~ - Che Daily News PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ” “ _ NO, 296. ) 1” Ripe th deandee ie ee —— athe i. a re __ PRINCE RUPERT, B. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS Swollen Current Carries SILVER CREEK {Delegation “Meets Away Khyex River Bridge POOMISCAPES Minister at Ottawa oe —— Million Feet of Logs Belonging to Prince Rupert Spruce Mills Fourteen Bents in the Approach Forced Out by the Stream; sien dilion Outcome of Negotiations Expected to Trains Cancelled for a Few Days at Least; lane seveeiis Urtntiine esl Prove Satisfactory; Newman Erb id Passengers Return East. in the harbor this morning as far There Also in Connection with ' r as*the eye could reach from the sa vial ‘ a rer — er mouth of the harbor to Tucks In- . *1 3: ' \o less than fourteen bents in the Khyex River bridge ay : STOLE WATCH CHAIN sal atin pb gd iene Shipbuilding. ch have been carried away with the swollen current cause: ——— = ae , pr ’ inquiry and comment this morn- ; ; he excessive rain and thawing of the snow during the past| AND GETS SIX MONTHS ile. Yesterday Acting Mayor Rochester received a telegram from ew days, and as a result there will be no communication by rail | _— The logs belong to the Prince] Mayor McClymont at Ottawa saying that he and Col. Meck had with the east for some days at least. Thos. Robertson Found Quilty of | *¥pert Spruce Mills, Ltd., and, had several interviews with the Minister of Marine and Fisheries The westbound train was due to arrive last evening but she! Petty Theft—Summary Ste ae a Silver Creek} in regard to the fisheries question, and he was hopeful of a _ : ; ‘ : ” eae wiom yesterday afternoon. The} satisfac : i was held the other side of the Khyex River just beyond Skeena Coputation. boom had been pretty badly aaa cily. At first it was reported that two bents had been washed out Sa iciaoeias, oie. 2 shaken up by the terrific storm - poenyenene said also that they had met Newman Erb at wut this gradually inereased until the destruction of the approach) | it.4 this morning of ans Obs on Wednesday night and nothing | 0't@wa and an effort was being made to clear away the difficulties ) { I : cled s ‘ mg i ; # : . . ; hax become so complete as tor *' watch chain and ebtinced te =o Gnld be done yesterday to put it which had been holding back the shipbuilding operations here. ike repair very difficult, espee- ‘GALE DID CONSIDERABLE «= entns imprisonment at Okatte in shape again on account of the| The mayor said that everything looked hopeful for a settlement, in view of the swollen con- very rough ‘sea prevailing. Yes- ally rarm by Stipendidry Magistrate een a which would make it possible to proceed more rapidly. jition of the river. So great in| DAMAGE AT ACROPOLIS McMullin. Mullen. the owner of lerday afternoon the southeast-| ——————- —--- front. , ass of waters flowing out | the chain, P. Use. obs tine Gdhed lv w mn vaneae a aed CRRA SS SRE RE EH *: DENIKINE ” ‘oot the dneoming tide, from the! by the accuse ‘io oun : ohain wom Dbuoke, with the resu atl LOCAL NEWS ITEMS *! IS nen 1, which. usually backs up Vennte Sours Venes and Bressing | Harris, who wt. ei “tnetane vie million feet of logs are atloat | ¢eeeeeeeeteseaaes : foe pany miles, does not any | Room Blown Down. and Mullen, and Constable Me- from one end of the harbor to the William Mikilik was fined Ten oget affect the river. 2 ! Donald were all heard as wit. oor poney. Dollars by Magistrate McMordie RETREATING ~-™ trouble seemed to have The Acropolis Hill was struck] yosses. | ‘The company’s boats, Seal Cove| this morning for being drunk and he ised by a log jam at the! very severely by the storm of the Mul'en identified the chain as md Dinty Moore, are busy gath- disorderly. j railwa bridge diverting the| night before last. * The tennis! the one he had lost at Woolridge s ie them.ep with the asaiptanss Tar : : (real ind forcing its way/court has been completely blown! j,eging camp at Port Clements os ae ~_— ae oe Rr Sage — pe ae See ) the approach. down, fences and buildings both! p. Gyzyz and William Harris al ol Le nines. Oy Sea ere yen ee ve = 5 woree MeNicholl, the assistantyoverturned. Part of Olof Han-! identified the chain produced nf all state that they will be pretty