- , ! LOUGHRAN IS WINNER Has Easy Call Over Max Baer In Bout at New York Last Mjht NEW YORK, Feb. 7: tommy Laughran won an easy 10round decision evr Max Bar of California here last night. Hie big Califomian did not evn make a fair showing against his more experienced opponent. He was oatboxed and RESULTS IN C. N. R. GOLF General Office N. 1 Team Lead :ing League With Dry Dock So. 2 Second Following nm the stores in the ONJl. Minlattre Golf Leagu on Thursday evening: - Dry Dock II . 356 Car Shops 370 Dry Dock I XX General Office I. 338 General Office II. 399 Machine Shop I 391 Following are the teame aver ages to date: Games Tot. Ave. Gen. Office No. 1 8 1354 1G9V, Drydock. No. 2 8 1366 171 Station 6 1148 191W Machine Shop. II 6 1166 194V; Machine Shop. I 8 1561 lS5tfr Drydock. No. 1 8 1M7 lM'i, Car Shop 8 ISM lWi Gen, Office, n 8 1718 217 Only Two Games Of Billiards Are Played Last Eve Only two games were played last 1 day will be either played off or de faulted tomorrow. Provincial Constable 8m Ser- "Jumping" Joe Savoidi, former Notre Dame star full-back, has acquired title of "Jerking" Joe. since landing job In Chicago as soda dispenser Seattle Eskimos Go to Top of Pacific Coast Hockey League By Beating Vancouver Six-Four fans a minute or so later , when I Mack Sutherland scored the sixth Seattle goal. The result of the match puts Se- night in the Billiard League fixture a"f and vf!f0MZer.?1 ve" between the Elks and Canadian Le-1" wv U1 ""V "uu ! ke the Buckar-for gkm. C. P. Balagno won his game Porttend; the Biks from Frank Zteman by belne two points behind. a score of 260 to 218 while Marcus T Andrew., for the Legion, beat Frank W 1 Th Bray 250 to 136. Oames remaining, TV UdilillCUll 1 UliUO vo De pnyea are as iouowa: William Mitchell (Elks) vs. A. Murray (Canadian Legion). W WUHrrnff v n P Tinker. I First Hoop Game 39 to 30 in State ("efeated Oregon M. E. Yeang vs. Charles Baptie. Theae, as well as three postponed Interstate Match Last game from the Orotto vs. Cana- Evening dlan Legion fixture from last Tues SEATTLE, Feb. 7: Staging another sensational uphill battle last nieht. Seattle Eskimos came un from behind S BATTLE. Feb. 7 University of Washington defeated Oregon Stat 39 to 30 here last evening in the tint of two deciding conference U of Anvox. who has been northwest basketball games. Thi tperKUsg a few days In town, will concluding game will be pyed sail by the Camosun tomorrow s- here tonight, enlng on his return to the smelter Bwanson, Carey anfl West were ton. the stars of the SeatUe quintette. Arthur Somcrs Roche famous author with Miss Louise van Alen, society girl, who is engaged to marry the Prince Alexis Mdlvunl. as thy appeared recently at Palm Beach, Florida. VS. English League First Division ! Birmingham 4, Blackburn Rovers 1. Bolton Wanderers 2, Sheffield Wednesday 2. , Derby County 5, Portsmouth 1. i Huddersfield Town 1. Aston Villa 6. Leicester City 6, Blackpool 0. Liverpool 4, Newcastle United 2. Manchester United 1, Manchester City 3. Middlesbrough 2, Chelsea 2. Sheffteld United 1, Arsenal 1. Sunderland 4, Leeds United 0. Westham United 3, Grimsby Town 4. Scottish Leajue First Division Aberdeen 3, Ayr United 1. Clyde Q, Motherwell 0. East Fife 3, St. Mirren 2. Palktrk 4, Dundee 1. Hamilton Academicals 2, Partlck Thistle 0. Hibernians 1, Cowdenbeath 0. Kilmarnock 2. Lelth Athletic 1. ' Morton 0, Celtic 1. Queens Park-Hearts not played Rangers 0. Alrdrle 1. Scottish Cup Second Hound Arbroath 2. Edinburgh City 0. Montrose 1, Civil Service Strollers 0. Amateur International Match Wales 1. Scotland 2, at Swansea Scottish League Second Division Albion Rovers 5, Armadale 2. Arbroath-Alloa not played. Boness 2. St. Johnston 0. Brechin CityForfar Athletic p istponed. Dumbarton 4, Stenhousemulr 1. Dundee United 1, East Stirling- shim i. j Dunfermline Athletic 2, Clydebank ' 1 Kings Park 1, Third Lanark 3. Queen of South 4, Ralth Rovers 1. St. Bernard-Montrose not played. English League Second Division Bamsley'j, cirdjff City i Bradford Cltyi3,Bury 1. Burnley 1, Stoke City 2. Charlton Athletic 0, Everton 7. Nottingham Forest 6, Bristol City 1 Portvale 2, Plymouth 1. Preston Northend 1, Mlllwall 3. Reading 5, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Southampton 2, Reading 3. Tottenham Hotspurs 4, Oldham Athletic 0. West Bromwlch Albion 0, Swansea 0. the bail? NW3 CHANGES IN LEGISLATION ARE ASKED and converted a score of four to two against them at the',"Fracllon