M July 16, 1831 W THE DAILY NEWS PAOB FIVE Not Let People Know Of Yoiii- Needs Today? ' '' 3-' ;'! Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. JLASS MOHTBIAL. TOKONTO MINT MHH, N.B. VAHCOyV C-N IFIED ADVER USEMENTS rent, for sale and all other. f mall advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents ora per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR KENT F Apa.-tmenU for rent. . niKi er Bros. ;f . nt Four-roomed flat. Ap-, i ith St Mallett. i modern 5-room flat. , s25. O P. Tinker Ltd. tf ;ENT Furnished apartment i i. week or month. Phont T modem1 ni -Four-roomed . . . .... i riu, pamy lurnisncn. ii 'd C07. tf Tup- i NT Clean, well furnished mi apartment. Palmer Ap-i nis Phone Red 444. vi iFNT Two four or five-furnished apartments. A.,pi, Musaallem's, Phone 18. it Mi RF : -Pianos, phonograph, ,nt? machines and cars, Wi rox. Second Avenue ; -th Street. tf FOR SALE LE Bed chesterfield, cheap Ulue 923. ICS I Brunswick Radio, ex-i irniture and househoil 18 Federal Building. tt i.E Furniture for 5-roon . I most new. including rung Suite; Kroler. Bed Id 8et; White Porcelain cabinet: Hot PolntRahg v.uettes. 703 Eighth Avenue 'ter 6 p.m. tf HELP WANTED iW-s ladles, school girl to sell fair board mera -K keta. Liberal commts-,j!.v Office.' City Hall, be-und 4 afternoons. t UN YOUR SON OET A JOII rH Kl, is out, two months to tt'hv not give him a splen- ' i in a trade that holds suture for the trained en-Diesel Engineering" or 1 B'Kly and Fender Work." v i o many of our graduates 'I; pud positions and pay " Mule learning. Write tor : booklet and extra low m rates. HEMPHILL EN- v: H-.RINO SCHOOLS. 1041 r. Street West, Vancouver Be 109 LOST Bunch of keys on ring, please return to Dally 167 A Real Vacation dimming, Fishing, Hunting ' ' 'fortable Restmore Beds 5 )d is home cooked par exciflence. THE HOME FARM r s2.50 per day, children under 12. half price. v "r Write for Reservations MADAME RAJAUT w LI.L, Queen Charlotte Is. r Tor wood or1 for metal uoe SiMONDS , SAWS E UlltcJ to every modern re- 'nicnt SimonUa Sawa. I lack Knives, etc.. supply mot 1 nt cutting tool for wood, . ' etc , thank to SimonJa tveis alloyed exclusive-'y fpf their purposes. t-.kwu CTaWao Saw Ca.Lro. TENDERS TPKinrtJO tk. 1- - .nit' 7 Jn V , n.,i? ,? i up to July 20. ., Half cash, balance ! arranged. Kalen Motors Ltd. V i PALMISTRY I I MR8. JAMES CLARK, Palmntrj and Crystal Reading. Walla-; Block. Telephone Black 637. TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE PHONE -67f. Promptness and security. Bert ti Mac. tf TRANSFERS B. tt R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPEFT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments ma chlnery, eta General repairs, crating, packing and shipping Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacJC 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer. ' Federal Block tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on or under the water we do It." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped tor Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINE Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENOINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night SCI P.O. Box 1 SCI BE3XA, P1NB KUSS. CXJPPEB CI.IFF. KET. LAST CHANCE OT THE TINK ROSE QROUP OP MINERAL CI.AIUJ. Situated in th. Comi Saeena Miimiv Division tt head of Klekana IxW TAKE NOTICI we W H Mason. fre lulner'a certificate 47S7 Fran era Nlooll trrt mlnrr'i certificate S5318D. Alexander UrLeod, fre miner' certlf1c.tr 