4 0. Pa52 FOuH THE DAILY NEWS far Ml t H dm If TU T. Ittlksra C.. SHELL ir ai..l i-.'iiffrfc! Ititm Ud., iMr.mtu, Oat, FOOTBALL SCHEDULE May 23 Borden vs. Booth. May 27 High vs. Borden. May 30 Booth vs. High. 0RA2ILNUT5 GROW IN CLUSTERS TWENTY OR MORE PACKED TO GETHER INSIDE A HARD bm i mnt i i i i r i 13 . inr .'r-iTk si Buckingham are packed I2.o PflTFKiTFn srni Fn oar ucr.r Send in ten cents in stamps and we will mail you a complete art of "Do You know" cards sixty cards of knowledge and curious facts printed ia color (sise Hi' x 15). Or twenty cents will bring you tbe sixty cards accompanied by an album in lucfa tbe cards can be placed as a permanent collection. Address Dept.W Tixictt Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. Buckingham Cigarettes a smooth Refreshing blend of choice tobaccos, (untreated by powerful ultra violet rays. TWre is do more mellowing iafiufiice than the sun. Buckingham, treated with giant sun lamps, are remarkably cool and mellow an aB -pleasure cigarette, never varying in quality, packed for fmtaiess ia the patented sealed package. Pimples On Face Humiliated Her Miss Fiances Lode B. R. No. 8, DunnTUle. Ont., writes: ' I used t feel very humiliated whenever I weuld go to tow.iL, on account of the breaking out of pimples on my faca, caused from impure blood. Now all that has Tanihed and I tare avt lieen bothered since I took part of bottle of your wonderful medietas Burdock Blood Bitters." nssatsctirsl, (or U l"t II rrt, safer LINE-UP IS ANNOUNCED Prince Rupert Players Assigned to Positions For Series With Ketchikan The folloring line-up for Prince Rupert in the first game of the ; forthcoming series of baseball j games against Ketchikan is announced: catcher, J. Roberts; pit-' chers, Bill Lambie and Jack Nelson; i first base, Bill Mitchell; second base, , E. Smith; shortstop, B. Wendle; j third base, Stan Moran; left field, I Jimmy Parquhar; centre field, Fiank Kenny; right field, George Howe: spares, Doug Frizzell; Bob 1 Stalker, BUI Stone and Scoop Bury. Alex Mitchell has spiked his foot and will be unable to play in the series. AMERICAN , IS WINNER THE VICTORIA PHOENIX BREWERY Announces the Reintrodaction of Their Famous Y&40 PER DOZEN la cocveoleHt stolen bottles. In convenient 3 own bottles cartons of one PER DOZEN eiirtotit of uti YE OLDE ALE A Fully Matured DINNER ALE 0 Unsurpassed Quality ALSO THEIR SPECIAL BOHEMIAN Rice and Malt Beer An exceptionally palatable brew with a pleasing hop flavor. Ask fe these BO. products at tour local Vendor's. Free delivery to jour residence ot orders two donen or mors This advertisement is n pt.bllsusd u displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Oovtrntnent Brttlstt Columbia ATHLETICS iHas Not Made WIN AGAIN; upHerM!?d?n . Mackmen Slake H Thirteen In How ! Rain Stops National Lrafue Games DETROIT, May 22: The Phila delphia Athletics defeated Detroit Tigers yesterday to score their thirteenth straight victory. All National League games had to be postponed on account of rain. Yesterday's scores: American League New York 7, Cleveland 6. St. Louis 2, Boston 1. Philadelphia 12, Detroit 5. Washington 4, Chicago 2. Baseball Standings National League w. St. Louis ,....18 New York 18 Boston .....16 Chicago 13 Philadelphia 13 Pittsburg 13 Brooklyn 12 Cincinnati 6 1 Philadelphia .20 Frank Shields Beats Dr. J. Wrijht New York 18 in Davis Cup Tennis (Washington 19 i (Detroit 16 ! MONTREAL, May ,22:-Frank xjf" j 'Shields, of United States, defeated ""' (Dr. Jack Wright of Canada here ' "j".-: " yesterday hi the first game of the ,au ; Davis Cup zone play. The score was 8-6, 6-2, 6-2. Canada, however, broke even with the United States when Marcel Ralnvllle of Canada defeated Sid ney Wood of the United States 4-6, 6-4. 6-3. 2-6. 6-4 In a very close set. Of) L. 7 8 11 12 15 16 17 21 American League W. LA BARBA L. 7 10 12 18 17 18 18 17 Pet. .096 .692 .593 .520 .464 .448 .414 222 Pet. .741 .643 .613 .471 .414 .400 .379 FAVORITE NEW YORK, May 22: The principal boxing event of the week In United States takes place here tonight In the meeting of Bat Batta- lino and Fidel Ia Barba when the featherweight title will be at stake. La Barba Is a heavy favorite to win. 