PAGE BIX Annettes CLOCK SALE Tuesday, Stpt. 1st, 1931 3 to 5 6 Only New Elaborately Pur Trimmed Q4 Q C A Coats, re values to $32.50, Special V 25 Dresses in Flat Crepes, Satins & Travel Q Tweeds, exceptional values, Special . . . vt7J 10 Ensemble Suits in Satin and Novelty Q-fl O Q C Travel Tweeds, reg. values $19.50 . . 500 Pairs Shoes, your" choice of our entire CO IZ stock, values to $12.00. Clock Sale Spec 500 Pairs Hose in Chiffon, Semi-Light and Heavy Service Weight. Also Gen'edine Spot QQp Proof. 45c, 55c and UU 60 Hats, New Fall Shipment, all to clear QO Qff Latest Models, Clock Sale Special .... Tuesday, 3 to 5 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at (he Kate of 50c l'cr Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, (or cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAlt IIRITIMI COM II1L Minutaaturer ot ELEPHANT Brand CIIKMICAU rEKTILIZCKS Producer It IUrflnm ot TADANAC lira nil F.I.F.CTKOLYTIC FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hall, 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped for both skating and dancing; 200 pairs skates; organ and piano; Ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAP POR CASH Apply Auditorium, 215 Cth Av. AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TUIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-IUSMUTH ' NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Orade A Certificate Health and Sanlta tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Ho 893 Phone 287 SCHOOLS RE-OPEN Educational Work Resumes After Summer Vacation Few New Teachers Opening a week earlier than here tofore owing to new governmental regulations, city schools will resume their sessions tomorrow morning af ter the two months' summer vaca tlon. It Is expected there will -be a total of about 1000 pupils enrolled at public and high schools, this figure being about 100 less than at the re opening of school a year ago. There will be very few changes In the teachers' personnel at the re opening of school. Miss Edith Lucas, from Victoria, joins the high school staff as teacher of French, succeeding Charles Fordyce-Clark. Miss Dimock also comes to the high school staff as Latin and English teacher in place of Miss Grace Lawrence. At Seal Cove School. Miss Margaret Palmer, formerly assis tant, will assume the prtncipalship in succession to Miss Olive McAr-thur. Miss H. O. Wright, who was in chane of the Fulton Street over flow room last year, will be Mies Palmer's assistant at Seal Cove. There will actually be one teacher less than last year with a vacancy at Borden Street School not being Three of the teachers will not be here on time for the reopening of school Harry Oilllland of the high -chool staff, who will be a week late m account of having recently un dergone an operation at St. Joseph" Hospital In Victoria, and Misses Tessie Rothwell and Caroline Mitchell of Booth Memorial School taff who are delayed in returning for about two weeks on account of having made a trip to China. Man in the Moon Jake says he thinks we should send all the beauty candidates to Los Angeles so as to take all (he prizes there. He says if they made him judge,he'd decide they were all squal and make the Exhibition Board put up the dough,for the lot Miss Ima Dodo, who It seems was carefully, considered as a candidate and rejected, says If she were judge he'd ditch the whole, bunch and jd herself. A bank is defined as a great institution that lends umbrellas when the weather Is fine but wants them ill back the moment the clouds apnea r on the horizon. HUGH L. DICKEY, M.D. SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Byes Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hotel Demonstration of a Newly Invented BAIT LAY During Exhibition Week for purpose of coaxlnc fish to assemble In any desired location in Ocean, Lake or River. ADMISSION 25 CENTS Ingvard Hcrton Eddison Inventor. CLEANING & PRESSING Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Trices M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone C63 Nest Benson Studio PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Free! LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone C19 THE DAILY NEWS Monday August 31, Thin and White Couldn't Do Work Mrs. Smart's Faith In Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) Was What Saved Her. Feels Young As 20 Years Ago. "Ibfcame tiinand white," writes Mrs. Jessie Smart, Newmarket, Ontario, and could not do my work. "Then I remem bered what my mcthrr used to give me, and I sent my husl'ind out for a box of Dr. Williams? Pink rills. He laughed at me, but he would nnt laugh now! ... I fcept right on with Dr. Williams' Pink now I W'jrk hard and feel as young as I did 20 cars auo." The iron and other elements in Dr. Williams Pink Pill- increase the amount of haemoglobin or oxygen-carrying agent in the blood nabkni tke blood to carry more oxyfen to Ike tisutt. The increased oxygen re-vitalize your body just as a draft ol air kindle- a fire. The old sUndb Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills is in every dr .'-tore, ready to help you. 50 ctnU a package. 136 LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. F. Clapp returned to th? city on this afternoon's train fro-n a trip to Terrace. A. j. Matheson returned to the iity on this afternoon's train from a week-end trip to Carlisle Can nery. Mrs. J. a. Johns and son, wh" have been on a trip to the inter lor, returned to the city on thU afternoon's train. J. Lambie arrived in the city on this aftemoorfs train from his duties at the Fall River power plant and will holiday for a few days ai his home here. Mrs. J. W. Kll Patrick and daugh ter, who have been spending the summer at Lake Kathlyn, return ed home from the Interior on this afternoon's train. Mrs. C. J. ,Lundqulst and son ot Hays Cove Circle returned to th city on this afternoon's train after pending an enjoyable two week' holiday at Lakelse Lake.. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Waugh and daughter, Genevieve, who hfe been holidaying at Lakelse Lake, returned to the. city from the Interior on this afternoon's train. Erie Gee, manual trJnlng in structor In the local schools, returned to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after spend ing the rammer vacation at his home In Vancouver. Miss M. Dsjamr of the local public school teaching staff re turned to the .city from Vancouver on the Prince Charles this morn ing after spending the summer vi cation at her home in the south. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton and family,who have been spendln the past couple of months at I heir summer home at Lakelse Lake returned to the city from the in terlor on this afternoon's train. All children who will be six years of age on or before Februaiy 1. U32, please register with the principals of the various schools on Tuesday morning, September 1.. 3 O. Williamson, Secretary School Board. James Brough, transferred from Smlthers to Prince Rupert In th service of the Canadian Natlona' Railways, arrived in trie city from the interior on this afternoon' I train. Mr. urougn was lormeny located nere. Mrs. Jack Ma'enzle, wife of th manager of sunnystde Cannery. accompanied by her children, pass ed thrown the dtv at the end of the week returning to her home It Vancouver after spending the summer vacation at the cannery. tlr. and Mrs. W. H. Tobey and son. Bob, returned to the city on this afternoon' train from a trip to Prince Qeorge, Mr. Tobf y having gone that far in connection with his duties as divisional auperln tendent for the Canadian National Railways. W. D. Smith. Stewart manager for the Northern B.C. Power Co was a week-end visitor in town. He clme down on the Prince Ru pert Saturday afternoon to fart well his brother, L. F. Smith, on his departure for Edinburgh. Scotlanj where he wljl.take up medical 'Christ Jesus' Science Subject Sunday Service The subject of the lesson-sermon In all Christian Science churches and societies on Sunday was 'Christ Jesus.' Among the Bible texts Included in the lesson-sermon was the following from Matthew 5:44: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." The esson-serrnon also included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Science ' and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follows: "The spiritual idea of Ood, as presented by Jesus, was- scourged in person, and its principle was rejected. That man was accounted a criminal who could prove God's divine power by healing the sick, casting out evils. spiritualizing materialistic beliefs, and raising the dead those dead in trespasses and sins, satisfied with the flesh, resting on the basis of matter, blind to the possibilities of spirit and its correlative truth." Miss Udythe Cromp returned at the end of the week aftcr spending a fortnight holidaying at Ocean Palls. FAIR WEEK SPECIALS For the Benefit of Our Visitors As Well as the City Customers We very much appreciate the op portunity to meet our outside customers and hope they will enjoy their visit here during the fair. We cordially invite every one to call and see us. Our Grocery Stores and ."Meat Market Ready to Serve You at the Lowest Possible Price. Fine Sifted Peas tee 3. Afn 3 tins Royal City Peas Size S "J Op per tin AUti Pumpkin Choice quality EJfip 72 9( v wuv Malkin's Best Tea per lb Malkin's Best Coffee per lb Malkin's Best Tomatoes OCn aiOXj L.. 1 Mr.. 7X f iua Braid's Best Coffee per lb (With fancy tumbler in every tin) Braid's Best Tea ICn per lb (With Cup & Saucer in every pkg.i Independent Soda Biscuits "J Qp Fresh Mixed Biscuits per lb i 45c 45c 45c 25c A REAL SPECIAL TO CLEAR CBary,3lOC80C Swift's Back Bacon QAi Machine sliced, per lb Boneless Hams Cottage ftcn rolls 4 to 5 lb. each, per lb. Creamery Butter Forest- lln Hals o lh v Fresh Eggs 3 do?, 70c 2 pkgs. Princess Soap Flakes. 1 pkg. Super Suds For all tine A tZp laundering, 3 pkgs Ol Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cantaloupes Large 40C Watermelon Whole or half rjp per lb Fresh Prunes For pre- 21 00 fcerving, per crate v Tomatoes AOp tlU per basket All other varieties at reduced prices Mussallems Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 Hionc 18 & 8t 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. I xMontiay arm lucsuay JJ TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 PJW. m Admission 20c & 65c Feature Starts at 7:35 & 9:35 England's Adored Star, Tallulah Bankhead With 3 Give Brook in "TARNISHED LADY" . Wisdom In her eyes invitations on her lips rnockrrv in he ' 2 smile she knows all the answers. A Paramount Picture 3 Comedy "LETS DO THINGS" PICTORIU 2 Wcd.&Thurs. Thomas Mcighan& Dorothy Jordan I j in "YOUNG SINNERS" 1 axavi ra mora rmuimsmMu karjuttuusfi vamTmimzr.jtTrf New Shoe Store Open s At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning a new shoe storr, . p. orating as a Cut Rate Shoe Emporium will opm it, doors at 723 Third Avenue West (Meeker Block) Mr. G. T. Brown, the manager, is an expi ritmvdi shoeman and will be pleased to meet the -Prince Rupert public and fill their requirements at depn i - j prices. STORE OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'EKATINU (i. T. I. 20.00U-TON FLOATING DKYDOCR Engineers, MnclilnlhtH, Uollermakern, HlarkHinllhrt, ''altera Makers, Founders, Woodworker. Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAK1NE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38S NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Hood Tires are the lowest in history. You'll be amazed when we quote prlcM on your size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Rupert Motors Phone: T.GG Niiht Call M Boat and Car for Sale Car can be seen at Parker's Garage Boat, the Imalbne, at Y'acht Club Floats Dr. Joseph Maguire, Alder Block u " . . TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitY FOlt SKEENA MIAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FIIKSII PASTKUItIZi:i) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Earlj Delivery Throuihont the City COAL Huy the real Cosl-ou' f-mous Eilson and Cas.-Wy-Welllntton In sny nnantltle. Also llulkley Vslfcr I' drain and Itobln Hood Floaf- Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 66SI