PAGE FOUR. nZ DAILY :TW3 News and Views of the Sport World UNVARYING Elimination Bouts For Middleweight Title at Milwaukee MILWAUKEE, Sept. 8. Six of the outstanding aspirants for the title will meet In an elimination boxing card here on September 16 to select contenders for the world's middle- weight championship. BASEBALL CALLED Heavy rain on Saturday afternoon caused the final scheduled Paul BrenUen cr Port Slmpsor. ' was a passenger aboard the Cats la today bound for Vancouver. 1 MHSlMSCVMIMMaiiiMMaH II When I I all is not m I well with R If Digestion, C I Suspect 1 I CONSTIPATION! I l and take 1 ygS fines I 4 ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Old Country Soccer William Brass of This City Wins SATURDAY SCORES Scottish League Division: Albion Rovers 1, Stenhousemuir 3. Arbroath 2, Forfar Athletic 0. Boness 3. Armadale 1. Brechin City 1. Montrose 0. Dumbarton 1, Edinburgh City 1. Dunferrnline Athletic 1, Alloa 2. Bast. Fife 1, Ralth Rovers 4. Hiberrliant 2, St. Bernards 4. Kings Park 2, East Stirling 3. Queen of South 4, St. Johnstone 1. MOXDAVS scores Bnglish League First Division: Fair Week sport fixture, a baseball CJty j game between Greenville natives ohc.ffl0M m, t, n ...... T--J n i n - . . . ww v, ,uuuiu w. u a.m 1 1 im c nuperi acmi vais, w oe called off. W. Bronrwich Albion 1. Sunderland 0. English League Second Division Bams ley 0, Bury L Wanderers 2. Burnley 2, Chesterfield 2. Charlton Athletic 2, Bradford 2. Leeds United 0. Millwall 1. Preston North End 1. Nottingham Forest 1. Southampton 2. Tottenham Hotspurs 1. Stoke City 3. Manchester U. 0. Swansea own 2, Port Vale 3. BIG YACHT IS CALLER 'continued from u.ire 1) his name. He is a former minister Patmore. T. Bussanlch. ui agriculture ana iisneries in tne British government, and had a distinguished war record. It was probably the first occasion that the flag of the Royal Yacht Squadron has been seen in Prince Rupert harbour. Th" Roussalka, a triple screw vessel 275 feet long, was formerly the cross-channel steamer Brighton, which was operated by the Southern Railway Co. of England between Newhaven and Dieppe, and as such Is probably well known to local residents. HARVEST IS NEAR OVER (Continued from page one) SCOTLAND Ubtttlni You can depend on McCallum t. It is the one Scon Vhiiky that it actually dutilied, blended, aRed-in-the-wood and . . . BOTTLED ... in Scotland. Famed for uniform high quality aince 1807. Imported io 26V2 oc and 40 o. bottlei only. Sealed with the convenient measuring cap, "Smottb ss Vittntt urUt" QrCaSuiiA (DcGdlums I Sir Henry Thornton Shield; Best Marksman in Dominion Rail Shoot William Brass, crack marksman of this city, advanced to an outstanding position amoner the rifle shots of Canada at Montreal yesterday when he had the distinction of coming first in the Canadian Railways International championship shoot for qualifying marksmen of the two railway systems of Canada. Mr. Brass captured the Sir -ajHenry Thornton Shield, which is LIBOR DAY OBSERVED Tontinued from oace onci Smith. Egg and Spoon Race, women 1st. Mn. Yager, 2d, Mrs. Caroff, 3d. Mrs. D. Jack. Ladies' Walking Race Mrs. Mac- Bradford City 2. Wolverhampton Kenzie, Mrs. Pritchard, Mrs. D. Jack. 220-yard Dash, open Philip Edg- eumbe. Carl Smith. Union Men's Race Jim Horton. D. MePhee, Alex McRae. TTI&Vl TlimT" T pMtrtkfllM t' Pierce. Married Ladies' Race Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Feasby. Pole Vault Alex Walters, W. Vance. Ladies Nail Driving Contest Mrs. Olllls, Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. Caroff. Largest Family on O rounds Mr. Murray, J. J. Otllls. One-Mile Race A. Derrick, W. Mrs. James L. Lee sailed yester- Generous receipts again charac- passenger aboard the Catala Sun-tertzed western cattle markets. Good day evening bound for Stewart on Copy for display advertise- 4 ; killer steers maintain their previous business. ipents should be ln the hands ' price level, but fat cows and .heifers of the printers not later than . were a shade off. The demand for Joseph Barrowclough, purser of 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- i stacker ancLfeeder steers and heifers the steamer Prince