"Mother wenood moro Shroddod Wheat" "Better order two boxes. Tliey don't lilt long, when you and Diddy and I all cat Shredded Whest every morning. Daddy knows everything and this morning he said, 'Whole wheat tnd milk supply everything that we need to live on and grow en, and that's why Shredded TVheit it so good for girls and boyiV TKt CANADIAN SHREDDED VHEAT COMPANY. LTD SHRE WH Canadian Shredded Wheal it 100 Canadian grain. Eat TWO Shredded Wheat B'ncuits a day and help Canada t Prot ferity. S3 rr WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT Ambrosia Combination Package T7DP17I ','00 S' AmDrosia Cream "REtEil $1.00 Size Ambrosia Tightener with purchase of $1.00 site of Ambrosia Cleanser and new 100-page book on skin-care. -f r-i- " You pay only $1.50 for all four articles C0UETTES A New Product of Johnson & Johnson Little pads of cotton convenient for boudoir and nursery use 75c pads for 50c Qrmes IM. Z7?io Pioneer Drugrisls I'honcs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. TIIKEE GRADUATE PIIAIWIICISTS TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily Ny Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, IJ.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ftlranitts lrr ITInrr Kurrt f or Vmourri .V C.TU.. r.VtlCY Tl'KSHAY. 1.3H r.M. Arriving Vancouver, vu Ocenn P1U. ThuitdJ Noon ftp-wot. CARIIKNA KVEUY lltlll.W MIMMC1IIT B. Arrlvtng Vftnwuvfr .8undy mldnlsht ftpprox . ... MlUugi to Port Blmpnon. 'Aliw Arm. Anyox. Slewftrt na Nm Rlvrr ptunti Sunday, 8:00 p.m. tw.hn inforinntloii ffanrdiim nil 'UtUlriHN unci ticket-" ' -rRIM'K IllTKUT AOKNCY: Hrv ond Avrniif. I'lionr W COAL y the real Coal our la-Wson and Cassldy-lliBilon In any quantities. Bulkier Valley Hay. u'la aod Kobin Hood Hour. pnnce Rupert Feed Co "JONES 58 AND 558 KKMBWaHBMMW Rupert Motors DODGE DEALERS Oarage and Service Station All Modern Equipment 12-Hour Battery Cliargcr OUn TOW1NO St WRECKINO CAU WILL HANDLE ANY JOD Phone 566 iNlitht Culls Phone 161 ' ... Local Items Dinnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware, IleUbroiier'a Store, Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired.' An experienced cutter Qoldbloom's Fur Shop. tf A. J. Colllson, local manager ol the Union Oil Co., sailed last night by the Prince Rupert 6n a busines3 trip to Vancouver. C. S. Neville of the Famous Play era-Canadian Co., after a brief visit to the city, sailed by the as. Prince Rupert las night on hii rciuni to Vancouver. J. Worroboc of the Prince Ru pert General Hospital returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace where he spent a few days on his land. The tea and sale of home cook mg and sewing held yesterday af ternoon in the church by the Wo man's -Auxiliary of 8t. Peter's An glican Church. Seal Cove, was a very successful affair, the highly satisfactory sum of $75 being re alized., , Two freighters of the Frank Wa terhouse line have been here thi.', week. The Watco arrived Tuesday night from the south after un loading coal and cans on the Skrcna River, sailing south the i next morning The Eastholme ar-I rived Wednesday night from tht south with powder, returning to Vancouver yesterday morning. Week-End Specials LOT NO. 1- 1 tin Del Montr Spinach, 2's 1 tan Com on Cob. S's .l.UivMaJWii'a Dtit Pumpkin, 2Vs 1 Un Nabob Kraut, 2 la's 1 Un Tomatoes, 2's 1 Un Malkin's Best Spices 95c LOT NO. 2- 1 lb. Swift Premium Dacon, sliced 1 dos. Bkk. Fresh Bxtraa 1 lb. Coffee, fresh (round Regit)- QCn for "" LOT NO. 3- 1 tin Sliced Peaches, 2's 1 UnMlkins Beat Salmon. 10-os. 2 Una Nabob Plums 2 Una Malkin s Bait Spices Reg. $1J& 95C LOT NO. 1-1 lb. J-resh O round Coffee 1 fe.Pnuire Pekoe Tea 4 rw OmBttlated Sugar Reg. $1J0- ggQ LOT NO. 5 -2 tins Royal City Tomato Soup 2 Uns Royal City Oreen pea Soup 2 tins Royal City Pork & Beam 2's 1 tin-Clark's Corned Beef l'a 1 Un Peas, size 4 95c Alberta Market l. (i AMIU.A. f'wpriclor llflh Street Phone 20 HaHBSBEBBMSBURBU SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangtll, Juneau and Skagway May 30, June 8, 15. To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle . May 24, June 3, 13. PltlNCKSS JIAKY For Ilutedale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell lliver, Vancouver. Victoria-Friday, at 10 p.m. Full lpf'rmatlon from V. C. Or,haro, General Ajent Cor. 3rd A ie. it 4th St. Phone 31 THE. DAILY WBWB tmujia J ui-jj Glasses' fitted 'bf registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Phone 32 Taxi for special rates. day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. tf J. A. Hinton returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief business trip to the interior A. J. fcurzon returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief business trip to thejnter- lor. ... r i j Round Trip Flight-to Ktlchlkan Sunday leaving, in morning and re turning same evening. Fare $20 For reservationstcall Stan.rMoran. 