34-7J9D, R. A. llonevman lit Tninera cer tificate 3413UJ.. iDtena eixiy oaya iroai dau Hereof to apply to the mining re-cottier for eerUlicatee or lmproveinonl for the ourpoM of obtaining crcn iranU for the above claim. Ana runner hu iraiice mai ainivii under Section 83 of Ui Ulneral Aot rouat be eommrncsd before the laauann of auch certltleatM of Iniprovemenu. Dated tbU nth dav or April urn MItltl. AIT Cert I (Ira I e nf lnipmvrmrnt NOTICE Pol r ion Fraetlonal Minem Claim, alt-uate In the Atlln Mining DlvlMon of Caaalar DUtrlet. Where located; About one mile Northerly from the Entineer Mine and adlolnlni the Speculation Sweepatakc and Iron Uak Mineral Claim TAKE NOTICE that I. John Dunham Pre Mlner'a CrrtUVaU No SM4S D. Intend, sixty dT from the date hereof to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certlllcate of Improvement, for the purpnae of obtaining a Crown Orant ol the abote claim. And further mm nonce mw under aectlon 85. rouat be eommenceo before the laauanoe of auch Certificate of Improvement. Dat4 thl Ut day of May. A.D. 1931. H. McN. rRASER, Agent. CHIROPRACTIC !,)K - AS PIN ALL WILL BE RETURN- 0 MONDA1. ' JULY 27th liiree year graduate, ,W C..ASPINALL (Chlropractorl Exchange Mock Prince Itupert J. BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red 129. SHOE REPAIRS MAC Bhoe Hospital. Shoe repairs of all kinds, Second Avenue Weak it FOR Finest Work try Louis Shlblg, 331 Second Avenue West, Box 30, Prince Rupert. B.C. t: Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged .MRS. THOMASSON Dressmaker tt Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, Phone Blue 901 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES best in n.a Our Prince Rupert Prices: No. 1 5x per M ... ....s1.75 No. I 3x per M Hi No. 2 per M W5 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON . Massett, B.C A;ent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 580 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue GEORGE MACKL1N Plain and Ornamental PLASTERING, STUCCO, BRICK, CEMENT, ETC. Tel. Red 833 4 Emad Blk. HOUSF.PAINTING Inside and Outside PAPF.RIIANGING KALSOMINING Reasonable Prices JOERGEN P.MOLLER Call Red 802 between 5:30 and G p.m. or before 8 a.m., of call 64 at any time. I "TILLIE THE TQILER" Steamship Sailings For Vancouver ' Monday s. Pr. George .4 p.m,j Tuesday ss, Catala 1 :30 pjn. , Wednesday Pr. Henry,.... 9 ajr Thursday ss. Pr. Charles, 2 pjn Friday as. Princess Mary 10 p.m. ; ' S3. Cardena, midnight. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert 7 p.m.i July 4 ss.Prlh. Louise 5:30 p.m.! July 8 S3. Prln. Alice 5:30 pjh.i July 11 ss. Prln. Charlotte - 5:30 pjn.l July 15 ss. Prln. Louise 5:30 pm. July 18 ss. Prln. Alice 5:30 pm. July 23 ss. Prln. Charlotte July 23 ss. Prln. Louise 5:30 pm July 29 ss. Prln. Alice 5:30 pm. g From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala .'.....4 p.m. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a,m Friday ss. Princess Mary 4' pin. Fit ss. Pr. George, 11:30 am Friday ss. Cardena p.m. Satur. ss, Pr. Henry, 11:30 ajn Jujy 6 ss. Prln. Charlotte , 9 Hn. July 10 ss. Prln. ' Louise 9 a.m. July 13 ss. Prln. Alice 9 a.m July 17ss. Prln. Charlotte . 9 axt July 20 ss. Prln. Louise 9 a.m. July 24 ss. Prln. Alice 9 &m. July 27 ss. Prln. Charlotte v..-.;.:---.. 9 a.n July 31 S3. Prln. Louise 9 ajr For Naas River and Port Simpson ! Sunday m. Catala 8 pjn. j From Naas River & Tort Simpson j Tuesday ss. Catala .11:30 ajn. for Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Monday ss. Pr. Charlies 8 p.m Friday ss. Pr. George. 