Freshness guaranteed to the last leaS pi If T Yellow label Salada 6cta a lb Brown label Salada 70ct a lb 'Fresh from the gardens1 Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores PARKE-DAVIS & CO. Pure Vanilla Extract Special At Bargain Prices 3-ounce 5QC 6-ounqc QQC $2.00 Ormes Lid. TJir. Pioneer Druqtjists Phones 81 & 82 or OM OutitfJ Third Ave. & Fullon St In Brown Calf, combining appearance and durability. Price $8.50 FAMILY SHOE STORE Third Ave. W. A. J. Webber, Mgr. Telephone 357 FALL, SAILINGS From ftinc Rupert tot Vukouvw, wiling tt Ocn FIU nJ jwtll IXict, Sundiy nd ThurtJiyt, 1000 p.m. ft KrtchiUn, SturJT 0 profit Anr. Wedneidir, 4.00 p.m. For Stiwtrt, WeJnMJy nd 8tturJy. 4 DO p ro. Futiughtlf tnvict tc Queen Charkfttt WiaJ VticuUii on rcquett. TR4IN SEHVICK rWflgrr tfini ltv Fnnc Ruprrt MavJiM. WtJnMdiy; Itvj SiturJtyi tt I M0 p.m. for Edmonton. Wtaniptg tnd pantt Ei it. W lntnrmmUan rH or wrll. lorl II. MEWfc.N. U.K. A P.4., Prtr Kpr. B.C. Canadian National UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Stromrrt Irntf IVInr Kuirt f or Vancouver: T.R.K. IMT.M.A r.VEHV TLTSO.tY. U0 PM. .... Via .Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver. Thursday Morning. T.H.B. CARIIKNA EVF.HY lltlDAY MII1XK1IIT Arriving V.ncouver 8undjr midnight pprox. -Weeklt klllngi to Port eunpnon, Alice Arm. Anyox, 8twrt nd Nm River i i.irrt Sunday. 8 00 p.m. Further information rrgardlnir aalllnga and tlckcU at . rillNCr HUPEKT AOKNCY: ccnrt Avrnur, Phone 6M If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office Local Items Glasses fitted ' by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Motorshlp Bellingham Is due here tomorrow with fish and will take a cargo of bait from here to Ketchikan. Oordon McKesney has been fined $10, with option of seven days' Imprisonment. In city police court for swearing. Judge F. McB. Young returned to the city on this afternoon's train from Smlthcrs where he conducted a session of County Court this week. Mother Mary Dorothy and Slstf r Mary Gerard, Juneau nuns, were passengers aboard the ss. Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Victoria. William Bunting, well known northern mining man. who has been spending the past summer in the Rainy Hollow country, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver. Edward Llpsctt of Vancouver, who attended the notary International convention at Vienna during the past summer, was the speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club today. Ha gave many Interesting remin iscences of that important gather' lng. CITY TAX SALE A Tax Sale of delinquent lots will be held In the City HalLat 10 ajn. Wednesday, Sep. 30th, 1931. List of lots may be had on appllca tion at City Hall. D. J. MATHESOH. 222 City Treasurer & Collector m r, . De Jong's If I llHlir. . I m (.ash and Larrv That Make Walking a Pleasure "Onyx-Styled" i'or women PHONE 933 PHONE 933 Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over Pacific, St. Charles, Carnation or Nestles, per 10c vx can (Limit 10 cans 'to each customer) Dlue Ribbon Matches 9 Uv 9 C per pkg Sunnybrook Uuttcr vi Hivn Red Arrow Sandwich Biscuits, per lb Nut and Honey Dutter jQC JJV WBi JHt Shredded Wheat per pkg Dutch faid Honey per 16-oa. Jar Quaker Crackels 2 pkg. for Malkln's Dect Orange Marmalade per 4-lb. can Malkln's Best' Peas, sieve 3. f)Cn IUI Malkln's Best Spinach, No. 2's 22c 10c 27c 25c 47c 15c Ensign Red Pitted Cherries, OCp 0t,V 2 tins for Ensign Apricots, 2's, 10n X,i per tin Quaker Pears. 