Charles which cation. This Is necessary to en-, has been good, and all quality of- has been tied up here for the wln- able best positions to be se- ferlngs changed hands at steady ter, sailed by the Prince Oeorge curM- prices. The hog market was easier yesterday morning for Vancouver, a) due to plentiful supplies. . the trophy for the small-bore event According to word received in the city. Orey. of Montreal, a C.P.R. nian, was second. Foam, of Montreal, was third, and Leaman. of Toronto, fourth. B. E. Valde of this city also quali fied for the final shoot. Eddie Smith, another Prince Rupert man, took part in the qualifying rounds. Mayor Orme sent a .telegram of congratulations to Mr. Brass Howard D Rey. Olhrer Thome. ELKS WIN . ! BALL GAME Old Empress Did Most Hitting; Jack Nelson Starred Elks qualified to meet Sons of Canada in a final play-off to de-; termlne the winners of the second I half of the Senior League baseball season by defeating Old Empress, i 6 to 5, in the first play-off game at j tne Acropolis Hill grounds Sunday. The Elks won the game by virtue of making five runs in the first inning on two hits, two errors and two walks, tallying the winning run In the fifth on one hit and one error. Although the Lodgemen had two two-baggers to their credit, they were actually out-hit by the Hotel Men. who made seven hits to their five. Jack Nelson. Old Empress' hurler and heavy hitter of the game. ; aided by excellent support, was credited with the best pitching per lormance with eight strike-outs. Barrett returned to two walks and two men hit by" ; the city on this afternoon train P'tehed balls Vancouver for a while longer. Nick Chenoskl, also from Vancouver where he renre- g,Yen e"ing support, fanned five , sented the Prtrfce Rupert Gym batten, walked two and hit one. Club atM recent district conven- made flve trror and Empress . V. . . . . friiir Pllra ivvll Cam. a nAH. J. uon. Mrs. ijarreu is remainmir m "wu,nOU,ui Wednesday evening to decide the. second half winner. Sons won the first half, so if they win tomorrow the evening brought the day's pro- tny ctah the championship. ceedlngs to a fitting close. There P,T s In the first frame put was a large crowd In attendance tne 8ame on fce for the antlered Names of the race officials have and all had a very haDDV time. herd- Harold got a walk. Howe got I alreadybeen published. Music was" furnished by the Premier lllti on n and Stephens was A big danec in the Moose Hall in Orchestra. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS i hit by the Ditcher, loadine the base. Bill Mitchell made a safety and scored Harold and Howe. Alex Mitchell singled arid scored Stephens. Bill Mitchell stole home and! Alex Mitchell got ln on a passed I ball. Farquhar was put out and I George Mitchell and Stalker fanned. Five runs, two hits, two errors. t.Mlltn MIWIM4U gUk Utah I Airs.' u. . ueinexey. wiie of uvt.on HaroU'a error. Redman hit Into many day morning on the Prince Oeorge postmaster at Stewart, was a pas- a double play, being out from Chen-' for a visit to her home ln New senger aboard the Catala Sunday oskl to Stephens, with Hibbard out! Westminster. evening returning norm alter a at second: Arseneau filed out. No ' i visit In Vancouver. i runs, no hit, one error. L. Jessen. well known Vancouver diamond drilling contractor, was a In the first half of the second. Anglican Chenoskl filed out to Infield and Church missionary at KlncnUth. Harold hit aaf tnt ift fiM I X AS THE POLES enlnv r. .( " floor, lit Incoming atrenyu next time you .re delighted to fitf ,i ! jut m good, nj .ft,, ,ul v,""'1 that at lut you have found brer tU can be depended upoalogitrjoutb. Mine enjoyment wheueter you drink iL TbU uniform high nuality ln rh Seal lUer It achieved only b th, of the beat of malt and hopaaod bi tU Jong exivrienre aod the conKiencioia. neat of our expert Lrewera vrbo Uk, " it fine oral Hfff wiruucaL Ukt as (ikj friend. UhU S.l Hfrr it "Alwij, tbe tame." Order a Carton today at any Government tore ... fa lb Convenient Container. a rrt t . White ScoE 1411-K 'Bear The Kiewel Brewing Co. Lid, St. Boniface, Man. 9 inn aavmitemenl unolpuUtihedorditplayed by theUquor Control Btxiril or by ih Government of BriliJt OJumbui -. . .. . iiuwimuu vji uiojiu jcu uy uu LIGU Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Tlttll-nRITISH COM MIIIA Mauufaetuma of ELEPHANT llf.nd CHEMICAL M KTII lI R rnrtucera & twiners of TADANAC Rrand CLKTTKOI.YTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPEKrilOSPlUTI LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMITII was a passenger aboard the Cata'rt second on a bad throw by Smith, Harold and Eldrirf.! U F0Ur Pnilf AnSWCfS Anctinrc today golns through to Vancouver. 