Today's Wgather Tomorrow's Tides - 5' Saturday, May 23, 1931 prince Rupcrjc4 E5ttst, calm, mmm High 4:40 a.m. 18:7 It. barometer, 29,74; tcri raturc, 52; 18:21 p.m. 16;9 it. ;ra smooth. Low .11:45 ajn. 4:4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER est- K w S XXII No. 120. V; pg. vv.i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS OWLET IN HANDS OF RAILWAY NOW ARREST NOT KEEN ON FLIGHT Brlti'li Aeronautical Circles Notj ifful For Iltith Nichols' Success ! I.' N noN. May 22: The projec- ,n-Atlantlc flight of Ruth American avlatrlx U not II n'ii matcd with any cnthu-ii British aeronautical circle i anxiety is expressed in re- Mir undertaking. While stat-,i they have not been offlc-I'.ttflpd as yet of the flight Mr Force official state that uiiingemenU will be made ,1-1 various airdrome In Ens-old she approach the coast MEETING OF FAIR BOARD Numerous Matter Taken Up Last Niht Repairs Decided On Concessions Let to Clubs F.dr Board had a mecllng in-lit when a number of imat-i nf more leg Jrhportance i taon tfpT'PresTdenPIfir. dlas-' r in the chair and there was pMi'imiiy full attendance of ; niii is of the board. " I'irr from Fanchon tt Marco, v Known American show concern, 'iini concessions was laid on ' Hir 4- lunation at $20 from T. D. Pat-. M L A. was ordered aeknow- "i with thanks. M tender of Rose, Cowan & ' lor the printing of the prize r "4. being the only one submitted, ft i copied. ft i'! P H. Llnzey reported the illness of the city council to ' ' I'ver lota for raffle purpose 1 ii was decided to have mcm-in), ticket on which the lots ft l i' raffled, printed at once. A! ' : George B. Casey had rcpor-'" "n in Interview with the city "" i regarding the proposed road mi the Fair Dulldlng. the decided to ask the city to Nuch mone'on this project 1 ivuiiablc after needs of Booth M'llIM ml School Grounds from the 111. "1' iiil government unemploy- 111. imid have been met. The I). I. "' will then call 1or tenders on 'trying out of such work as to be done to complete the mutter of concessions was of "(i with a delegation from R. 'rii and Rotary Clubs and It the '"'tried to en on a firtv-fllty with those organizations oniln 1 t essions outside the build- proceeds realized by the! ub.s to be applied to the gym-1 11 1 'in fund. The refreshment i h ' 1 will not be Included In the inns to be turned over to the ' hlh tf other local organizations. v 1,1,1 m the past have 'operated "in ssions, desire to do so again. "" niiiy annlv to the clubs. i ii. building and grounds corn- in reported on repairs ncces- w'v to the building. The poultry ' needed reahlngllng and there ,v minor repairs necessary In the '"'""mi; It was decided to call for to '"' on the work. got Nine Death Sentences On Single Man l l rn,E 22:-A ROCK. Ark.. May ' ' "urt has Imposed nine death upon a single man. DUE IN CONNECTWwiTH LOS ANGELES Spanish Tennis Star Seen in Action Echorita DAivaie;-, -!..i!,a:.:..t -.m.- ;. vi imn. mhuiy Spain, displays her ut.iu truiiM-i -.slurt she urars during game. Senor-Ita Is seen reaching fur high one at Sussex Lodge. London, recently. POOI.F.Y FOR LIEUTENANT COVEUNOU IS RUMORED j VICTORIA. May : The latest political rumor says that Hon. R. H. Poolty. attorney- t general, may be the next , lieutenant-governor and that W. J. Bowser, former Pmr. may be persuaded to enter the rahinftL as attornev-Eenertil. WEDS INTO I ! ' NOBILITY Altai Kathleen Myrtle dale of Victoria 1 Becomes Bride of VLwiunt Colvllle of Culross VICTORIA. May Jt Miss Kathleen Myrtle Oale. eldest daughter Brigadier-General and Mrs. H. Oale of Mount Newton, became bride of Viscount ColvlUe of Culcrose at a fashionable weddln : ; the Church of St. Stephens at Mount Newton yesteroay. DOCTOR IS FREE NOW Friend Fays Fine For Dr. A. S. Munro of Vancouver Who Practiced Illegally VANCOUVER, May 22: Dr. A. S Murphy, who refused on Wednesday pay a fine of $50 for practising medicine without a proper licence, his freedom yesterday when a friend paid the fine. The Weather Triple Uland-Cloudy. HM wcSl wind, sea moderate. .Langara Ilnd-vcrei.t mod-crate north wind, sea choppy Dead Tree Polnt-Pait cloudy calm; barometer, 20.68; temperature, 58, sea smooth. Opens Building Annwc costing $85,000 to Sailors' Kt at Portsmouth j i llOHr)ON M.v Princess lMftflr recanUy opened the $85,000 :bsUMtag erected u an extension of tha Rnval Sailors' Rest. Portsmouth. I tt was 87 years ago that Dame Ag- Weston and Dame Sobpla Wlntz adopted the motto: "For the Qlory of Ood and the Oood of the Service" and devoted their lives to the well being of the men of the Royal Navy. Dame Sophia Wlnts carried on the work single-handed after the death of Dame Agnes In 1018. and continued j her work until her death In 1929. The new building la a memor-; lal to Dame Sophia. FISH SALES I Summary American 38,000 pounds, 7c, ant 4c. Canadian 18,000 pound. 