paoe roua THB DAILY WBW8 I 1 CI 7 DDI7 ETC i r-t j gsbs mm B H H fcw WmMI I B BADMINTON GOLF TIF? British Columbia Pipe Smokers NEAR FINAL TABLE OUT for Preliminary Rounds Will be Clean-e'd'Up Tonight Several Games Played Saturday The f trail wili lie reached this evening 1q all events of the city tournament under the auspices of the I. O. D. E. Badminton Club the final to be played on Wednesday evening Results at game played Saturday s-veninr were as f.-iiov.t Ladles' Doubles Scond Round V Miss Frances Cror. and Mis Caroline Mitchell beat Miss Mary Astori and Mrs. J. H. Horton, 15-12, 15-C. Third Round Mrs. Shtiford Darton and Mr. 11. L. ShadweU beat Mrs. Robert Bartlett and Mrs. T. Herman, 16-2, i Men's Double Semi-Final , WOUam Tobey and Ronald Allan beat Shelford Darton and C. J. . Norrfngton, 11-15, 15-8, 15-3. j Frank Rascell and William Lam- - ble beat Robert Tobey and J. Mc-; Rae, 15-5, 15-6 i Mixed Doubles Second Round Allan Cross and Miss Fnuwef Cross beat W and Miat Hilda Wllsen-Murr)' Wtoon-Muraiy. 4, 15-7. Third Round Frank Russell and Miss Caroline Mitchell beat Roger Wright and 14 pin. Winners Of ShelfordiV- Darton and Mrs. H. L. ShadwU-j Allan Croat and Miss Frances Cross vs. Ronald Allen and Miss B. Bdgeeumbe. Q?or$t? Carpenuer, former heavyweight champion, now of stage and screen, who was the theatre escort of Lita Chaplin, former wife of Charlie Chaplin, when she was kidnapped and robbed. H. Wilson-Murray HPT R HIT 15- 3J lvI Miss Margaret Palmar, 15-4, 15-12. Ladies' Singles Second Round Mrs. J. H. Horton beat Miat Margaret Palmer, 15-2, 15-11. To night's Games The following games are set for tonight: 8 pjnv Mrs. J. H. Hortoa vs. Mrs. GOES UP oTKm hard three to two in Frames c Miat Caroline MltcheU vs. Mrs. . "me . J. W. NiehoUs and Mrs. C. V. Kritt. 9 pjn. Shelf ord Darton and Mrs. . H. L. Shad well vs. Allan Crass and j I NEW ' VOBK Jan. MrDetroit Falcons climbed into third place in the American division of the Na-, Uonaf itsckej League last night as! ! they ousted the New York Rangers with a one to nil victory at Chicago. The Montreal Maroons halted a six-game wlitMng streak of Chicago ' Black ligwksTjy squeezing out a. Billiard Averages jhw i raw vivm " 9:30 pjtu-C. 3. Norrtngton and. n, m, . Mrs. E. A. Parlow v.. Frank Russell I j. oauui ei . (E 13 13 10 O. P. Tinker (CD .13 F. Zleman CL JO W. E. Willlscroft B) 7 M. McLachlan Q) .14 . T 0. Howe (G) 14 Old Country boccerjS ?U nil TODAY'S SCORES English League rirst Division Weattwm 3, Newcastle United 2. t English League Second Division Tottanharo Hotspurs 3. Stoke 0. Oldham Athletic 0, Bsrnsley 0. Port vale 1, Everton 3. Watt Brorawich Albion 2, Bury 0. Scottish Cup Replay Mfrrten 2, Ralih 0. J. May (0 8 C. Baptte CL) 8 A. Mscdonald (CL) T M. Andrews (CL) ... 14 W. Mitchell (B) 14 M. Andrews (CL) 13 CX. Yotmgman (CL) 4 T. Clough (G) 3 F. II. Stephens (E) .. 4 W. Murray (E) 7 J. Scott (CL) I John Bulger (G) ... '1 990 3151 3391 2406 3095 234S 1646 3109 3169 3132 3137 1767 1714 1499 2966 2938 2716 814 599 795 1342 172 169 248 242 242 241 238 235 215 226 .226 224 224 221 214 214 211 209 209 204 200 199 192 173 169 Sea horses, sea serpents, ducks, queer fish and monsters of all kinds make their appearance in waters of Pacific when Matter llartwlg van Nourden of Lo Angeles goes a-bathlng. Iht Teams Weekly in City Lea sue Ine follow. ng hedule for the i'.y Miniature Golf League is an-' .oanscd: j i Janua.-v 16 t Grotto vs. Great West. Frying1 vs. Uen .a! Cffice. Banker. 1jc Dw.-fc. Acme vs. 75 Taxi. Fc'iraar t C-.otto vs Corpj. Great .s. Ccncrr Oifice. Bankers i 75 Taxi. D77 Duck 7s. Arane. February 9 Giotto vs. General Office. Great Wort vs. Bankers. Flying Corps vs Acnw. Dry Dock vs. 75 Taxi. February 1 Grotto vs. Bankers. Groat West vs. Dry Doek. Gen. Office vs. Ame. Flying Corps vs. 76 Taxi February 23 Grotto vs. Dry Dock. Great Wes vs. Acme. Fifing Corn Bankers. Gn. Offices vs. 75 Taxi. March 2 Orotto vs. Acme. Great West vs. 76 Taxi. Hying Corps vs. Dry Dock Gen. Office vs. Bankers. i l Mareh 9 I Grotto vr. 75 Taxi. Great West vs. Flying Corps. Gen. Office vc Dry Dock. Bankers vs. Acme. Marrh 16 Grotto vs. Bankers. Great West vs. Dry Dock. Gen. Office vs. Acme. Flying Corns vs. 75 Taxi. . March 23 Grotto vs. Dry Dock. Great Wes vs. Acme. Frying Corps vs. Bank ers. Oert: Office vs. 75 Taxi. March 30 Gcotto vs. Acme. Great Wes vs. 76 Taxi. Flying Oorpi vs. Drv Dock. Gen. pffice vs. Bankers. April 6 Grotto vs. 75 Taxi. Great Wer vs. Flying Corps. Gen. Office vs. vs. Flying Corps. Gen. Office vs. Dry Dock. Bankers vs. Acme. April 13 Grotto vs. Great West. Flylna Corps vs. Gen. Office. Bankers vs Dry Dock. Aemrvs. 