3 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday s. Catala 11:30 am Thurs Pr. Charles. 10:30 am Sat. ss. Pr. Oeorge ft p.m. For Ocean 'Fans-Monday ss. Pr. "Rupert, 4 p.rr Friday s. Princess Mary 10 pis Sat. ss. Prince George, 7 p.m From Oeean Fslfc Wed. ss. Pr. Rur3ert. 11:30 ajr Fridayss. Pr. Oeorge. 11:30 am Friday- is. Cirri en a a pm ss. Princess Mary 4 pr Sat. ss. Pr. Henry. 11.30 a.m J For South Queen Charlotte Inlands 1 July 0 ss. Prince John 10 p.nj , July" 20 ss. Prince John 10 pm i From South Queen Charlotte i Islands July 15 ss. Prince John a.m. July 29 am. For North Queen Charlotte Mon. ss. Prince Charles. 8 pjv From North Queen Charlottes Thurs. ss. Pr. Charles 10:30 a.m. For Alaska Vfd. as. Prince Oeorge, .... 3 pin. 8at. Prince Henry .:. 3 pm uly ft ss. Prln. Charlotte 11 am. July 10 ss. Prln. Louise 11 am. July 13 ss. Prln. Alice. .. 11 am i July 17ss. Prln. Charlotte 11 a.m. I July 20 ss. Prln. Louise.. 11 am. FOR SALE CHEAP 9 IIJ. Hall Die&el Donkey, New Model Frame . New Float, 32 feet by 80 fret, First Class Spruce House, Three Rooms and Pantry, 36 feet by 14 feet Shop and Sleeping Quarters, 25 feet by 14 feet Complete Outfit of Logging Tools, Blacksmith's Tools and Mac gregor Saw on Float The above equipment Is all in good shape and cost the owner upwards of $4000.00. For quick sale Is Offered at $2000.00 Cash T. HURAN, KIIUTZE INLET, RUTEDALE, R.C. And a Real Riot Take The DAILY NEWS When Going on Summer YfirS2Xam No time is too mwr. the DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. July 24 ss. Prln. Alice 11 a.m. July 27 ss. Prln. Charlotte 11 am. July 31 ss. Prln. Louise 11 am. July 4 ss. Prln. Louise.... 4 p.m July 8 ss. Prjn. Alice.. 4 pm. July llss Prln. Charlotte 4 pm., July 15 ss. Prln. Louise . 4 pm. July 18 ss. Prln. Alice .... 4 pm.' . of Color, Too Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when -away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a welcome visitor and the mails during the summer months are carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for the summer and gone on an extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away. Several subscribed for a year, others for shorter periods. Mail Schedule For the East- Dally, except Sunday ...11:30 am. From the East-Daily, except Tuesday 1:30 pm. F0. Mondy Va.nc0UT"- , M " -P-"1- Tuesday 12:30 noon Wednesday, . 4:30 pm Thursday 1 pm. Friday li pm. Saturday '""430 .8 pm. From Vancouver Sunda'y . 4 pm. Monday . 9 am. .11:30 am. Wednesday .... 11:30 am. Friday 9 am. .....11:30 pm. Saturday 11:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ..7 pm. with you Holidays short for us to look after Subscription Department -.4 pm. Monday 7 pn, July 4, 8, II, 15, 18. 22. 25 and 29 FrWay 7 P-- From Stewart and Premier iuesaay i:30 am. Thursday .10:30 am. Saturday , , , . .. n pm. ! For Naas River and Port Slmpson- Sunday ... ....J7 v pm. V From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday .....IISO am. U'For, North . Queen Charlottes .7 pm. From Queen Charlottes Thursday 10:30 am. For South Queen Charlottes-July 8 and 24 ....10 pm. ;From South Queen Charlottes- July 15 and 29 am. For Alaska-July 6, 10. 13, 17, 20, 24, 27 and 31 ..10 am. By Westover. 1 . I V A.,r, . ,1V..I I WYA. I lOV tlM-M(lS- 1HU ' 1 I I CAM'T BS I VtO'D fc& I I KUNCi- OOMMA HO ao.rrry AVI LfS UxFtCT tti IT ( OOCTCH rHjiaip rWAC vsmBAC THE KofKV60 .(S3 -Tw1 feyE ciissaKi tfXfitf cx&fti iz0'2tw ' 1 ' ' ! " Tftn. 7)Mo