PAGE FOUR. Detroit Tigers took a mathematical sixth place in the league by splitting a double-header with the Cleveland Indians. Yesterday's scores: American League WatWogton 3. New York 2. Cleveland 7. 6; Detroit 9. 2. Baseball Standings National St. Louis New York Chicago Brooklyn Pittsburgh . PjMfcdelphia Busjteu Cincinnati ... League Won Lost .... 98 87 82 78 75 34 63 .53 64 70 73 76 87 89 93 American League Philadelphia 106 44 Washington 92 68 Mw York 90 59 Cleveland 74 76 BoFton 61 88 Detroit 61 90 St. Leuii 60 89 Chicago 55 94 Pet. .649 .414 .334 .604 .493 .409 .404 .403 .369 Badminton Opens at.McIntyreHall on Sunday Next The Prince Rupert Badminton Club will hold its official opening 3un4ay afternoon in the Mclntyre Hail, when it is announced an American tournament will take place. This club is the pioneer badmin ton organisation of the city and still holds the premier position in connection with the sport here. The coming season promises to be one of the best in its history. Judging by the interest already taken in it and its officers, who were recently elected are very enthusiastic Inspector James M. Tuper, R.C. MJV, returned to the city on this afternoon's train from one of nli periodical trips to the Interior en official duties. ds Checked By modem vaporizing ointment Just rub on . POSTPONEMENT . OLYMPIC GAMES BEING RUMORED LOS ANGELES. Sent. 24- Nothing official has been an- nounced in, connection with the tumor that the 1982 Oly- mpic Games, scheduled for Los Angeles, are to be postponed. Preparations for the big event are still going ahead. SPORT CHAT Anglers will soon be able to catch fighting rainbow trout within a few blocks of the centre of Vancouver as a result of plans worked out by the Stanley Park Fly Fishing Asso ciation in cooperation with the i Parks Board. A. O. Sankey, secre-jtary of the association, says that 'results of an experimental In trod uc- Uon of rainbow trout to the waters J576 of Lost Lagoon have exceeded ex-.539 pectations by about 1.000 per cent .516 Two years ago the association placed .497 1 the first shipment of trout in. the .424 ' lagoon, which is at the edge of Stan- ley Park, the city's chief playground. Until a few days ago there had been no test of how the trout had fared, but two anglers soon obtained the ; desired evidence. One raised thirty 705j trout within an hour. The other 613 thnnVpd tvmtv "Th bnct nf th fish weighed one and three-quarter pounds," said Mr. Sankey. The Biological Board examined them and found they were in splendid condition. They were silvery, hard and fought well. Opened, they were found to be filled with countless In sects, showing that the feeding is good. Two of r-them had eaten stickleback, a small fish found in the Lagoon. "We have also found out." con-imied Mr. Sankey, "that the vegetation brought from Kamloops and placed in the bed of the Lagoon is doing well. This is the same on which the famous Kamloops rainbow trout feed, and it does not grow high enough to interfere with cast ing BADMINTON M. ORANIZED M. Lamb Elected President Rupert East Club Last Nijht Announcement to Citizens of Prince Rupert: Enquire of those who have visited ' Barrie's Bankrupt Furniture Sale They will take pleasure in tellinj? you of the baruains they purchased and that there are still heaps of barjjains for everybody. We assure you this is your opportunity to save real money. Thanks for your patronage. BARRIE'S FURNITURE STORE of! The Rupert East Badminton Club was reorganized for the season last night when a meeting was held to elect officers and attend to other routine business. Play will tart on the first Monday In Octo ber and an active season is antici pated. The election of officers resulted as follows: President M. M. Lamb. Secretary -Treasurer Jas. Mc-Glashan. Executive Mrs. J. Watt. Mis Mary Macfie and Elmer Popeck. Old Country Soccer WEDNESDAY'S SCORES Enjlbh Lajue First Division Birmingham nil: Sunderland nil Everton 2; Derry County 1. Manchester City 2; West Brora-whteh 5. English Bristol League Secend Division City nit; Plymouth At' Wle 2. Notts County nil. 1: Oldham Athlete Fly Quietly to Mission Field Father Woodley and Brother at Fairbanks After Secret Flight From New York FAIRBANKS. Alaska, Sept. 24.