PA0ITHHH1 PRESCRIPTIONS Dispensing Bhysicians' Prescriptions are given the utmost carcfjn our Pharmacy. With our facilities in our new Drujj&tpre we are in a better position than ever to givel'ervice in this most important branch of our business. Ormes ltd. Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 TAXIDERMY 18 Years' Experience All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method Phone Blue 329 SCALE Or C1IAIHJKS : The following Is the tcale of charyefl made for reading notices: Marriage ai.d Engagement announcement J2. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notice $1. Cards of Thanks. $2. runerul Flutters 10c per name. uoube Third Ave. & Fulton St. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuesday as. Catala 1:30 pjn. Wednesday Pr. Henry 9:30 a.m. Thursday as. Pr. Charles, 2 p.m. Friday sa. Princess Mary 10 pjn. SS. Cardena, midnight. Saturday as. Pr. George 7 pjn. Aug 2&-. Prin. Louts 5:30 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday as. Catala ..... 4 pjn. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m Wed. as, Pr. Rupert il:30 a.m Fit as. Pr. George. 11:30 ajn Friday sa. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena .. pjn; Satur. sc. Pr. Henry, 11:30 ajn 9 a.m Aug. 28as. Pr. Charlotte 9 am Aug. 31 as. Prin. Louise .. .9 ajn For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday as. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas River & Fort Simpson-Tuesday . Catala ....11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday as. Catala .8 p.m. Monday as. Pr. Charles, 8 pjn Friday as. Pr. Qeorge. 3 pjn From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday as. Catala ...11:30 ajn Thurs. Pr. Charles. 10:90 a.m. Sat. as. Pr. George 6 p.m. Tor Ocean Falls Msnday s. Pr. George - 4 pjn. Friday as. Princess Mary 10 pjn Sat. as. Prince George, 7 p.m From Ocean Falls Wed. as. Pr. Rupert. 11:30 a a Friday as. Pr. George, 11:30 a.m Friday- as. Cardena ..... p.m. as. Princess Mary 4 p r 8aL as. Pr. Hear,. 11:30 an For South Queen Charlotte Islapds Aug. 31 ss. Prince John 10 ; r.. From South Queen Charlotte Islands Aug. 28 ss. Prince Jhn . m 9 Scraggy, iiiishnven hoards arc like dull, unpolished shoos . . . both uro entirely out of keeping x ith jour pride of personal appenranco ... so kr-p ur shoes ftf nt all tlmen siunrt villi "Nupgct" which (fxr Wm nterprimfs the shoes ns it polishes. SHOE POLISH (jk NUGGET TIN cpeiU mlh a Uvtil UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamna leave Prince llupert t ur Vancouver: T-N.h rT.l,A EVKKY Tl'ESIUY, 1.S0 I'M. Via Ocean Falls, arrlvlnj Vancouver, Thursday Morning. S t. i AltDKN A KVKKV Htll AY MIDMOIIT , Arriving Vno6uver Bunday midnight appro. yifllj aaUlngt to Port BUnpnun. Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Nai River uluta. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. further information regarding all millngt and ticket at ntlMT llllKItT AOENCV: gerund Avenue, I'hone ow 'ct the habit of reading1 the advertisements in this paper, and Inking advantage of the help they bring you. Local Items Dinnerwarc, enma, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner'i Store. Charles Balagno will resume hlj piano classes on Sept. 1. cf. Joe Arseneau, father of O. 0. Arseneau, arrived In the city Irom Vancouver on the Catala last ev- pnlnir i ! o 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bulger and daughter, after a five weeks' visit in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. i A. E. Ironsides was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening bound from Vancouver to Alice Arm where he will take up his new appointment as public school tea cher. Misses Roe and White, domestic science instructresses in the local schools, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Prince Charlei this morning after spending sum mer vacation in the south. tHUCfi "T AM i matcrnitjr nune. In my JL 42nd year I used to have tick pell ery two weeks. "A woman always seemi to have tome derangements at Change of Life. "The Vegetable Compound helped me to much that I rccum mend it to motheri and young eirlt as well as older women." Mrt, Eugene 'St. Germain, 1604 Glad tlone Ave., Cote St, Paul, Montreal, Quebec. If you hwe my weaknets or pain, try l.rdia I!. Pitikham'a Vegetable Compo'ind. It hat benefited 98 out of every 1 00 who ha e used it. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I Prince Rupcri's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roonu A. 'J. rnUDIIOMMB. Prop. Cor. of Frascr und Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarelll, Vrup TUG IIOTIL MOItTII WHILE Hot Si Cold Water; Steam Ileal 73c PER DAY AND UP Telephone IX I Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Oood? Our Guests Say They Are. THE DAILY NEWS Monday, August 31, 1931 II lhe I! I Remedy I J) II toe ' II Vjonsiiyauuu PiMS I a jjsjflra (Tbe Nilion'i UutitQ B Ci lasses titled by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Auditorium Dances Tues., Wed, and Thurs. Blue Bird Orchestra. Admission 25c. and 50c. tt Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngwortn, I pastor of First Presbyterian Church' Hot Tamales and Fried Chicl:-and Mrs. Hollingworth, who have at Vlcks all fair week. 719 bten snendlnc a month's vacation Fulton St. Phone Green 170. "2U5 on "Vancouver Island, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. Wootten, as well as at Seattle and other points. . Visitor from 'Anyox p Prince Rtrpett for he Exhibition this week will hs?v the opportunity to return home Saturday afternoon on board the steamer Prince George which, It was announced chikan. Maternity Nurse Civa Advice Mrs. W. W. Noonan and daughter Louise, arrived In -the city at the end of the week from the Interior, Miss Evelvn Dalbv of the Nor- oeing nere w auena me iair. thern B. C. Power Co.'s staff sailed! . v ,. l,c, Saturday ejeriln on the Prince fh Catala Jajt eyenl Riir fox-ft Wweeka vacation h h frQm fl ouver to AUce JLftlfr where h JmsVmlnlng .. Inter-viaft with her sister. Mrs. Arthtlrr r ests. Miss Margaret Beattle. who has been visiting with friends and relatives In Vancouver returned to the city oh the Prince Charles this morning. L, McLellan jQt.tlic C.N.R. divi sional Bu"perinterdra'of f ice ' her hpr1 Saturday evening on the ss r r-n t thP mupr tm nn sailing that day in addition to her f,rln(:e fofa hollday trlP to Master Donald hnd Miss Molly Fitch,- hUdera. qtnMr. and M i- ranK r itcn, returnea nome on ir.e Catala last evening after having spent the summer Vacation in Mn M. P McOaffcry and children, who have been spending tfec summer at Quallcum Beach, Vancouver Island, returned to the city from the south on the Catala lait evening. C P. Hickman of the hatchery department of the fisheries servlcf is a passenger aboard' the Prince Charles today bound from Vancouver enroute toMezladen Lake ' where he will Inspect the fish lad der. Splro Ourvlch. who has been spending the past few months in the south, part of the time In Royal Columbia Hospital at New Westminster, returned home from the south on the Prince Charles this morning. Miss Annie Roode, who has been spending the summer vacation in the south. Is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today bound from Vancouver to Old Massett where she will resume her school teaching duties. Miss Rita McLean, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. N. M. McLean, re turns on the Prince Charles th! evening to Stewart where she will resume her school teaching dut'e? after having spent the summer vacation at her home here. Rev. George H Ualry prlneln.V of Coqualeetsa Institute at Sard'.