Thursday, September 24, 1931 Bums Lake District Apply owner W. E. Funnell, Prince Rupert 226 BARGAIN In Old Newspapers. Ue ful for lighting lire laying beneath carpets, wrapping parcels packing furniture and many other purposes. Special for a short time, 2 bundles for 25e Daily Newt. tf SITUATIONS VACANT EMPLOYMENT FULL and spare time-workers making good Incomes selling "Imperial. Art" "Made In Canada" Per sonal Christmas Cards. Write now for particulars while agencies still available. Sample Book free to responsible people. British Canadian Publishing Co., 51 West Wellington. Toronto. &3C TRANSFERS B. Si R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. t: Auction SATURDAY. SE1T. 26, 2:30 p.m. 206 Cth Street (Kirkpatriek's Old Store) 1 Auto Ford. Sedan, 1 light Ford Truck, 1 Radio, 3 heaters. 2 Dln-ingroom Tables. Kitchen Chairs, Kotkmrj Chairs. 2 Bevel Plate Mirrors, l Hall Rack with Mirror. 2 Beds, Dresser, Commode, Bathroom Cabinet, Bakeboard, Kitchen Cabinet. Flour Bin, Clothe Basket, Cream Baby Buggy, Tub, Kitchen Table, Mixing Bowl, Hand Saw. Wushboard and many article too numerous to mention. 224 Ross McKay ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. tf SHOE REPAIRS MAC SHOE HOSPITAL. Shoes repaired. Second Avenue West, if SHOE "REPAIRS Best materials finest worlc prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Pott Office, tf NEWS AGENTS ANY Publications on Earth, Besn'er News Stand. sJl PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK. Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Qreen 701. VIOLIN TUITION WORD has been received that Professor Pryce will not resume work here. Miss N. Lawrence Is open to take several new puplU for similar work. Phone 177 t: SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on or under the water ve do it." Pariffa Salvaee Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and' General Salvage Work I Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all deserrp-i Hons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire I BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES j Northern B.C. Distributors ! Coolidre Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 1561 Y PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Wk ouy. hU or exchange any kind ot furniture or househoic , goods, musical instruments ma rhlnery. etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping phone Biacx 120 and we will; call. ii. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, . edev Bloc n TAXI SERVICE BEitTS TAXI Promptness and security. Phone 678. Stand Bes-ner Block. lmslC MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony, Counterpoint. Telephone: Red 390 Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. THOMASSON Dressmaker it Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, Fhone Blue 901 Miss Margaret McCalTery A.T.CM. TEACHER OF PIANO Tel. 585 Beginners Preferred Mrs. II. M. Hickcy Beauty Parlor 121 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving. Marcelling, Electric Facials, Scalp Treatment for falling hair and dandruff. Phone Red 251 "TILLiE THE TOILER" If VMBUU, ItBO A DATE TDUIGWT ANO "SHE "TVJIiWBD MB JiOVJKV I "SHE T I VMCULD 1 TEE DAILY KZWa PAQE FT72 The Daily News "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED ADY1 ERTISEMENTS rr rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per insertion with six insertion for the price of four. By the month the charts a word! No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT WANTED , i , FOR RENT choice apartment. GIRL wants housework. Phone Westenruver Bros. if Black 900. 223 FOR RENT Five room house with POSITION required as help inH bath. Apply 891 Borden St. 223 tel or family, or as house-keep- FOR RENT-Furnlshed room flat to mml men by Pbte edu- with bath. Phone 547. tf ratcd woman- Sxperlenced plain cook. Reference!. Box 108 News. THREE-ROOM House, partly fur- 238 nlshed, close In. Phone Red 623. , ii5 HELP WANTED FOR RENT two furnished nous- keeping rooms. 609 3rd Avenue. WANTED: at once Well-educated Phone Blaek 025. i Subscription Representative Male FLATS FOR RENT 5 and 8 rooms Sj'Tt 'Zn? f" ? and bath on Sixth Avenue West. 2fS Si ill " popuUr Rad ub to 111(110 ora-. Phone Blue 802. tf 1'"? ners. Must worlc territory allo- FOR RENT Clean, well furnished ted thoroughly. Commission ba- two room suites, $10" per month, Write Circulation Dept. "Ml- half-block from Post Office, 83d CROPHONE," 326, Pender St. W Second Avenue West. Phone 29j. Vancouver giving full particulars 22j and references. 221 ' TO RENT very comfortable fully - - furnished, steam heated wite. Public Stenographer hot water, electric range, etc.. r wrtaph2i!m0nUl MIMEOGRAPHING, MBrfel Mm winter. Phone 459. tf Phone782. (0-l) F0R SALE BOARD AND ROOM FOR 3ALE Oood used cars a' right prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. FOR SALE Leather Chesterfield Suite, Sideboard; Rug 9x9. Monarch Stove, kitchen cabinet and pictures going cheap. Phone Black 518, 408 8th Ave.. West, tf IMPROVED FARM for sale or trade, 120 acres. Clear title. Can be divided Into CO acre lots, one with all necessary buildings. CIIIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments NervQus, Female and Children" Diseases Specially Treated V. C. ASPINALL j (Graduate Chiropractor) J 6 and 7 Exchange Biock Green 2U Black 283 AUCTIONEER TO 3t.T HECG AT EIGHT TUltayl MOR-KllMSS AND GOING OUT mm V U ri II WTsV l i ' .rr s Mm - ww. r n EVEfty NMT 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Manufacturers Advertisers and . Advertising Agents Look at the Map of British Columbia shown herewith and note that Prince Rupert is the centre of the largest trading area of any city in the Dominion of Canada. The Daily News Prince Rupert is the only daily newspaper attempting to cover this huge area, and the people in it look to that paper for information in regard to possible markets. The nearest Canadian daily newspapers to Prince Rupert are: . Vancouver, distant 500 miles .. Edmonton, distant 955 miles No papers published north or west The industries in the district include Halibut Fishing (largest in Salmon Fishing (largest in B. C.) Lumbering; Logging and Alining. Paper Manufacturing. The Victim of a Changed Mind BOYI I'D S1B , ' My TVVtMQ TO HAVH MB VAAJO KEEP V4ETi OP SO tATC THAT JHC1D BE. TAKC3V AT TWO VJ6U. . c5"o OUT. VMITH ME. Maveh yM COOL.O CJBT AJHIPPU1 TO TAJCB MttK. OUT 3UST Map of British Colombia. ? 7 ACI0BMw ( New Industries are being planned for the district, announcement of which will be made in the near future. A new Hydro-Electric Power Plant has been installed and is now in operation. No advertising campaign is complete without including The Daily News Of Prince Rupert, B. C. The only A.B.C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. By Westover, I ( I'VE CHANffED MV MlMC, I MR.' HACDOOCJACU - VtL. V' Go our vmith voo T V -TOMtHT ) 7 M v