1 and stole third. Howe's vtxli accompanying his two sons who was fielded and Stephens thrown ' third but lost him Smith nh th. will enterW In the south. lout. One hit. no runs, one error, t' ... TZZ, Ll"JL endl walked, forcing Wendle in. Hibbard sailed on the Catela Sunday even- quhar'a throw. Benny stole second jrun twSiS error? Muth ,n,"flt Takrn tm lne for Anvox whtr. th.v mm at. 'and Went tr thlrr! whr-n Ndmn nnA i .' .. ' - ' I Hraneh PonlMt at Fllf tend the wedding tomorrow of 'out a two-bagger into left field. Gordon VIereck, until recently a! their son, Clifford Harvey Cameron member of the staff of the Prince to Miss Doris Bailey of Anyox. Rupert Hotel, sailed this afternoon I on the Catala for Vancouver. If hff' Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Keary, who can get employment ln the south- have been residing at Stewart, ern city, he intends to remain; were passengers aboard the Ca- mere. .tala this mornlnir bnunrf for Van. oouver whence ' 1 aiju miicu uu v. iv .biM.ici vauiii for Seattle on a holiday visit Mrs.i This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tne Liquor stewart and wU1 proceed by train ipanled by Miss Dorothy Macdonald Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. tomorrow morning to Prince Oeorge Wlille at Anyox, a session was held (by the officials on board the ship. will be going south later. After Menzie had fanned, Nelson advanced to third and Wendle . .won nan n n M ! mil n w l a Got Winning Ran W. E. Walker, of Ar- 111m wM oi wnai protect manager cadrit, .nri child are lrrtv t . which which has has dosed dosed j cuain. Seattle I winning , randale cannery, rinw" for the season, and son.) .Sidney, were passengers on board Dr. and Mrs. H T. James and tne uataia mis through to Vancouver v.r where ,h.r. thU thy , will spend the winter. H. F. Grlf-i fin accountant at Arrandale, wa? 'also going to Vancouver on ths rame vessel. run. Harold hit Into right field and stole second and third. Howe fanned and Stephens got to first when Wendle tried to morning goIr family pongen aboard TZ lL'l -..... were l .Lj IT a the't el llXA Harold at home, but threw it ! Dr. G B. Murphy, assistant medical officer of the Workmen's Com- penmtlon Board and R. W. Lane 'of the medical department of the Catala bound from Anyox to Van tntn h At 1- t .t.- -1-. - couvcr. They are leaving the wicl- riiii anA a, M?.,h.n LZs Z j ler town nr. James waa fnrmdri ... . . v" ".- : Emp: in the seventh. Howe got first thev wtll nrrwMH :" f iiMn mm nn. hit rMM.nV 'tninr mining .nttawr engineer h.r. nere .Vi and no Da,e8 wen Ioafle'- Nelson strike-ouU, by Nelson, 8; by Che-resident nifhH ,. .,. t,n,H m. nn h,n. for the past two or three years Chenoskl. a. Hit fanamg Farquhar and Oeorgo Mlt-l ," by pitched ha. been identified with the field ehel. V. rn h.t f .eele ball. Stephens. Wendle. W,Mltchell. staffoftheGmnbyCo. j For the Empress. Hibbard fanned! ,. lRedt"an filed out, as did Arseneau. Ferguson who v u Mrs Morton hai No runs, no hits, no errors, been snendlne the summer ' e- .u. r.n.. . . . ti,r o.i.i h- .1.. n .u 'n-.. .L r.iRS m me sixtn. oiaiKer v.v ui. uiaxion uannej. emiru on tne sn struck out Chpnoki fllnH nut unit s2i2 Hhla'tat'hrIns rrtn? oeor8e yay mornin Sfo!! Noutruann,d ...r -"muui mnguuii... w auwrp- no Hits no errnra Box score: ELKS AB RUE Harold, ss 4 2 2 1 Howe, rf 4 10 1 Stephens, lb 4 111 Mitchell, If 4 110 A. Mitchell, c 4 111 Farquhar, 3b 4 0 0 0 E. Mitchell, 2b 4 0 0 0 Stalker, cf 3 0 0 0 Chenoskl, p 3 0 0 1 34 1 5 "5 OLD EMPRESS AB R II E Hibbard, rf 4 110 Redman, cf 4 0 0 0 Arseneau, If 4 110 Wendle, ss 4 2 11 Nelson, p 4 0 3 0 Menzie, lb 3 0 0 2 