December 18, 1019 rhorsday _—_—_ — ger SE OIE ‘ Wasihalme Lunci . ae oe ee a eee MAY. BILLINGS, Prop 50c Special Menu 50c FRIDAY, DEC. 19 Luncheon 41:30 a. m. to 2 pm Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. Soup. Split Pea ish. salmon, Halibut, Black Cod Boiled Chieken with Dumplings Entrees. hreaded Veal Cutlets, Green Peas Liver and Bacon Westhoime Special Steak Roasts. Hhoast Beef, Brown Gravy of Lamb with Dressing Vegetables. teamed, Mashed Potatoes Mashed Parenips, Dessert. Apple, Mince Pie Chocolate Pudding rea Coffee SHORT ORDERS SERVED ANY TIME From 7 A.™. TO MIDNIGHT Se Ree) 7 "FFE hes te St. Si. Reg: i$ Laie a OPiS Uae Special Menu, 50c. Friday, Dec. 19 Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 Dinner 6 p.m to 7: | | Soup. Clam _Chowder Fish. Bolled Smoked Black Cod iriiied Spring Saimon Boiled. ed Beef with Cabbage Entrees. Macaron! and Cheese Pork and Beans in To Individual tins hot or Cold Veal Stew with Vegetables Sardines on Toast Baked Monte ALCE Roast. Beef, Pan Gravy wd, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Dessert. fice Custard. Pudding upkin Pile Lemon Slices Tea and Coffee SHORT ORDERS SERVED AT ALL HOURS. TRO OT es ea Gril Boston OCEAN FALLS DELAYS USE OF CAR TRANSFER Amount Shipped This Way Not Vet Enough to Warrant Out- lay, Says Manager. OCEAN FALLS, Dee. 48. Un til our overland business develops ve I! not install the ear ferry ystem between here and Rupert although plans are already pre pared, his statement was made to a Daily News representative by Manager Burdon of the Pacific Mills Ocean Falls. on Tuesday He went on to explain that the bulk of the business done by the big plant called for shipment to the Antipodes or down the coast There had been a great scarcity of tonnage, said the executive Asked if he could utilize ooden sailing vessels-should = the be Huilt in British Columbia in the future, Mr. Burdon replied that the high insurance rates on either straight sailing ships or auxiliar ies made their use by the mill prohibitive. The lower freight rates did not counterbalance this feature, The fact that sailers were 80 much slower would not in itself prove a drawback, he went on. No sailing vessels or auxil- arnies produced during wartime have yet loaded at Ocean Falls Phere are now approximately one thousand men employed there. Mr. Burdon reported that tim- ber was now being obtained any- where from one to eighty miles from the mills No further ex- pansion is planned at the present time, LIQUOR CASE Heavier Sentence Under the indian Act, if Magis- SCUGLAS SUTHERLAND 23 Third Ave. working of the IS DISMISSED Bannier Could Have Been Given 600 A INUTE An i vyholders and i \ p ' IN ae { Da u ‘ u ea tin The Best Place trate Desired. to Eat \t the regular meeting of the Police Commissioners held last IENU ON THE COUNTBR ght in the council chamber, the ‘ liquor case was again We have | cted 4 letter was read if n Indian Agent Perry explain- 5c Lu iches ling ction of Constable Wat ‘ | yee iting on behalf of Voa t Department of Indian Affairs We employ this case Constable Watkin- All White Help ' ils had a letter himself in explanation Open all of the ver Police | ont pg oe ‘ } seep tual this Case gainst a pers a4 hours. yusiness in the city limits had : ee. been taken away from the city Look out for Tomorrow's | police, the proper authorities to 1 in the same place lprosecute in the action. Mr. a in i} Perry said that although he was . Inot direetly intimate with the poceneente | ise. still he considered that Con- : Istable Watkinson s action was ; $2651 i i correct, for liquor had been sup- ; Y Were plied to Indians who come under ; 3 isdiction of the Indian De- ; B ots, ¢ room house, partment. “ 1 rnishings, coal Constable Watkinson, in. his al i SUpply. tle stated that he was justified The Seshiat ussiNts Tinos prosecuting under the Indian ? Act and. at any rate, he was not ‘ t ; ? For Comfort, Courtesy~ Service PO to’ and The — me br. 