THE DAILY NEWS page rwo ft THAT TIRED FEELING otui jtuc eo ihiiif ih"!ck of nd frtih ir . . . knrr winwf dii h li4 ibt blood with lmpuiiti. TRU BLOOD . tht (,.pn4blt' Mood diuwr . . qufcklr du cotuiiaoa. It fmv. cht impuriott, itM up vour whol. yM.a, and rplct "Uui w.d fitting" with (h vim tiul .nrgr thu mk work a pUuur. Your Dmtgut un iupplr rou. 1 1 1 7 83 r 31 PLEASANT m TAKB PIOMPT - to ACT LASTING a SESULTS A (fiujLf PRODUCT il TONES THE BLOOD HOW ABOUT KINO SALMON? Editor. Daily News. I noticed an article on the 19th of May where you said thai twelve cents an New York market medtam halibut, that means No. 1 is very good. 1 cannot deny If It Is true or untrue, but I can deny that the market price of halibut In Prince Rupert on May 16 marketing twenty cents, t can think myself anything else but fish buyers In Rupert are losing money and thats too bad. Now then bow about our Kin" Salmon market price In Rupert twenty-live caoU and the fishermen only get 4hc xeettent price jf 15 cents, and If the seal got one-half and the fisherman the othei half, not wanted. And trie half the fisherman got is Just as good fisn as a whole fish on the fresh fish market when the seal bit a piec off. And If anybody could dtrv that I'll give him five cents pier" or one pound No. 1 or two for seal bitten one. That Is the seal-bltten part i being trimmed off. And then the same kind frying-pan I used, and some spices put in it and then If he or she could tell any dtffenenee on these two different pleees of fish 111 give whole CLEARS THE SKIN THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE nUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenu' ' H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or cartler, yearly period, paid In advance 5.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month .'. 5ft By mall to all parte of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period - - SSjOO By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ... $4.00 By mall to all other countries, per year , 9jW Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION The Letter Box Friday, May 32, 1M1 No. 1 Kins; Salmon. The question is that both pieces are just as okl. And why Is it any different on the price t toller got fish and caught by gllmetter. Writer can understand, but the writer will know that anybody who is mild-curing these salmon is not making any reparation so many pounds of trolled salmon on so many pound? of glllnet salmon, when selling the pack on the world's market. Dear Editor, permit me asking someone who is It that Is making all the profit on this King Salmon game? They are fteherraep or who they are but I know that it this scheme and game lasts any longer fishermen got to quit or to do something else to get a better price or else we will be on the bread line next winter, or maybe sooner on that. Aren't we leaving the best part of fishing waters on the Pacific Coast? that's true en- eigh. but that Is too true that th fisherman cannot make any more their living and the pay the bill ! which they got last winter from , the merchant, without asking the I government to support them last 1 winter. A. SNELLMAN, Sec. N.B.C.8.F. Atsn Skeeaa Branch Port Essington, B.C. i In a brief covering note Mr. Snellman asks us to make no changes in his letter Editor.) Have you enough Life Insurance ? No matter how large or how small your estate, it wttheuffer heavy deductions before it reaches your wife or family. Doctors, nurses, hospitals, undertakers, lawyers, etc., not to mention succession duties, if the estate be considerable, will reduce the net amount payable to your heirs by anything from 10 to 25. Take your pencil and try a simple sum in arithmetic, using an actual case as an example: Tot face valaa of all say life i puMrit EatttMled valua el my reel tataic, stomas smImW atacti Typiral Caap ivono $1,000 Tetal $.00l Lru lift- iad'MStcti atwve $1 ,050 Total Mate (net) W Uvtttcd is gl aeetarhfea at 5 this thcuM yield ny family m annual income of $297.50 IS IT ENOUGH? . . fill in4 Ike Mhulnd aupon: M y Case SJJN1M1?E ASSURANCE COMPANY ; OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Meat tend-me )tr pamfJtlet, "la It Enough?", advMtiMti in v taawel Papat) Naote (Mr.. Mrs. at Mias) Date of Birth AUrrf(Sreel) (Month) Yae. (City) S. J. JAB0UR NQRTHKUN I). C. REPRESENTATIVE "i HEMLOCK, Sl'HUCE, CCDAIt Oil Fill? Editor. Dally News: Enclosed Is a copy of the strength and durability of fir, spruce, hem lock and cedar, taken from Forest Service Bulletin No. 78, Department of Interior. In my point of view, being a sawmill employee, I think that cedar foundations with hemlock decking will outlast fir In this climate. B V. S. Douglas fir Strength of the Wood Douglas fir possesses great strength and shock-resisting capacity, combined l with a high degree of sUffness and (toughness, which make it an Ideal wood for structural work of all .kinds, especially for trestles, bridges iand factory buildings where the structure is subjected to the application of heavy loads. For Its weight ilt is probably the strongest softwood. I Durability The life of untreated i Douglas fir when used as poles, 'railway lies, posts, etc. though You Why Should Convert Conversion applications are invited to a total of $250,000,000, but the Minister of Finance reserves Uie right to increase or decrease this amount. Subscription lilts will be dosed on or before 