7c. and ,4c. American Doric, 27,000, and Ithona, 12,000, Cold Storage, 7c. and 4c. Canadian Bayvlew 10.000, Cold Storage, 7o. and 4c. W. T 8.000. Atltn, 7c. and 4e. CASE DISMISSED i The case of Wilfrid Augustus White. Indian, thtvrted with thef; of halibut gear at Doit Simpson, was dismissed by Judge F. McB. Young in County Court yeateday afternoon. T " 1 ' "V Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. May 32 Wheat was Runted at 58c. on the local Exchange today. nn Mnv 25. the Post Office gcn-i er delivery mid registration wlo-k.'t.s will !' open from 0 a.m. to 11 a.m. The public lobby will be open from 8 urn to (1 p.m. DEATH OF ! OLD-TIMER Joseph N. MfPhctFor Years Customs Officer at Butedale, 1 raises Away Here The death occurred last night at G clock in the Prince Rupert General Hospital f Joseph N. McPhee. one of the most widely known pioneer citizens o this district. Mr. McPhee had been in falling health for some time and had been a patient in the hospital for about six months. It wasia peculiar co-inct-oence that his&eath should have occurred on thersamc day as his sick leave from th'6 customs service wa. i ) have expired Born at Indjan Road. Hants C ounty. Nova Scotia, in 1370. the late Mr. McPhee left home as a vou;ia boy and, went to sea. Foi many years thereafter he followed a .icafarin? Rfe and for a Jen; time wa.s chef on aalllnt shljw operating be i ween the Pacific Coast and the Orient, later going Into steam. Leav-ins the sea sonic twenty-five or thirty years ago. Mr. McPhee was active for a while In land staking and prospecting. An expert cook, he was tor some tljne chef In the Prince Rurjgrt. flgtcL About eleven I years ago hVcnterwTtlie Canadian customs service and for the most of the time since then had been stationed at Butedale. "j Mr. McPhee enlisted in the early ! stages of the Or eat War but he got . only as far as Comox .when he was discharged on account of poor physical condition. i Deceased's only known surviving j relative Is an aged aunt, Mrs. Sadie Teasdale of Indian Road, Nova Scotia. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. Undcr- takers. rriii m I f )M nrTH K T II I Vil AA-r SATISFIED Premier Tells Him That Government Will Consider B. C. Freight Rates OTTAWA. May 22: Accepting the assurance of Premier Bennett jthat the government would give earliest possible consideration to ithe British Columbia domestic freight rates appeal. Thomas Rcld. Liberal member for New Westminster, yesterday withdrew his amendment to go into supply which he Introduced Wednesday. United States At League Meet American Delegates Going to Geneva But Only In Capacity of Guests WASHINGTON... May 22: The United States will be represented at the next plenary session of the League of Nation tout only In the capacity of a guest MAKES PLEA FOR RETURNED MEN OTTAWA, May 22: Discrimination against returned men who apply for federal government positions in British Columbia was charged yesterday In the House of Commons by A. W. Nelll, Independent member for Comox-Al- bernl. He mentioned specifi cally the Department of Ma- rlne. Peace River Railway Matter Is Under Investigation By Two Great Canadian National Systems Return Awaited jBSBBBBBBBBSBMar" f Wl No Peace River announcement will be made until E W Beatty. C. P. R. president, returns. BALED HAY FOR CHINA Is Added to List of Exports From This Country VANCOUVER. May 22: Baled hay has been added to the list of Canada's exports to China, this development being due to the rapid expansion of the dairy industry In Shanghai and other large Oriental centres. "We have shipped small quantities of baled hay at various times, usually about ten tons of Umothy," said T. H. Orchard son, Vancouver exporter. "But we could not supply the orders from British Columbia farms and had to go to Seattle for the hay. It is necessary that the bales be double compressed and we have no equipment for such baling of hay at Vancouver. "In Seattle they have worked up a good business in the exporting of hay to the Orient. Quantities go to 1 the army posts In the Philippines.! This hay Is from Yakima Valley, j Washington, usually. i "As time goes on." said Mr. Or- J chardson. "and the dairy Industry I gets