FADE BIX ALLAC MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK niONES 43 AND 385 Week-End Specials FRIDAY & SATURDAY FROCKS Spring smartness in printed cotton taffeta frocks. We have small ones, large ones, medium sized ones, and all thoroughly smart ones, sizes 14 to 52. All are tub-fast materials in a wide variety of patterns and styles Off see our windows PXt) CURTAINS These come with contrasting borders in sun QCn proof colors, with tie backs and valance, pair Ou.U NEW SEASON'S PRINTS In nice patterns, light fif An grounds, fast colors, 5 yards ?"" SILK HOSE Semi-service weight, full fashioned in a range of shades, these are regular stock. No seconds. Q-f An per pair vlUU ELASTIC GIRDLES In white only, lace trimmed, a CJ-fl Off splendid garment, in pretty brocade, value to $2.50 KAYON SLIPS Brocaded, in several colors QIo each fOt HEOOMERS Made in the famous durayon, a service garment in pink, peach, white, nile, etc. flCIo values to $1.00, for r DDL STEP-INS Nicely lace trimmed, in pink, peach, nile, 7CJj 0 rose, per pair OVJI BLOOMERS All wool serge, sizes 14 to 20 A P reg. $3.75. for t?4(iO I !)IFS' WINCEY GOWNS In colors of pink, blue or cream. very daintily embroidered. C.g gn values to $1.95. for plDU APRON'S Made with black sateen skirt and colored tops, HEn overall style, sleeveless, reg. $1.25, for each COTTON VESTS Cream, opera top or strap shoulder. f 2I values to 95c, each The above arc just a few of the values we are offering SEE OUR WINDOWS Third Avenue & Fulton Street Telephone 9 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED jack co; Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage CoLtd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD tll'EKATINU U. T. 1. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK hnglnecrs, Machinist. HoilerniakerH, JUacksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. I.ECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our riant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. SALE IS SUCCESS Catholic Women's Afternoon Affair Followed By Card Party and Dance in Evening There was a large attendance ; yesterday at the spring sale of the Catholic Women's League which concluded with a card party and dance last evening. The whole af-' fair proved most enjoyable and was I completely successful. General convener for the sale was Mrs. J. J. Oillis while the tea. room convener was Mrs. A. S. Lewis. The cashier was Mrs. Hubert Ward. Mrs. Curtin and Mrs. G. C. Arseneau poured and Mrs. Murray was in charge of the kitchen assisted by Mrs. Lislnski, Mrs. Whiff in and Mrs. Schaffer. Serving were Mrs.' Wilfrid Gratton, assisted by Mrs. S. Batcher. The home cooking table was in charge of Mrs. H. Letourneau. assisted by Mrs. Peter Byrne. The candy sale was conducted by Junior League girls while Mrs. Ian Fraser and Miss Rose Couture had charge of the sale of plants. In charge of the raffle of a round trip ticket to Vancouver was Mrs. C. P. Balagno. The winner was Mrs. Diggles of Exstew. Other raffles, were won as follows: Sack of flour, donated by Thomas Trotier, won by Mrs. Fred Riffou. Ham, donated by L. Leroux, won by John Letourneau. Cushion, won by M. R. O Shaugh-uessy. Towels, donated by Mrs. Wilfrid 3ratton, won by Mrs. J. Garoh. Vanity set, donated by Mrs. A. S. Lewis, won by Miss Pulmira Astori. Plant, donated by Mrs Lislnskl, won by Mm. S. Batcher. Doll, won by Miss Delphlne Ba lagno. In the evening, Mrs. T. M. J. For tune was cashier and Harry Astori master of ceremonies. Prize, win ners at cards were as follows: Bridge Ladies' first, Miss Mar garet Palmer; second. Miss lAlmtra Astori; men's first, Thomas Trotier; second, Major Lahiff. Whist Ladies' first, Mrs. Whif- fln; second, Mrs. Louis Riffou; men's first, Joe Garon; second, Mr Davidson. After cards, dancing followed un til 1:30 ajn., snappy music being furnished by C. P. Balagno's or chestra. Miss Jean Robertson of the Ca nadian Bank of Commerce staf! left on yesterday's train for Prince ueorge wnere sne win spend a holiday visiting with her parents. Judge and Mrs. H. E. A. Robert son. Week-End Specials Swift's Pure Lard 3-lb. tin Malkin's Best Tea 3-lb. tin Malkin's Boat Peaches 2's 2 tins Malkin's Destlams per tin Royal City Soups Tomato, table or Green Pea 6 tins Royal City Cherry Jam 4-lb. tin Royal City Plum Jam 4-lb. tin Royal City Peas Size 5 2 tins Quaker Corn 2's per tin Aylmcr Tomato Juice . 