PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS CHANGELESS Order a Carton todiy on sale in Vcndots' Shops in the Convenient Container. White The i This advertisement is not piihlishvdor displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Ut'EHATINU (J T. I'. 20.00U-TON FLOATING IlKYDOCK bngineer. Machinists. Boilermakers, Itlarltt-mllhn, I'attern Makers, Founders, Woodworker!, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant I Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires are the lowest In history. You'll be amazed when we quote prices on your size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Rupert WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c I'cr Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Oovernment Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta-tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. rillNCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 893 Phone 287 AS THE PYRAMIDS Te can't nuLe JT7u' Seal Iteer any bcttrr, but we can and do Lecp it just as good. Each time yon drink it you enjoy tbe Mine full, mellow ilaror and inrigoi alius strength that pleated you the firel time Toil tatted it. Thil uniformity is only achieved by the most KTunulous care in selection of inpedients and by the lone experience andpainsta king supervision of our expert Haft of brewers to see that every brew of White Seal Iteer is identical. The many friends While Seal lleer is making justinca ail Uie care we lavish on its quality. Kiewcl Brewing Co. Ltd.. Sl Boniface, Man. SHIPYARD I'hone: SC6 Motors Night Call: 161 FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hall, 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped for both skating and dancing; 200 pairs skates; organ and piano; Ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAP FOR CASH Apply Auditorium, 215 6th Av. SUSPENSION SPAN TEST Squaws Were Sent Ahead to Test Bridge Before Warriors and i Hunters Cross HAZELTON.' Aug. 11: A traditional custom for retaining numerical fighting and hunting strength of an Indian tribe was recalled by pioneers upon completion of a steel bridge over Hagwllget Canyon, near here. The bridge, one of the main links in the prbposed Alaska Highway, is the longest and highest bridge of its kind in British Columbia, 260 feet above the swirling river, and required 1,000,000 pounds of steel and cable and six miles of Hfe-lnch wire rope to complete. ' vitils located on a historical site. where many years ago Indians built two wooden structures a few feet above the water. Tribesmen, In order to spare a warrior and hunter, sent their squaws on ahead, to test the strength of the span every time they were to cross it. If It bore the weight of the squaw then It was safe if it didn't the warriors did not cross. . Indians later built a spider-web suspension bridge across the narrow neck near the upper end of the deep canyon, using wire. This suspension bridge was used for many years until the government constructed a steel bridge with wooden towers, which was later replaced by the present structure. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert August II, 1911 ' E. P. Miller, secretary-treasurer of the Dominion Trust Co., Vancouver, is a visitor in the city.. In an inter view he expressed great surprise and .admiration for Prince Rupert district. "When I return to vancou ver I will be a great booster for this district," he said. Sheriff John Shirley and his brother, George Shirley, have had great success in gardening on their lots on Taylor Street near Fulton Street. Cherry trees, strawberries, peas, cauuriowers, maples and many other plants are thriving and they have one of the show places of the town. ' Sam Rastovlch was injured when a derrick was lifting a rock on Ver-nor Smith's grading contract at Seal Cove this morning and is now a patient in the hospital. PROTECTION AT COST That means Life Insurance that you can pay for. Under our plan this Is made possible in LEAST EXPENSIVE PURE PROTECTION EVER DEVISED See our representative, Mr. W. C. O rover, now In the city, at St. Elmo Hotel, for Information in regard to THE FAMILY BENEFICIARY SOCIETY 553 Granville Street Vancouver, B.C. Quick, Sure Relief f0f BILIOUSNESS ' SLUGGISHNESS CONSTIPATION Take one tonight Make tomorrow nDlfUTA' '7HIX WORK while you SHIP NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Unemployed Turn to Prospecting New Strike in Babinc Engineer Gold Suspended From New York Exchange Numbers of British Columbia's unemployed are taking i i to nrosnectincr owintr to failure of other regular occupa- j m V V J 1 110ns. ine searcn ior piacer and many men are engaged inuis in which uiweatc vuiisiueictuic men are Kambow rreeK, uease MADE MUCH; NOW BROKE j Former Salvation Army Officer and Promoter. Declared Bankrupt ' In Toronto TORONTO, Aug. 11: Fred W. Martin, former Salvation Army officer who made a fortune by promoting the Detroit-Windsor tunnel, was dcclared.bankrupt here yester day. District News ALICE ARM Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith arrived here last week from Anyox and will spend a vacation in Alice Arm. C. M. Smith was taken last week to the Anyox Hospital for dressing of a severe cut on his leg which he sustained while working on the Es-peranza trail. Provincial Constable Sam Service of Anyox spent a few davs here last week on official duties. 