1 Baseball Standings National League W. L. Pet. St. Louis 66 39 .629 Chicago 58 45 .563 New York .. 54 44 .551 Brooklyn 56 49 533 Boston 49 50 .495 Pittsburg .47 52 .475 1 Philadelphia 41 52 .441 j Cincinnati - -37 67 .356; American League W. L. Pet. j Philadelphia 76 28 .731 Washington 63 39 J618 New York 60 42 588 Cleveland 49 54 .476 St. Louis 43 56 .434 Boston 41 62 398 Chicago 38 62 .380 Detroit .. -39 60 211 City League Second Half W. L. Pet. Old Empress .. 2 2 500 Elks 2 2 500 1 Sons of Canada 2 2 500 - i ROSENBL00M WINS BOUT Had No Trouble in Disposing of Jimmy Slattcry In 15 Hounds Last Night Don Arlen, Los Angeles, has desi rned and built a 35-horsepower cycle car with which he hopes soon to break world's record of 85 miles an hour for cycle cars and 92 miles an hour for light cars established by Sir Malcolm CampoeH. Dragon Football Team Defeated Prince Rupert Last Evening By Score of Five Counters to Two There was no doubt about the superiority of the naval football team from H. M. S. Dragon last evening when it The first half was ialrty even but Wilson, Baptle, Dickens. Murray, the Navy was two goals up through Norrington. Smith and Taylor before the locals Referee Austin, opened scoring wrien Dickens ta'.- Linesmen Atkinson and Harvey. lied on a pass from Wilson wnoi , ... Gok1 P"1""" was nlcelV fed bv BanUe. Smith The team Irom the Dragon came saved well from a corner taken by Robinson and also a header Iron wlth big reputation and. though Mason. The Dragon added a thl'd,1118 notifciayed many gam?s re goal and then the best Dorllnj could do from a corner kick from Wilson was to push it out to Dickens who made It two for Rupert. Murray had hard lines with a drive that hit the upright and Watson i Uruguay. also went close. Rowbottom was a1 rare defender using his head v great advantage. The Dragon had the hill in th? second half and was on the offensive most of the time but Jack. Smith, Watson and Edgecumbe defended well. Two goals were adde.l by the navy and another that was disallowed for offside. Murray hit the upright with Dorllng beaten to the world but the ball came 'back Into play and Dickens w 'just wide. Dorllng also saved Wll-i son's header from. Norrlngton's I pass and threw away another shot from centre. Baptle was forcing the play. Caldwell gave Smith a fine drive to stop but the local goalie was equal to It. Full Urn? BROOKLYN, Aug. 6:-Maxie Ro-'came with the Dragon winning b Eenbloom, light heavyweight cham-jNve goals to two. plon, succeeded In retaining his. Teams tlUe last night by scoring a decisive orvnvT.TimnwRiatti.rvnf Huf-' H.M.S. Dragon-Dorllng; Ogllvy. falo in 15 rounds. Slattery was bad- O'Bray: Petterlll, Rowbottom. ly outclassed and punished and Ro- Caldwell; Robinson, Taylor. Mason Eenbloom took a wide margin of ouuvu, huucj. , . points to win the unanimous call of Prince Rupert Smith; Douglas. referee and two Judges. Jack; Edgecumbe, Currle, Watson; SPORT NOTES The tight race for second half league. In the last two games In honors in the local baseball league which he has worked, both against Is creating a great deal of Interest Old Empress, he has allowed only and more fans are turning out to two runs and nine hits. Bill Lambie, almost each succeeding game. With star chucker for the Sons of Can-the teams all tied and the half-way ada, has been suffering from a sore mark reached, it becomes Increas arm most of the season and has ingly hard to pick a winner. Old not been going nearly so good ns he Empress have beaten the Sons of was last year. Johnny Comadina, Canada twice but have dropped their southpaw, and Styles, big as many games to the Elks, who right-hander, have each won a have In turn bowed to the Canucks couple of games, but they have both twice. Tonight's game between the been clouted hard at times. Jack Sons and Hotclmen Is a crucial one Nelson of the Old Empress team, and may eventually decide the ul- has won most of his team's victories tlmate winner. The Sons, however, although he Is not started In many won the first half and jire assured contests. Ray Commons, who looked of a place In a play-off for the so good In his first appearance In Orme trophy. If they can manage a game against Ketchikan on May to cop the second halt as well, as 24, and then was away for the first they did last year, there will be no halt of the season, has been poun play-off necessary, idedf pretty solidly in most of the , , , , I league games he has pitched. If