2 tins Sunnybrook Creamery Butter, 3-lb. brick ... Eggs Fresh Extras 3 doz. Swift's Picnic Hamper lb Sunklst Oranges 5 doz Swift's Premium Bacon-sliced, )?et lb. Swift's Premium Cooked Ham, sliced, per lb. 55c $1.35 45c 15c Vri;c- 70c 60c 50c 25c 15c 25c S1.15 85c 25c 95d 45c 50c Alberta Market P. (iAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 'I THE DAILY NEWS listen to it! Kiddies are fascinated with the way Rice Krispics crackle when you pour on milk or cream. And what a flavor treat t Toasted rice bubbles. Won dcrful for breakfast, lunch nnd supper. Fine to use in candies, macaroons. In soups. Order the rcd-and-green package from your grocer. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 1 ItICK Kitisrii:s Refuse to Take RICE KRISPIES Indigent Case Attempt To Move Patient From Hazclton Here Fails The hospital board, at its meeting last night, declined to accep an Indigent patient belonging tc Fort Fner and at present in the New Haselton "Hospital. Request to accept the patient comes from J. D. Moore, government agent at Fort Fraser, who stated that a suggestion to thl? effect had been made by Dr. L. B Wrinch of Hazelton. The board fe't that it had no obligation to take the case, the Hazelton Hospital also being in re ceipt of government grant to cover such cases. Miss Harrison, lady superintendent, stated that seventeen indigents were already being carried In the local hgsnyal.- Eagles' Whist Drive and Dance One- Hundred and Fifty Persons Present at Enjoyable Affair Last Night The Eagles' Lodge had the larg est attendance yet at a highly suc cessful and enjoyable whist drive and dance in the Aerie Hall last night, one hundred and fifty persons being present. Prize-winners at whist were: la dies' first, Mrs. Zabudney; second, Mrs. Thomas dough; third, . Miss Coch. on cut with Mrs. Lee Dell: men's first, George Brooks; second. Hugh Killin. on cut with William Reid; third, Mr. Zabudney. After cards, delicious refresh ments were served and dancing followed with music by the Premier Orchestra. Thomas Clough was master of ceremonies and Richard Ford presided at the door. I iMPiir Go Amazing Quick Way m Ptmolel mnAmA ma autek BvRnnths.BB SalTi" fffjtxxlT U tonlihed. A uocior c amiilnf Jlcory. Bun C1MH IlKt nuf k. o "Sootbl. Silt" (rem drug flit toiij. Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Station Service CHEVROLET and BUICK Open Day and Night Phone 53 Third Avenue Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors FENDER AND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY Co-operation of Doctors Invited The hospital board decided la'st night to circularize doctors of the city with a view to obtaining their better, kcp-operatlon: in .connection with treatment of Workmen's Compensation Board patients. This matter came up when a letter was read from the Workmen's Compensation Board announcing that it had found a patient who had been treated from October 7. 1929, to March 5, 1931. was not entitled to treatment under compensation after May 17, 1930. The Compensation Board was therefore paying $580, covering the treatment of this patient. The hospital felt it was entitled to $1,310 on this account, the net loss, therefor, being $730. Frank Dibb, chairman of the fi nance committee, stated That the Compensation Board had taken the charts in the case and reached its finding on the basis of these. There was general discussion of the old vexed problem, the board feeling that the hospital was not! being treated fairly in the matter. Finally, on suggestion by G. P j Tinker, chairman of the board, that the doctors be circularized with a view to getting better co-; operation from them was adopted.) Hospital Had March