T- sale " "r snd ilnrM, s v iUIbara Ce, Ltd., Toronto, Out SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One Tube Mi 31 Tooth Paste and One Bottle Mi 31 Antiseptic $1.00 Value Special, 60c Qrmes EM. Zflio Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED TUWL IIKiritll COM Mllll H.ii.ulHcturr of ELEPHANT III mid (IIIMKAI. IXIITII.I7KKS I i i. & Refttvera of TADANAC lira nJ KI.EITISOLVIIC Packed, witl 'T'liEPE ii no unproductive space iniide an Evcready Layer. tilt Battery. IXAT Iiyeri of active material packed tightly together nil up every iuch of the battery. No wonder U)ertilti last, ao much longer . there! to muth mre iCm. pJo wonder they're ao dependable . . . there are no delicate cell-connections to go nng, If you're interested in grestrr "B" battery economy and remits, insist on Eveready. A y Layrrbilt Battery. Three siies meet all needs. Sold t Radio Stow eery Jierr. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED S',a' si . , r TORONTO Winnipeg ""V"1 flitie CKNC. Tini Radio Batteries RB7 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hli'uinrrs iruxe Prliif-i. Itiipert f r Vaiicoutrr: HIATAL RVr.KY TITMIAY. t.:tll I'M. A:riviiig Vancouver. Ma te-u KiIIk. Thursday Noon approt. lAitiiENA i:vi:kv KIIIUAV MIIIMI.IIT Arriving Vanmmvr Bundaj midnight approx - sailings to Port Sknipaou. Alice At:ii. Auyox. Stewart and Nsas Hlver pouiu Sunday. 8:00 p.m. " ' information regarding all mm i:OAST MMIIPS TrTTI CTTW A MSil IP SERVICE bAILlNUS FROM 1'KINCE KUPEKT ro Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. March 7. IB and 28. To Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle-March 11 and 22. Princes Mary Oremi Falls, etc. Vsuao uvr mi Victoria, every Friday, 10 pas. Agent For All Steamship Llnei W c. Orchard. ou. Arnt. SrdAv.. Prince Rupert. Phone 11. ,,ct the habit of reading Hie Covered With Bolls on Arms, Back and Neck Mm Margaret Higgin,, Vjmmi, On t writes:-.. I wu wvered with boils on my arras, face aad Bk. I "a plasters and ether remedies with no resulta. Xfv ..,. i. , , ' drawn . " n Hnrdock Blood Bitters, to I fa-.. - oouie. xne results were marvellous, at in no tims the boils had completely disappeared, and bit skia wi dearer and fresher than manifiFtnnul ,nn"'"4 for .1 th. r" SI y.art. oalf am.mu.MUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OK AMMONIA Tit I PLC SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH i READY aUlnf and ticket at I'lioue S6K advertisements in this paper, W tauiiigdvfliitajtftpLJIie help they bring you. Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Ifeilbroner's Store. Georee"-norie-.turnd-to-ihd city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace. 1 George Bell, after spending ten days in the south, .returned to the city from Vancouver on the Catala yesterday afternoon. , Neil McQuarrle of AnyoxJJ-who nas been on a trip south, wits a passenger aboard' the Catala last evening returning to Jhe smelter town. Mrs. C. II. Sajle of New Hazel-ton, after havlngpent a few days In the city attending the United Church Presbytaty, left Saturday on her return to her home In the interior. O. A. Yardley, who was 'recently named inspector tf customs, sue ceedlng J. E. Miller, who was superannuated last year, was a passenger aboard tbe Catala test evening going throtigh to Stewart on official business. H. N. Brocklesby, acting director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental Station, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday after noon from Vancouver where he at tended a Biological Board com mittee meeting last week. At the request of Dr. F. A. Col der of Atlin. radio station KJR of Seattle Saturday evening played a number of numbers for the ben -fit of a birthday party being held fiat evening in the northern Bit ttsh Columbia town. Among those announced as being guests at the party were Mrs. Drury and her daughters. . ANNOUNCEMENTS r Next Royal Purple BrMge-wbkit series Monday, March 9. L. O. B A. Bridge, Whist anJ Dance March 12. St Patrick's Concert, Catholic HaH, March 17. Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, on March 17, in Church Hall. ' InUr-CHy Badminton Tonrna- nent Premier vs. Rupert, follow ed by dance. Moot Hall. March 17 Baptrsi Batter Sate April 2. BmWt Ooncert April 6 atod 7. Di rection . Alex A. Connon. Moose HaH OaUaotte wemenlsi Leasnie Sprlnr Sale-April 8. Last HojrsJ Purple Bridge-whist cries iondr, Mreh 9. llnttii Chttreh Easter Baaaai. April 9. Anglican Cathedral Easter Sale Aprtt 0. Clio and Whist League Banquet Commodore Cafe April 10. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" Pacific's Whipped Cream 1 ,tVroM10 Recipe Please follow the details closely: 1. Have milk cool. 2. Whip brlsjfcly 2 minutes. 3. Add fresh leropo lu)ce freely and whip until cream is Wcjf. about 3 or 4 minutes '. 4.' Fow Itj slowly one. teaspoon, each separ'-., dtely. of granulated' sugar van-' Ula. Serve. Be sure ill to whip 2 minutes before adding lemon juice; (2) to use granulated sugar: 3 to fold in sugar and flavoring with spoon, not whlpper. PACIFIC MILK Factory ut AhhoUfortl. B.C. How To Lose 24 Pounds of Fat At the Same Time Gain in Physical Vigor and Youthfulneea and Swiftly Poaseas a Clear Skin and Vivacious Eyes that Sparkle with ' Health. "' " ' ' ii it.-- i jr-i r-rTi' . 'if Here's the, repine Jiiat, baiyahes fat and brings Into bkwaord ail tbe natural attractiveness that every woman possesses. Every morning - take one-half teaxpoon of Kruwheri Salts in a glass of hot waUr before bieakfast. Be sure and do this every morning for " It's the daily dose that takes off the fat." Don't miss a morning, Kruachen daily means that every partjfie of poisonous waste matter, arid honnful acids and gases are expelled from the system. Modify your dirt, and take gentie exercise. The stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are tuned up, and the pure, fresh blood containing these six salts is carried to every part of the body, and this is followed by "that Kruscben feeling" of energetic health and activity that is reflected in bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vivacity sad charming figure. F. J. Hickey, who had mining interests at Usk, left the Interior point on today's train for Chicago. M. A. Burbani, CJiJt. divisional engineer, i returned to the citron yesterdayafterhcxin'B train from a trip to thrTntertofon official bus- myor JCyTU H.'orme returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon' from a ten-day trip to Victoria on city business. The' report 'of htsV mission," which had to do with financial matters, will be made to the city council at its next meeting. Bishop E. Ml Bunoz, OMI who left this morning for Grouard in the Peace River country, was accompanied by Rev. Father J. Flo-rtan, OJti.1., who is, identified with the colonisation department of the Canadian National Railways In Winnipeg. A. Bopp. who, has been a resi dent of Anyox iwc some years, was a passenger on;4he.Oatale last evening going ttasjueh to the smel ter town where he will make ar-ranteeteats to more his wife and family south, hartog purchased a farm- hv the Frufer Valley near vloverdak. n-. Splc and span after undergoing i complete, everhaul in Vancouver during the psjit three weeks, tlie popular liner Catala of the Union Steamship Co.'s fkeLwith Capt. A. a Diofcson. bartffan, mkster 'n coftftnand. trrwRi Tn port at 1:M yesterday afternoon from the south, returning service on her reg ular run frm Vancouver to Prince Rupert. Anyox. Stewart and other coast points. The Catala sailed at 8 p-m. for Anyox and Stewart .whence she will return here to morrow southbound. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED rl or middle-aged wo man. Phone 351 tf 66 MILES ON 1 GALLON GAS Walter Crltchlow, 5070-A Street. Wheaton. 111., has patented a Vapor Moisture Cats Saver and Carbon Blmlnator for all Autos and En gines that beats any ever got out. Old Fords reports as high as 66 miles on 1 gallon. New Fords 75. Other makes report amazing tn- rrnaiM nf t. tn mart. Mr. Crltchlow offers to send 1 to introduce. Write him today. He also wants County and State Agencies everywhere to make $850 io $1,000 per month I)AIinTMEN or POULTKYiMEN FOR SALE Car Load tlO torn) Good Dry Oat Straw ! --lUled .I'Vi."1'' Hi . Hi I Unlike wheat straw, this is fine eed, absorbent for bedding or for poultry houses and Is a splendid cover for strawberries or flowers. $12 Per Ton P.O.n. Smithers MRS. C. CHAPMAN Smithers. RC. City Golf League tonight Sunken Gardens. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at lleilbroner's store. Bert Wood returned to the city ort yeste rdafcternoori's train Xrcjrri a enness WttllarrJsWuftPTM is harl hln caiu remanded until this afternoon in city polfe cpurt, John Wynne, customs officer at Anyox, was a! passenger aboard the Catala last 'evening 'returning .to the smelter .town aftef. a two weeks' trip to Whcouerf Capt. William Oliver veteran missionary on This coast for the United Church, after laving at tended the session ofiiPrlnce Ru pert Presbytery here Jlast week. ! sailed Saturday nigh "on the as. Prince John for his home at Sand- spit, Queen Charlotte Islands. E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, sailed Saturday night on the Prince John for a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands on offi clal business. He v'll disembark at Port Clements, bead overland tc Skidegate Inlet and other lower Is land parts and return to the city In two weeks. 1 . . I Rev, Arthur Barner, Toronto, su perintendent of Indian Missions I for the United Church ""of Canada after havihg attended Itie presbytery 'meetings here last week, sail ed Saturday night on the Prince John for Skidegate and Queen Charlotte City. Accompanying htm to the Islands were Rev. and Mrs S. V. G. Redman who resume their post at Queen Charlotte City after a vacation trip to Vancouver. For Sale Gas Boat "P0." 35 feet long, equipped with a 30 horsepower Kel vin enclne. Built for a fish packer or cannery tender. Bids win be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon. March 21. 1031. The highest or any tender not necesarily accep ted. Boat may be seen at the Pacific Salvage Company's float, this city. C. L MONRO tV 64 Official Administrator DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At St. Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ru pen's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all roorru A. J. Pill'IHI'LME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser wid Fifth Bts. -Savoy A. Pilling and O. Fraser. city; John P. Malady. Anderson, Ind.; O. Dahl, Camrose. Alt. , New Royal Hotel I. rarrlll. irp Till: IIOILL ttOKTII VVIIII.E Hot St Coin Water. trnm Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP llelMne tMI Koval John Andrews ana M Berg, city J. Paulls. Cedarvale. Boston Grill I'hon 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to 12 aiince Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND ' Creamery Butter & Qottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Vancouver Stocks (Courtesy B. D. Johnston Oo.l Bay view, nil, 1. Big Missouri, 45, 4G. Cork Povinceul. i nil. DuthfetMlncs, pio, George Cpppcr, nil, 1.00. Georgle River, 3. 3Vi. Geo. Enterprise, nil, 3. Go'conda, 40, 44. Grandvlew, 5V4. 5?4-Kootenay Florence, Vt, Kootenay King, nil, Hi. L. & L., nil. 1. Mohawk, nil, 3B. National Silver; 2 3;- -Noble Five, 7, 8. Oregon Copper, 8, 9. Pend Oreille, 1,10. 155. Topley Richfield, lVfe, nil. Whitewater, 5, nil. Woodbine, IVi. Hi. Bluebird, 2, 2Vi- OILS Freehold, 8. 10. Hargal, 10, 104. A. P. Con, 21, 22. Merland, 12, nil. Mercury, 20, 21. Calmont 15, 18. Dalhousie, 42, 43. ' Devenlsh, 5. 7 Fabyan -Pete. 3, 34. . Home. 1.03, 1.04. United, 22, 23. Royalite, nU, 1450. Eastern Slocks Sherritt-Gordon, 1,12, nil. Inter. Nickel, 1855. 18.75. C. P. R.. 4250, 44.00. APOSTLE OF NORTH DIES Mgr. Grouard of Peace River Country Passes Local Bishop to Attend Funeral Bishop E.- M. Bunoz OJll left on this morning's train for Grouard, Alta- in the Peace River country, being called there on account of the death of Mgr. Emile Jean Baptist Marie Grouard O.MJ., DD., bearded patriarch of the north country, who passed away on Sa turday in the little hamlet, named in his honor, after seven decades of missionary effort in Canada's frontier country. The late Mgr. Grouard was 91 years of age. Mgr. Grouard was the titular Bishop of Ibora and Vicar Apol- stolk of Athabaska. Born at Brulon, j Department of la Sartha, France, J February 2, 1840, he was educated i in the Seminary Le Mans and Laval I University, having come to Canada j at the age of 20. He was a mission ary under Bishop Tache at St.! Boniface, and subsequently, under Bishop Fa rand, he was