frAos" ram , TAILENDERS f LOSE AGAIN New York Rangers and Ottawa Senators Beaten Last Night by Chicago and Detroit NEW YORK, Feb. 9: Halge Bos-twin's for shec which took a queer beend Me the Rangers' net decided a duel f speed in favor of Chi-aatef Black Hawks last night, giving them a three to two triumph ovtr fee New York Rangers. The defeat dropped the Rangers back into fourth place in the American cMvlsfcm of the National Hockey League. At Detroit, the Falcons blanked the Ottawa Senators, tall-enders of the Canadian section of the league two to nil. Terrace Downs Vanarsdol in Hoop Encounter Report of Basketball Game Vanarsdol With i TERRACE, Feb. 9 The Terrace Town Team travelled to Vanarsdol and ptayed a regular league game , with that team Satardav nieht i The Terrace team won 15-9 after! a ekwe game. MeCuiloeh was high eerer for the winners, while Watts' led the Vanarsdol team with 4. i University of Lineups: Vaaarsdat R. Bolton 1, Watt 4, P. Mason Burton 2. Kennedy 2 9, Terrace McCulloch 9, Penney 2, Neisen 4, Thomas Moore. 15. Hockey Scores SATURDAY GAMES National League ) Toronto 2. New York Americans 0. i Boston 2. C inadlen-i 1 'laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV fffffflmM bbVbV 'Im f JUPJaaai :9W2!bmbViK M7t afaTLa! German hiavwcigh champion of the world. Mux Schmel-ing. is here seen busy at his training camp, near Berlin, In preparation for bouts this coming spring in. United States. Heavyweights to Tussle Tonight Wrestling Bout Scheduled For Civic Auditorium in Seattle This Evening SEATTLE, Feb. 9; Charlie Hanson and Joe Malcowltz meet In a wrestling bout In the civic auditorium here tonight. It is their second meeting, Malcowltz having given Hanson the count after three minutes in the previous engagement. " W baJaf ct;. ev' Followers of the Quorn hounds were greaTly disappointed as hunt was abandoned owing to frost, but much amusement was caused by hounds endeavoring to get a cake. WASHINGTON IS WINNER Washington Quintet Captures Northwest Basketball Honors SEATTLE, Feb. 9: University of Washington cinched northwest conference basketball honors Sa turday night by winning the second game of a crucial two game series from Oregon State. The score was 29" to 28. which fairly depicted the evenness of the play. Washington scored the winning basket a few seconds before the final whistle. Schedule For Rifle League C.N.K. and R.CN.V.It. Teams Compete For Orme Cup unit of the R.C.N.V.R. Canadian National men will shoot -but the four high est only will count. There will be Wallace five shoots to complete the League shoots this season. Mayor C. H. Orme ha sttndly 'donated a eup for this competition. The winners of the League will hold the cup for one year. Result of the follows: No. i team, Dw:k 385. No. 2, R.CN.VJt. 381. Offlee, a N.R. 380. No. 3. R.CU.VJl 374 Dates of remaining league lures are as followt: No. Na Officer 349, Station vs. Station. April 10 C.N.R. vs. No. V.R. Dry Dock vs. Station No. 2, R.CJI.V.R. vs. N.V,R. Aa No. fix- February 13 No. i. R.C.N.VJl. vs. Station. No 2. R.C.N.V.R. vs. Dry Dock. No. 3. R.CJi.V.R. vs. Office C.N.R. March 6 3, R.CN.VJl. vs. Dry Dock, 1, R.CN.VJl. vs. No, N.VJt. Offlee C.N.R. 1, R.C.N. Station vs. No. 2. R.aN.V.R. No. I, R.CJI.V.R. vs. No. 3. R.C, N.V.R. Dry Dock vs. OfiJce O.N.R. Motlierwell Winner Over Aberdeen in Soccer Game Today OLASOOW. Feb. 9: Motherwell defeated Aberdeen five to nothing In a SeottlsTi League, First Division, football game today at Motherwell. BASKETBALL AT TERRACE High School- Downed Native Son In Close Game Saturday