a footing in China, there lsj every likelihood that Canadian far-j mers may from time to time have, an opportunity of selling hay as well ', as grains over there. At present, all dairy animals are j kept indoors. They are fed much las in Canada. Oil meals enter Into their diet and native grass. One , would naturally thhik that it would ! ' be possible to grow good timothy or clover near the great Chinese ejtles. I but apparently for the time being; ; this will be Imported from western , countries." ARMY CAMPS ARE OFFERED WASHINGTON, D.C.. May 22: The War Department yesterday offered for sale 53 army training camps and forts which are about to be abandoned. The total value of the property is placed nt $22,000,000. Six of the camps are In Washington state. President Bcatty of Canadian Paciiic Has Made. Report nut minister ot Kuiiwajs lias iso Permission to Divulge Contents at This Time OTTAWA, May 22: The matter of a Pacific Coast -utlet for the Peace River country is beinp investigated the t'o railway systems of Canada. Hon. Dr. R. J. Man-'on, minister of railways, announced in the House of Commons last niht. A report has been received by him from hp Canadian Pacific Railw?" Dr. Manion said, but he . had no permission to table the do EXPECT ARREST Los Angeles Slayer Said to Be Identified as Former District Attorney LOSANGELES, May 22: DUr J tnct Attorney Phlpps announced last nieht that the Identity of the slayer Wednesday evening of Charles Crawford and Herbert Spencer had been definitely established and that his arrest was expected momentarily. A former district attorney. David II. Clark, discharged recently, is believed to have been the slayer. Playground Aid Library Votes Are Slashed WINNIPEG. May 22: City libraries, playgrounds and the social wel fare commission recently bore the brunt of a slash In civic estimates. A cut of, $50,000 In these departments for the coming year has been ordered by the Winnipeg finance committee. Vancouver Stocks CtourtT a. D. JobiMtou Oo.) Big Missouri, 27, 29. Duthle Mine, nil S. George Copper, SO, S3. Georgia River, 2Vfc, 3 ft. Oolconda, nil, 21. Orandview, 3, 4. Independence, nil 1. Indian Mines, 1, 1ft. Mohawk, ft, nil. Morton Woolscy. 1ft, nil. Marmot Metals, nil, ft. National Silver, 2, 2 ft. Noble Five, 4, nil. Oregon Copper, 6 ft, 8." Pend Oreille. 75. 80. Premier. 73. 80. Reeves Maedonald. nil, 35. Rufus-Argenta, 2. 3. Ruth-Hopo, nil. 5. Silver Crest. 2. 2K. Snowtlakc, 2. 2 ft. Topley Richfield. 1. nil. Whitewater. 4, nil. Woodbine. . 1. OILS Freehold, 4 ft. S. A. P. Con, 16, nil. Merlandjl, 124. Mercury, 17 ft, 18 V4. Calmont, 8, 9. United. 8. nil. Dcvcnlsh. nil. 6. Fabyun Pete. 2. 2tfc. Home, 52. 55. Eastern Stocks C. P. R 2755. 28.00. KILLING cument. When E. W. Bcatty. presi dent of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way. who was at present en route to England, returned In June, a meet ing on the matter would probably f ike place attended by Ir. Beatty. Sir Henry Thornton and Dr. Man-ion. PARADE FOR EMPIREDAY Annual Demonstration For Children is Being Held Here This Afternoon Several hundred boys and girls of the public schools of the city paraded this afternoon from the Court House grounds to the Capitol Theatre where the annual Empire Day demonstration under auspices of Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, Is be ing held this afternoon. Members of the teaching staffs were In charge of the children on the parade. Each child carried a miniature Union Jack. A full report of the proceedings will be given tomorrow. Nagging Wife Slow Murderer States Doctor LONDON. May 21 A woman who nag her husband Is committing slow murder. This, according to Dr. Joslah Old-field, who recently warned nurses fin a London hospital: ' "Every woman who nags her husband shortens his life. The wife, at the same time, take the first step towards becoming haggard, ugly and old." MINE LOOKS VERY GOOD Larger Ore Reserves Looked For By Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd. VANCOUVER. May 22:-At the annual meeting of the Pioneer Oold Mine Ltd. yesterday, Col. Victor Spencer, president, told the shareholders that, when a new 2,000-foot shaft was completed. If the vein continued as good as the 1,000-foot level, present reserves would be trebled. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Andrew Johnstone. Is due this evening from the south and will sail at midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypotnts. The vessel was at Butedale at 8 o'clock thU morning, being well on time.