2's, heavy Qf OOK, yrup. 2 tins for Watch Our Windows for Fresh Fruits and Vf tctablfs Italian Prune, SOC Per Crate rcttchesj per dozen Per Crate Preserving Pears Per 40-lb. box $1.00 40c $1.95 $1.50 Hyslop Crabapplcs Q) 4 A Per 40-lb. box V1U Your phone order gets the same care as your personal visit would receive. THE DAILY NEWS uxosvenor -tfte friendly Hotel LOBBY, lourtr "! Hrd-1 rooms are potlwwily tlmn ml comfortable . . . apprllalnji dining riom at moit rnwKinnlile Drkmi flurbrr nbop' ptmwmitm anl other ewnTftnlrnr are altuateH In the aame build- -Inn ... and thealrra nd bop are only two block away. Stop mt I he Gmmrwor mnH know its JrUndly comor i! $150 Comfortable Rooms VANCOUVER. D.C.,, fish Specials at Fish Market. W . A. Sloan, district credit manager for the Union Oil Company, left for Vancouver yesterday after a brief visit to the city. Rev. William Delap, who has been engaged in Anglican Church mission work at Atlfn, arrived In the city from the north on the Prlnr cess Louise yesterday afternoon. Descriptive story from real life "Broken Memory Remade" tonight at 8, Salvation Army citadel. Saturday night "What I Have Seen on the Streets of Prince Rupert." 223 C. H. Taylor has been appointed Canadian customs officer at Hidden ; Creek, Alaska, coming under the port of Prince Rupert, it Is announced in the National Revenue Review. t Provincial Cort&ble Ronald W. Stewart of -Atlin was a passenger ! mWm..,!. n.u... T 1 ...... iday aftenoorj,, pound for Vancouver, having a prisoner, William ;Hood. in his custody. Rev. Frank Bushfield of Anyox. after having attended meetings of Prince Rupert PrEbytery of the United Church here during the week, sailed by fat Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on his retur.i to the smelter town. C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Cap tain D. K. Blrss. Is due In port about 6 o'clock this evening from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte- Islands and will remain over here until 10 o'clock Saturday night when she will tall on her return south over the same route. Three boys of Juvenile age were haled before Magistrate MeCly-mont In city police court yesterday for riding bicycles without light. As punishment, their vehk ler were taken away from them and detained at the police station fur forty-eight hours. The practice of riding bicycles without light must stop, the police say, and future penalties will be more severe. Announcements Eagles' Social Dance, Friday, October 2. United Church Supper, Oct. S. Gyro Fall Hoedown. October 16. Mooso Hall. II111 GO l.O.D.K. Bridge and danee October 30. Moose Carnival and Dance No. 12 and 13. Anglican Cathedral" Bazaar, November 19. Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McKAE imOS., LTD. Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroner's store Official opening Prince Rupert Dadminton Club, Sunday, Mclntyre Hall. American Tournament, 2:30. 224 There were 81 passengers aboara the steamer Princess Louise, which was In port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Six passengers disembarked from the vessel here "while slx.leit here for the south aboard her. The list of through passengers Included a number of employees of the Yukon & White Pass Route golnp south for the winter. TO TAXPAYERS Local Improvement Taxes aie due and payable at City Hall Oct. 1. 1031. To avoid added penalty. D. J. MATHESON 222 City Treasurer & Collector New System Now in Force All Over City Tomorrow, Friday, every Dally News carrier boy will have started In business for himself. While his business will necessarily be small, yet It will mean a lot to him. We desire to enlist your co-opcra-tlon on his behalf. Have your money ready so as to save him as much time as possible, and-if your neighbor Is not now a reader of The News, send the boy In to secure his subscription. Every new subscriber helps the boy to a greater success In his little business venture. 