f AUK TWO THE DA1LV NEWS Monday. April THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMA Published Every Afternoon, Exeept Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PtTLLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES ,i ! City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 Pot lesser periods, paid in advance, per month .50 By mail to all parte of Northern and. Central "prltlsUiColurabla. paid In advance for yearly period jc 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- ntrp and Tinitod Statec mid in advance, ner vear $6.00 Bv mall to all other countries, ner year 9.00' ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word -02 Locsl readers, per insertion, per line -, .M 25 Legal notices, eaeh Insertion, per agate line .. -IB Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone s 98. a Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION THE WEAK SPOT Monday, April 13. 1931 Steve King in an interview with .the Daily News in regard to conditions in the Old Country mentioned the practical elimination of poverty through the application of what is usually called "the dole" but which more proerjy may be styled unemployment insurance. It is good to hear someone speak favorably of this measure. Its weakness is in the fact that money is handed out to the workless without requiring any service in return. This we believe is wrong. If a system were evolved whereby work could be provided for the unemployed improving public parks or other works which would benefit the whole community, the community that pays the bill would feel that it had some return for the money expended. The difficulty in this connection is that relief work has to be carried out at the- regular union rate of pay because union leaders fear that any lowering of the rate on relief work would tend to lower wages all round. The result is that when relief work is prepared the people who are out of work get to look on it as permanent work rather than relief work and all flock to get it. In Prince Rupert last winter relief work was provided bv the city and tne provincial and federal governments, the city paying half the cost. The regular union rate of wages waB paid and conditions were in all essentials just the same as on other work carried out in the city. The result was that some men who did not reaily need the relief applied and were given work and the amount which might have gone to the needy was restricted on that account. It seems as if relief work should be a class df work not as attractive or well paid as other work so that men would turn to it only as a last resort. We are not suggesting a scheme for doing this but simply drawing attention to the present difficulty in order that if possible some scheme may be worked out If during the winter just past those who had been given meal ticekts had also been required to give their service in return, there would have been enough labor available to dear up a good deal of one of the city parks. Also those who did not wish to work would have been eliminated from the relief. When the time comes to put into effect a general unemployment Insurance scheme for Canada it is to be hoped that an effort will be made to avoid the evils of "The Dole" and that in place of it there will be a plan for every man earning what he gets all the time. This is bettor for the person who is out of work and it gives th&state something in return for the money expended. OPTIMISM IS DANGEROUS i There are timeg when it Is dangerous to be Qptimistic and this is one If a hint should be dropped that some industry is about to start or that conditions are better in rnnee Kupert than elsewhere, the word is passed along and the unemployed from other cities turn this way. The Chambor of Commerce secretary has recently been bombarded with nueries in regard to liossibla work hnrp hv mechanics anil others who are looking for any place where there is activity. RopHes are sent to them stating that there are more than enough men here to look after any possible work that may develop and that at present there: are a good many out of employment. I This