Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides 1 Friday, September 25, 1931 High 0:18 a.m. 19:4 It. Princt & o : Overcast, calm; 12:43 p.m. 19:9 It baromei C G : temperature, 57; Low .. 6:40 a.m. 4:7 ft. sea Brno Ij, 18:59 p.m. 5:5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXII. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1931. PRICE FIVE CENTS CO B.C RAILWAY IS STILL IN LIMELIGHT STOCK MARKET DROPS AS SENSATIONALLY AS IT ROSE Delegates Ask Ottawa To Complete Pacific Great Eastern North General J. W. Stewart and His Party Advised to Incor-porporale It in Province's List of Unemployment Relief Undertakings OTTAWA, Sept. 21 Headed by General J. W. Stewart, a delegation from Vancouver made representations to the KUVtri IIUIIMIL AUI LJIC CALCllfilUll ., , ., V, Railway to the Peace n River relief measure. No official ing the meeting. It is understood that the delegation that a proposal of this nature should come i f rnm t ho nrnvince in its nroDOsals under the UnemDlov-' t tt'c .,i lillllh itULA WHITE STAR IN DANGER Drastic Steps Must Be Taken to Keep Ship Company Operating LONDON. Sept. 24. Sir Walter Runclman. president, today at a meeting of the directors of the White Star Line, told his associates Stock Exchange yesterday than on Canadian hard wheat. In the Jap-that drastic measures must be any day since last October. Almost 4nfse Empire there are 500 Cana-taketi if the shipping company is to all stocks, particularly rails, made dlahs and many others stationed in continue to operate. Dirigible Akron Has Its Maiden Flight Yesterday CLEVELAND. Sept. 24 The new United States Nvy dirigible Akron had 1U maiden flight yesterday when it soared over this city for three and nre-quarier ship and 1U machinery functioned satisfactorily, Mail Contract Is Cancelled KETCHIKAN. Sept. 24. The mail contract with the Northland Transportation Company between here and Seattle has been cancelled. It is Uiought that the reason for this action was the fact that the time table of the vessels duplicated that of the larger steamers. NO FISH SALE Although the American vessel Vansec was In with 39,000 pounds and the Canadian Nuba with 3.000 pounds, there was no sale of halibut) on the local Fish Exchange this, morning. I ,1 4 OOVEUNMI-NT HEADY TO I'AY HALF OF RELIEF IF C5 I'EKCENT LAnOlt . VANCOUVER Sept. 24 On the condition that sixty-five percent of the money expend- vd by British Columbia cities and municipalities on unem- ployment relief work shaU be t for labor, the Dominion gov- crnment will pay fifty J" cent cent oi of the ine cost wi " of materials used. It was announced yes- terday. i 1 . country as an unemployment statement was made follow- Ul LUC 1 aLlllL UlWb LiaSLClll suggestion was made to the ! BUSY DAY IN STOCK i N, V. Exchange More AcUve Yester-' day Than on Any Smile Day Since Last October NEW YORK. Sept. 24.-Tradlng was more active in the New York strong gains, while bonds also showed healthy improvement. COMBINE ALLEGED i Provincial and City Police Seiie Documents and Paper From Toronto Companies ' TORONTO. Sept. 24.-Provlnclal ; and dty ,lce y continued to seize papers and documents of the moving IT1ZM picture companies mnaniM for for the the of obtaining evidence for purpose mi Uut the sUong Sfnse of the prosecution of an alleged Wm,,, responsibility which was comblne- ! felt as a duty, not only toward llv- ilng relatives but to their ancestor j. D VMf1 fYi T1TC protected many a citizen of Japan. nillVI VUlllJ VAUll XliriN I VlVJL uVUll former Governor General to llelin- quish Duties as Commissioner of Metropolitan rolice LONDON. Sept. 24. Viscount Byng of Vlmy, former Governor General of Canada, loaay an- nounced that he would retire from the chief commisslonershlp of the Metropolitan police at the end of the month. . m Cl l lYleXICan OldlC r 1 VlnVeS LdDliai . . . V-iif,nia he Tia Seat of Lower California in to be na J.una Instead of Mexican . - ... u.i MEXICALI. sep or Lower . o.-lsll Mexican to tn Tia Tia Jauru J1UIU at once ! from irom i.. it it was was announced announced yesteraay yesterday Dy u, w governor of this Mexican state. 