Vicar Apos tolic of Athabaska-Mackenzie, thej former later being separated from the latter. He was named Bishop in 1890 by the late Pope Leo XIII and was consecrated by Bishop Tache at St. Boniface In 1891. The late Mjr. Grouard resided at St. Bernard's Mission in Grouard. RAISING steamer! i Prince Rupert Expected to be Uj By End of Week Will Take i Couple of Months to Repair VICTORIA. March 9 Diver; were engaged' today In blocking the portholes and other openings of the steamer Prince Rupert which sank at Yarrows Wharf at midnight Friday. Work will start; on the pumps by tomorrow or on Wednesday, it is hoped, so that the ship may be righted by the end of the week. It is expected that it will be six weeks or two months before It is back In commission. LOCAL ITEMS Pioneers' Banquet, Moose Hall, tomorrow, 7 p.m. Good time for all. Dancing 10 p.m. Premier Orchestra. See John Murray, gold medalist. Highland, dCf. A. E. Parlow. district forester, re turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official business. asjaasssssssssMss Oolng north on board the steamer Catala last evening was a planer from Vancouver which is to be installed in the sawmill at Greenville Indian village on the Naas River. The machine is being taken off the steamer at Arrandale whence the nativeb will take it uprlver. Destruction and Death Result of Bad U.S. Storms contiLjueii from uige 1 ) krr ' jt of thousands -of dbllars -was done, it Is reported. In New York and New Jersey in an Icy 40-mlle gale with snow and sleet which visited the Atlantic seaboard. The precipitation served to. alleviate the water shortage which the metropolis has experienced during recent weeks, but much more water is still needed. "t51xf?' Lancf" was covered" this morning with a blanket of two in ches of snow while around Atlantic City and elsewhere on the southern coast, the shore was covered with ice. KANSAS CITY, March 9: The week-end storm in the south had pretty well spent Itself last night after from one to 12 inches of snow had fallen In various parts of the country. Melting into the soil, the snow gave the first moisture that the ground in many of the drought-stricken states has repeiVed In months. The storm was, therefore, a mixed bleetinjg although some of the needy people might have suffered somewhat from exposure to the wintry elements. BOSTON, March 9: -The New England States were held yesterday In the grasp of an icy storm which swept the North Atlantic Coast. There was some damage but, so far as has been yet reported, no lives were lost. NEW YORK, March 9 Laahln? the Atlantic seaboard from the Carollnas to the Up of Maine, a sow-la Jen gale had left In Its wake today death, Injuries apd property damages. SHrtlng Saturday night and continuing throughout the most of umday, the snow and rain centered its fury New York State and New Figland. Seven were killM in New York in automobile accidents. In Ontario, Too. OTTAWA, March 9 In devastating fashion, winter returned to Eastern Ontario over the weekend to break a fortnight of springlike weather. An easterly wind blew a half gale and piled snow into ten foot drifts. Every form of traffic was demoralized. Hemorrhoids Or piles are quickly relieved by Dr. Chase's Ointment It is a serious matter to have piles sod on person in four has them at on time or another. Tbe annoyance and distress is great. It is difficult to obtain lasting relief. So much so that a surgical operation may be considered necessary. That is unless your physician is familiar with Dr. Chase s Ointment for many doctors recommend this treatment to their patients. For nearly half a century Dr. Chase's Ointment has been the never falling relief for itching, bleeding and protruding piles. It is now very jenerally known by the medical profession, and the public generally, as the standard treatment for this torturing ailment. Ask your friends about Dr. Chase's Ointment for "users are boosters" in this case. Relief comes quickly and you can obtain the ointment at any drug store. T9 amf 77m oS 1 if aY l.lkl Hi ju CUMI. ii -- II f.ajwj Yjake it a habit to have a XI steaming cup of "OXO" with your lunch. You can prepare it in a moment it is delicious, wholesome, invigorating. Just what busy workers want I 7S l&Mcatt!ihmfyuou