the management of his team would Nick Chenoskl. husky pitcher for, take him out of the box when he the Elks, is the backbone of his , starts to weaken and put in Nelson team and Is pitching better ball they would have a better chance of than any other moundsman In the winning more games. cently, yei won ai nanaimo ana Cumberland but was not able to get a game in Vancouver for some reason or other. They have played in all parts of America and In They beat Uie team which won the Olympic football championship recently. There tu; ground is fenced off so that th spectators who get extremely ex cited are not able to get on the field of play. They have played against native teams from Jamaica who get a wonderful "refresher" at halftlme It enabled the natives to turn a two-goal deficit to a three-goal lead. They have playeo on the Pampas with coats as goal posts, so that altogether they have played from the souuiem tropi-s to the Arctic Circle (nearly). Last evening their positional play and first time passing were features. Rowbottom at centre-half made a big Impression anl Caldwell, at left-half, was also Impressive. Ogllvy, at back, was a strong tackier and defender and O'Bray fast and sure. Dorllng was a cool and capable goalie. The forwards play fast football but there seemed little doubt that their second goal was offside. The inside forwards shared the five goals. - ' Smith kept a fine goal for. thj local team and Jack was the bet ter back. Currle moved to left hilt; In the second half and the Rupert team seemed to do better. Edgecumbe was up against experienced players and did well. Watson though played out of po rtion, did 'well. The forwardj found the navy defence big an1 hard tackier. Baptle worked haul ind gave Wilson many chances and the latter did well. Dickers got two good goals and had ha-d liner with other shots. Murrv also had bad luck with two fin" drives. Norrington did not get much of the ball' but got some fin centres across. The refercemg was close thougn Ihe lo:al players seemed to have different Ideas from the refers regarding the off-side rule. It Is good to have tnese outside refer-1 ees and as Austin has referred 'nj English league football, local play ers will get some ideas as to how football Is retcieed. At that, on of them was checked for unsportd- manllke language. The return match on Friday evening should be another good gamn with every possibility of the local boys doing better. Progressive merchants advertise I'Tin DAILY N2WS -Ml FAQE FOUR World Sport News and Views Keeps Cool INSOMNIA HOME RUNS AID YANKS Babe Ruth Mikes Twenty-Ninth Circuit Clout of Season Lou Gehrig, Thirty-First NEW YORK, Aug. 6: New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox divided honors yesterday In a double-header before 25,000 fans. Boston won the first game but homers by Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig assisted the Yankees in taking the second. It was Ruth's twenty-ninth circuit clout of the season and Gehrig's thirty-first. Chicago Cubs won their thirteenth straight game but were forc ed into extra innings to dispose of the lowly Cincinnati Reds. St. Louis Cardinals and Pittsburg Pirates split up a, double-header. Yesterday's scores: American League New York 1-4. Boston 5-1. Detroit 11, Cleveland 8. National League Chicago 3, Cincinnati 2. Brooklyn 6, New York "2. Boston 6, Philadelphia 3. St. Louis 4-6, Pittsburg 5-2. (.; New Light Racing Car FINALS IN TENNIS ON Deciding Games in C. N. It. Tourney Will Be Hayed at End of This Week The tennis tournament of the Canadian National Recreation Association has now reached the finals which will be played off as follows on Saturday and Sunday: Men's singles, i. a. Horton vs. W. B. Tobey, Saturday, 3 p.m. Ladles' singles. Mrs. Wv N. Currle vs. Mrs. J. II. Horton, Saturday, 6:30 p.m. Mixed doubles, Mrs. W. N. Currie and J. H. Horton vs. Mrs. J. H. Horton and Percy Mcintosh, Sunday 2 pjn. j Men's doubles, W. N. Currle and Jack Smith vs. J. H. Horton and M. Watson, immediately after mixed doubles. Outstanding games In the quail-. fying rounds resulted as follows: , Men's Singles ! J. Ness beat R. Johnston, 6-2, 4-6, ! 7- 5. , Ji H. Horton beat Percy Mcintosh, 1 8- 6, 2-6, 6-1. W. B. Tobey beat J. Ness, 6-2. 6-2. Mixed Doubles Mrs. J. H. Horton and Percy Mcintosh beat Mrs. P. A. Rogers and T. C. Wilding, 6-3. 