yjadty October 13, 1931 THE OAILT NZW8 Ik Daify iVews "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Fr rent for sale anil all other imall advertisements In (his section charred at the rate of 2 cents word per Insertion with six insertions for the price ! four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOB WB MEN to FOR KENT ! nt choice !.:uvcr Bra. fop Hi: nt Furnished room flat bi'.!i. Phone 547. job kknt two furnished houss-ic. ;) !.' rooms, 609 3rd Avenue, PhMii-- Black 625. tf FOR ittNT Furnished apartmenU i; hj . ok or month. 725 Third A-... .... w.st. Phone Red 607. tf B.u' FOR SALE ,.MK Piano. '21 iALK - prices WANTED WA.NTH) Girl to help with house, v rk ind children. Phone 840. (239) AGENTS WANTED WOMEN Wanted, whoie ne. to sell high claw ' Jet preparation. Big .ller. Our representa-lhee attractive, -pioducta easy to U. ir now making $150 ul over. Franchise give .-:ve territory. Liberal c:r,i,.:, ,ns. Write immediately W . t r. 312 C. P. R. Bulld- K.!:;.jnton. SITUATIONS WANTED KmMan ''X)K Want Job In hotel, . mine, good reference. Mrs. W. Bl. 141 1 - Avenue East, Vancouver Br ,239) H01SE DECORATING ' V v ! ,t,R, phone Red 802. Typewriters for Rent v clay, week or month Hose, Cowan & IiHa Phone 234 C TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs A.i makes of radio work guaranteed. rhone Blue 901 508 4th At. E. MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. lute Teacher of Miss Way "' ' 'her oj piano. Theory, irmony, Counterpoint. Telephone: Red 390 Silversides Bros. - PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 Years' Experience A" Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN I'rlnce George SALVAGE & TOWING tnMiw.r-i ji on or nnaer tne water r cheap. Phone tf238 Good used cars a' Kalcn Motor Ltd. SAM. McLaughlln-Buick 6-car. excellent running .moo Phone Green 272. flee. dolt." Pacific Salvajre Co. Ltd. t. Fully EaulDDed for Divine nnr. uenerai salvage Work i Agents Tor EASTIIOPE ENGINES I Boats and jScows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night SCI P.O. Box 15G1 TRANSFERS B..& R. TRANSFER. Cartage am) Furniture! Moving. Phone 204. V f CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177 for Dry Brren, Cedar and Jack Pine. ( PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block, phone Qreen 701. SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. 8hoe r nalred. Second Avenue West it OVERSHOES. Qumboot resolec and leak repaired. T. Balllnger. Third Avenue. 0-29 SHOE REPAIRS Best materials- flneet work price reasonable. Sharman Co, opposite Post Ot- TAXI SERVICE BOARD AND ROOM ROOM 129. PRINCE HUPEPT AUCTIUN MART j We buy. fU or exchange any, M 1 - t C. N. TRAIN Fojr the East-Mondays, Wednesday and Satur Jays. 11:30 a.m. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine And Red IUy Treatments Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated tf BERTS TAXI Promptness and security. Phone 678. Stand Be-ner Block. Imsl6 AND BOARD. Phone Red AUCTIONEER W. C, ASPINALL (Graduate Chiropractor) 6 and 7 Exchange Block Grrcn 211 Jilack 783 T. W. HOLLAND Palmer Graduate Chiropractor 15 Itesner Block Hours: 10 to 12. 2 to 5, 7 to 8 Sunday 2 to 4 Closed Wednesday and Friday Evenings Phone 857 BOB'S HANDY SHOP Plumbing repairs. General repairs. Window cleaning, etc. ROBERTSON & ROBERTSON 501 Sixth Avenue West Phone Blue 937 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Price: No. 1 5x per M J3.75 No. 1 3x per M 3i5 No. 2 per M 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Sunday s. Pr. George ....10 p.m. Tuesday s. Catala 1:30 pin. Thursday as. Pr. Rupert 10 pin. Friday -as. Princess Mary 10 pm. SS Cardena, midnight. October 4 as. Pr. Louise 5:30 pin. Oct. 14 a. Princes Louise, pin. Oat. 26 ss. Princess Norah . p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pin. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert .. .10:30 ain. Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pin. Friday ss. Cardena pin. Satur. . Pr. George 10:30 ain. Oct. 10 ss. Prln. Louise 9 ain. Oct. 22 ss. Princess Norah ...a.m. I Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ain. For Stewart and Anvox Sunday ss. Catala 8 pin. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pm kind of furniture or household From Stewart and Anyox ttoods. musical instruments, ma chinery, eta General repairs, crating, packing and shipping Worjcmanshlp guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, ''TILL1E THE TOILER" ACCORD IMS TO TlUUE'fi HOROSCOPE SHE SHOULD aonM 7 MHO NAllLU HE T I ICIM63LY S AWFUUM (SOOO UOOtelWCS - i HOPE HP NEWATWATER KENT RADIOS HERE SHORTLY Many JJew . FeaUir.es aiid Improvements Mark New Sets The new 1932 Atwater Kent golden value models of radio will be on : display In the showrooms of prominent Vancouver music dealers very ! shortly, according to Mr. Earle Hen- I derson, sales manager of General! Distributor umiiea. vai aeywoun Street, British Columbia distributors of Atwater Kent. "The new Atwater Kent range ol radio will- be offered this year at . remarkably low prices lor sucn a high quality instrument," stated Mr. Henderson, "t ot tms reason iney are to be known as the golden value models ana win emooay ine very latest engineering improvements. ' Their many features and refine ment are the result of countless ex- Deriments and tests in the famous A water Kent laboratories," says Mr. Henderson. Golden values with the golden olee is the keynote of this season's mtxiram lor Atwater neni mer- nanaising. Many new muueis iruui low nrlce 6-tube Compact to a in-tube Console will be Included in the comDlate ranee of this well- known radio and which will offer the public a wide selection to meet cwry purse and preference. ) New caoineu 01 exceDuonai i oeauty and symmetry in design are finished in genuine No-Mar. Automatic volume control, ad vanced superheterodyne circuit, Pentode and Multi-Mu tubes are some of the additional advantages which will distinguish Atwater Kent. radios this season. Moose Band Dance Friday Evening Vas a Successful Affair An enjoyable and successful dance was held last Friday night in aid of the newly formed Moose Legion Band which has made such an impression in local musical circles There were 150 persons present-and the affair continued from 9 pm until 1:30 ain. Splendid music was furnished by the Premier Orchestra and B. J. Bacon was master of cere motile. At midnight delicious refresh ments were' served, Mrs. Charles Edwards being in charge of the catering. Ray Ingram presided at the door and the committee In charge consisted of Charles Lemon, B. J. Bacon, Ray Ingram and N. 8. K. Brewer. .1 For Naas River and Port Simpson i Q; T "! Sunday-s. Catala A p.m.1 jUl, UlSCaSe ' l roni rtaas invrr a run oimjisuii and Death Real? "Are sin. disease and death dealt' Saturday ss. Pr. George ...A pin. (was the subject of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches Sunday ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pin. and societies on Sunday. Tuesday ss. CaUJa . .11:30 a.m. I . One of the Scriptural texts .con- Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pin. .iaJnad In the lesson-sermon was. For Ocean Falls Tor 4he wages of sin is death; but 5unday-. Pr. George . ..10 pin. the gift of God is eternal life Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. through Jews Christ our Lord." Thursday s. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. (Romans ,6:?3K j Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pin Following the reading or tne Bible irrom icean ran icai vtwn" ..v4 J AVed. ss. Pr. Rupert ...10:30 ain. ".Science and Health wlUi Key to ' Friday-. Cardena pm the Scriptures," by Mary Baker I ss. Princess Mary 4 pjr. Eddy, ohe passage being the fol- Sat. ss. Pr. George ....10:30 ain. lowing from page 231: "God is not For Queen Charlottes Oct. 8 ss. Prince Jonn jup.m, Oct 22 ss. Prince John 10 pin. MnZr and Thur.. From Queen charlotte: Prince loys. 3:30 p.m.