Snag STORE Clearing Decks TI FIRST COME BEST SERVED Community Plate Silverware--- THREE BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS—ApaM, PATRICIAN and SHERATON—The Gift de Luxe—Solid or Hol ow Handle Knives, Spoons, Forks, Berry and Salad Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, Baby Spoons, Meat and Fish Forks. Also Leather and Mahogany Cases filled to suit your price. Brussells. S Xmas. Good Furniture The Most Appre:iated Useful and _ "Comfortable TITE’S SPECIAL | °:.. ‘Xmas _ Discounts. - —-;: FOR YOUR BEDROOM Furniture in one of the period styles would be particularly pleas- ing and always in good taste. Call and see our large stock of HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE TE Faney Goods, Toys, Chinaware, Draperies, Eiderdown Comforters, Chairs, Rockers, Buffets, Dining Tables and Chairs, Dressers Useful Gift--- Axminster Carpet Square Tapestry or THE DABLY NEWS FOR CHRISTMAS BUSINESS , Chiffoniers. pecial Discount Price for "OR THE DINING ROOM brary substantial articles comfort and lifelong service if you select OUR FURNITURE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR ’XMAS ON ALL FURNITURE ] = Seater“ ile E zi il TOYS fer tte CHILDREN Trains, Books, Dolls, Animals, Games. Balls, Tanks, Pistols, YOUR FAVORITE CORNEF__ Wagons, Sleighs, in » . the of o's furnished as you would like fact, see everything . ik it? Have you a convenient case Ls Nie Bh one OCR for your books, a chair that sives tt will j . store. y » 3 you rest and comfort and every- Siar thing else in the line of the a RIGHT FURNITURE? Y°UR LITTLE GIRL— 1e you delight in pleasing— er or not she belongs to you, ust love a dolly that you ver. So bring her here and let her choose. THE DOLL SHE WANTS ‘ . Fancy China Reyal Dalton, Derby, Ainsley, Wedgewood, nd hand pointed Iorie: Japaliese, Sl ES TT fut Glass Berry Bowls, Nappies Bon Bon, Water Sets, Creams and Sugars, At Special discount prices for Xmas. Fancy Jewel Case, Mesh Chain Bags, Ladies’ Vanity Purses and Satchels. Bowls, Brass Smoker Fancy Bas- Ladies’ Hand- and note Fern Jardenieres, Stands, kets, kei chiefs paper in faney boxes. Easy lst. PRIZE. 2ND. PRIZE. 38RD. PRIZE. Brass Bed, Spring, Mattress and Pai Large Kewpie Doll. TITE’S XMAS DRAWING Every $2.00 Cash Purchase entitles you to Ticket Free for— Ladies’ Desk and Chair, Mahogany. r Pillows. Do your Shopping in the Morning—it helps YOU to receive our best attention. Our Store is complete with Santa Gifts for Father, Mother, Sister or Brother. STORE OPEN EVERY NIGHT until Xmas GEO. D. TITE :- Complete Home Furnisher -: Ooee mee eee Ae ee Oe ee a i i i ee a a Local News Notes at et ee ee | | a ee Launch “Alice B,” Phone 41. English Holly. Aretic Studio. Perrin’s Kid Gloves, Wallace's In W rong’ Jack Pickford to- night-—Westholme, Tickets for prizes—every $1.00 Wallace's. tf purchase, No waiting in shoe repairing at MecArthur’s Shoe Store. tf Pianos correctly tuned. $6.00, G. ©, Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf Use “Muresco” the great sani- tary wall finish. A. W. Edge Co. >. . > COMMUNITY PLATE, The gift de luxe, at eastern prices, at rite’s. tf > > * Tite's large stock of fancy goods and toys opened up and at your service, tf . . > We don't cobble shoes at Simp- son's—we repair them. Corner Fifth and McBride. tf > >. . 20 per cent discount on all wall- papers. We have to make room for new stock. A. W. Edge Co. tf « . . “Miss Duleie from Dixie,” Ar- buckle comedy, 6th chapter of “The Iron Test” Empress tonight. Tite’s special discounts for eash until Christmas in our fur- loiturne, rug and drapery depart- sents. tf | Tonight “In Wrong” — Jack Pickford comedy—Rural farce- Childhood night. | . . . | New days—Westholme to- assortment of Waterman's ountain pens, gold mounted and : | slain, just arrived at Bulger's Tewellery Store. 