FOR Fon LO. Mi IT. ti , RENT By day, week or . ,i th, furnished apartment, pl.mic Red C07. tf FOR SALE SALE 1928 qhevrolet five- iiKiT Sedan. First-class con-1:1 1931 license., Snap for , 00. Phone 83. 33 FOR PALE English baby buggy, almost new, chiffonier, two rockinf? chairs, double bed, sln-r.:s bf. side-board, small dining 'tble Phone Black 291. tf. r 1 tv 1 ! the oldest correspondence : 100I in Canada, specializing in luring candidates by mail for b Canadian Civil Service, CM IT' idy for the spring exfttrili.-ns for positions as Letter Car-) is Mail Clerks, Customs r rks. Stenographers, Typists. c Booklet free on request. Tne M.C.C Ltd.. 401 Kensington Bids. V ninesr AGENTS WANTED Fn TABLE Man for one hundred r-' route; this country; exper-i it unnecessary; no selling' ' ribute and collect. Should net uty dollars weekly. Shames Miu Co., New Toronto. Out. si WANTED WAVTED- Respectable man wishes bo.u-d and lodging. Bend partlcu-' " Box 68 Daily News. J12 W trd- Young lady capable of d'.iiiK care of two children and ' if for three months at Ocean F TransportaUon both ways Diablo. Phone No. Green VM ' particulars. 38 ! LOST ' Would Uie person taking from Moose Hall last night a n to Brown Cigar Store. In- m hat AJS. VIOLIN TUITION NCIES For day or evening Miss Nellie Lawrence. Phone T I'ublic Stenographer L MORRIS, office 342Wes- r Block. PhnriP IfKI tf PRIVATE Stenographer,' Ex-in- 11 'or in Commercial Sqbcta.i ih Ayc.,.,wmt,ii.o,uax3doM TRANSFERS cAM!,kon,s Transfer. Phone 177. Drn Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine H REDy, TRANSFER. Cartage and Fui"nlture Moving. Phono 204. tt I0I)GE MEETINGS Innrtlno niom- viftt nrtH na Wednesdays, Elks' Home. February 7, 1521. gfj.-i.yr THE DAILT NEW8 PAOQ FT72 w hy Not Let Peoolc Know Your Needs lodav? iira"Ltfat ooni Secure Help, ljlEniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. FOR RENT FOP PENT- Furnished 4 roomi; ' flat v bath. Phone 547. tf p p RENT Four room flat.' Apply ;n & Mallett Limited. i$'t tf FOk RENT Aioaern nouse,, 51 ronm-s and bathJApply Munro Urn- ' tf pCij' RENT CleJan;' well furnishc. r n rn apartment Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf MUSIC 8INOINO Lessons. Mrs. Karl Dyb ! havn. Phone Green 018. tf! AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART Wt buy. wll or exchange any kind of furniture or household i goods, musical instruments ma rhincry, etc (Jeneral repair, ' -jratlnjt. packing and shipping.! Workmanship guaranteed. Justj phone BlacK 120 and we Willi ca!L G. J. DAWKS, Auctioneer.. Federal Block tf CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Kay Treatments ' Nervous. Female and Crdldivm' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) , Phone Green Zll it 7 Exchange BIk. Opp. Orme's) SFXONIMIANI) DEALERS rresn nsn uaiiy iNew and Secondhand Goods Aboard gasboat Helen II at ; Uouehti Sold or Exchanged Cow Bay floats. Number of u, varieties, just out of water.' W. H. Montgomery; : l- 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 FOR EXCHANGE j; fjOO to Loan. Or what have you to' - a Apply Box XX. Prince Ru- pert Dally News. j HELP WANTED CIVIL SERVICE M.C.C CIVIL SERVICE School SALVAGE ANi TOWING "If it's on or under" the water we ! I . U do if ; Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fulty Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work' ! ' Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of ail descrip-f tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Itarjralns in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distrinutors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water rhone. Day r NlRlit 564 PO. Ilox 15C4 II. ACT rnmi icatf, or improvement JOTICE Lot 468S Qcloonda; Lot 48 Broken 1101: Lot W7 Rlnburu: Lot 4J Barrier; Lot MSO IBt Cnanre; uoi 469G Mother Uode; Lot 46B1 Renfrew. Lot 4S9'i Apex: Lot S4S8 Rcllknor: Lot M87 Renown. Mineral Claims, situate In th AUln Mining Division of CassUr Located on While Moose Mountain ; on South West vide of West Taku Arm. TAXI NOT! OK that Maurice Lord Kg- I rtoo of Tattoc and Estate of Otto; H. Partridge. Fres Miners ceruiieawt Hoa UXl O. and S06S1 O.. Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to Um Mining Raoordw tor a Osrttfloat" or Improreuienu for the purpose of ubtalnlng a Orown Orant ol Ux above claims. And further take notM that action. under secun sa. More the issuance of uioroveinsnte Dated tWs 15th day of January. vU I 1M1. H. McN. FBAflBR. Afent KIPPERS AND BLOATERS Fresh Smoked For Sale at All Local Stores Prepared By Local Labor At Bacon Fisheries i rrs !9 Yearly subscribers to the Daily News, new or renewal, can, for a limited period, secure three classified advertisement coupons on payment of their subscriptions, each .trood for one advertisement one day, the length of each advertisement not to exceed 25 words. These Coupons are given as Premiums to those paying subscriptions at this time of year when money is scarce As each advertisement is worth 50c the premium is as rood as $1.50 to those needing classified advertising.- If you do not need the coupons now you likely will before the first of August, when they expire. Advertisements to be accepted free must be written on the coupon forms and handed in at the office or mailed. The adertisements will not be accepted by telephone or written on any other paper. Subscribers who wish for them should ask for the eoupons at the time of paying their , subscriptions as they caniit be secured afterwaTds without payment for another year. At the end of August all : outstanding coupons will be automatically cancelled. l , . : Coupons are?giverfQhly with full year V LASH ItWllHTUY NOTICE ACT KiV Certificate of Title Xo. 5TS-I IM 1 slid X, lUork II. Mtln I. City of ITInre Ituprrt. Mp DJS. Uarcto proof of loss l WHEMA8 WHEREAS must oonimenced Mar. 8. !? subscription CefUneats of TlUe issued ame of AQan Campbell has been filed in thla efnee. rmlce I hereby . P. M C. N. U. TRAINS BRINGING UP FATHER OH DRAR' WMACT 'VTOOO?MOW AM V EVER TO jAt-U WHICH ONi6 V4 .-A CfST CET THSH THHM DON'T WORRV- LJ HAVE IT ruu CO DOWW &TAlR'i A,tsl' CA.Ul.-Pl-F"THE OkJC THAT A.MWqHS TQ THR MAJylE -WlLlj, r'-ri- n. Registrar From Bast Sundays, Tnosdays md Thursdays. 3:30 pjn. - For EasU- Morulays, Wednofidays and Saturdays, 11:30 a.m Lu- Daily Hews, Prince Rupert Steamship Sailings Vor Vancouver Thursday ss. P. Feb. II. ss. Princess Norah pan.) Friday ss, Pimcess Mary 10 pjn.j Friday ss. Catala .12 midnight' Feb. 57 ss. Princess Norah pjr I one month train the date of the tiW FroH Vancouver. - , publication hereof, issue a Provieton! Sunflay-M. fiuniuiit Oalnhaii OttifUQ OerUfloaU Of Tttte to Iteu of Um ssJ lust Certlfteate, untaae In the meantime valid objection la made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Regletry Off lee, Prino- RUMrt, DO. thai Mtn day et January, mi. 4 pjn Wea-il. Pr. Ittipirt 100 a.m. Fri(ly ss. Catala p.m. fritter-. PUncess Mary 4 pm. Feb. 7 ss. Prln. Norai a.m. Feb. 21 ss. Prlneess Norah a.m. For Naas River ana Port Simpson Sunday ss Camosun 8 pjn. I rom Naas Liver ana Port Simpson Tuesday-ss. Camosun 11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sundtfy ss. Camosun 8 p.m. Wednesday -ss. P. Rupert 4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Oaraosun pjn. ( iv.Ul. RVCriT i i f I j R3 4owuc4e;,. iu - wt' - Thurs ss. P. Rupert 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert .10 pjn. j Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pjn. George 10 pjn ; Prom Ocean Palls Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ..10:30 asa . Friday ss. Princess Mar J jijrj, Friday ss. Catala pjn. For North Queen Charlottes1'.' Feb. 7 ss. Prince John .. .10 pjn. i Feb. 21 ss. Prince John .10 pjn. ' March 7 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. From North Queen Charlottes j Feb. 5 ss. Prince John a.m. ' Feb. 19 ss. Prince John a.m. March 5 ss. Prince John .... a.m. For Alaska Feb. 7 ss. Prln. Norah a.m. Feb. 21 ss. Princess Norah a.m. From Alaska Jan. 28 ss, Prn. Norah pjn. Feb. 11 ss. Prin. Norah ...pjn. Feb. 27 ss. Princess Norah p.m. Prom Skeena .River Friday ss. Catala p.m. Advertise m the Daily News.' INTEREST C0NTINU (continued from page 1) chalcopyrite, chalcocitc, but the most frequent carrier is the fajjntl-lar form known as galena. Native silver, sulphides and arsenides are less common. Among silver ores there are argentlte or silver glance, pyrargyrite or ruby silver, prous-tlte or light ruby sliver, stephenite black or britUe silver polybaslte, cerargyrite or hom silver, broray-rlte, embollte, iodyrite and tetra-hedrite. The general mode of occurrence is in fissure veins. Gold has been found to occur in rare Instances as an original content of igneous rocks. Veins carrying these ineUls will, as a rule, be of the quartz or altered andesites type. i In closing, Dr. Smltheringale spoke briefly on the condition of ! silver mining today and referred to I the probable causes of great depres sion in values. A number of questions were asked in regard to the veins that generally carry the metals. Reference was again made to primary ores and secondary ores recovery of gold from pyrites, the accepted use of the terms agglomeration and conglomeration. Further reference was also made to stocks and chief batholi-thlc ruptlons. to flows of altered : granite (rhyolite), to contacts, to, contact metamorphic zones, to the effect of erosion and surface changes generally. Interesting facts were also given in reference to hydro- mary, that is, they may have existed in the rock at or near the mag- ing reference was made to the well known openings or spaces In sand, gravel, etc. and their resulting sandstones and conglomerates. Some openings are made by the c inger Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment! As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to nuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS) No sibrr value ian approach the neriiil REBUILT UNDERWOOD $75.00 . Vrrj easy term ll n! her nukri from $15.00 KlMISTRANn ADIH.NO MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER, B.C. MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 thermal solutions as affected by window lilass and Glazing the changing temperature of zones or rather strata through which they may pass. Nelson's Beauty Parlor Evening Lecture ( CrofWJgnoie Permanent Wave In the evening great Interest was . Guaranteed $750 again shown in the study of-ores : sWlled artists in all branches of and rocks. There were about wirty beauty rulture nresent. The subject had te doTfltrt J-jj Tnij g(rect openings m tne rocKS. ine speaker jxplained that by this Is meant the Innumerable cracks, crevices, joints ; and other openings, whether l.rge ' like caves or microscopically small, : and in which hydrothermal or aur-face solutions, vapors or gases, may be enabled to deposit their contained minerals. Suth settings will be found mote numerous and perhaps more pronounced in sheared zones. ; Some of these openings may be pri Phone Ulue 561 BLASTING AND Concrete Work NELS ROKKJAR Letoomeau Apartments ttclines, saddle reefs, etc. ' Continuing, the speaker referred to shearing stress normal and re- matic stage. The reference here Is, ; verse to volcanic eruption, to what of course, to Igneous rock. Calcite. -is called conjugate fracturing, td luartz. and possibly a metal such as j fracturing even resulting from copper may find lodgment In such crystallization, primary openlnp. 1 Among questions asked were. Illustrative reference was made ' some relating to the differences ben to amygdaloldal lava rock. In pass-1 tween several varieties of porphyry. The monsontte, granite and quarts varieties were especially mentioned. The speaker showed how these dlf frences are brought about by refer ring to the manner and time and solvent action of water or possibly ratio of content formaUon. It was other fluid. Oasb reins and other I also shown hw difference of color f liynjs tell a story of such openings. ; in noaiontt. for instance, .was pc Phosphates are aorrMtlmM found is castonad. Another rnieatibtn brought so called sink holes or liroestene out a copa.rlson and descrfptlon of cavities. Owing to the ever present the sise, Uie strike and .the rn& stresses referred to in other lectures innumerable fractures and joints are caused. ' Reference was made to the columnar Joints In basic dykes, to quent comparative value of ore) de posits in the tone or vein. i Another question developed a comparison of walls. It being shown that even a oorsparaUvely large Joints so frequent In lava flows, to i zone of mineralisation may show. the ladder structure In veins, to Joints caused by such changes as that of limestone to dolomite, by the process of expansion as that In the change of perldotlte to serpentine, to con torsional (torsional) stress producing the curved or warned cracks and surfaces, to the one or more rather pronounced bounding walls beyond which ore deposition, particularly If fracturing of the country rock took place, might occur. The lecturer. Dr. Smltheringale, .ive a list of references or instruct tlonal books and recommended folding and crumpling of aedimen-1 their study to the interested pros-tarles as in the case of syaelln tnt- nector or fieldman. By George McManus ( HERL TT Bv couuv caj t R"FI El' Jlli .HE i ... -tin-. ' R.E l