224 Savings on Your PANTRY SUPPLIES for ! Friday & Saturday SOAP Royal Crown 6 bars r CRISCO 3-lb. tins-: per tin PASTRY FLOUR WUd Rose 10-Ib. sack ! TERRACE TABLE APPLES, .4 lbs Per box RED PLUMS Aylmer No. 2 tins 3 tins APRICOIS-Aylmer No. 2 tins per tin QUAKER PUFFED RICE per pkg QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT, per pkg EOOS Brookfleld Extras. cartoned per dozen 3 dozen for -I 23c 78c 44c 22c $1.75 32c 19c 17c 13c 34c $1.00 8NOWCAP MINCED CLAMS - The finest quality packed at Massett 10-oz. family tin OOt per tin SNOWCAP PILCHARDS a delicious food No. 1 tall tins A j 4-lb. flat tins, 2 tins for imioni: ss 15c LIBBYS TOMATO CATSUP, -j C n 12-oi. bottles, pe bottle...."' DEL MONTE CORN-No. 2 tins-Crosby or Oolden Bantam, OEJp fancy quality 2 tins OOV DEL MONTE PEAS No. 2 tlni Early Oarden very tender, 2 Una 2-IN-l FLOOR WAX per 1-lb. tin RED ARROW DINGER SNAPS-per lb 35c 35c 15c ORMOND S FINE BISCUITS Fancy assortment Q7 per lb . OIK' Combination Deal ONE 23-PIECE CHINA TEA SET- ONE 1-lb. MAYBLOOM TEA Exceptional Value-All for $1.95 Watts' Grocery PHONE 56 TIIK IlKST 1'OIt LESS Thursday, September 24, 1931 leava n I Wmi I ' 7fT 1 TLiaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai Stocked by WALLACE'S LTD. Visitor From Ocean Falls Is Guest of Honor at Vancouver One of the large events of the last week was the supper 'ance at which Miss Helen La Belle was hostess at the Hotel Georgia lnj honor of Mrs. Michael Stephens of i Ocean Falls. A cjoth of Venetian cutwork covered the supper table that was graced with rose carnations in crystal bowls and rose and ' gold tapers. Mrs. F. LaBelle, Mrs. George Blair. Mrs. J. Stephens, Mrs. Jack Dodson and Miss Fanta Collins presided at the urns. The guests included: Miss Marlon Leslie, Miss Vera Walker, Miss Jane Wilson, the Misses Ina, Jean, Isabel, Frankle. Helenc and Clara La Belle, Miss Mona Wilson. Miss Cora Wood, Miss Dot Wood, Miss Jean Wilson, Miss Kitty and Miss Peggy Haddock. Mr. and Mrs. George Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dobson. Miss Marjonc Dobson. Mlsa Clara Everett. Miss Eva Wotten, Mis Mary Bennett, Miss Sue Retd, MissLotUe MtDou-galt. Miss Bessie Blair, Miss Evelyne Millar. Jack Wood, Harold Wood. Harold Turner, Alex Blair, Bob Robertson. Joe Riley, Andy Crosby, Al Watson, Bert Bftter. Norman McDonald, John Dwyer, Alex Olbcn. Claude Sills, Albert Stewart. Pete Riley. Joe Johnson, Lyold Jarvls, Jack Davis, Ernie Wilson, Russcl La Belle, F. La Belle, and others. Vancouver Sun. Twenty Years Ago In Prince fturwrt September 21, 1911 P. J. Carrlgan, a lone prospector, has reached the city after mushing all the way from Edmonton, He left Edmonton on July 15 and travelled via the grade of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Conservative supporters had a triumphal parade through the city last night to celebrate the election of H. 8. Clements as member of the J House of Commons for Comox-1 AUln. Mr. Clements, riding a horse, I led the parade. j The new H-storey hotel to be! built here by the Grand Trunk Pa-! rifle Railway will, It Is understood, j be similar In lines to a hotel In Winnipeg for wheh the contract has i been let to a Montreal Inn. ' HOTE ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. ritUMIOMMt!, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts SAVOY F. Pattercon and John II. Eassle, Porcher Island; R. M. Stewart, New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrpliont tSI HUGH L. DICKEY, Mi). SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Kose, Cowan & Lalta Phone 234 aTOOMHS Radio Service Radio Salrs and'Rtpalrs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone niue 901 503 ltli Av. E. TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 Years' Experience All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George IN,