then, is one time when we can hardly afford to be ! cheerful in print. However, we can -keep hapDyand radiate good cheer as much as possible without blazing it forth to the multitude through the medium of the press. SMILE, DARN YOU, SMILE! The other day wo suggested that there was mapic in a siiuw uiiu urgt:u inui u De iritj wn,vin. vaiKui( street. The Qmiljenge was ' Ken u and th sc tried but not with any measure of success. ' H the lemo was ho smilo brouirht nothinc but frost in reulv but the trin un town was not a real one. It was simply a fiction walk with fiction smiles and fiption frost. Knowing the writer so well and appreciating the humor of the story, we are glad to know that there could not have been frost on a spring day liko the one at the week-end. Among the kings likely to lose their crowns in the near future are King Halibut and King Salmon. First thing we knqw they will be replaced by King Cod. LETTER BOX ISSUES CHALLENGE Editor, Dally News: Ip reply a. an acrimonious Inquiry that has appeared in, the Daily News in a form of letter to the editor Friday, April 10. 1931. I have following to say: History of the labor movement reveals that in the struggle between oaplUl and labor at times .tha unscrupulous element of the capital- .. I - t - 1 1 .1 L I U 1 1 1 151 class wurii uircuvvJini vy ucuig rendered economically superfluous resorts to pmnlnvmont of natural to Itself means such as agent provocateur, or a mudslinger in endeavor to discredit any one who happened to-be a spokesman for a section of the working class. Any person's opinion depends on fthat person's rnterhgenee, in forma -! tion on the subject dealt with, etc. and if printed in the press becomes available for public judgment on its merits, or otherwise. If a casual wider understands what she. as he reads, then they rued not ak silly question as to the Intentions of a public lU-r written by me, as I do clearly state the subject under dteeusslen and either the reasons foe writing the letter,- or the object sought. ' The opening statement of the Ut ter under acknowledgement is a sweeping statement disclosing- immaturity of Inerested s" mind and a careless manner in which the conclusion, as implied by that statement, was arrived at from the data referred to in -the third statement from the end of his letter. As to the silly questions implying doubt, of what may be termed, a political honesty on my part, I. not being used to. Insolence as exhibited by the "Interested," choose to re ply on one condition only: That It will be dene on the open platform in any hall at Prince Rh-pert, at any time between the 19th. and the end of April, on equal terms as to speaking tune, expenses for the use of th hall chairman elected from tne auHac ' tRefcen Ru4e M Order i and both parties to tpAM reciprocal right to questions M ANDERSON Sub Office No. 1. City 'Are Sin, Disease and Death Real Science Subject The subject of the tesson-sermui. in all Christian Science ehurche-and societies on Sunday was Attain. Disease and Death Real ' Among the Bible texts included in the lesson-sermon was the lol towing from Luke 13 12 And when Jesus saw her. he called ner to him and aald unto her. woman, thou are loosed from thine infirmity The lessen-serraou also include: the reading of citations from the Christian Science text book ence and Health with Key u (lie Scriptures ' by Mary Baker Edd one passage being a.s follows "Suiter It with an abiding conviriioi. that it- is illegitimate, because you know that God is no more the author Of Sickness than He Is of sin You have no law of His to support the necessity either of tin or sickness, but you have divine authority for denying that necessity and heal ing the sick " UJ3. experts are trying to de-make longer flights and equipped velop bees with stronger wings earn,' larger loads of honey ROWNTRE E'S 19 STANLEY CUP S TOWN WINS. HOOP TITLE Basketball Season at Terrace Comes to a Close With j Comic Game , TERRACE. April 13 In a comic exhibition of basketball Saturday uight, Uv which the spectators got their full share of laughs, the Town team gainer) a victory over the High School and thus won the league championship. Neither team seemed veijr much interested ih the result. The referee entered ' right into the spirit of the evening and some of nls calls were weird and wonderful. The handful of spectators were in high glee all evening. McCallough collected 6 points for the winners while Bow-ertng speared 8 for the Schoo) team. Refttee was D. Kerr. TowrvFennle. 