Deficit "xprnditurcs Exceeded I'cvnue by S89C.C8, Finance Commit! Reports There was a deficit of $396.68 on the operation of the Prince Rupnr' General Hospital during the month of Maroh. It was repor'c! to the board at its regular month ly meeting last night by Frp-ir Dibb, chairman of the finsrc ommlttee. Receipts amounted to tS.744.75 and expenditures v.t t4.641.43. So far this year, th-r-has been a total deficit of sotu' U400. Mr. Dibb stated. j During the month there wrei 1532 hospital days at a cost oXl 2.93 per hospital day. GET THE HABIT Visit Our Stores Our aim and object is to serve you with quality foods for Ie. We welcome a comparison of prices. Ensign Peas Choice quality, 3 tins Pels Napthtv Soap per carton Dutch Maid Mayonnaise 8-os. jar (Now a B.C. Product 25c 75 c 25c Squirrel Peanut Butter i s iOn per tin Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes per pkg. Peaches B.C. pack, 2's, per tin Pineapple Sliced, 2's, per tin Libby's Queen Olives- large Jar Toilet Rolls 4 oz. each 7 for Malkin's Best Jelly Powder-per pkg Aylmer Tomato Soup 3 tins Iambulance DISCUSSED Hospital Board to Have Finance Committee Report Before - Finally Acting The question of a new ambulance was discussed at some length by the hospital board last night and it was finally decided to refer thr matter to the finance commttte; for report at next meeting of the boardv Aid. .S. D. Macdonald, chairman of the . executive committee, re ported that the committee had obtained prices and gone into thf whole matter quite thoroughly. He presented estimates of up to $2, 000 for aj new ambulance. Then was a used car which might b converted into a suitable amDu-lance at a cost of around $1,000. A brand new ambulance might be bought for slightly under $2,000. The members of the board seemed fairly agreed that it wai high t'me for a new and more suitable ambulance There was a gen eral discussion of the various pro po."?d atnbn! mces and It was finally agreed to have the,; finance committee make a report ' on th" best meant of flnancthfe a- vehi cle. I - I Get quirk results with a want ad I 8c m Arrowroot Biscuits Fresh QA and crisp, per lb Oui Economy Tea (HZ 2 lbs - UJ Economy Cash and Carry Stores 319 3rd Ave. 417-423 5th Ave. Telephones 36(f and 18 FIRST CHOICE OF SUITS j OR .SPUING COATS 'New samples Just arrived of spring and summer goods of the finest quality and the patterns of the very latest. LING THE CUTTER , Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. Free delivery to any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone G19 A 1 .1 . t Arm minx o breaJ in ha with half the effort, and at less cost, FLOUR makes QUAKER better bread, cakes and ' pastry. Only highest grade western wheat b milled into Quaker Flour. Tested also at every stage in the milling. Baked daily in our own kitchens so we will know it will bake right in yours. Our booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Bak ingj' has helped thousands of women to make the most delicious bread, without kneading or setting the sponge. We'll send a copy free if yoa will write to us ... or ask your dealer. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. Thursday. April 183! Wednesday & Thursday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 . LOUIS WOLHEIM jna Great Railroad Thriller "DANGER LIGHTS" With JEAN ARTHUR ,1 ROBERT ARMSTRONG Landslides, Floods. Wf ks Iron Giants Crashin llt, Eacli Oilier. A Story of LoVe ' and Heroism. Comedy CHARLIE VU ,z in "THUNDERING TENOtts" Novelty "HIS PHKi Talketteon "TREE s rs ! FOX NEWS ADMISSION :o, a u,. Feature Starts at 7 Mr, , , j. THURSDAY .MATINEE .it : :j( 15c & JOe Feature Star,- ; u Friday and Saturday "Half Shot at Sunrise baking better MfSk &5ciNj's'N IM0W U 1 f Quaker hi Flour f XOK, s s 25c 1 Wl 'lilf ifr Addl Nourishment W!lFf$W&r to Kiddles Meals! " Nmr wttlmli t tin of :( ,t j 0X0 Cubi-for OXO taraf&Jv .hould he . -p,ft't etrrr yK child's midliy mwl irrii ljSfifiiv bullion add to oupj, WrfliSiiira? ''" lnl ews for fhac mttnl 'fon' hhhy vrll jJ Intloiof4snd lOcubti