,PAGK THRU NOW In Our New Store Ormes Lid. Z7fug Pioneer DrvtgrisLs . Phones 81 & 82 DEMER'S Summer Clearance Sale Oepc-de-Chine Dresses Q1 9 QCI Regular $19.50, for yJi&UO Crepe-de-Chine Dresses Q1 C 7CZ Regular $22.50, for ? AO. tJ Chiffon Dresses Qi 9 QC Regular $19.50, for JA4.tfJ Chiffon Dresses Q-fl Q ffA Regular $25.00, for ... . ?7JU Chiffon and Satin Evening Dresses Q-f Q A Regular $25.00, for tpXtJ.eJU Wash Silk Suits fiQ 7ff Regular $12.50, for PO. i J Sports Dresses Cclmasi and Crepe Dresses Qfi CA Regular $7.75, for $U.t)V Tub .Silk Dresses QQ 0 To clear $0VO Onchalf Dozen Cotton Dressed- Q-l Aft To clear $X.VU Hosiery Wrldrest Service Hosiery Q4 A A Regular $1.50, for PJ.VV Wrldrest Chiffon Hosiery Q-i A ff Regular $1.95, for ?J..1J Hars Qf) AC and 9 AC To clear at $AVD $0.30 US OASTAL TEAMSHIP SERVICE SUMMER SAILINGS From Prince Rupert fof Vancouver: 'Mondays . 4.00 p.m. Wednesday. 9.30 a.m. Thursdays .... 2.00 p.m. "Saturdays ... 7.00 p.m. For Ketchilan. Juneau and Sbgway (calling at Wranpell r" ithhound). Wednesday! and Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. For Stewart and Anyox Monday 8.00 p.m. Fndayi 3.00 p.m. Weekly service to Mastett Inlet and fortnightly service to South Queen Charlotte "land. Particulars on request. TRI-CITY SERVICE Daily from Vancouver at 1.45 p m ind 1 .00 a.m. for Victoria nd Seattle. OPEN! Third Ave. & Fulton St. V TRAIN SERVICE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert daily (except Sundays) at 12.30 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. For lt.rm.tl- rll or riU Inral nl if II. MfEWKN Dl.trk-t rrflh " I'awr-ntrr A4rnl Trinrt Ruprrt. B.C T-l. UNION STHAMSIIll'S UMITICD Btramers rv Prlne Kurort I r Vanrouvfr: T.R.N CATAI.A KVKKY Tt'F.HII.W. 1.30 P.M. Arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.K.I. I'AHDKNA KVKHY HIWAV MIDMOIIT , Arriving Vancouver Bunday midnight appro. Wtklj Mliingi to Port 8Unpoii. Allc Arm. Anyox. BUswart and Naaa nivrr point. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. further information regarding xli tailing! and ticket at ritlNCr Hirt:ilT AMKNCY: Krcuiid Avenue. I'lione 60S ,!ct the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. Local Items Dlnnerware, enrna, crockery, glassware, Uellbroner'i Store. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Wrlnch arrived today on the train from Ha-zelton and will return tomorrow. Tickets and reserved seats on sale at Arseneau's Store for "Royal Russian Chorus," Friday, July 17. tf Oyrp Club present "Royal Rus slan Chorus," Friday matinee, JUiy 17, at 3 p.m. Prices 75c, 50c. and 25c. 16r A gang of city workmen are en gaged In putting a surfacing on the asphalt sidewalks mat were laid recently. Mayor Ormc has called a special meeting of the city council for tc-nlght to meet a committee of the unemployed appointed at the mass meeting last night. The Fair Board ls.piannm to try to arrange for Boys' Band concerts at the Fair this year but the use of the band is restricted by the limitations of the time the lads are allowed to absent themselves from school and to stay out ar night. T. D. Pattullo, Liberal leader for British- Columbia, and Major S. F. M. Moodle, Liberal organizer fo: the province, will arrive In the city by train tomorrow afternoon after a speaking tour of more lm oortant central Interior centres and will sail later In the afternoon on the steamer Prince Rupert to hold meeting at Anyox, Alice Arm, Stewart and after which they will proceed to Victoria, soon to depatt from there again for the Peace River country. mm wansm sm si trnvM-eurrmn QUALITY FOODS For L ess Friday & Saturday SPECIALS Butter No. 1 Alberta d7p 1 1 2 1-lb. prints 1 Picnic Hams Swift's AO 9Qf average, 6 lbs. per lb Pastry Flour Wild Rose, A9p iOU 10's. per sack Lobster Malkln's Best . .. QAp OVK, per ft-lb. tin Potato Chips Saratoga Style, Just ' Heat and Serve xul 10p per pkg Choice Peas Malkln's Best ICn XOU Sieve 3. per tin Peanut Brittle Fresh