- Unheralded and unsung. Father George Woodley and his brother. Pilot A. O. Woodley. landed here In an airplane, having made a secret flight from New York City. They flew across the United States to Spokane, then Journeyed north" over British Columbia to Telegraph Creek and Ska go-ay, Alaska, and then headed for Fairbanks. The Woodlev brothers said thv Lost Lagoon is fed daily about j secretly departed from New York on; 100,000 gallons of pure Capilano'seDtemberS. takinefoff froirfRooK. water. which is "blown off" from Uit m.M . .v,l. hj the city mains. Formerly the "blow- aud Iueied there plane for the trip off" went into Beaver Lake, in the'acr0ss the country ' ' heart of Stanley Park. The Stanley Fatner woodley is a transport Park ny Fishing Association main- pu0t who learned flying from his tains tanks in Beaver Lake for fry. ! brother. He plans to fly to Nulate. andalways has between 50,000 and I where he be stationed to serve 68.000 flngertlngs there in prepara-1 catholic missions. In the Tanana tton for releasing Into the Lagoon, district, northeast of here. Mr. Sankey declares that when fish-; : ing is permissible In Lost Lagoon the general public will be able to; participate. The terms will be arranged by the Parks Board. He declares that the water Is not the least brackish, seepage from the sea having been absolutely stopped by the Parks Board engineers. Provincial Constable Wm.. Smith arrived in the city from the Interior on this afternoon's train. He was lonnerly a member of the detach-melt here. The Weather Dead Tree Point : Showery, calm: barometer, 30.08; temperature, 56; sea smooth. Langara Island: Cloudy, light southwest wind; sea calm. A Swiss railway Is using a loco motive with water tube boiler lr which steam is generated at 850 pounds pressure. . j GAIN FOR SENATORS; Defeated Yankee Yesterday and Better Second Place Hold; Tigers Take Sixth Place V NEW YORK, Sept. 24. ton Senators defeated the New York Yankees in a tight game here yesterday and increased their hold on second place in the American League to one-and-a-half games. THE DAlIt NEWS TIDE TURNS FOR MUSIC London Feels Talkies Not so Popular and Revival of Old Style Entertainment Mooted LONDON, Sept. 18. Is the public ; tiring of "talkies" and of film entertainment in general? The question 1 is exercising the big men amongst the amustment caterers of London. ', There is an impression abroad that a return to the style of music-hall' entertainment of 20 years ago or more might prove profitable. At: once the further question arises i Is there nowadays a sufficient number of "variety artistes" of the old-time calibre to draw from? No doubt if a big demand for single-; turn performers should arise the supply will somehow be forthcoming. Perhaps it was by way of testing present -day pubhc taste concerning the music-hall as we used to know! it that the Palladium management put on a program which Included: several who used to head the bill a , generation ago. Chief among the! veterans to come forward was Gus Elen, whose representations of cos-; ter life used to rival those of Albert Chevalier in the favor of the public, j Not a few. Indeed, believed Gus' Elen to be the more finished artist, j for Chevalier s ditties take "My Old Dutch" for example often had something of the mawkish in their sentimentality. Ous Elen's coster, on the ether hand, was always ro- j tnutious. One of his songs has be-. come almost a classic. At any rate the present-day Palladium audience ' fairly lapped up the chorus: Ifs a great big shame, and If she ' belonged to me. I'd let 'er know who's who; i Naggtn' at a feller wot is six foot 1 hree. And 'er only four foot two! And ibpt'adn't been married not a j mumi nor more, j When uriderneaff r fumb goes Jim, ; Isn't It a pity that the likes of 'er. Should put upon the likes of 'im! Technique Superb Gus Elen is 70 years of age, but his technique remains as superb as . ever It was. " 'E Dunno Where 'E. Are" is the song which he madej famous when the middle-aged of today were children, and yet, thanks i to his inimitable rendering, it comes j up as fresh as the latest flower. The Palladium program also Includes an i artiste every whit as clever Vesta Victoria. How many years is it since we were all singing "Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bow Wow"? Nearly 40. If we are not afraid to confess it. The "Bow Wow" song is not Included In Vesta Victoria's present repertoire. Perhaps the refrain, if It Is to be rendered with the volume that orthodoxy requires, is too much for Vesta Victoria nowadays. But she gives us "Waiting at the Church," which seized the fancies of all the boys and girls of a generation back. Vesta Victoria In her prime was nearly the equal of the unforgettable Marie Lloyd. A comparison indeed on some occa- at the Palladium, though, shows that he is sure of a vociferous welcome whenever he again occasionally -obliges." The Dally News can be pur-I chased at I Post Office News Stand. SM i Granville St. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Prince I George, B.C. It. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. aeneral Store. Anyox. , Smtthers Drug Store, Bmltli- era, B.Gi . i II TieWrewXl i'N.r. . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqu or Control Board o r by tha Government of British Columbia. c FLOUR USE FOK CHINA (Continued from Page One) if not more important part than' men. Mrs. Marler's Interview j Mrs. Mailer, when interviewed; here, dealt more fully with the' subject of Canada's missions which ate established from north to south 1 of the Japanese Empire. There are sehooU and convents of all denominations In all the cities. The Sister Superior ef the Angtiean' sisterhood, of St. HHda, U from Quebec, and there are two Sacred suffering from the world depression as much as anywhere, though, one doesn't hear so much about the unemployed, because they go home to their families." Mrs. Marler has organized tht guide movement in Japan, and Whether his style of performance is nd that enthusiasm runs high in worth very much now, except as a lnl direction. Several Japanese reminder of what used to please the guides have already visited Fox-multitude 30 years back, may be 'race, international home of guld- doubted. The reception he received Ing. as a Plunge in the Pool ON A HOT DAY JUST IMAGINE the tang of a brink breeze olTtbe water a sudden cooling shower a refreshing dip In the lake a satisfying session with Catling's Black Label Lager Beer With all its quality It costs no more arling's - Black Label Lager Beer birds and insects, all are formed out of these national flowers. As many as 1.000 blossoms may found cn one plant be LECTURE IS INTERESTING Miss Edith G. Mann Tells Gather- ing in Baptist Church of Mis- sionary Work in India ! Miss Edith O. Mann. B.A.. of New Westminster, Baptist Church mis-' Heart convents there. Mrs. Marler sionary, spoke very Interestingly be-contlnued. One well-known Carta- fore a large audience In First Bap- dlan school for girls which hat tlst Church last night on religious ' slons might have tipped the scale bcen lhere 101 u tne E,w work beln8 carried on among the , in favor ef Vesta i Jo Oakko- nd ,r evey Japanese Telugus. native people of a part of Another representative old-timer Vl'iL' '"'if" ,bordtrin8 upon lhe Bay ef . graduates from this school. Bengal, in ... the n,, Palladium program -.Mm t. Is Harry m.K , K A . . " ,.,. Champion. The red-nosed comedian who flourished a battered umbrella and bawled at the top of his voice about mothers-in-law. about losing your clothes while bathing, and about even more delicate subjects, ! was common enough (sometimes In ia double sense) in the days gone by. Harry Champion belonged to this family of popular entertainers, but. unlike he general ruck of them, he always naa a aisunct personally. Japan," said Mrs. Marler. "My native beliefs, customs, etc, and to household have breakfast every Illustrate her discourse she had a morning at 7:30 and go to bed not number of costumes and curios from earlier than midnight. Japan Is! that part of the world. The meeting was presided over by Rev. Dr. F. W. Dafoe, pastor of First Baptist Church. LOCAL iTEMS Oame Warden Ed. Martin returned to the city on this afternoon's train. William Burkln returned to the tokvo on the main streets was city on this afternoon's train from a fine, modern city, with examples a brief trip to Bums Lake, of the best architecture of the, world of today." Mrs. Marler con- Provincial Constable H. L. Mc-tlnued. "Step off that road. two'Kcnney of Terrace arrived in the blocks, and find the Tokyo of 3.-; city from the Interior on this af-000 years ago. Here the houses are ternoon's train, having 1 his cus-the traditional Japanese screen tody a prisoner. bouses. No matter what the size of these airy dwellings, every private! Provincial Constable Robert Gib-home has a tiny garden and a tiny son, who has been at Bablne Lafcu fence or hedge. On account of th? for the past three weeks In his ca-heavy summer rains, it Is Impossl- paclty as special provincial fUh-ble for flowers to grow In gardens, cries officer, returned to the city but they are beautifully arrnpgea fro mthe Interior on this after-with flowering shrubs and trees. , noon's train. These are not only grown for beau- ., , ty of foliage and perfume, but also! No word has yet been received for beauty of line." here as to who will be the succes- The chrysanthemum show was sor to Barclay J. Melllsh, who Is another manifestation of the ar-i being transferred as manager of tlstlc nature of the Japanese. Hero ' the Bank of Commerce hero to tho they train a single plant into managership of the Robson Dls-grAceful symbols and forms. Bat-jtrlct branch on Oranvllle 8treet in tlcahlps and aeroplanes, flying j Vancouver DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' & Gentlemen Tailoring Iteasonsble Trices M. T. LEE COMPANY 32J 3rd Ave. W. Phone CM QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C Our Prince Kupert Prices: No. 1 6x per M No, 1 3x per M. No. 2 per M. ..- MM VA t:$ ROBKItTSON SIMPSON Massett, B.C Agent: Hyde Transfer Phone Ml Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS CLASS Third Avenue PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations MwV Collection and Delivery IVre LING THE TAILOR 811 Second Ave. Fbone Get aulck results with wn' ill