75 Taxi. April 20 Grotto vs. Flying Corps. Great West vs. Oen. Oftte. Bankers vs 76 Taxi. Dry Dock vs. Acme, April 27 Orotto vs. Oen. Office. Great West vs. Bankers. Flying Corps vs. Acme. Dry Dock vs. 75 Taxi. Each game won gives the win ning team 2 points. Tie games (If any) 1 point. Ole Olstead, for drunkenness was fined $25, with option of thirty days' Imprisonment, in city pollc court this morning. Joseph Wright and Robert Copper, Indians, also charged with drunkenness, were each fined $15, with fourteen days' option. Hockey Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Canadiens 6, New York Americans 1. Boston 4, Philadelphia 2. Toronto 5, Ottawa 2. Michaud Brothers of Terrace Have Severe Fire Loss TERRACE, Jan. 2o Much sym- "palhy1 has been expressed to the Mlchaud Bros. In the loss of their home by fire recently. Fred Michaud was ill In bed and Dert Mlchaud In the endeavor to save his brotlier. household ar tides and a dog chained to the wood-shed, was severely burned, requiring medical attention. Their loss will be great as they had a good stock of old curios much prized. Their home was al .ways open to visitors who enjoyed seeing these articles of interest Your letter may ivni part oj tins Sf25Q.O0 It's the cosiest contest that Las ever been run no difficult conditions to fulfil no higli-prictj articles to buy Simply purchase a package of cool, long-burningTurrct pipe tobaco) smoke a few pineeful and then write a letter, telling your opinion of this new, jwpular-priced pipe tobacco. The llvnt Letters Will Win Tit at e Prizes 1st PKIZE 8.1 0.00 2nd PKIZE 25.00 20 PRIZES of 5.00 75 PRIZES of $1.00. and 100 half-pound tins of Turret pipe tobacco Jan. 27 Legion vs. Elks. Jan. 30 Elks vs. Orotto. Feb. 3 Orotto vs, Legion, Feb. 6 Elks vs. Legion. Feb. 10 Elks vs. Orotto. Feb. 13 Orotto vs. Legion. Feb. 17 Legion vs. Elks. Feb. 20 Elks vs. Orotto. Feb. 24 Orotto vs. Legion. Feb. 27 Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 3 Elks vs. Orotto. Mar. 6 Orotto vs. Legion. Mar. 10 Legion vs. Elks. Mar. 13 Elks vs. Orotto. Mar. 17 Grottd vs. Legion. Mar. 20 Elks vs. Legion. Mar. 24 Elks vs. Orotto. Mar. 27 Orotto vs. Legion. CRSBBAGE SCHEDULE fanuary 26 Kts. of Columbus vs. Pit. Hotel Orotto vs. Operators. Elevator vs. Toe II. I.O.O.F. vs. Eagles. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Moose. Six Musketeers vs. Hawks. v February I Moose vs. Operators. Kts. of Columbus vs. I.O.O.F. Elevator vs. Orotto. Six Musk. vs. Seal Covo Sawmill Toe II. vs. Hawks. P.H. Hotel vs. Eagles. February 9 Eaelec vs. Orotto. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Kts. of Columbus. I.O.O.F. vs. Hawks. Moose vs. Toe II. ' Operators vs. Elevator. Six Musketeers vs, P. R. Hotel. February 16 Maam vs. Elevator. KU of Columbus vs. Six Musk. etecrs. I.O.O.F. vs. P. R. Hotel. Operators vs. Toe II. Eagles vs, Hawks, I Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Orotto, ; MSFM&Sfj l POPE I r a. yBA(ge j SEATTLE CHURCHMAN SCHOOLS! SUCCUMBS Bond Issue of S 1.560,000 For New Archbishop Edward J. McCarthy of Voniirucuon approved uy . Halifax Fasses Away at Aje Board and Will Be Voted On SEATTLE, Jao. 36: The school board of Seattle has unanimously approved a bond Issue of $1,500,000 for the purpose of financing school construction in this city. The ismte will be presented to the taxpayers of the city for their approval at the city election In March. Of the $1,500,000, it is proposed to use $1,000,000 for the replacement of old school