Hound" i. i. , j.1 iL!..J -a -1 a. . ? J V il t i I small email fratHnne fractions tmfrl. stari 01 uie intra perjpu 10 six to iour in ineir iavor over Vancouver Lions. Tne third period opened four to two against Seattle but the Eskimos soon evened it up. Bobby Connors broke the tie and sent they. home town crowd into hysterics. (l J n . n Joy reigned supreme for the Seattle UlU LOUnlXV uOCCCr Stewart Board of Trade Sends List of llotcnmetidatlons to Ijwvtt fhamber I At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce last night, B. J. Mel lifh presiding, a list of ptoposcd changes In mining regulations waj received from the Stewart Boanl of Trade and referred to the mining committee for report. The list of proposals follows: 1. That recording fees be re duced where prospectors record auessment work on more than on" claim at one time, j A rugjeertlon was made that the fees be 25c. per claim with a max imum of $2.50 where more claim (are included in the one recording i 2. That companies not owning the properties upon which, they are I working be made to deposit sufficient cash with the Mining Re-; 'Otttfr to cover all operating cost' j for one month ahead to protec' merchants and freighters, as is now being done to protect workmen. 3. That Prospectors be made eligible to take advantage of the Workmen's Compensation Act. 4. That cabins, trails and other work done to improve a claim be allowed to be applied as assessment work. 5. That when a location is recorded a sketch of the ground be filed with the recorder so that "omposlte maps may be made up. howing roughly what ground ha been staked and what ground is open. 6. That provision be made by Statue to stop the practice of mose men i commonly Known as Baptist Ladies' who stake inijde the boundaries of other bona fide staklngs and that such small fractions, when discovered as the result of a survey should become ihe property of the surrounding claims. Aid Has Meeting Well Attended and Enthusiastic Gathering Last Evening at Home of Pastor's Wife The Baptist Ladles' Aid had a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting last evening at the home of Mrs. F. W. Da foe, the pastor's wife, Cotton Street. Two events of last month the congregational supper and a tea were reported to have been very successful. Plans were discussed for a Welsh tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Morgan and the Easter sale. Mrs. George Hibbard, the president, was in the chair. At the conclusion of the meeting, delicious refreshments were served by the hostess who was assisted by Mrs. W. W. Wrathall, Mrs. J. Arm strong and Mrs. Vic Houston. RECORD IN TINY CAR Cant. Malcolm Campbell Smashes Still Another Mark With Speed of 94.031 Miles DAYTONA BEACH, Florida, Feb. 7 Captain Malcolm Campbell yesterday established a world's speed record of 04.031 miles an hour for tiny automobiles with piston displacement of less than torty-flv cubic Inches. The previous record was 87.76 miles per hour. Auto and Truck ENGINES 10 to GO Horsepower Spare part In stock for the next ten years We are wrecking hundreds of cars and trucks yearly. Our prices 'are reasonable. Write for information. VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St, Vancouver Branch Yard at 330 Second Avenue East Va . .i .. i ...... . ....... i, n .r.. I E. F. Woodward. Houston. Te:: s. rank- hijt.i man f.r 1930 by s.-ur i-; a gti.; . on 1.800 targets. He set a record by breaking C06 targets without maknu Parent-Teacher fridge and Whist ! Enjoyable Affair A very enjoyable bridge and whist party was held last night in the I. O. D. E. Hall by the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association. Prize winners in cards were: whist, F. J. Feasby and Mrs. E. W. Tucker; bridge. Miss Patricia Gwyer and D. McCorkindale. After the playing of ncouver u j' Stocks j (Courter 8. D. Jfhnmn Co ) Bay view, nil, 1. Big Missouri, 43, 43U. Georgia River 2, 3 Golconda, 31, 34. Gntndvtew. 3, 4. Independence. 1, 2, ?; Kootenay Florence, 11. L. & L.. nil, 1. 1 Lucky Jim. 1ft. nil, Moiton Woolsey, 3, 4.J Marmot River Gold, till, 1. ' National Silver, 2, 5. Noble Five. 5. nil. Oregon Copper, 5, 6. Pend Oreille. 78, nil. Porter-Idaho. 7, 7. Reeves Macdonald, 26, nil. Rufus-Argenta, 2. 3. Ruth-Hope, nil, 4. Sliver Crest. 14, nil. Snowflake. 2 Vi, 3. Topley Richfield, 1, 1. Woodbine. 1V, 2. OILS A. P. Con., 20. 30. Calmont, 23, X. Dalhousle, 52ft, 65. Devenlsh, 7 10. Fabyan Pete, 4!&, 4H. Home, 1.50, 1.55, Royallte. 