'Large Bequest j For University Sum of $182,000 Bequeathed Washington Institution By Mrs. Maude Ames to; SEATTLE, May 22: The Univer sity of Washington is richer by $182,000 as a result of the disposal , of the will of the late Mrs. Maude Waller Ames who bequeathed that , amount to be used ultimately for, scholarship awards. The widower is trustee of the fund. GRIMES IS SUSPENDED Out For Three Day and Fined $50 ! For Rowdy Conduct BROOKLYN. May 22: Burleigh O rimes, star pitcher for the champion St. Louis Cardinals will not play again In the present series with the Brooklyn Robins. He drew three days' suspension and a tine of $50 for rowdy conduct In Wednesday's game. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE May 22 Station vs Drydock, May 26 Roundhouse vs. Station. May 29 Drydock vs. Roundhouse. June 2 Drydock vs. Station. June 5 Station vs. Roundhouse. June 9 Roundhouse vs. Drydock. June 12 Station vs. Drydock. June 16 Roundhouse vs. Station. June 19 Drydock v. Roundhouse. June 23 Drydock vs. Station. June 26 8tatIon vs. Roundhouse. June 30 Roundhouse v. Drydock. C, N. It. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3:30 pm For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 ajn. Trip to Lngland SAN FRANCISCO, May 22: Mrs. Helen Wills Moody has net yet made up her mind as to whether or not she will go to England for tke Bri-tlsh"women's open tennis competition next month. REPAIRS AT SALT LAKE New Ladies' Bath-IIouse and Als.t Repairs to Kiddies' Pool and Diving Platfqrms As a result of the visit of a com mlttee of the Prince Rupert Swim ming Club to the Salt Lake yesterday, It was found necessary to build a new ladies' bathhouse and repair the children's pool and two diving platform?. The work will be proceeded with at once. Telkwa Tennis W. W. Noonan Elected and Ii. M. Hoops, Secretary Treasurer LAMB'S RUMS IN BI LK WD ASES FINE OLD NAVY 'The Sailor lot it GOLDEN GROVE (Te- Doctor recommrnd it) Shipped by ALFRED LAMB &. SON LONDON EnMUhci tS49 This adrertisemeut is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Healers Cars Trucks -r- Tractors Tires - - Accessories Gas ti Oil Flat Rate Repa)rs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 SUITS Made to Your Order $27.00 TOP NOTCH TAILORS One price throughout Canada Your measure taken by us. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone CIS Kaien Motors Limited General Oarage and Station Service CHFVROLET and I1UICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue GAME WAS SCORELESS Senior and Intermediate Teams Unable to Reach Decision In High School Soccer The evenly matched Senior and Intermediate football (earns of the High School League played a no-score game at the Acropolis Hill grounds on Thursday afternoon. The day seemed too hot for either ; side to work up enough drive to1 force through a goal. Both sides adopted defensive tactics from U c cutset kicking the ball off the tieid the minute It appeared to be o; n-gerous. It should be remembend that while it is bad to kick a .ost, me's own goal mouth, or down the eentre vhen the ball is close to goal, yet It Is not as wise to kick the ball straight out as it is to try to gain distance by sending the ball out to wing forwards Members of both back divisions showed im-' provement In turning outwards when kicking the ball. I The Intermediate tOrade 10 for-! wards played better position gen- lerally, but the Senior 'Ma tries. I Commercials, Grade Hi forwards co-ordinated better when attacking. Thomas and Clark were the 'most effective forwards. Thomas : i played prayed a a general.; generally splendid game pi i nil s Llub Meeting O ou5h ,he back too far to hdn help the the fnll-baek full-backs. Thurber and Btssantch played a rood back game Manager f0T the seniors. Smith and Cameron were safe backs for Orade Ten. j However, they could show one big ; improvement That is when a goal TELKWA. May 22 At the an-'kick Is being taken. Usually, four 345 nual meeting recently of the