207 “er ae Would William Deegan, late of New Zealand, | olease communicate with brother, } : | Southland, | ''pper Nevis, Otago, New Zealand. | ; | | ; braki, The Army and Navy Veterans have given up their hall in the Hub cabgret building and are ;}seeking new premises for their neetings. } > > > There will be no show in the | Empress Friday evening, owing to | } mistake of the Exchange in Van- | ouver in returning a show that | an last week. The sixth episode } f “The Carter Case” will be |} shown on Saturday night only. In the basket ball game between |the Sons of England and the Dry |}dock in the Skating Rink tomor- jrow night the following players ; will represent the former; For- | wards, A, Slocomb, P. Tinker and \Sam Weston; Defence, Wear- |mouth and Myhill Jones. The | Drydock players are Clementson, jHarry Day, Dravis, Ed. Craggs, | Sid Hardy and Bazzett Jones. : + a aga | Wal- 296 Ladies’ wash kid gloves. The opinion of Acting Mayor tochester at the recent Duff in- ‘vestigation that cases and trunks suspected of containing liquor need not be opened, was not sup- pormted by the commission at its meeting last night. The chief | said that it was necessary to open all the cases, without undue dam- age, to ascertain the epntents. The commissioners also concurr- ed in this opinion. Chamois Gloves—Heavy weight Wallace's. 296 Annie Smith and Amelia John- son, dusky damsels of the Haida tribe, got six months from Magis- trate MeMordie for vagrancy. They were up in the Police Court w few weeks ago and were ordered put of town but failed to go. They seemed quite pleased at the an- ticipated visit to Okalla and left the court room in high spirits. They go south tonight. >». > * Reductions on boxed hankies.— Wallace's. 296 ist, 2nd and 3rd Prizes-——Xmas Drawing— Wallace's. tf EK nglish Ho Holly. Arctic Studio. ‘eee CeCe eee eee Se ° TOO LATE TO CLassIFY * RE eR eee ee ee TO RENT-——One furnished Suite— Phone Red 91, 296 —_—_——— There may be something you want. See the classified column on Page 5. —= on ee on -_——— aoa meta an oe + Pree. ee new Everything for the Christmas Stocking rhursday Dec, ; OUR WILL PLEA is now complete. are dressy enough of Gifts that Numberless useful and beauti{ gifts are laid before you for your inspection. for Women, Gifts for Men, Gifts for Children Toys for the Corea pees. Dainty Blouses We can show you strictly tailored blouses for morn- ing wear or more elaborately designed styles that COME IN AND LOOK AROUND ———— a ee ii. S. WALLACE (CO., LD. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. LINE SE WOMEN 1 Gifts for any occasion. S ———————————— Spirella Corsctiere. j GOP POP POD PD PO OOO ODI CELTS Oe eerroe pis DENTISTRY . . For plate and sheet glass, see| A. W. Edge Co. tr|) Don’t neglect your Teeth . * . For first class shoe repairing, | B. M, Simpson, Fifth and McBride. ! The “Director” Corset. Manu factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92, tf * . . When you need a pair of shoes of better grade, call at MeArthur’s Shoe Store. tf For the home fireside; the com- fort of an easy chair and rocket Tite’s store for holiday dis- counts. tty . * . Barrie's Christmas drawing. Every two dollars’ worth pun- chased entitles you to a ticket free. Starting Wednesday, No- vember 19. First prize, Daven port bed; second prize, furmed oak table; third prize, wicker rocker Tite’s Christmas Drawing. tvery $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticket. First if prize, brass bed, coil springs ne mattress and pair of down pillow Second .prize .ladies’ desk aa chair, mahogany finish. Third prize 24-inch Kewpie Doll. tf We are ready to ser see them before the gone. See our beautiful gowns, chemises, aprons, bathrobes, felt slippers. CHRISTMAS IS NEAR Don’t delay your shopping as there ar only a few days left to get your gifts reac) Do not delay and prevent disappointment stock of good taings and would advise you to Crepe de Chine. and Georgette, silk night- combinations, scarves, fancy linen and silk handkerchiefs. and all kinds of Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Avenue One decayed or mis lowers your eft DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Mor: Afternoon, 1.30 t . day, 9 to 12 only. | gs Tuesday, Wednesd Fr day, from 7 to 9 DENTAL NURSE IN A E PHONE 109 FOR arr rere ere wrest ‘1 Cadomin Coal ‘ Full weight No wait. $12.50 $13. 75 Ton, Loose Consumers Coa! Cor pany Phones--Biack 51, Black 293 wecccrrrrr Chit cm bane: * Hot Tomales At the GHILLI PARLOR - 835 Secon! frente Delivery Service Ext AAO OOO LEO LODD LLL LOOEAOOITTE es ———_ eter rroore ve you witha con plet choicest articles are range of blouses, in camisoles, fanc) and Seventh Street