09 Taxi. George C. Arscneau and Alex G. Macdonald sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en- route to Kamloops where they will attend a Knights of Columbus con vention. Special 50 fresh Red Salmon. Whole fish 25c. and 50c. each: Halibut Fillets 2 lbs. for 25c.; Red Cod Fillets 2 lbs. for 23c.; Red Spring Salmon prr lb. 15c; White Spring . Pfr Jb. 10c. at Karon's Fish Market. Eat more fish and help out our main industry. 119 Mrs. E. Esscy. who has been visiting here for some Ume with her daughters. Mrs. Dan and. Mrs. Sam Jabour, sailed by jthe Prince Rupert last night on Wr return to her home in Los Angeles. VICK'S Holiday, Special who; fried springs, $2.00; milk fed large size, $2.50: fresh "hot tamales, no too hot. 50c.; ,Chlll .chicken sandwiches, delivered. 719 Fulton 8t. Phone Oreen 170: 121 Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart re turned to the city on the Prlnee Rupert last eveiifiifc'from a trip to Stewart and Premier. - Mr. Stuart went north in connection with his duUes as census oommlaatoner for Skeena riding, i nr . , ANNOUNCEMENTS ' 4 MoowV)issi jSrp'an, .Dance May 22. 21. Easies Social and Smoker. June 5. Moose picnic, Dif-Jby Island, June Canadian Leaton Pienle July 1" These Bargains ARE WORTJl YOUR WHILE Dried Peaches Freth stock, per lb. 14c Duller Woodland. Drookfleld or 29c , 16J 85c Aylmer Pork & Deans per Un 9c Aylmer Tomato Soup 25C 3 Una Robin Hood Rolled Oata QAn Ut 6-lb saek Red Arrow Sodas per pkg Dlue Ribbon Tea per lb 19c 48c Empress Plum Jam 4"s iQn per Un Empress Crabapplo Jelly i o, yvi fciai Pears it Peaches- 2Vfc's. dP Ashcroft Kctchup-per bottle Peek Frean's DlwulU Large assortment just arrived 50c u Shoe Polish Drown per tin naanpsi i 22c Malkin's Dest Jelly Powders Cri per pkg Onions 6 lbs 10c 25 c Fresh Fruits, and Vegetables ArrlvhiK Kvery lioat Economy Cash and Carry Stores "Where Hollars llsve! More Cents" 319 3rd Ave. - 417-123 5th Ave Telephones- -SCO and 18 I j 5l 12.00.000 eKK u'e "J yearly. Friday, May. 22, 1931 rl . v ine pnotoerari shinvs a day's supply of eggs. Why 'Ovaltine' is the complete and perfect Tonic Food Beverage PURE fresh tnflk, Iiome-grown barley nuk and new laid eggs are used in the manufacture of "Ovaltine." Egga, although expensive, are indispensable if "Oral tine" i to powess its unique nerve and body-buikling properties. 12,100,060 fresh eggs are used yearly. In Tng4yt )00 acres of land adjoining the "Omtine" factory in beautiful 'Hmfordkhtre have been purchased to cstaUtthlen egg firm. When fully dc-vtlepcd tlb will probably be the largest ami) bettlVqurpped in the world. The C. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, Cant. 8. K. Gray, la reported duo at 4:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m on her return to Vancouver and way Plaster and cornice on the from, of the old Weatholme Theatre on Second Avenue is being boarded up. Barly this week some of th cornicing fell to the sidewalk whlcb has been closed until repairs ar-com pitted. The fire department waa called to extinguish two grass fires yesterday afternoon, one at 3:30 p.m at Seventh Avenue and Taybr Street and the other at 6:18 at Second Avenue and MeBride Street. No Damage was done in elUie-case. David Paton and W. Brown. Uv latter a, stranger, were each find $35, with option of thirty, days' imprisonment, by Magistrate Mr Clymont In city police court th! morning on drunkenness charges Paton and Brown were picked up last evening as the aat serenelv amid a grass fire at the corner of Second Avenue and McBrld Street. supplies are supplemented at present by eggs selected from specially chosen sources and guaranteed to be the best obtainable. Although "Ovaltine standi supreme as the food beverage which is the richest in nourishment, it is reasonably priced and most economical in use. It contains, in a concentrated and correctly balanced form, every food element essential for health. In every home delicious "Ovaltine" should be the daily beverage. - "pvkinr" is now bring mad in Canada at Elmteeod Park, Ptttrbarouth, mitt the same ideal ctmdkwns and by Ike tame xientific proem of manu- JtUmt as in the famous factory at Mt'' Lanrfty, Hertfordshire, Entfand. 'Ovaltine" cannot ba duplicated or successfully imitated OWILTINE' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE Ibuilds-np 'b'Laia.-Ncivc andBody mOvaiUne" is sold ml all good stores in fOe, 7Sc, 2$ and tpttM S4J0 family sitt tins. Also scntd at soda fauntains. 'A. Wander Limited, London, England, and Peterborough, Canada SATUHDAY SPECIAL Apple Sauce Layer Cake 30c The Electric Haltcry We Deliver Phone 007 MILK! Pasteurization of milk safeguards the public health. Pasteurization of milk has been endorsed by health authorities. We have served you with pasteurized milk for eight years nnd our milk contains no preservatives whatever. Through particular care and good service we are able to give you a superior product at a reasonable price. 7 Quarts or 12 Pints for $1.00 VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G37 Elrvealh Street SHINGLES! No.l-3xatperM $3.25 No.l-5xatperM $3.75 No. 2 -at per M ...$2.75 SU1TOKT HOME INDUSTHIES - MADE AT MASSETT HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office "to h y i (- : .1 aMB 4xje ' Ztspi etstW j "IS aT 4