6-3. were -rather flattered by the score of five to two. A bigiIJjLi PLjAY crowa was in attendance ana saw an interesting game with the naval team heavier, faster on the. ball and showing better control and method. FOR TITLE Northern B. C. Softball Championship to' Be Decided Between Prince George and Here The Canadian National Recreation Association's softball team from Prince Oeorge will be here at the end of this week to play a best two Out of three g'ame series with Prince Rupert C. N. R. A. for the Defeateil 5 O. T. Games Last Evening 5 O. T. played Sand Pl.t a double- 1 'k. Norma Lee 'wlih Plenty Grand, horned toad that smashed all the toad sprint records at Los Angeles, Come, ye sizzling heat waves, and beat your tattoo upon the uncovered legs of this Detroit youth, Joseph SorgatL and it will be In vain, for they are cool, very cool. BIG DANCE FOR NAVY Four Hundred Persons in Attend- , ance at Affair For Ship's Cora- j pany of II. M. S. Dragon j A big and happy dance was held last night in the Moose Hall by the Moose Lodge with the co-operation th.S.itXCfluncll, for the enter tainment of the ships company of II. M. S. Dragon. There were nearly ' cnampionsmp or Nortnera British four hundred persons present ln- Columbla. The first game will be played Saturday evening. It has also been arranged for a Prince Rupert ity team to meet Prince George Sunday evening. Benny Wendle to Have Har i Fight On Friday Night Benny Wendle. local welterwelRht. meets Albe Seaman Storrie on Friday night at the. Empress Social Club. Storrie. besides being a clever boxer, Is also welterweight champion of the West Indies division of His Majesty's Navy. Wendle, a smart boxer, will have an opportunity to display his ring generalship. oBth Ijoys weigh 138 lbs. On this card are Billy Bagshaw, Pete Holm, Pete Chenosx: and a number of other local favorites. SAND PIT IS WINNER eluding from 150 to 200 sailors. The hall was gaily and appropriately decorated with flags and bunting. ' The Jolly party kept up from 9; pjn. until 1:15 axn. Music was by' the Premier Orchestra and B.' J. Ba i con was master of ceremonies with , Ted Rorvlk and Ray Ingram presld- , Ing- at the door. The serving of fine refreshment were In charge of J. Jean ps. Charlie Lemon was chairman of the general committee In charge of the affair, other members of the committee being Pete Peterson, N. S. Brewer, R. Long, W. Logan, V. E. Peterson, O. Clavrlng and D. C. Schubert. A repeat dance will be held Saturday evening. i BIG HOTEL IS BURNED Mount Baker Lodge In Washington Destroyed By Fire Yesterday BELLINOIIAM, Aug. 6 The $250.-000 Mount Baker Lodge hotelmear here was burned to the ground yes- ! OuesU and employees es- In Two Softball capea irum uie duuuiiik ami many of them were able to save their The hostelry will be rebuilt lm- .f'lmedlately it was announced soon M-aguc w.c k'Tu after the fire. nrjni, suna ni, wuuuui uuw games, by a score of 10-6 and 6-5. D0-X IS ON WAY NORTH German Flying Boat Lands Bahia Knroute From Hio to New York t BAHIA, Brazil, August .6 Tu huge German Hying boat DO-X landed here yesterday afternoon In the course of Its flight from Rio de Janeiro to New York. BASEBALL Aug. 6 Old Empress ys. Native Sons. Aug. 10 Native Sons vs. Elks. Aug. 13 Elks vs. Old Empress. Aug. 17: Native Sons vs; Old Aug. 20- Elks vs. Native Sons Aug. 24 Old Empress vs, Elks. i Doctor orders Guinness ul have been accustomed to re commend Guinness medicinally, particularly for sleeplessness, find, ing it preferable to bromides and hypnotics in such cases, being in addition to its sedative action of great nutritional value." M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. "In my own case after a severe illness, Guinness was the only thing that produced a refreshing , night's sleep." M.D. These Utters, printed by special permlttlon, are two of thousands recently received rom the Medical Profession emphasizing the value Guinness. GUINNESS IS GOOD FOR YOU' CuinntiS should never It served COLD. "hit advertisement is not published or displayed by Ul Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Oil Terminal at ment was made yesterday thtt; Hancock Oil Co of California esxaDiitn a wu.uuu un it. , q I f oeattle Loming 8pattlc narbor- Famous rdXUUUS last i4V words WUiw "Sure. SEATTLE, August 6 Announce- ger; climb In the back st Lindstrom Able to Hobble About Freddv Lindstl-nm nii.. . i.ni Hosp"1 uumemer. leaves aw " - m ,i .i .;.. ,ifli i Phltade phla, following treatment for a broken bone re-eivf10 I nook llde " Nur?ie Margaret Babko lends a heldlng hand.