Telr- (bk players stayed close to the wa Tennis Club, W. W. Noonan was! Orade Ten goal at such times. Must elected manager and B. M. Hoops, i of them should be out. The seniors secretary-treasurer. were far better at trapping goal' i kicks than the Orade Tens, the Mrs. Andrew Fairbalm. wife ot the chief of police at Smithers. arrived In the city from the Interior whole forward line being worthy of praise in that respect. Wtngham was the only Orade Ten player who made any persistent attempt t Title Event to Take Place in New on yesterday afternoon's train and' ,, H ork Tonight sailed last night on the ss. Prince Intermedlate (0rmde Ten. Kupen ior a trip to Vancouver. Oreer; Smith. W. Murray; Allen,: Cameron, Hlckey; Johnson and ; Johnstone first half: KlshtaaotOj and McRae (second halft. Wing-1 ham. Palmer. Moxley. Seniors (Matrics. Commercials, Orade Eleven ) --SUnech . Bussan-ich i first half). Dominate (second half), Unger: Race. Thurber. Vance; Kanaya. Thomas. Clark. Hanson first half). Comadlna second half i. McMeekln. i Substitutions were made at half i time to allow more boys to participate in the game. , Umpire. H. OUlUand. Something Might j Be Done About It On This Side Too LONDON. May 22: Those wobbly voiced sopranos, who are apt to sound so terrible on the loud speaker, may gradually be weeded out as a result of a new British Broadcast ing Corporation effort to obtain Is to reduce the number of sopranos and have more contraltos, but here comes the difficulty. Apparently It Is far easier to get a good soprano than it is to get a good contralto, so the result will probably be fewer women singers. Tell Time By ! ! Women's Skirt Length Now LONDON, May 22: "You can tell the time by the skirts of a well dressed woman." says' a well known screen star. 'Short skirts indicate 'the hours before noon, ankle-length hemlines announce the waning afternoon while, trailing draperies herald the afttjr Tjlnner period." She offers this fashionable hemline time-table: 9 am to 12 noon, twelve to thirteen Inches from 'the ground; 12 noon to 4 pm. ten to eight Inches from the ground; 4 pjn. to 6 pjn., eight to four Inches from theground;.8 p.m. to ?, skirU meet ground. E. E. OregR. ussisUnt eiMrict forester, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official raaffl52 Man in the Moon If business would only follow the thermometer it would be all right. Mr. MacCsUlutn says the blocking of Zeebrntge by the British Navy was one of tha important factors in winning the war. And here all the ttete wa tboutht the Yankees won the war. Bhadse Mr. MacCal- for pricking the bubble! As the Reeve of Skeena City remarks: "We may be a city some day bat we are lingering too long lifeless begs tike lag' Skeena. ' A rebirth took place this week. The Prince Rupert Swimming Club took a new tease of life and possibly ; may function as an active adult' pretty soon. Here's to the Infant! If you don't ktiow where to spend the vacation, take a map. shut your better singers. The main intention 1 ev8 ina pin It. Wherever the pin sticks they can stick you. A skeptical gent was Bill Teeter, He just couldn't believe his meter. So he pulled out a match And gave It a semtch-"Why, got.d morning," he said 8t Peter to Boston rr 4 mr ro.rricHr' M mmmm This advertisement i uu? pui'lixhea or d. ; Liquor Control Board or by ihe Unverr British Columbia. a in i HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince R.ipen - " usj Uv hotel Ho' i ui all room- A. J. PRFDH'MME rr fine af frn-r . ' S-'l S.-tvov R. Wahlstmn: New Royal Hotel Tiir iiotfi WOK'1! WtinJI Moi ju r, :, w i . E 75c rr.R DAY AND W IrleH " R. Montgoiv, manson. city Grll Phone 457 Wnre IUpl Large Catiar t SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and SaiurdsP ttaVf IN'u r.r. caiu-dav Ni H " ''I nm Hall far Iluf Action for Private Varti"; GRANTS Best Procurable ft A 9 MsTiatsJSt (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT) 0l a Saw limnui ClnliMtk BalMM-Qralint DiMiltonM, PoM tmW., Sc(U4. This advertisement is nor puonsnea or amply vw t antioi Btiai u n by Ute CJi'vernment- of British t IM