Stock, a po- pularcandy, reasonably OCn pricefer lb Certct-tFor better jams and 9 Op Jelftel; per bottle "K' Princess Soap Flakes For 1 Q p X v 1 all uses, per pkg Royal Crown Soap 6 bars. AO OQp to thccarton, per ctn Free! Free! New Gillette Razor Free with each purchase of QOp 10 blade for oXJK, Tea Try our special Tea QC OlJt rut lh Ask For Sample $1.00 3 lbs for Ripe Olive Medium Size Qp Xaf 1 Fruit, per 9-oa. tin Red Arrow Sodas Family IQp p;tckagct per pkg. XUU FRUIT & VEGETABLES Oranges Sweet and Juicy 55c 3 dot New Apples 10c per lh Apricots 25c 2 lbs Bunch Carrots 5c per bunch Head Lettuce 5c per, head Hothouse Cucumbers -f (f each Xwl' Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 50 "THE HKST FOR LESS" THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, July 18, 1931 Baseball tonight, 6:45, Old Em press vs. Native Sons. Glasses fitted 6 registered optometrist at Heilbroner'i store. Mrs. Noonan, wife of the C.N.R. agent at Telkwa, was an arrival on the train this afternoon. The Jack McRae who was fined yesterday In the police court wu not the son of D. C. McRae. Three softball games were played this morning, Borden Street School winning-two and the newsbays of the city one. About thirty through passengers mostly tourists arrived on the train today and proceeded south on th Prince Charles. The Big Bay Lumber Co.'s mill commenced operating today after a shut down lor a ween. Tna planing mill has been operated continuously. Bishop Rlx was at the Rotary Club luncheon today for the first time since his recent unfortunate accident. Fred Kcrgln was a guest and spoke briefly. A number of members of the Elks order from the state of Pennsylvania were in the city yesterday and a number of them registered at the Royal Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Johnston returned to the city on the Prlncn Charles this morning after having made the round trip to Stewart Anyox and Massett Inlet. Steamer Prince Charles arrived this morning 'from Anyox, Stewart and Massett bringing a number of round trippers and about half-a- dozen passengers southbound. School Election At Alice Arm ALICE ARM, July 16: The an nual election for school trustees and officials of the Alice Arm School district took place Saturday. Mlles Donald was elected as tfustee- for tne lull tnree-year term ana w. u. iiower was cnosen auoi tor. One thousand dollars was voted as the amount to be raised by local taxation for school purposes. A resolution was passed, author izing the secretary to take steps to have the district which Is at pres ent an organized rural school dis trict, revert to an unorganized rural school district. William Hoadly, who has had charge of the school for the past two terms, having resigned, appli cations are being received for a new teacher for the coming term. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Whist Drive and Dance July 23. Eagle's Dance, Friday. July 24 Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO RENT WENTED to rent small furnished cottage. No children. Apply Box 90. Dally News. 1G6 FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet Sedan. Just like new $650 terms. Kftlen Motors, Phone 52. tf FOR RENT Furnished woom flat with bath. Phone 547. tf SAILINGS FKOM PRINCE HUI'ERT To Ketchikan, U'ranjell, Juneau and Skajwaj July 17. 20. 24, 27 To Vancouver, Victoria and 18, 22. 25, 29 For Hutfdair, Ocean Falls Namu, Alert nay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full information from W. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 Annette's Clock Sale SPECIALS, FRIDAY, 2 to 4 Annette is leaving on Friday for Vancouver and is selling below cost Sooner than pay for packing and freight. your share of the bargains.. 48 Housedresses Regular prices to $255 Clock Sale Special 11 Pure Wool, and Silk & Wool Cardigan Sweaters-Regular priced at $750, Special .. 