Miller, William F. Eve, John Withdraws Another Fifty Miles g issenger and freight] ion's fence around his home at! eourt. The former had refused| * eee ee ae ae re Nay 0 a TS ‘jan — 7” went } re has vers, bens a close the . rane > aaa ‘to buy the chain and the latter ee ee 8. McLean, janitor of the Bor- : —_—— 5 . a ee _ ie. fs i a oeaae | bad yee it offered - a = ‘CANTATA SUNG AT rden St. School, has resigned his (Special via u. T.P. Telegrapns.) i ranged t ] : e- Te age was < o ie ° **;u gambiing game for sale. e tluties to cease Dece ir 34. — ' ' tdmonton last night and ine gale of W opnesany —_ | told Mullen and the information | CATHOLIC CLOSING suapeies) ties eb bee appenaied. of Gunbesh fonintna nee sabe passengers who _are was considered even — en was laid. —_—— } ee. 8 Bolshevik leader in South Rus- th, by way of the ©. N.}/ ful than that of a month ago ane | Robertson pleaded not guilty | Very Enjoyable Event Given by Mrs. Young, sister of Mrs. D.| gig continue to retreat before the An attempt will be made tofis said to have had jars which | and stated that he had bought the | Pupiis Trained by Sisters H. Morrison, left last night for} Req offensive. mails by water, but that} many large buildings in the city) chain from an Indian coming) of St. Joseph. Seattle en route to Portland where} During the past week Denikine is 8 : what nae. co made thelr anevte enter, she iy paves — ae = the | she will one — time visiting.| has been compelled to withdraw * Call, general superintend-| were going to leave el 0 a-| Prince John, e stated that he ‘he (her ae © e . i \ 1 f the line, who was at Pa-jtions. | had paid $2.50 for it and could | ciemeaitteetian ah ae ‘Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Starr, of the soetes A He : this morning, is now at the - “= ? | identify the Indian. iy # night in appropriate form by Waldron Apartments, left on the Jf operations directing the | tis stery, hewever, was not) an Jupils entertaining their par Dosnce Meargendast. night : every effort will be SCHOOL CLOSED TODAY accepted by the court. Magistrate! «nts os friends with a Christ. six weeks’ visit in Seattle. Mr. EN 6 OO FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON MeMullin feit his story was rath-| jas Cantata “The Real Santa Starr is manager fon the Bea Juan it as early a date as pos- bisheries here, : er flimsy and circumstances were |! jays.’ A number took part in ORY ii "tes sible very much against him. the impe i here w ; nea ; Prese Were | ie impersonations and there were Barrie’s Christmas drawing. Last al passengers coming | ©xercises and ntations Were sate : & sive € ‘ouses. 58 Claus | ey ep . ’ . the Prinee Rupert were] Quite the Style in Classrooms twelve chorouses anta Claus|i\ery two dollars’ worth pun- | was shown in the guise of a tramp], anti : | before leaving that they This Morning. ‘SANTA CLAUS TO VISIT land it eventually transpired that pra gggt bee oy Wednesday _ Last Train Was Run Down Kit- * must not expect to leave Prince ee ST. ANDREW'S CHILDREN 've was the real Santa. scemee Ga, Beek aaa Eee Sault River Last Friday; Rupert on the train tomorrow as ihe Gut? schoue :elpeee er : | Leo. Derion was the Christmas oa a Mine Working. has been eancelied. day at noon for the Christmas se pe os a be tn " port bed; cssens prize, fumed oak > "sili rs holidays. sears a _— Christmas Celebration for the St. ans weve Macs laa, Sreak table; third prize, wishes, rocker. 3 ALICE ARM, Dee, 19.—Bring- Z ane gee qe eae . aa Andrew's Youngsters on /MeKinnon, Flora Burritt, Virgin-| The cross examination of Don.|!78 out @ party of mine officials ERCE STORMS aad Monday Night. ‘ia Riel, Jack Allen and M. Bud-| W. Peck in the G. T. P, Develop-| ftom the Dolly Varden Mine, the the teachers ae ieee he lenieh. ment Co. versus Don. W. Peck] !ast train came down the Alice t enna ear ee = : is are} ON Monday night, the Christ-| The excellent manner in which) action arising out of repairs to a Arm Railroad last Friday, This DELAY VESSELS ee sane : ate ve -- mas festivities will commence in| the parts were taken and the pre-|tug boat was completed yester- closes the season as far as ship- mane tay wots: pape was ; Aa the St, Andrew's Hall, when there cision and blending in the chor4/day. The