200 :oo UNEMPLOYED urE.iiiri,uii.i' ... AT J WEAK JUNEAU, Sept. 24 There arc . t A t n ASin min out or worn nerc u. --- --- - - ioHm1 man iwitn ine wiuauou. -" 13 10 be !pp0,?2Ju th mcn nd tfy t0 secure emnloyment employment, rr many as poMtble FLOUR USE FOR CHINA Should Be Possible to Teach,Them To Use Hard Rather Than Soft Wheat Product Declares Marler Wife Is Heard Educational Institutions in Orient Are Described in Interriew REOINA, Sept. 24 In an inter- . .1 . . . ..... . . . , view given oy won. n. m. warier. Canada's Minister to japan, he 8aid: The Chinese were taught by the western world to buy sort wheat flour for the making of noodles and dumplings and ma- IcaronL They've been doing that only twelve years. If Western people could teach them to use soft wheat flour, why couldnt they be educated to use the more nutritious, more palatable Canadian hard wheal flour? "While the Chinese haverto be educated to eat bread some Is now being eaten In Shanghai, In Pel-IPlng, and in other- Larje-centrsult jls not a good loaf. It crumStS. it does not keep. It does not look s good as Canadian bread. We have . eood chance there to educate to Chinese to eat bread made from China. The Japanese think highly of Canadians. I cannot speak too highly of the Japanese and I would appeal to all Canadians to study that country. Most of the Canadians In China are missionaries. They are doing excellent work. particularly the United Church of Canada. Their alms are spiritual, f but ty do muen t0 create a favorable Impression for Canadian trnrl tn th far Mat " jaWinn,pegi spiking before the Women's Canadian Club Mr. Mar- ieradmlt.ted t VherT was much ue??! nov .,. Ton,n h,,f IThe family system is such that U a person is skk or in want he seeks out hu nearNt relative, however far removed in blood, who is able I to maintain him. and that person dm not refuse him maintenance for fear of being disgraced. Mr Marler said. The Canadian minster told of the y,tem 0f education followed there by wnlch every child contributes , ,ew pennies to a school fund , whleh ta augmented by the school. for tne pUrpose of taking children about to different spots of historic Interest and of beauty. These jaunts are a regular part of the Japanese child's education, and 'have a remarkable Influence in de- veloplng patriotism, loyalty and a Jtxone sense of national pride. : "Think what Canadian children would feel toward their country If .,.. w.. vels of the treat Dominion," Mr. Msrler said. , rn.,na h naw hiirh tribute ' -w Mr. Marier. whose support and ..,,., ln t,Mn hay- done much to create good feeling tor Canada. The Canadian minister! r-aiiv two nersons. he said. He ... ' th. ODDortunlty pass . . . , ...j, w nnuna nu wuurcii uukhw ln the fostering of trade relation- ships women played as Important on page Four) Had Narrow Escape BBBBaaaBaaBaaaBaBBSSSBS yjjMB' jE aiiHSLHlHSaaaaaV JaaaVSaaaR t& "? Amelia Earhart -Putnam, famous death recently when autogyro c h;-re looking over Whitewater Group District May Be One of Biggest Gold Propositions in the Province The recent visit of Noah pioneers in mining in Northern Ontario, and his partner, J. B. Woodworth, of Vancouver, to the Taku district in the northwest of British Columbia lying between Juneau and Atlin Lake, will probably result in the immediate open ing up of the Whitewater property, a property which has! TO NAME OFFICIAL Completing Orcanteallon to Distribute Men on. Unemployment Kelief Projects VANCOUVER, Sept. SI Appointment I of a federal representative in Dritish Columbia to co-operate with the Dominion i employment service and the provincial government in directing the placing of men on road buildinr nroiects under unem . ployment relief programs will be made before Senator Gideon Robertson, minister of labor, leaves Vancouver, he announced last night DEPORTING IS DENIED Chinese Not Being Sent Away from' Mexico, Declares President MEXICO CITY. Sept. a4 - Prel - dent Rublo formally denied y ester - day that Mexico was deporting its Chinese. Large numbers of Chinee still continue to leave the country. woman flyer, narrowly escaped ashed at Detroit. She is shown the wrecked plane. in Taku River Timmins, one of the successful rvery uiuicauon ui oeuig one 01 me Diggesi gora mining propositions which British Columbia has seen for very many years, says Mining and Industrial Record. A huge tonnage of commercial grade ore is indl- ted from the work already done!N-.Y ro'ifeMkln,ntensleSfrch ton four of the mineralised veins. each