancient Province May Succeed ,Died'on.Monday, J. A. Burkham, former Speaker of Legislature GOVERNOR IS COMING Ford ham Johnson Left for Prince Rupert on Monday VICTORIA. Oct. 13 Hon. J. W. OTTAWA. Oct. 13.-Lord Bees-, Po(dtoam johnson, iutnant Oov-bo rough, Oovernor Oeneral of Can-, : emor of British Ctfumbta. left here ada. and Lady Bescboroufh afe making their first official visit to on Monday aboard the H.M.C.S. the nrovlnce of Quebec. 8keena for a cruise to Prince Ru- . - pert, the Queen Charlotte Islands land elsewhere on the north coast. Her Husband Col. Hiam to namm.7o.ii-uj Take Holiday Dwight W. Morrow is being prom- ' - InenUy mentioned as a possibility Railway Official and Ills Wife I-eav to succeed her husband, who died it Vancouver on Trip to last week, as United States senator Geneva for New Jersey. i Montgomery Robinson pleaded , uenem i guilty In provincial police court or ON VANCOUVER EZCHANGE fore Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. , SEATTLE, COMMUNITY McLeod on charges of pit lamping VANCOUVER. Oct 13r-The price and being In possession of firearms of wheat took a Jump this morning on a game reserve On the first following the Thanksgiving holiday, count fines of $500 were impose' the spot cash price here today being und on the second $10 The option 55 l-4c a bashel. of imprisonment was three munths CHEST IS OVERPAID Tomorrow's Tides Wednesday, October. 14, 1931 High 2:59 ajn. 20.9 ft. 14:50 p.m. 22.9 ft. Low 8:54 a.m. 5.7 ft. 21:34 pjtn. 1.8 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS KEiCHlKAN MOTORBOAT IS WRECKED FRENCH PREMIER IN FA VOR OF REDUCTION IN WAR DEBTS JAPAN IS ADAMANT Intervention by League or U. S. In Chinese Dispute Will Not Succeed It Is SUted Wilmiuton. D.C Oct. 13. Kei h ! 'ti' League of Nations nor thtCm'i ri States can make Japan trx China In the present crisis bets-rui 'hosp two nations, spokesmen "f :!. Tokyo foreign office deer.-; (n it- yesterday. Ar. .i ii mpt at Interference will (fi t t nous consequences. It was it 1! SUFFERING BREAKDOWN sin Be Some Time Before Kings-ferd Smith Can Fly Again ; livnuK Oct. 3 win Cosn-tx -i 1 1 " ! . 1 rles Kinasf ord-ftnUfl, f-' 1 ii count of ill hfxith to lir." :. ,,n -fforl 4 V.r" a flight t . ..:,r . suffering from a neraxss bmtd'ivu and It will be some Mme be hi will be hi condition to fly AIRSHIP MISSING Kricible Reported to Have Come Down in flames Near Ohio Town Steamer Prince Rupert Picked up Captain and Crew of Wrecked Boat G. IJ. Carolcrof Ketchikan Came to Grief in Gulf of Georgia, But No Details Available I VANCOUVER. Oct. 13. The rescue of the caDtain and crew of the United States gas boat G. B. Carolen of Ketchikan, near Cape Mudge, in the Gulf of Georgia, was reported to the C.N.S. steamship office today. Captain Dan Donald of the steamer Prince Rupert said that the captain and crew of the gas boat had been landed at Campbell River this morning. Do details of the wreck of the Carolen were given. W. J. Bowser, K.C. WAR DEBT CUT PLAN Prrmler Laval of France Tells Hoover He Favors 5ff Per Cent Reduction Football Practice on Ocean Beach BUCKHAM IS DEAD Former Speaker of Legislature Dies In Vancouver After Two Year's Illness MEMBER SINCE 1916 Widow is Daughter of Mrs. Kenny of Prince Rupert Four Children , VANCOUVER. Oct. 13-John An drew Buckham. Member of the Le gislative Assembly for Columbia for many years and former Speak er of the Legislature, died at his nome nere yesterday. He had been 111 for nearly two years. Born at Kilmaurs. Ont., of Scottish descent, the late Mr. Buckham was educated at Ottawa Collegiate Institute and at Toronto Pharmacy where he became a druggist In 1909 he was married to Laura Teresa Kenny, daughter of Mrs. Kenny of Prince Rupert They had four children, two daughters and two sons. 1 An ardent. Liberal, theilate .Mr. Buckham first entered the political arena In the provincial election of November 1909 when he was defeated by H. C. Parson. He was Urst elected to the Legislature as member for Columbia in 1916. and ?ver since had represented that feat In the Legislature. In rdigloui affiliation, he was a Presbyterian. ATLANTIC AIR MAIL American Company Ready to Establish Service From U, S. to Europe CLEVELAND. Oct. 13. The trans-American Airways Corporation announced yesterday that It was prepared to establish a mall service by air Immediately between the United States and Europe. Only the sanction of the authorities is being awaited. The route would be via Greenland, Iceland and Denmark. Several ex-perimental flights have been made. CABINET FORMED Ileinrich Bruenlng to be Foreign Minister as Well as Chancellor of Germany BERLIN, Oct. 13. Chancellor Hetorkh Bruenlng has Just completed the formation of his new cabinet which will rule Germany under a virtual dictatorship. In addition to the chancellorship, Bruenlng has assumed the post of foreign minister formerly held by Dr. Julius Curtruj. STIFF FINES IMPOSED VANCOUYJSl. Oct U.-COL T. A. FOR PIT LAMPING ON 'Hiam, asssssaft te the preaMtnt of , nRST FULL GAME LOCAL GAME RESERVE the Canadian Ntil Railways t SERIES SINCE 1926 with headquarters In British Co-it William Robert White. Clarence lumbia, and Mrs. Hlara left here ST LOUIS, Oct 13. This Is Darrow Casey and Robert James t week for a vacation trip to the first year since 1926 that the world series has gone the full seven games before a de- cklon was reached. In 1928 the St. Louis Cardinals finally nosed out the New York SEATTLE. Oct. 13 The Seattle ; Yankees In the full seven Community Chest Fund has been games. nver-st'bscrlbw! bv sonic $15,000. It Wd announced Um night. a: .. ST ' ' ' A. ii . HZ. V St: n . ;'Xi t -4- r .. .