- Is paying his annual Visit to thh ltv and district. He arrived on the Catala last eventne from the south and continued through to the Naas River whenro he will returr. here later In the weej; for a few days' visit. When lie proceeds south he will tako a party of native children for admission to the Institute 4 ANNOUNCES! KNTS Ea rIcs' Social ana Smoker September 10. Eagles' Carnlvai danco Septem ber 18, Ladlos refreshments; Qents 50c. Catholic bazaar octobor 21 and 22. Moose Carnival and Danco No. 1 12 and 13. - ' I ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF JONG'S CASH AND CARRY Third Avenue - Next Thompson's Hardware You will be pleased with the arrangement and ample floor space, providing facilities for our patrons to serve themselves, or be served just as they choose. It will be our aim to provide the Housewife of Prince Rupert with Quality Foods at consistently Low Prices for Cash. You are invited to be with us on our Opening day TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st Below are just a few of our Money Saving Values. A visit to our store will convince you that it pays to shop at DE JONG'S CASH and CARRY. Brunswick Sardines, per tin . . 5c Red Arrow Gin- 9Tp gerSnaps,21b. . "VX, Finest Pink Sal-1 mon, tall tins, ea. v Loganberry Jam CSHp Aylmer, 4-lb. tnu"1' (New Pack) r Our Special Bulk Coffee Per pound 30c Swansdown Cake Flour Per OAp package OVK, ' Libby's Catsup fl Eg 12-H7.: hnttlp JL0, Peas, Orchard City, No. 4, tin Purity Oats per pkg. 10c 27c (With China premium) Prunes, medium 9?r size, 3 for (Finest Santa Clara) Aylmer Brand Tomatoes Malkin's Best Orange Mar- OCn T.nrcrn rnr tin 1. Small 2 tins malade. 2V2-lh. iars. nnoh . Ot9 iKellogg's Corn On 'Flakes, per pkg. . ux' Lux Flakes, 90 small,3pkgs. . Bulk Ready Cut Kn Macaroni, 4 lbs. Phone Orders given the same care UUftMQ ilk ABVE SPECIALS are good until your personal orders would receive. 1 llUllC UtJtJ Saturday Evening, September 5 THREE DOLLAR ORDERS OR OVER WILL BE DELIVERED FREE! Mrs. E. Ei Smith of Oona River arrived hi the cify yesterday from porcner lsiana ior a dhci visu w town, ' ' Mrs. H, T. Cross, who haseen holidaying In Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala last evening. V 3 Hattlpy. Anyox school principal, and Mrs. Hartley and child werr passengers aboard the Catala tost evening returning to the smelter town after spending the summer vacation In Vancouver. The Prince Rupert Gyro Clu) hld a special luncheon meeting today in the Boston Cafe to ctls-pus a proposed plan for the dl-wr'tion of funds raised for public service Mr. and Mrs. Bazett-Jonec are 'caving tor the south at an early date, and commencing today, are offering their household furniture for sale at a very low figure. 7V2 9th Ave., W.. upstairs. 204 j Miss Alice Plllsbury, who has' been holidaying in Vancouver and, Victoria, returned home on the ss. Prince Charles this morning andj will resume her school teaching: duties In the local schools. Miss May Ilarttn of Dooth Memorial School teaching staff, who' ""is one of the party of local teachers who made a trip to the i Orient during the summer vacation returned to the city on the Prince i Charles thts morning. Little Dclphlne Marshall, daugh- j ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Marshall Eighth Avenue East, who was tak-1 en suddenly ill last Thursday, was operated on at the Prince Rupert General Hospital tor acute appen-; dlcltls and is now progressing as well as can be expected. j The ten and sale of homo cooking held Saturday afternoon bf tho Sunshine Mission Society of St Paul's Lutheran Church in th Metropole Hall proved very sue cessful, the financial proceeds being quite satisfactory. Yestcnlnv the ladles were able to dls. trlbuir good cheer among lonely and destitute people. I USE THE 7 HILK' PRODUCED IN CANADA No wonder Carnation-made dithet are so delicious. The best of milk from selected herds, lafcguarded tt the source by clean housing of the cow and clean handling of the milk, is evaporated to double' richness for Carnation Milk and hermetically sealed in its containers to protect it until it reaches you. You'll find it absolutely dependable, extremely convenient and surprisingly economical Write lr Ceoli Book and Baby Booh CAKNATION CO, LIMITED, 1)4 Abbott Sl, Vmcmtci, B.C. Milk Item Ctatdlta cows, picktd in baasds la Cinsdu cms and cues. - - ,-tte THE FAVOUR tryiwuuu ROW i0 i m