PAOE BEE THE DAILY NEWS Sh I iTbI W rf Lj 1 tXJsn a m t I rAanfe Foil for the hearty co-operation extended Our Little Merchants in their first financial endeavor. In case of any error or misunderstanding between subscriber and carrier boy. please phone 1)8 or call at the Daily News Circulation Department and we will gladly attend to it. Work for Prince Rupert V Patronize Prince Rupert Merchants Head Their Ads in The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'KINCE KUPERT, B.C. Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg......... $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 ZAM-BUK'u t pure herb ointment known til over tha World (or iU wonderful toothing and hctlinf propertici. It quickly itopi pun and irritation. it :n i bust iiitaiiimaiwn im rvwi new rwtlthytkin. itm-Uok u equally it tood for xan4. idem tnd n lor uh daily nu. Krt pe iixh U burro. actldt, cuti, bruiict or cold rm.Aampl ft r and boil baid will b union a4M VC" application to zam BukCo, The Daily News Daily By bbd i Tnotntf Mr. Carpenter, t7 Tkirj Ave Verdun. Out. writea "I kv t II M fj 7m.TUiV far mnr than thirty yean. Cur. inm ttiftft l!m I Law himI binds, lain troubles and f heu mttam, tnd it Jiu aHuyi given mtt tatnttction in heaEn( wound, tnd rtEevinc pain. Mr Dtrtona Win ! tkt St M m ti tlx Lm Cir. mecU on the mulct. INSPECTOR IS LEAVING Tupper Goes to Edmonton, Succeeding Major Wood at That Centre Inspector, James M. Tupper of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has received word that he is to be moved to Edmonton, taking the place there of Major S. T. Wood, formerly of this city, who is now In charge at Vancouver. He will be leaving Prince Rupert on Sunday, going by way of Vancouver. Inspector Tupper has been in Prince Rupert nearly four years and during that time has carried out his work quietly and efficiently and has made many friends. Many of the ladles of Westview and other parts of the city will also regret the departure of Mrs. Tupper and her two Prince Rupert born children. Janet and Charles, but at the same time will be pleased to hear of the inspector's promotion. Shower for Miss Rose Dickens Is Given by Sister Jlfrs. Jack Bond. 233 Eighth Av- rnue East, was hostess last evening at a delightful shower ir honor of her sister, Miss Rose Dic kens, whose marriage to Helgp Odcn will take place on Saturday evening of this week. The rooms were prettily decorated for the occasion with snapdragons and there wore about sixteen friends of th; bride-elect in attendance at the af fair. The evening's proceedings opened with playing of bridge, the winners being Mrs. Nelson and Mrr. Bond sr. Refreshments were then served and a prettily decorated basket filled with delightful gifts was brought into the room by Misses Hilda Bond and Irma Nel son and placed before Miss Die kens. Charles H. Lake, well known pio neer Stewart mining man, was a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going through for a trip to Vancouver. R3f ivs Colds . . JW 4 I I '.I dosing Just rub on VICKS VapoRub FAMILY MEAT MARKET 203 Second Street Phone 957 Wednesday and Thursday Special Corned Beef, 50c 6 lbs Hamburger Steak, 25c 2 lb, for Pot Roast of Beef, 50c 4 lbs Spare Ribs, 50c 3 lbs. for Fresh Side of Pork, 40c 3 lbs. Loin Pork Chops, 25c per lb Shoulder of Pork, $1.00 7 lbs. for Stewing Lamb, 50c 4 lbs. Round Shoulder of Lamb, 20c per lb r Loin Lamb Chops, 25C tVft w Sausage, 25c 2 lbs. for Round Steak, 35c 2 lbs. for Stewing Veal, 50c 4 lbs. for . Veal Chops, 25c , per lb Shoulder Veal, 50C Pork Steak, 35c 2 lbs. We have vegetables and deliver our goods. I FREE In enLmtfe foe I Jlc&yfrarpcrs MQMOcum JK. 4 itrant Spoofi. lUndtcsUitf St'nJ year uvmmti OftOlMim teio st tMBiMti. MOW The Letter Box PROTEST AT BOARD RATE Editor, Dally News: I want to call your attention to the fact that men employed in relief camps will be charged 85c-per day for board, which Is certainly a gross Injustice to the unfortunates, who will be getting only two dollars a day. If these men were allowed to have their own cook and decide on their on fare, they could feed themselves for half the price. Is this igain a case where these men will have to pay through the nose to satisfy the- greed of someone having a strong influence with the government? Let us be just and fair about this matter. Let us see that the men are getting all they can get in re turn for their work. If the men could see their way to save 25 or 30 cents a day on their allowance they would feel more satisfied and happier and the result would be more efficiency on. their part. Not only that but there would be more money In Uielr pocket, which means more money spent to provide for other things badly needed, I am sure, for the coming winter months, and also the payment of their bills in the stores all around town. I believe everj citizen In this city should take a particular Interest In ills matter and join together to put up a strong protest to the government in order to get justice for the unemployed. We don't want to sec anyone taking advantage of the situation and .making "big profits out of the poor men. Yours very truly, W. OOLDBLOOM. OBJECTS TO SIDEWALKS Editor, Dally News: It Is deplorable for the city of Prince Rupert that men should have to come here to experiment how to do their work, as has been done with our asphaltlc sidewalks on creo soted lumber, for no doubt at all had the work been done right we would have had a very good side walk, instead of the make-shift as it appears at present. A city official told me that it would cost $10 a day to get a man with experience. Even at that I believe the city would be ahead. I do not believe in experiment work. It Is very costly. I remember one time X heard Fred Stork at the ratepayers' assocla tion when asked about the Booth School, and he said they had been experimenting. It proved to be a very costly experiment for the ratepayers, and so It Is this sidewalk business Is very Costly, too. In my opinion it Is about time that we should elect a council that is qual lficd enough to investigate these questions as they come up, and as the work progresses to examine it and see whether the ratepayers are getting value for their money In stead of waiting until t:ie whole job is completed and then tell us that it was $10 per day that stood between what we have and the finished article. A penny wise and a pound foolish' way of carrying on any business. W. ORATTON. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL CRAII APPLE JELLY SPONGE SANDWICH 20c The Electric Hakery Phone CG7 SOCIETY PICTURE Theme of "Five and Ten" Sophisticated and Up-to-the-Minute A tragedy of great wealth forms Uic basis for a distinctly different sort of picture In "Five and Ten," the current offering at the Capitol Theatre, which opened at largely! attended matinee and evening Thanksgiving Day showings. The theme is sophisticated and up-to-date and the acting by a distinguished cast led by Marlon Davles' Is distinctly good. The story is briefly that of a ncwly-rlch family, the head of which, after making an enormous fortune, becomes so Immersed In his business affairs that his wife, daughter and son are entirely neglected and left to their own devices in a sphere of luxury and smart society life. The wife runs away with a young man, the daughter has an affair with another girl's husband and the son kills himself. The members of the family are finally brought to. their senses after the tragedy. A divorce permits fulfilment of the romance. The vivacious Marlon Davles plays a more dramatic role than usual as the rich man's daughter, and Leslie Howard, who is fast becoming very nopular. has the male lead. Irene rt!ch nives a fine performance as the rlrh man's wife. The other principal players arc Richard Bennett, Mary Duncan and Keith Douglas. r D. Carter of Stewart wa a passenger aboard the Catala this morning going through on a business trip to Vancouver. Why Not ? Buy your winter supply now. Every progressive woman likes to save her husbands earnings. A saving in every purchase made from us. Uur quality Is our guarantee. IVe have just received a mixed car of Interior Vegetables and offer you (he following: Netted Ocms and Gold Coin Potatoes, per 100-lb. Q4 1C sack Turnips, first quality, OC?n 10 lbs. Per sack ....$1.90 Carrots, first quality, OCT 10 lbs. for mu, Per sack $1.80 Cabbage, first quality, CJr 8 lbs. for tOK Per crate $ZJ&9 (This cabbage is splendid for sauerkraut) Pot Barley, fresh stock, 25c 6 lbs. for Flour Robin Hood, Purity, Five Roses, 49's, O-t Off per sack pl.OD Flour Cinderella and Alberta Rose. 49's. S1.15 per sack Carnation Milk, Qtr -f A t?0 J.U per case, tails Carnation Milk, $1.30 per dozen, talis . Carnation Milk, per 7flp dozen, baby size Ul Malkln's Best Marmalade, ! per tin lOt Malkln's Best Jelly Powder, rp per dozen : OOls Malkln's Best Spices, 20c 3 tins assorted for . Creamery Butter, 47c 2 lbs. for Royal Breakfast Bacon, 9ft p machine sliced, per lb O U C Gainer's Cottage Roll, 21c per lb We deliver all orders for $2.00 or more free. Our meat lr. usual, are delivered free. Mall orders receive prompt attention. The same care given these orders as your personal call would receive. Mussallem s Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents-Phone 3C0 Phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 Sth Ave. ? 5 Admission 20c & 63c S Feature Starts at 7:30 and 9:30 a Tuesday. October 13, 193? sTusagg-" ... S Fannie Hurst's Thrilling Book I 'Five and Ten' S Starring MARION DAVIES and a Great Cast g Poor little rich girl! All her father's millions could not buy her love Comedy "Thirteenth Alarm." Scenic "Climate Chasers" Kiddies' Rirthdsy Club For the balance of this year, any child Is InvlWd to the theatfe on his or her birthday. See the show as the manager's guest. 1 Wed. & Thurs. a ra ta em rrnxmrvKwin m:m.i"-UMmrm THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED THAI! IIKITISII COI.I MIIIA Muiuttcturcra of ELEPHANT Urn ml (IIKMICAI, lEKTll.l.KIII Producers At Relnert ot TADANAC Itramt Fl.r.CTltOLYlIC Price of Coal Reduced for Cash Nanaimo-Wellinfrton Single Screened, Q'i )A delivered loose, per ton pXJ..UU Nanaiino-Wellington Single Screened, O Off delivered bagged, per ton Sootlcss Stove, delivered bagged, $H 50 Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 BarasBssBBmsaBBB cAre ijou buijing 1ftePac5rae or the POWER inside? J N SIZE, othf r rtdio btttf rie mty rencmbl. Evrrtjdy Liytrbiltt, but inu'd thm't a trrmrndoui difftrrnce. And in optrttion, thert'i a still greater distinction, for L vrrcidy Ltyrrbilt employ, a new coonrurtion ditt ptcti fat mote power into every battery. That apella longer life, greater dependability, far greater economy. Chooa. a battery for what it will Jo, and you'll find th. tnoit for your moner in Eveready Ltyerbilt. Your dealer hat It In th ret tires. Sol J at Rait Slottt, tttyhttt. Radio h "WT" t-Krm Milan nt PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free' LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. p,one CI9 j sEaa "The Girl Habit" mn nj rmm m-nzamim .i 3 AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZING CADMIUM-niSMUTH CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED Catttry Vancouvtr TORONTO M.ntrttl Wlnnlpff EVEREADV Batteries RB 9 i 1 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOK SKEENA niCAVO Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Esrly Delivery Throughout the City