'T. CDowness M ‘Nat SNAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Peron noes ‘ote! Prince Rupert I: : FUROPEON PLAN 51.59 per day and up. ' —— : ST-OLAS3 CAFE : \ La Oarte. ethbaae ee eee . ON renne Ihe “Garland” Boarding House sth Avenue East tt tte » r Drydock r Week. Vhone Red 245 a Pecccccsee ne A. G, GRAY acher of P iano econd Avenue 182 oa 444 SAE OOOO PHONE SAVOY HOTEL | entrusted with the /B. C. Prohibition Act, although he ilways weady to assist city or ernment officers. The chief of police stated that although he had sted in the case it was clearly Constaple Watkinson’s case as be had watched it for sotne time. | When Bannier was brought the had said that it was belonged city solicitor his opinion thal the case to the Indian Department, After some discussion the let- ter was filed, the commissioners satisfied with the informa- ition of Constable Watkinson that | the euilty man could have re eived six months imprisonment a 8300 fine ;oN the offence eae der the Indian Act. The penalty ! licted on Bannier Was In the lin un ae if the magistrate. SEA PRODUCTS ASSN. IS BECOMING ACTIVE i | | | | | | Ne No | . s | | tal ‘ The Pacific Sea Products Asso eration organized recently to jhandk halibut landed at Seatth pon w ¢ operative basis has been | steadily expanding its activilie land is now taking a! np tant |r) yart in the buying on the ™ abtle | fish exchange, Says the Paci > ny © formerly with the Tonga rrading Lou pny of Ketchikan, has taken the poe on of assistant manager of the as- | sociation vith offices al G 'p dock, Seattle. Robe rt Moen, a f adi LAND DISTRICT RECORDING DI5 rRICT OF SKEENA, AND SITUATE ON THE SHORE OF GRAY BAY MORESBY SLAND AKE NOTICE that I, Walter Rudge, of pper Bay, Moresby Island, British Co mbia, farmer, intend to apply for per sion to purehase one hundred and sixty s of land bounded as follows com wing at this post thence west 20 ns thence north 80 chains; thence t 20 chains, more or less to the beach; pes, more OF the fish purchased in the Se Lie Port Commission's cold stor re plant. impress tonight. Gladys Leslie Miss Dulcie from Dixie,” sixtt sode of “The Iron Test.” Jack Pickford In Wrong, avelogue and Christie Comedy, Vestholme tonight. NOTICE he y given that an applica 1 Will be Made tw the Legisiative mbly of the Province of British Columl ( the neat session on behalf of the Asso jon i fessional Engineers of Brit umbia for @ Private Bill to incorporat said Association, the said Bill tw be} we a8 THE BRITISH COLUMBIA EN‘ LERING PROFESSION ACT for the pur ses) 6Of 6©governing and reguiating§ the actice of Civil, Mining, Metallurgica! DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED) Phone 98 ' ms. Nt 2 the year an ‘or oruina’'t . Oe a | White is the Abvertis ng Column that . » cui ‘mec read whes they want anything d ee It brings results vidows nenvenen ten | sf WANTED. Mae t ns and daugt ' ha cated and made & Bs ik ee ul nfluential citizens ' Life Canada has alit b nearly fifty seen tae ih a WAN'TED—Men to fill positions . YOUN hone’ wrntucib as automobile repairmen and ! drivers. ‘The demand for ski}! ed men in the automobile bus THE MUTUAL LIFE hess never was as great as it is al the present time. We wili of Canada t n you in a short time with Waterloo, Ontario the latest and most up-to-date me Lino 4 iif : McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, money "in one : as teect soul Limited, Agents | ible and interesting businesses Phone 114 3rd Avenue of the present day. We teach ieeentennnhnaieiaiiliin automobile repairing and driv a Oxy acetelyne welding, Hoial of — tlery repairing ani ' pr 7 cates al Sutaie rel uildi ng, Vuleanizing and re pert B. pending the ap ending on the lates oe niment of a permanent agent ea Sy - eae a ere, and it is expected that a salma *" er ae will Seo be plac ed en oe ae. t Aetchike = ae chem It is ie tanks ntion of the a _— ome ves GnUer CUE aye ation ultimately to put in its OS ate Sernewee refrigeration plant, but for | ~~ S the ee present it is freezing a