1 It has1 been decided to hold an exhibition here on Labor Day of Alice Arm grown vetables. Efforts will be made to obtain two Judges from Anyox. STEWART The recent compilation of the provincial voters' list showed that there' was a loss of 323 name for Atlin electoral district. The total of the 1328 list was 1815 names while the list Just completed contains only 1492 names. Some 75 local members of the Moose Lodge ahd their families held a big jamboree In -the park here last Wednesday night. Howard Camp bell, dictator of the lodge here, was at the bead of affairs. Provincial Constable Lance Pot terton and Frank Lewis took ad vantage of the low tides last week to make another search for the body of William Curtis, who was drowned on the night of July 20 I last while returning to shore from the United States cruiser Detroit. Although the west side of the canal ! was scoured for some 15 or 20 miles, jno trace of the body could be found. J. O. Lyons closed up his butcher lehoD here last week and contemplates making a trip south. He will I reopen the short when business conditions improve and. meantime, jhas not lost any of his confidence In the future of Stewart. The Stewart Board of Trade has elected officers as follows for the ensuing year: President. E. T. Ap-plewhalte; vice-president, Oeorge Hills; secretary. P. S. Jack; council F. E. Rlsch. W. L. Newell, H. P. Gibson. Howard Campbell D. J. McLean. M. P. Murphy, W. R. Tooth, H. W. M. Rolston, W. D. Smith and H. D. Rochfort. The Bear River road extension Is Included In the provincial government's unemployed relief program according to a telegram received here last week from Hon R. W. Bruhn, minister of public works. A total of 125 registrations for unemployment relief have already ,been made In Stewart. I Good progress is being made on the widening and improving of the Salmon River road, the work hav. In ww been completed as far as Texas Creek bridge. Johnson. Gardner St Co. have the contract from the United States government. Progressive merchants advfrtlsr ' 1.1 J. ! .inmlnM goiu is parucuiuriy puium in this quest. Among the (lis- L,aKe ana arouno rori oeurgu on the Fraser River. A iaiI.Imi. .ai ml no ml etrflTA I the Rainbow' Vlniir IcmntlQ In has been made on Babln,eW 15ia"Ub 111 group of claims in the Ranrje. sixteen miles northeast of Smlthers. The property is owned by James Wright, veteran prospec- and pren lhe" fr . Branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines. Mr. Wright, has been developing the claims for a considerable time but recently hlsj MOSCOW, August 11 Dlspatchr-3 partners have been doing more in- Irom the Soviet ice-breaker Mal-tenslve work. RecenUy a new cut igan report the discovery of four disclosed a new vein ten feet In hitherto unrecorded islands In tho width of which seven feet was In far north region of Franz Josef copper-sliver ore carrying gooa f values. The strike has created much Interest among miners and prospectors of the district and Is, expected to encourage resumption of development work on other n.earby properties. W. F. McOovern arrived at Alice vn lit week from Vancouver to 'ih rhanie of operations which re being resumed at the Esper--" mine .Development work Is vine resmued on the property. It hen announced, with in in- tallatlon of a compressor and ma- chine drills. The board of governors of Uv Vw York Curb Exchange has su-oended dealings in capital stork of he Engineer Oold Mines Ltd. unti: further noUce. No official expla nation for the action of the board is as yet forthcoming. Charles V. Bob, whosr lirwncUl operation" have been iindr Investigation nv nrosecuting officials, is listed as! president of the company. WE LEAD In Price and Quality Come in and Be Convinced Oold Dust Large stae 27c per pkg Singapore Pineapple 2's 95c 9 tins Flour Alberta Rose, 49's Q4 Off 3l.tD per sack Malkln's Best Marmalade A Mt Op 4's, per tin Malkln's Best Drape Fruit A Qp 2's, 2 tins 1 pkg. Red Arrow Sodas 1 pkg. Assorted Sweat Biscuits 1 pkg. Grtham Wafers 1 pair Scissors Qn All for Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Green or Wax Beans ftrn ""I' 3 lbs Vegetable Marrow . . sn per lb V CNlce and tender for preserving) Tomatoes Frsah and firm OPp 2 lbs &D, Aprlcota Your last chance for preserving Q ffft per crate ipl.SJU jMussallem's Cash and Carry Stores ! Where Hollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 Phone 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Frcel LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone CI9 PEACE RIVER ROADS URGED D. Pattulio, Opposition Leader, Addresses Meeting at Fouce Coupe POUCE COUPE, Aug. 11: Hon. T. n Pattuiio. oDDosition leader, dur- 1 a meeting here, urged that, m- a. I ...l1Alnn nlirlti fnr t VlO swau ui iuiuuis - 'J. tratc on B. c. roads, as "roads are badlv reauired. especially in the ,! ti.H pmpp River Block. Far North Found viet Icc Brfak" Iteports m covcry in franz josei Archipelago archipelago. Oeorge Rorle sailed yesterday a.-1 ternoon on the Prince Rupert for a orte trlP t0 Vancouver. KS.j, yj 'Jj' Q jiR ilwfifif CaMi'waHijtOMftk) IMH "his advertisement is not Liquor Control Board British Tuesday, August u, 183l J guaranteeing Us age over seventy yean. , FOR CASH ONLY Nanaimo Wellington Vancouver Island Coal Prices Effective at SACKED DELIVERED Per ton) DoubW Screened Lump $13.30 Furnace Lump 12.23 Nut 12.00 Slack 8.00 Albert & McCaffery Phone 116 The Fish which made "Rupert Brand" SMOKED IIAC1 Prepared Daily Ily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If your paper does not Monday & Tuesday TWO SHOWS - 7 & 9 pX Gcorgcously Gowned Brilliantly Beautiful Ruth Chatterton in- "Unfaithful" With Paul Lukax and m... Others. A bride who lrni the truth about marriaie vows. Another searching dr. ma of woman and love, A. Paramount rii ture Comedy "THE FOWL AFFAIR" Novelty "CO AHEAD AND EAT Cartoon "TWENTY LEGS UNDEU THE SEA" ADMISSION - ?0e. & CSc Feature Starts at 7 10 4 9:( Wednesday and Thursday "CHILDREN OF DREAMS' published or d' splayed y or by the Government of Columbia. Once, 5th August, lOTl BULK DIXIVFUf D (Per to!i Double Screened Lump SI " Furnace Lump l' M Nut If" Slack 09 Prince Rupert Famous arrive, telephone tlc otfK