3: McGullough, 1 9; Nelson. 4; Thomas, 6; Lever. TotaU-38. I School MsLeed. 3: Bowertng, 8: Kerr. 2; Miehtefc 3: Waltee. Total '16. Below la a reeord oi the indtvl- daal leaden in scoring In league games: Name Team Games Pts. Me Cu Hough (Town 9 136 lowering Oehool i . 8 103 Thomas,, tT 9 81 Burton Vonarsdol 9 62 Watte tV 6 57 Kennedy V 9 45 UtUe 8) . . 8 44 MeLeod (S 9 44 Smith, S. (Native Sons) 9 44 Kerr. D. (N5. 9 31 'left' to ci. t. ad her goal during it;--;, women -bttwci; TJiSfr anu Leinster at Bellas: NEW MAYORS ARE ELECTED I Several United States Cities Get j Changes Among Chief Magistrates ! iBpaclAl tc :h BUly Nwi OKLAHOalA CtTY. April 13 - ' Chicago is uot the only city in the United States that has a new mayor. Clarence Bnnn has been elected the new efctef magistrate i of this enterprising western city. SAN DIEQO. April 11 Walter Auttln has been elected mayor of San Diego over Mayor Olark Changes in the city's constitution were also approved by the voters a the polls KANSAS CITY, April 11 John C Mr-Combes t.s the new mayor ' Kansas .City. . - - - MuchMoheIs" " Voted For Roads In California SACRAMENTO Aortl 12 The California legislature yesterday voted $300,000 bo be used In road ' improvement work, hi the San Diego and Sanu Clara areas. iv'ioaso game Terrace Legion Staged Happy Dance Friday TERRACE, April 13 The Canadian Legion put on a Vtmy Ridge dance in the hall at Terrace on Friday night and a very pleasant night was spent, between 40 and 50 caupies being present. Musk was rendered in brisk fashion by F. Hall, S. Klrkaldy, E. Roberts, J. De Ker. emmeaux and F. Garvin. R. Bee-eher acted as floor master. Refreshments we re served at midnight, the Legion's Women's Auxiliary carrying out the catering. Those in charge were Mrs. McNeil, Mrs. Hslllwell. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. cele. Mjps. Chapman. Dancing continued utttll after two ajn. - ... i I 44 ADVERTISING COPV MUST UE IN RARLY 4 Cony for dismay advertise- I ntente should be in the hands 1 of the printers not later than ' 3 pan. the day prior to publl- t eatteo This Is necessary to en- , able best partitions to be. ee- , cured. , HUES EVENED UP Canadiens Defeated Chicago ' "' n n e r rr Southern College ! of California is j . Winner on Track LOS ANGELES. April 13: University of Southern California defeated University of California 108 evenU to 23 in their annual track and field meet here on Saturday. Exciting Moment in Irish Lacrosse SgggggMgggMgiiMgHvj Baseball Scores l'ACIFIC COAST LKAOUE Saturday Scores Los Angeles 14. Seattle 8. Oakland 3, Missions 2. Portland 17. Son Francisco 0. Hollywood 5, Sacramento 3. Terrace Stirred By Visit From City Hoop Teams TERRACE. April 13: A good deal of excitement was occasioned'byrthe visit of the Prince Rupert High School pupils In their return basketball matches with the loeal high school teams. Many friendships opened a week ago were cemented by this visit and most of the visitors were royally entertained. In addition to the big dance on Wednesday a large party enjoyed another fine Sarte-e at the home of W H Burnett an Thursday night. The visiters were given a great send-off when they Joined the freight train on Friday to return home Board of Trade at Hudson Hope HUDSON HOPE. April 13- Th. Hudson Hope Board of Trade hat been organized with officers ai follows , President Henry Stcge. Vice-President John M.Thomat. Secretary A. H. Russell. Sports, entertainment and general committees have been ap-' pointed. 1 Vancouver Stocks (Ccurttty S. D. Jotaniton Oo.) Bayview, nil, 1. Big Mlscourt. 49, 47. Cork Province. 1, 2. Duthle lllnes, 5. 10. George Copper. 