part| Ree ede com, — ee SMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS Blanchard & Eisgard Sts., Victoria, B. C istablished th branches at ia Fdmonton Vv Winnipeg Regina Izgary Saskatoon over fiffeen years i ctor ine racoma, Portiand, yuver Wh Ore \ AN PED—Acccunting or clerical vork by capable experienced | ian, ‘Temporary or perman- | Phone Red 415, or box 27 aaa News oflicg for appoint- |} ment. 294 WAN PED, Small fernished apart- hanical, Electrical and Chemical Engi ment i ring in the Province of British Gojum rr it or house, Apply P. U. box and the qualification, examination and | 788. 291 stration of intending practitioners, the | oe pline of its members and for the ac- | OAD ia . ring of real and personal property and WAN rED TO RENT - 5-roomed disposal of the same and for the gen flat or house, modern. Phone 1] Management of the Association more sted at the City of Vancouver, B. C., 40, 293 th day of December, A. D. 1919 H. 5. TOBIN, the fh of Pattullo & Tobin, Solicitors FOR SALE for the Applicants tessa tenant ea pnctcitnceepmmacans IN PROBATI Ki OR SALE at sacrifice, first-class ru Stl N 0 ) th . ‘ 7 ne “a OF BRITISH juarte! ction in the Naas MBI! 5 Valley at $1,500. W ye wor rHE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA mgm, ill be worth PION ACT 5,000. Partly improved. Light and a : aa. rHE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Of taxes, Good location, Country PALL OSA, DECEASED, INTESTATE opening up. Just the thing for rAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His a good farm in future. Apply your F. McB, Young, made the i9th day » » 6 November, A. D. 1919, | was appointed box 28 Daily News office. 295 ninistrator to the estate of Paul (sa, eased, and all parties having inst the said estate are hereby requ:rec furnish same, properly verified, to me, or before the 20th day of December, D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the ite are required to pay the amount of ir Indebtedness to me forthwith. J. H. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator ed this 20th day of November, 1919 LAND Aci. claims 1 LICK OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE LAND IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS southerly Ww containing beach nee following the and it of commencement acres more or less WALTER RUDGE, Locator, November 22, 1919. eae FP LAND ACT tiee of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands : Skeena , and District, Recording Dis- and situate at Alice Arm i it we, H. BR. Fowler and ! h ! fr Alice Arm, occupation wer i} t pply for permission : f wing deseribed foreshore i : post planted on east fk t River ence south 2 thet east 80 chains more or Ibss then nerth 20 hains the nee west follow s to lot 50, ; shoreline to point of commencement ontaining 160 acres, more or less H. R. FOWLER, H. F. KERGIN, pated tober iith, 1019 LAND AC! tice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Queen Charlotte aan Land Distr ot wding District of P sate at rt Clem nia "Grahen ew KE NOTICE that we, the U alam Is spruce cedar Co., Limit rt enis, ocewpation jlumbermen nt pply for permission to leas ag deseribed lands mmencing at a post planted at the corner of Block 53, townsite of Port ents henee N. 70 deg. W 54 ft ih 33 dee. W 456 ft thence e37.77 ft.; thenee east 472.95 ft.; f wing the shore line in a nerth ection to the point of com i and containing 7.1 acres, mor HAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAK €U LIMITED, ed August & beth, 1919. LAND AGT is rue SKEENA LAND DISTRICT ~ D . ’ OF QUBEN CHARLOTTE 15 SLAND \ke NOTICE that Thomas B. Strain, Vancouver, B, €,, occupation returned intends to apply for permissior to ine following deseribed lands mmencing at & post planted on the on Sewell Inlet about 3 miles dis ‘1 and In & westerly direciion from the reance Of Sewell Inlet; thence 5 chains ih; thenee 40 chains east; thence to thence following the shore line to commencement and contalning 20 less. THOMAS B, STRAIN, W. BE. Green agent FOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8. gas engine; rebored and thor- oughly overhauled. Complete equipment, Price $1,000 F.O.B. boat. List of other engines furuished on application. Union Machine Works, Juneau. tf FOR SALE er plano, Mason & Risch play- in Mission oak, nearly new, cheap. Also cream enamel bedstead. Phone Blue 318. 