buildings and the enlargement of others while the remaining $500,000 would be used for the building of a new Junior High School at Ballard. Since 1022, the school population of Seattle has increased by 20, while the bonded indebtedness for schools during the same period has increased only 12. METLAKATLA COUNCILLORS Annual Election Conducted on Saturday By Indian Agent W. E. Colllson Indian Agent W. E. Colllson vis ited 'Metlakatla on Saturday and presided at the election of village councillors there. Those elected were William Leask, O. H. Clifton, John D. Leighton, O. P. Ryan, Wil liam Lelghton and Henry prcvost, Thi chlof rnnnrlllnr will ho nafrSJ - - '..'". ..... . V . ... .ly. . ed,at the first Reeling o.the ngw, council ori Frldity of this week. " ' The Weather Prince Rupert Cloudy, southeast wind; barometer, 20.G0; sea smooth. Langara Island Raining, light south wind; sea calm. Dead Tree Polnt-Rainlng. fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.54; temperature, 42; sea choppy. Triple Island- Fresh south wind; flno rain; sea moderate of Kljhty-Two Was Born There HALIFAX, Jan. 26: His Qraee Edward J. McCarthy, Archblahoo of Halifax sltlfle 1906. died today i the age of 81 The ArphWhop was born in Halifax 'in 1849 and received his preliminary education in this city hi Belle Air arid St Mryi Colleges Whtp he reached the decision to devote his life to the priesthood he went to the Grand Seminary of Montreal to pursue studies In philosophy and theology. On completion of his studies there he was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Connolly of Halifax and appointed assistant at St. Mary's Cathedral. After only a short time at 8t Mary's. Father McCarthy was sent to Kentville, NJ3.i as curate to Rev Father Phillip- Hplden. then pastor of SCt. Joseph's Church there with a widely scattered mission field cotnalned within a radius of some twenty-five or thirty miles in th counties of Kings and Lunenburg. It was m this field that the young priest gained his deep knowledge of me people or Nova Scotia and the conditions under which thev llvwi In the isolated settlements of the inland, an Intimacy that well fitted him for his first charge, which was the parish of Chester, with Its rals-stans .at Dalhousle, New Ross, Brldfjewpter, Lunenburg and Ma-hone. Soon Promoted In 1884, Just 10 years after his ordination, Father McCarthy was promoted to the important parish of Yarmouth where he remained 12 years. During his pastorate there the present beautiful church and residence were founded and improved, and it was at Yarmouth that Father McCarthy formed many of the friendships that followed him throughout hi.s life and marked him a.s one of thu most SIX SIMPLE CONTEST XX "I T7m mut t , one sine nj ti writer's name , . c: hwtj vrrim-r r iterlYoftlie Inm. V, Co. of Canada, I : J '5 All entrir mu-l bi c,-,a . 1 1... .... . . t . t T Oficro. 4 ImPerial TAaD t pany of Canada . L :jrc J not enttr into ah cnceuhalwtwrr :': entry in thiaennt- f uill be final. 28th, 1931. Kni4ojriTol Imprnal T ! 3 1 i CaiuJa, Limitrcl, m luil . L'.c j Send all letters to Turret Pipe Tobacco P.O Box 1311, Montreal TURRET PIPE TORACCO BILLIARD SCHEDULE cuatcsL 15c. package contains 2 polrr hand 20c. package contain 3 pclcr handi pmind lln contain 13 poln hand prominent ! j ' vince. On the dr iti. nor Carmud Church in ".. : thy was recui' to take ehr.rr .parish, reman death of Mi. i. pby. In 1901 w thy succeed on Mary's Cath-'fii In 1909 Fat!: ?cted by the H a the Most Ro Archbishop of i; nsec rated u :' Aposloll' Archblihop .s -tti, on Septet:. o: MAIL PLA"E So Word From I Since Disappear bla Klvcr i. PORTLAND, j i 'or Walter Cum-nail plane, nnn nd of the wn k 1 )f fifty miles or c; in the Columbi i ' which became m day morning while mall flight, tx-luin ways firm. irjim Kadine to A' J Plant Sak ;Emll Kaainn. ! for Capt. E J A r fated flight into n country last full, v A. Joerss and R 1 Atlln this week w the salvage of U" Kadlng has been i; Ing rescued by PU'1 ' son. vancouvkk viirT VANCOUVER. ' was quoted on tit' I ' iCiu.v' lt .ri,V,,i