5 Only Silk & Wool Knitted Dresses-Regular priced to $15.95. Special 2 Knitted Suits Regular values to $12.75 Clock Sale Special 6 2-piece Suits Navy, Tricotine and Tweeds Regular values to $35.00. Clock Sale Special .., .... 4 Only Tweed Suits Regular values to $12.95 Clock Sale Special ;... 2 3-Plece Suits Regular values to $2550 Clock Sale Special ; .. 7 Girls' Blazers Clock Sale Special , ;. 7 Children's Coats Regular priced to $14.95 Clock Sale Special ;.. . Rayon Shirts and Bloomers To clear at, per pair r :.. Rayon Hose Clock Sale Special .. Serva (Sanitary Napkins) Clock Sale Special .'. 11 Only Children's Hats Regular values to $2.95 Clock Sale Special ....!. .L ., '. 12 Only Brocaded Rayon Shorts-Clock Sale Special ; 12 Voile Street Dresses With long sleeves To clear : 12 Only Craysheen Dresses Pastel shades Regular values to $4.95, Special 2 Only Tweed Coats Sizes 42 and 44 Regular values to $45.00, Special 1 Rose Ensemble Suit Regular value to $1950 Clock Sale Special . , ,: . ; 24 Pairs Only Shoes lnJJjp.and Black i To clear, per pair lll'l 48 Pairs Cotton To clear 4 Only Leather - To clear 24 Pairs Linen Clock Sale Special, HI Vancouver Stocks (Courtety 8. v jjcnitni, Oo. Big Missouri. 25. 28. Cork Province, nlL 1. Duthfe Mines. 4, 4Vfc. George Copper, nil, 50. Georgia River. 2Vi, 3. Oolconda, nil, 20. Grand view, 4, 5. Independence, nil, 1. Indian Mines, 1, nil. Lucky Jim, 2, 3. Mohawk. V'. nil. Morton Wooleey. 1V4, nil. Marmot Metals, nil, ft. National Silver, 1ft, nil. Noble Five. 4 ft, 5. Oregon Copper, nil, 5. Pend Oreille. 67, 75. Premier, 66, 68. Porter-Idaho, 4, 5. Reeves Macdonald. 25, nil. Snowflake, 2, 2ft. Topley Richfield. 1, nil. Woodbine, nil, 1. OILS Merland, 7, nil. A. P. Con- 10, 12. C. ft E 30. 36. Dalhousle, 21, nil. Fabyan Pete, 1, 1ft. Home. 51. 57. Mercury. 11. lift. United, 11, 14. Eastern Stocks Noranda, 13, nil. C. P. R- 26ft. nil. Imperial Oil. 12. nil. Con. M. & 8., 92, nil. Inter. Nickel, 13ft, nil. At the Rotary luncheon today. Bishop Rlx was welcomed back by President Oeorge Munro, and in reply he spoke of his pleasure at being at the luncheons once more. Two out of town visitors were alsoj gut sis of the club members. Pillow Slips Extra heavy weight, hemstitched Pillows L : Pillow Slips Hand embroidered per pair ...v FRIDAY, FROM 2 TILL 4 There were 209 passengers golnj south aboard the steamer Princess Louise, which was here yesterday afternoon southbound from Skag-way to Vancouver. No passengers disembarked for here from th- vessel. The list contained a party of 92 members of the Sclots. a Masonic organizatfon, returning south after having made the roun-1 trip to Skagway. . HOTEL ARRIVALS ' Savoy Hotel Prince Rupcrt'a leading family hotel. Hot ttnd cold water In all roonu A. J. rRUnilOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. SAVOY J. T. Patterson, Surf PL; Mrs. E J. France, Terrace; W. Droves. city: W. Harrison. Haysport. New Royal Hotel I. Zarplll. Crop THE MOTEL WOHTII WHILE Hot St Cnl4 Wtttr: Stum Hett 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphonr tSI ROYAL R. W. Royer. Bellefonte, Pa.; 8. L. Ooehung. Elwood City, Pa.; Norman V. Cashran, Kcnnett, Pa. John T. Jones. Villa Villa. Pa.; O W. Poulson, Kane, Pa.; Frank S. Huale, Cubramcn, Pa.; J. M. Twhlg Coatsvlllc, Pa.; E. A. McLawell, Unlontown, Pa.; J. A. Lowcnsteln. Latrobe. Pa.; W. J. Kline, Fottsvlll Va.; Bob Wills, Belle vue. Ohio. . Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Good? Our Quests Say They Are. Come and get m s n DC $2.50 $5.95 $3.95 $7.50 $5.95 $5.95 $2.95 $6.95 75c 25c 25c 25c 50c Qa CA $2.50 $7.50 $2.95 $2.95 75c 50c $1.95 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtV FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZE!) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wttllntton In any quantities. AUo nulklty Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co l'HONK ftH AMI S5N SUITS Blade to Your Measure . $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing for Ladies & Gentlemen Sharman Co. Phone: Black 78 Opposite Post Office