- Oct. 6 ss. John ain. the author of mortal discords. Thejrefpie we accept the conclusion that discords have only a fabulous existence, are mortal beliefs which divine Truth and Love destroy." The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of the jcity, or -$3,00 a year to those who live outside the .city, but in Northern or Central B.C, Put yourself in line for happiness and ood cheer by subscribing today, if yoji are not already taking the paper. Be optimistic Read the Daily News of Prince Rupert and cheer up. Keep in touch with the district. Read all the advertisements, Then buy at home. Buy the home paper, Have faith in the city. Work bard and smile. That's the way to keep yourself happy. There is nothing like Optimism to cheer yourself up and ban the blues, Make a start at once and give the plan a good trial The Question of the Hour SHE'S A HOMJEV. UT J CAM'T F16UCB V4HY SHE WANTED "TO ,KMOVAj t jj- VAlHfSM t -! V 1 IA TlPlto? i lit TO KWCMi VMHV voo The Daily News costs only 10c a week to residents of Prince Rupert or $3.00 a year to residents of the district outside the city. Keep yourself in good standing and on the road to happiness by subscribing to the Daily News today. THE MARKET Market prices current today are is follows: Vegetable B. C. Potatoes, 12-15 lbs. . .25 sack $1.45' to 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs. Parsley, bunch B. C. Celery, head Vegetable Marrow, lb. .... Spinach, B. C, lb Garlic, imported, per lb Brown pickling Onions White Pickling Onions, 2 Jbs. Cabbage, green WAS MR. FT A WAX .25 .05 4P .05 .10 .40 IP .05 Pali. Read Lettuce, head 15 Victoria hothouse tomatoes lb. M basket -'. W( Field Tomatoes, lb 10 basket - .40 Green Peppers, lb 15 Red Peppers, lb J5 Egg Plant, lb 5 J B.C. Cauliflower. hd.... 15c. to .?5 8. C Bunch Carrots 05 Outdoor cucumbers, .each 6c to .IP Hothouse Cucumbers, 15c ,and .0 Pumpkin, lb .01 Hubbard Squash, lb 09 Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs 25 jSavpy Cabbage, head. 10c to. .20 '.Scotch Kale, lb .07 1 Onions, 8 lbs 2j (Bulk Turnips, 8lbs. 25 'CarroU. 8 lb., .35 Parsnips. . lb. P ' .05 ! Imported Spanish Onions, lb- .10 j Ajiplcs b. C. Gravensteins, 3 Jbs .25 Mcintosh Reds, household ... ! Ayrshire bacon, lb. ,.,35ctp :50 box ' 1.83 Veal shoulder Ai 4 lbs .23 Veal, loin, . 43 C Grade, large box 2.05 B'. P' roast 15c. 16 .JO Fancy large box 2.45 Beef, boiling : 10c to 44 Medium Small, box 2.6. Beef, roast, prime rib.-... 20c to .23 Extra Fancy, box 2.85 lmb, shoulder .22 Fruits Lemons. California, large .00 cnp. California Grapefruit 7Vic to Bananas, lb. California Tokay Grapes, lb. .. White lifts, lb Apples, dried Peaches, peeled .. Apricpts, lb. Prunes. 60-70, lb. Pork, shoulder Pork, loin Pork,,dry salt - Pork, leg y&&M, CUT vJ HAT'S na- VDEA OFASkUMd HIM At3oOT HIS .10 .1$ .25 Canteloupes, Oliver 10c. to .15 .15 i Beef, steak .'Lamb, leg Mutton, shoulder Fish-Smoked kippers, lb. Salmon, fresh, lb. Halibut, fresh, lb. Fears, doz. 35c to .45 1 Eggs-r Crabapple large. 4 lbs. .25, B. fresh pullets, dot box 1.V0 B.C. fresh firsts, dor . Sugar Vellow, 100 lbs. ,20: White. 100 lbs. 40 Lard-- 40 Pure By Wertoyer, MQU.LKVT l 25c. id .?$ . 35c to .38 Pomegranats 10c to .11 B.C. fresh extras, doz JO Concord Grapes, basket 1.00 Local, new laid, A3 Extracted honTy. per jar 25 Fancy antoned lb. 80 Comb honey , , 2i No. 1 Creamery, 3 , lbs. -w . 0 Oatej, bulk, lb .12' Alberta Creamery lb. 5 Lemon ana urange rvei .a fiour Black cooking figs. lb. Currants, lb. Citron Peel 40 0 a 45 to is .15; Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat l.fO 15 ' Pastry Flour, 10 lb. ..lijto' u Compound ..13c to .15 Prunes 30-40, lb 1C Feed-- -i Prune. 40-so, lb. jii wheat- AlbrU l Meats- :No- 5 Alberta - Fpwl. J)o. 1. lb 40lOats 15 Roasting Chicken, lb 40tPran l'3 Hatn. sliced, first grade 45 Shorts ij0 Cottage, tolls, lb 43 Middlings , .. l'jM Ham, picnic, first grade 45 Barlfy ... 1J55 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .0 Laying Mash 2Jjj0 .18 oysier enen i jbo, 48 Beef Scrap . 3'is 40 Ground Oil ,Cake 3i5 40 Fine oat chops