twenty feet wide. There are other veins of lesser width apparent on which lltUe or no Investigation .has been carried out Messrs. Tim mins and Woodworth have optioned the property from its present owners and purpose going ahead with development as fast as conditions permit. The Whitewater group of claims is situated on the right bank of the !TulwqUah Rlver and ,lei between the Manville group and the Tulse- Contlnued on page 2 "SMITHY" STARTS Famous Australian Airman ..At tempts New Record for Flight to England BATAVIA, Java. Sept. 24. Wing Commander Charles Klngsford- ; Smith, who left Wyndham. Austra . Ha, tor England today ln an attempt j to establish a new record for the i trip, arrived at Heribon. Dutch East Indies, this afternoon. Big Selling Backwash Swept Exchange Today, Eclipsing Most Gains Utilities, Industrials and Rails All Show Weakness Losses of From Three to Fifteen Dollars Record During Day NEW YORK, Sept 24. A heavy backwash of selling swept the stock market today and prices declined as rap-idlv as vesterdav's advance. At the lowest nrioes manv utility and industrial shares had more than cancelled sen-Isational advances of previous markets, while rails also showed weakness. Net losses at the close ranged from I three to fifteen dollars lower. Italy Is Aiding Soviet Russia In Her 5-Year Plan ROME, Sept. 24 Italy is strength- ! KETCHIKAN. Sept. 24 Ycster-enlng her relations with Soviet! day the Ketchikan banks cut the Russia. Many Italian engineers have been aiding Russ&"ln tarrying our her five-year plan" of Industrial expansion. New Manager For Union Oil Company Here ' J. E. Morris of This City Promoted to Important Position J. E. Morris of Prince Rupert, who Is well known In the city as an employee of the Union Oil Company. : las been appointed local manager for that company, replacing A. J. Co II lso n. who has recently resigned. Mr. Morris will carry on the pres ent policy of the company, giving j the same good service that this com pany has given in the past. M A Hllif A AT IP 111 r I , 1 1 1 r AJ SUSPECTED; for Killer of Connecticut Man NEW YORK, Sept 24. An intensive search is being conducted tor a madman who Is suspected of the killing two weeks ago of Benjamin CoUlngs of Stamford, Connecticut. Collings' wife had been at first under suspicion, but police investigation has proven her to be blameless. The madman was recenUy paroled from a local Institution. Gold Brick Shown OnN. Y. Exchange Came From Alaska-Juneau Mine and Valued at $10,000 NEW YORK. Sept. 24. Alaska came Into the limelight at the Stock Exchange here yesterday when a real gold brick was exhibited to members of the mining section. It! came from the Alaska-Juneau mine , at Juneau and was valued at $30,000., VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Sept. 24.-Wheat was quoted on the local Exchange today at S3 3-4c Ketchikan Likes Canadian Money Despite Embargo discount rate against Canadian money by five percent, brjpjfog ft down to 15' percent. While there is an embargo against Canadian money at the bank, the stores here still take Canadian silver at par. Interviewed in regard to it local merchants declare they would like to get barrels of Canadian money. It Is freely circulated along with U. S. money and there is a good deal of it here. Alleged to Have Obtained Relief While Employed Louis Gabriel was committed for trial by Magistrate MeCtymont in city police court this morning on a charge of obtaining meal tickets from the city under false pretences. Police allege that Oabrtel drew meal tickets to the extent of $16.60 while working at one of the local fish houses and earning on an average of $8 or $7 per week. He will be taken before Judge Young tn County Court for election. Indian Summer In Pacific Northwest Weather Conditions Are Ideal and Summer Resorts Still Proving Popular PORTLAND. Oregon. Sept 3V-The whole Pacific Northwest to basking under an Ideal Indian Summer. All the people Are out-of-doors and summer resorts are still very popular. THREE UNITED STATES CITIZENS ARE KILLED IN MUKDEN, MANCHURIA PEIPINO. China. Sept. 24. Three United States citizens are reported to have been killed at Mukden, the capital of Man- churla, yesterday by Japanese soldiers. The Americans are understood to have been em- ployees of the British-American Tobacco Co.