50. nil. Qeorgla River, 2, nil. O rand view, 4V4, 5. Independence, nil. I. Indian Mines, lVfe, 3. Kootenay Florence, nlL-2. Kootenay King, nil, iyt. ' . L. & L., nil, l. Lucky Jim. 2, 2 ft. Morton Woolsey, nil, 3. National Silver. 2, 3. Noble Five, 5. 8. Oregon Copper. 8, 9. Pend Oreille, HQ, 1.45. Premier, 92. 95. . Porter-Idaho, 6, 7. Ree,ves Macdonald, 42, 45. Rufus-Argenta, 2, 3. Silver Crest, 2, 3, Snowtlake, 2ft, 3. Topley Rlchfleld;y). Whitewater 4. 5. o Jb WASHINGTON J3v score oi rour 10 iwo in - n w ar in. l Game at ivlontreal aaturdavi' r cama w,Mti " in Rowing Meet Salurda MONTREAL, April 13: The Montreal Canadiens Oakland. April n.-wm, evened .up the Stanley Cup hockey series here Saturday : ree northern teams vico. !u. nightly winning four to trover Chicago Black Hawks, VXSSfttX 4 11 nii5,uiu iuumi y"- wlc ati us wjutw nuv rktlllvir ; Qoldexi Bean Saturday a.fu two wins and two losses for either team. The fifth amLm their twenty-fifth annual deciding game takes place here on Tuesday night, Though 'face. upartially crippled, tne Canadiens Th Hustle freshmen wm 4 -JACK DEJICSEV AT RENO FOR DIVORCE , RENO, Nevada, April 13: Jack Dempsey, former world's heavyweight boxing champion, has announced his intention of seeking a divorce on the grounds of incompatibility from Bstelle Taylor, bis mov- irtg picture star wife. are still given an even chance to wo-miie race ny lour lengths , capture the Stanley Cup, emblem-- fttg up" from behind In a in atic of world's hockey champion- rending grind. -;hlp. The Junior Vdrsrty of Wahhi CotUelig and Arbour scored for beat the junior team of Cali! Chicago In the first period and it by oho length, taking lf) mi. looked like the Black Hawks had 30 second for the three -aiuV he game and the seriea on ice. as compared with the fonw 3agnon however, scored for the cord of 17 minutes, 37 seeonu "aradlens in the second and ev- In the final and principal ened the score In the third. Then the Husky Varsity crew bi Pete LeDlne adtieU two more for their shell in three-quarter the Frenchmen. jhv wnn ir.HTO "KJIl Hell the - 'iii-iit- 1 ill L icnjth ahead of the Bears. n:..k;i the eonrse in the fastest tlm --v. rowed here which wax 14 mm u-S3 4-6 seconds, clipping l." 1 -:, n onds off the former record atnee. 1903. Washington h... 17 times while California In even UnVM in th coast rla GOLF' Will) lc.1 April 13 tlroito vs. Oroat West, l-'tvin-t:orps vs. Orn. Off tec. Bank' r- v Dry Dock. Ainte vs. 13 Tax: April 20 nrottn vs. Flying Corps cr t-Wm vs. Oen. Ofdc. Qnnk.v- v 175 Taxi Dry Dork v A-mc April ,27 Orotto vs. Oen. Of fie (ir . 'Vest vs Bankers. Flyini: fnr-i v mc. Drv I.o.-k v; 7S Tax 1 IOme pound of phosphorus ISSUFFIClENTTOTIPfW MILLION MATCHES ? r DULrNINliHRyi-HMn.ll'lILL i Help Gundericn and Win a Prtxc Send ia your inlt-rting (act to-ln I' Denl not nm'uaril)' rt far lj tlw ' evrry frt me unr r wiUanxlytm i i e of 1W UurkionKun I igrtltn (. a rcfrrraf w,tk yuur If iuui enoujh llr.liunUriillrrtoMi i yU will rrrrtvp th comriiwiHiliirv p,. k-tfol UiukmplviBu, C'juWit'i dmi I- i -UlUeitaldiidtfuHte. ltulil(Um f ' I tlutiifma, u utl MiU s Ucn ( j I tbtth Cnett faitobamw. picknld r u-t plmuurt tol rajvynMt. AMrrM V "' fact to Gforfr Gualrra, IVpi I Tuckctt ToUixxj to. Limited, Haiu.ivti. Sclef "Do You Know"CirJi Vet ten crnU ia MaaiiM will kbI n ' S t of "Do Yva Know" carOi tut v n f ftmf Mbin pmUil in color ' 1 ucrris4ion (iM of coiiU ' s I ' or for twntjr rrU wo will inrkkle J arxlaUo ar album in which llw mni ' I pUml to ifivs a compMe colli I t pvruuiirat (orui. Phone 566 Rupert Motors Harare ami Service Stallon DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors KENDEK AND IIODY WOKR A SPECIALTY M..mk ' 111 rm"m FtceuoT eui s. -ra m b . ibbt i ae - TTVSltL "1 riBI a. . . . . A:..p'.m.gi1i83 oaimont, 13, 14. Dalhousle, 35, 40. DevenUh. C nil. Fabyan Petc Z, 4. Home, 87, l.OQ. Royallte, 10.50. 11.00. Mcrland, 10. 19. Mercury, 14. 10, United, 10, na Eastern Stocks Noranda, 2505, 20.50. Int. Nickel, 17.25. 18.25. C. P. R 335. 39.50. COAL y Ihe real CoaUour fa mous Edson and Cassldy WellingtonIn any quantities Alsa Bulkley Valley Hsy. Oraln snd Robin Hood Flour Prince Rupert Feed Co 1'IIONES 58 AND 558 1