17.00. 18.00. Hargal, 11, nil. Merland, 18, 18ft. Mercury, 30, 31. United, 26, 28. Eastern Stocks On Vancouver Exchange: Sherjitt-Oordon, 89, &5. Noranda, 16.75, nil, Int. Nickel, 14.60. nil. Fold "A," 23.60, 24.73. C. P. R.. 42.00, 43.50. Coast Breweries. 13.25, 14.00. Anglican Young People's Meeting Held Last Night Last evening the Anglican Young Smithers Parent Teachers Elect Officers for 1931 SMITHERS. Feb. 7. -The Smith-era Parent-Teachers' Association has elected the following officers for the coming year: Honorary presidents, H. E. Blan-chard and Vernon Crockett. President. Mrs. L. S. McGlll. Recording secretary, Miss P. cards, delicious refreshments were 2' ..? . served. Mrs. Robert B la nee, president of the association, took a prominent part In the affair, for which Mrs. S. V. Cox was convener. Others on the committee were Mrs. J. E. Bod-die, Mrs. H. B. Eastman. Mrs. F. Oalby and Mrs. E. B. Baker. D. H. Hartness and E. W. Tucker were masters of ceremonies and Mrs. Jf E. Boddie presided at the door. uorresponaing secrewry, Alias I. ' O. Ball. j Auditor, Mrs. Wilkinson. j . Convenors for nominating committeesMrs. L. S. McGlll. Mrs. j Charles Morris and Mrs. P. David- son. IN EAST! Important Klrkland Lake Mining Deal Is Reported According to relisble eastern authorities, Premier .pold has acquired a substantial Interest in the To-burn Gold Mining Company, formed to develop the Tough Oakes- iBumside property, at Klrkland Lake, in Ontario. 1 Almost unlimited capital is behind the reported new move of Premier whleh has behind it the powerful American Smelting St Refining Company of New York. Tough Oakes was the first property to start operations In the i Klrkland Lake camp, following dis covery of big vein values In 1912. and continued intermittently until 1926. Seme $2,909,460 in gold was recovered from Tough Oakes. A great deal of exploration work has been done by Bunker Hill x-tenrton Company during 1930 and, during 1915 and 1916. dividends amounting to $398,685 were paid by ' Tough Oakes. This will be Premier's first entry into the eastern mining field. Prince George Hospital Ladies Elect Officers PRINCE GEORGE Feb. 7- Th Women's Auxiliary to the Prince i George Hospital has elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: President Mrs. A. B. Taft. VUo-PresldenU Mrs. W. H James and Mrs. W. G. Fraser. Secretary Mrs. II. Oardner. , Tmuurerr-Mrs. W. J. Kyle. Executive Mrs. T. A. Griffith. Mrs. 'It. A. Renwiek,.Mrs. w. Bexon Mrs. Edwards'' and Mrs. A. McMIl lan. Representative on Hospital Board Mrs, C. P. Deykln. People's Association held a meet- rz lng In the Rectory. Following the CommittpP flPfllK meeting a musical program was en- kVUUiIsUIICC AlCclUd Joyed. Refreshments were served by Miss Eileen Glbsdn. LOCAL NEWS Dr. C. H. Hanklnson left on this morning's train for a brief trip in', umithers. He will return to the city-next Tuesday afternoon. J. L. Taylor, who has been hero on audltlne work at the local drv dock, sailed last night by the as.' Catala on his return to Vancou-i ver of Prince George Board Are Named PRINCE GEORQE. Feb. 7-Pre--Ident C. C. Held of the Prlnco Geo-.'ge Board of Trade has announced the following committee "rn'rmen for the year: Entertainment W. L. Hughes. Umber M. C. Wiggins. Agriculture D. a. Williams, Transportation H. B. Guest. Publicity j. H. Johnson. Membership Alex Lelth. Industries and Devclopment-C A Pyne. Ptesideni M ber of CoiriDi : ed on iho v: Bruhn re'tn'! Ward the en edet!!y fi r thought Prince Rimer.., H - DR. HUGH L DICK1 SPE, iAI -r tye. tar. Ni ss t: i ?A At St. Elmo Ilotd Eyes TcMod F , CLael HOTEL Ah Savoy Hotel ily hotel, hu xi In all Kx m A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Cor. of r'l.'.srr ju I: S. R ci F. Patter L. Jones L' Savoy New Royal Ho I, Zarrlll, tnf nn. iioiil noma i lot r ;, w 75c PER DAY A.VD CI Harvey S' T''1r;:hon til Royal Boston GrL Phone 457 Prince Larsa Csbartt SPECIAL DIXXEM Thursdays nd Sstardi"! DAXCIXC Every Saturday Xitht'M Dance Hall for iliit Accomodation for rrtwf 817 Second Ave PartN SOMETHING FOR LADIES AXD Gtf Large assort nr autumn nr' v. I All finest qu.ii;t , terns. Comn in Suit or overcxi tthed in thro.; Steam cleanm lng. We deliver irr. Lin;t r-offl LINfi THE TAIL' Sheet MetalWorl K. I'lnes. OsIts"' ....... J Hlirlt KlbOWS, ' Baking Pans mad 1 340 TllIRO AVTXl'E nrfinv-340 Works-B1' S.LParkerl Ford Dealers Oara Ti'ui-Tires Acc"ssorlcs t flt R:tti' wrecking BfrtW Tliiru Ave