Eldridge, 3b 3 0 0 0 E. Smith, c 3 0 1 1 Kenneyt 2b 3 10 0 -32 5 6 1 Umpire, George Brooks. -Score by innings: 1 .2 3 4 5 8 7 Elks S 0 0 0 1 0 08 Empress 0 1 3 0 0 1 03 Two-base hits. Stephens, Arseneau, Nelson. Double plays. Chenoskl to Stephens to Oeo. Mitchell; Chenoskl to Farquhar to Alex Mitchell. KETCHIKAN TRIP OFF A Labor Day excursion in Wntrfci. I Wendle. first up for the Empress, kan planned by the local Rotarv ortnuc ty.w winspenaanoM- 8truck a hot grounder down the , Club was called of f owing to the oay in tne souwi. nr ferguson centre for a uftv ad .rulnff tv rmiffh w.ath.e nn a ... .... i . , . T . . ." -- uavu.uay nigni (.vw..u on suon i aouDtiui nit to wnen 11 was intended to leave. given below: 1 Hemlock 2. 3. 4. 5. Were Correct when Menzie took the fly. but no one was covering first. Stephens Four P"m turni ! Doled out in.h... ii ' list ln the tree idrn'. f Mr- and Mrs. D. H. Rae and LHlooet where they will local. ! bridge. No hits, no errors. Redman f.nn( fnr .... Fmnr Orme drawing the in: mUy were passengers aboard thej sprdw tter. Kenney took ArtenedU wa4 li!e at nr8t ;.hcn Seottwho was de. uaiaia mis morning moving DacK Charles Booking, president and IT., . ' .i. . z . I Chenoskl was slow with hU;we l,ver COIIee to Vancouver from Stewart where general manager of the Granby Co i)!1 ,nU) tho r ihLgaM'",wad"nc,n,8i grounder. Wendle took first when'P Mr. Rae for the oast few davs ha ntt.e a nt intnt-iinr. t th.iKenny 10 third. Hibbard stole ...,1,1 , . . a ronatrierable 11)0 Red Cedar Lodgepole Pino Sitka Spruce Alaska Yellow tv press. 0. Balaam. 7. Alder. 0. Sitka Sprure 10. Lodgepole Pine t 11. Hemlock. 12. Red Cedar 13. Cottonwood baiK Oet oulck results wit have pf eenturr an : i cotrrf cored when Eldridge grounded out.went lhrt BU1 Mitchell was tMt Put "n by tne Bn! ' Alex Mitchell to Stephens. Smith it L J1',. '. Forest Service at the V-.u ... Ri flPv"!ln:!!1lhl0"trr0.r! lded: Alex MlUshell flew Exhibition, J. Umbiv W E C third. Bill , .-vv,::;.,'."L . : Farquhar fouled out u Ew- ,n- " the and Alex Mitchell, ridge, and George Mitchell fanned. vfccli. in a The four name hat and rh.ik' : Ha.1 r. waw a Mtfaw wa Hv.vwti tew I. . . , . . . . VllVtlVOai CStrVbSTU IjU UUL Al SVrllral II w " . .- been superintendent of the B. C company's plant at Anyox. was t Silver mine. passenger aboard the ss. Prince I j George yesterday morning going Delayed by having had an extra 1 to Vancouver. call to make at Anyox, CNJt. ss j 1 Prince George, CapL Nell McLean , Misi V.rle Murphy, who has returned to port at 12:45 midnight been spending a holiday ounaay irom oiewari ana neicni A. B. Young, who has been sume her nurses' training duties ln spending the summer vacation here . st. Joseph's Hospital. with his parents. Chief Petty Of- j - fleer Instructor and Mrs. Young c. E. CaHden. formerly of the at naval heafiquarters, sailed on 1 1 - Government viuvcuiiuGlli. Telegraphs icii))iaiiiu omii staff here ucrc wneti ne tried to steal home, and .1. UIU ..... 'city visiting with her parents. Mr. '.w" """l'a iry,nK w.,a kan and sailed at 2 ajn. for Ocean and Mrs D. E. Murohv. sailed onl. w imTa- inne runs- inree Falls, Powell River and Vancouver.! the Prince Oeorge yesterday morn 1 11 lng for Victoria where she will re- 1 Stalker and Chenoskl each filed out for the Elks. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fpr the Empress, Menrle thrown out! Eldridge sent was one the Prince Oeorne vmMv n 1..., . . i i straight , .. up and . Smith ... took . , ,. It, morning for Vancouver where hfl'ielton. arrived In the city on thSvf?3. SS i ' will resume his studies at the Unl-' afternoon's train from the Interior "TL llTZ h,tK,n?y n,Cd veraitv of Brituh rniumhia .....j h. . out No runs, one hit. one error. no errors. n 111 ..u .u neuw.11 OUL lO . . fron , thU COtlt. 1 .iUJ t t d u , Farquhar. Areeneau's two-baitEer ! . :i J. . ' ! . . ..w ni not Mrulir.n...itii,v. uuuu.c Hm,, ciMiu tuiuiru una .7 - . ...'.:.... Vr. e I ended the came. No runs nn hit answered before waa nit nv nirynn nu Nimn'i single scored Arseneav and Wendle made third. Wendle was tagged rt : ur ft J.lCKI wsntJ If promptly rtli fj, rUsamlfcwelisrtWS or va '