93 FOR SALE — Singer sewing ma- chine, No. 4 model. Practically new. $65. Apply 318 Fifth St. or phone 477. 296 FOR SALE—Mason & Rise h player piano, in mission oak, nearly new, cheap. Phone Blue 318. OR SALE—Household furniture. Phone Red 270 tf LosT LOST between Lynch Brothers McMeekin’'s and the E. Kk, Con- feetionery store on Third Ave., Pocketbook containing sum of money. Finder please return to Daily News ollice. it MISCELLANEOUS: UNBIDDEN,” Prospector, will make gift book for your friends. Poems of Love, heligion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette covers, $41.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid. Published by Victomia’ Printing & Publishing by the a nice eastern Nature, ‘SONGS Co., ‘524 Yates St. Victoria, B. © FARMS FOR SALE c. © RR, FARM LAND --— Choice forms in well settled distriets in Western Canada; low prices: twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 in improven ots to assist new settle: s, going fas and full \et now — they are For free booklet iformation write H. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 74. Hastings St. West, Vaneonver, BLO, pated 26th October, ote. Advertise in the Daily News. — there's pig money in muskra trapping Oe ye baa J ele SBS ms -if you ship them to Shubert “Shubert” Wants 2g:Uers Furs COLUMBIA All You Can Ship And Will Pay These Extremely Bigh Prices GET A SHIPMENT OF F~TODAY - NI EXTRA LARGE] Nel LARGE Nel MEDIUG | N21 SMALL Ne2 EXTRA TO AVERAGE | EXTRA TO AVEPACE | ex RA TO AVERAGE | EXTRA TO AVERAGE | AS TO SIZE @ QUALITY MUSKRAT 4.00 to 3.50 | 3.25 to 2.75 | 2.50 to 2.00} 1.75 to 1.50 3.00 to 2.75 | 2.59 to 2.25 | 2.00 to 1.69 | 1.50 to 1.25 WOLF 4x Winter Fall Heary Fured,Cased] 32.00)t0 28.00 {25.0010 20.09] 18.6010 14.00! 13.09t0 11.001 12.00 to 6.00 Open and Headless | 25,001620.00] 18.0010 15.09) 13.0010 11.00] 10.00to 8.00} 10,00 to 5.00 —} WEASEL White | 4.00 to 3.00 | 2.50 to 2.00! 1.75 to 1.50] 1.35 to 1.15 | 1.25 to .75 Stained | 2.75 to 2.25} 1.75 to 1.50 | 1.35 to LIS 1.00 to .75| 1.00 to 50 These extremely high prices are bascd oa the well-known “SHUBERT” liberal grading and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. 3, No. 4, and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. For quot ations on other British Columbia Furs, write for “The Shubert Shipper,” the only reliatle and accurate market report and price list of its kind published. Jt’s FREE—Write for it. A shipment te “SHUERERT” will result in “more money” —“quicker.” SHIP ALL YOUR FURS OIRECT TO Fs ‘ ware THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEALING EXCLUSIVELY IN NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS 324 Donald St. Depi. 224 Winnipeg Canada Dentistry DON’T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency~ Dr. Bayne : OFFICE HOURS-—j : Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.90, Saturdays, $ to 12 eal, 1 Every Evening from 7.39 to 9 ae er Se Or ome ES EET hi {} Dental Nurse in attendance i Phone 109 for appointment — a SASH & DOORS LUMBER Dimension, Shiplap, Double Dressed Fir @ Finishing PLASTER LATH BRICK SHINGLES Complete Line of Building Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE 116 or 564 LIME Ci:MENT In Rings We are showing some particu- larly good designs that young people will especially appreci- ate. Our stock of Fine. Jewelry includes many dainty orna- ments at moderate prices and useful articles for old or young people. if you are about to purehase a gift, don’t fail to look vver our display first. R. W. Cameron & Co. "623°504‘4 622 3rd Ave. = Sait wee, EEE =a “et ign Rh, ete = _ w