23rd May, 1931. Bondholders who with to avail themselves of this opportunity for reinvestment should therefore act without delay. Doods of the following issues arc exchangeable for Bonds of the 1931 Conversion Loan: War Loan 5 due 1st October, 1931 Renewal Loan 5 M due 1st November, 1932 t v4 .Victory Loan 5M due 1st November, 1933 Victory Loan 3 K due llfNovember, 1934 t j YtmrBonJ Dealer, Broker r Banker will arrange Jor the com trttcn yokr BonJt without expense t yw, "( DOMINION OF CANADA 1931 Conversion Loan TMiilU j HUritj ttU Miniiur $J Finsntt, Ottawa, Canada LETTER BOX above average, Is not a long one. The timber is, however, much more durable than western hemlock. Sitka spruce, and some others. Treatment with creosote prolongs the life of Douglas fir considerably. Western Hemlock Strength of the Wood The strength factors for western hemlock, although on the average some what lower than those for Douglas fir, approach In the case of two shipments the Douglas fir factors very closely. Western hemlock Is therefore suitable for many uses for which Douglas fir is now being em ployed and will undoubtedly be used more extensively for these purposes as It becomes more widely known and the prejudice due to Its name Is overcome. There is no reason why It should not be used much more extensively for timber where strength, stiffness and toughness are considerations, as It will undoubtedly give satisfaction. For the rough timbers of frame building construction and the timbers of heavy building construction, it should give almost as good satisfaction as Douglas fir. Durability Western hemlock, both In the stand and in the manufactured Btate Is-very susceptlblo to attack from fungi If conditions arc suitable for their growth. Hence western hemlock, should not be used In exposed, or other situations where these conditions prevail, unless suitably protected. Either in consistently wet or dry conditions this wood is very durable and U therefore used for totally submerged piling and other submarine works, where it will not meet at tack from marine wood borers. Sitka Spruce Strength of the Wood Sitka spruce has a low specific gravity, but in spite of this fact It Is remarkably strong and tough. It Is hardly fair to compare the mechan ical properties of Sitka spruce with those of a wood like Douglas fir which Is so much heavier. However, If the difference In specific gravity of the two woods Is kept' in mind and ako the fact that Douglas fir is a wood of very high order. It Is apparent that Sitka spruce has ex ceptionally high properties. The j toughness factors are in some cases .superior to those for Douglas fir. The moduli of elasticity for static and impact bending and cotnpres-jslon parallel to grain which are the stiffness factors are also high, and in some cases nearly approach those for Duuglar fir. Durability -Although more resis tant to decay than western hemlock it resembles it in that it is not very durable in exposed situations, or where it is subject to alternate wet and dry conditions. Like most woods, however, a suitable treat ment with preservatives prolongs its life considerably. Western Cedar Strength of the Wood The wood Is brittle and not' strong having only about 65 of the strength of Douglas fir However, considering it light weight, its great durability, its freedom from warplnu and checking and the small amount of shrinkage and swelllna wun atmosnheric Change. H compares more favorably with other sturdier specie than ls Dominion Government -J 1 : Bonds t. 1. You extend the term of your investment in Canada's premier security. " 2. You receive the full rate of interest (with tax exemption, if any) on your present Bonds until the date of their maturity. 3. You are assured of safety and a dependable income irrespective of times or conditions. 4. You are relieved of re-investment problems when your present Bonds mature. No investor ever regretted buying a Dominion of Canada Government Bond and holders of convertible Bonds should welcome this opportunity of prolonging the inv"tment satisfaction they have enjoyed from their present holdings. The present offer not only affords to holders of Bonds eligible for conversion the same interest and tax-free privileges as they would enjoy if they held 'their existingBonds until maturity, but gives them the opportunity of extending the it.' term ,of their investment at per annum for ? long term of years. The Conversion Bonds have the outstanding features that have made War and VictQ. issues so desirable. They are as negotiable as money. They arc accepted anywhere as sound security. They arc unconditional obligations of the ' Government of the Dominion of Canada. Convert now for continued investment safety and satisfactory income. -. .1. . 4 'ft STlday.Mty 2i. yencrally realised. It u largely confined u nc fUrngth I not a conbUii i for light construction blllty and freedom from are of prime important no raacon why cedar win i structural design may n successfully. j Durability Durabiiuv i standing characteristic ' 'red cedar, ho wood 6f ("! Importance in America ev The preservative quainu cedar oil, with which tlv saturated, render it pe 1 mimo to fungous attack when exposed to unfa dltlons It is verv duraMi I P ''"MSiiMamiaaBWWaSSMSSll I k' "aaaaBiaaaaaBsl"" ECZEMA RASHE a OTHER SKIN TROUBLES Soothed & Healed by Zam-Dtik. t raa I faaaaaT i f Y Tf rri r fSrl r "ar f" Ma UUf