evidence is now all in ping of ore is concerned, but : ee ee of the Will be a Christmas Tree for the) ies indicate the excellent train-| and the case is adjourned to hear about 46 men are to be kept on ON ATLANTIC Mise. Tingley, principal - a future members of the St, An-' ing they had received, The per-|the arguments of the consul. at the mine right through the # Borden Street School, receiver » drews Society. Ali the children of | cormers’ were prettily dressed as ‘ a ‘ winter continuing to take out ore ; beautiful eut glass bon bon dish the St. Andrew's members will be| ‘lowers and the whole entertain- Max Heilbronner, M. McArthur} for shipment in the spring. The Fight Big Passenger Ships With from the — = Sen be ut present and old Father Christmas! ment was a most creditable one. and Teddy Fotos appeared in the ar yr — ne 17,000 Belated P. ers pion, Hise a ee cia has got all their names and is| At the conclusion a well laden} Police court yesterday morning be kept iat » seune Aeuee S e : - —o King Edward School, was present- ring thing for every one | Christmas tree was relieved of its before Magistrate MeMordie} beach where they will receive re- Arrive ot Mes Work. ed with an electric cooker and a) YiltT n hi om with whieh to burdens and Bishop Bunoz and| charged with failing to pay their pairs. :

. a @ : on the dressing vooms, furnace ‘Reconsiders his Decision to Retire, but mntil it can be shipped. WHEN PLANE CRASHED j HOLIDAY PAS and coal bin. The lockers : MC ASSENGERS ws “Wll Take Lopg Rest Instead; Try- | u's cote. ses wo merwm the arrival of the now awaiting . Minister is leaving on Sunday night’s boat} PARIS, Dee, 19.-Captain Sir f Pri “2 locks. ‘The work is neatly ye out for Some Other for the oe of can eee Rev.| John Allcock. who made the first . Nee George Took Down al ii v-joint finished jumbet and as} M while. WB A ond Mrs. Crux.’ Her|non-stop’ airplane flight across ‘ Capacity List Last Night. a very good appearance. A _ ean successor. has not yet been ap-|the Atlantic, has been seriously ; floor has been put in the lo¢ ” pointed in the schools but it is|injured. His plane crashed near Gr ded with a big list of pas-}room and dressing room. | my (Special to The News via G. 7, P, Telegraphs.) expected a special meeting will| Gottever yesterday in the pnov- F inser going south for the holi-| completion the work will he an} OTTAWA, December 19.—]t is offferaily announced that Sit} pe peld shortly to name one. ince of Seine Inferieure, Nor- pote ’rince George pulled out] credit to oe ae — ~ vs Robert Borden is to retain the post of Prime Minister, but will a os tte mandy. é " time at mi and a considerable aval ; get for \ snoousen Sallie oe value of the Aggicultural Hall _|take @ long rest im order to —e health. This . sion of the Police Commission in| Albert & MoUaffery, Lid., have ne ‘here was even a Negro sne wind of the night before) ... reached by Sir Robert as a result of pressure brought | bear which the ease of Constable Dufl| just received a shipment of five ~ | the second class smoking | last did considerable dau yo lon bis by his colleagues. a was considered, Cynmissioner| hundred doors and windows—the ae enlivened the scene! the hall and part of th 7“ | \. understood here that the danger of the Government) Macdonald explained that be said) most and varied stock in Northern th, 4 Re and contortions to| was blown off and - ls - 1 eaking up be ease of a change of leadership, was the chief « rgu- an ofticial of the association had |B. C. 0% u ee ithe paniment of banjos and} broken, Repairs ws will be 1 keeping Sir Robert at the helm. In his absence it is concurred with the police com~ . face instruments. It}under way and the hal’ \ nent I — Vel ion that Constable Duff had ek Atking’ Sausages. * &Xpected o) yet announeed who will be leader, , il be g ven et This the personal + ee ee , a, Pert may), whether he makes opinion ef Mr. Cameron and ae st. Prince Z On Sunday are Well}, in shape for the Wr ter aclivilies that th » Ru. ' @ Prince Ru Athletic Association tryout im that position until it is found ‘ve even a bigger listiof the ight as reservations - a1 ‘hed already, gs. ©. Undertakers. Phone good, before the Premier will actually drop Tehe opinion of the association, » ‘|