TERRACE, Feb. 9 In 3 regular league game played on Saturday the High School defeated the Native Sons In overtime 17-15. The Dumbells defeated the Dubs- In a senior girl contest 1J-9-, while In intermediate girls' game between the Shooting Stars and the North- em Lights resulted In a win for the former 20-12. j In the Senior game the High School started without their star defence man, Michael, who was out through injuries and Johnstone replaced Bowerlng at forward. Bowering went on late In Uw second period. ' At half time the score was 9A for the High Sahotv but the Native Sons drew ahead chiefly through S. Smith who bagged a tot of long shot. A last The Prince Rupert .22 R4tl mtimlc rally tled the League comprises six teams, of six at txi ttme Bowering of thr men each, made up from the local school team scored the onlv basket and and the the in ha overtim nmv Var Ihe Incsn RaHway. Six smith olaved a stood name whll Orahara was strong at eaard. and McLeod played well throughout for the High School team. Lineups: Native Sons S. Smith 12, Kerr 3 J. Smith. Johnston. Graham 15. ! H'th irKl Johmtone. Mc- L1UIe Ke" first shoot was as JiL ' 4 3, ITUKT. II. RC.N.VRU 372' Dry' Billiard Averages C. P. Balagno- (E) 17 Don Brown G) 7 A. Murray (CD 14 J. Smith (E) 10 d. P. Tinker (CD 15 O. Howe 0 17 F. Ziemsm (CD 13 W. E Wllliscroft (E) 9 M. McLachlan (G) 18 C. Baptie (CD 11 fl 1lfltMfU -t k s 2. 7u" 13 i. may vui a TM. K. Young (Ef ' W. Mitchell (E A. Macdonald (CD 'M. Andrews (CL ... jo. Aiiurews iu( IF. H. Stephens E) 17 16 7 17 15 5 3, R;P.m .Youngman (CL 4 JITVCJdugrrfOB 3 1 W- MllVt4U 'I Wvurray IEl'-.X. 7 J. St-otf. (CLr .... l John Bulger (Q) .... J 4141 170S 3401 2406 3548 3919 3014 2031 3576 2464 3352 1767 3667 3438 1499 3614 3162 1026 814 1342 172 169 GOLF' February 9 Grotto vs. Oeneral Office, dreat West vs. Bankers. Flying Corps vs Acme. Dry Dock vs. 75 Taxi i THE DAIL7 STSv3 More Billiard il.IRF.RAI. Games Played MEETING Grotto and Canadian; Legion Lead" 'Ihsr In Incompleted Fixtures" From Last Week drews. far the Gro4tn worr nwr r : n,sni. CANADA WINNER Defeated United States 2 to nil ir. International Hockey Final in Poland Yesterday KRYNICA, POLAND. Feb. 9 Canada, represented by the University of Manitoba Grade, won an International hockey tournament here Sunday by defeating United States, represented by the Boston Hockey Club, two to nil in ths final game of the tournament. SCHEDULE February 9 Eagles vs. Grotto. Seal Cove Sawmill vs. Kts. of Columbus. I.O.O.F. vs. Hawks. Moose vs. Toe H. rl Opetaorai vs. Elevator. Six Musketeers vs. P. R. Hotel. February 19 I.O.OJ. vs. Wanderers. Grotto vs. Seal Cove. Grotto Ramb. vs. Leit Ertkspn. ' Moose vs. Six Musketeers. Canadian Legion vs. Dry Dock. February 26 Seal Cove vs. Canadian Leg4on Lelf Erikson vs. Grotto. LO.O.F. vs. Moose. Sir. Maaketeent vs. Wanderers: Dry Dock vs. Grotto Ramblers'. March 5 Seaf Cove vs. I.O.O.F. Wanderers vs. Dry Dock. Six Musketeers vs. Grotto Ramb. Can. Legion vs. Lelf Erikson Grotto vs. Moose. March 12 Drv Dock vs. I.O.O.F. ' Six Musketeers vs Lief Erikson. Moose vs. Canadian Legion. Ornttn rs Wanderers Grotto Ramb vs Seal Cove. An early arnval in Florida, where many baseball teams will hold their spring training, was Judge Kenesaw M. Landls high commissioner of organized baseball. R. WRfley Re-Elected rTrtMenfat Saeressful Gathering ( rwq awe games rrom last Tue-j " day's BHliard League fixture be- Presided at toe annual meeting of Terrace Liberal Association held in hvn nmtts. mH rinrt t of the Terrace P. Tinker 25 to 228 while Charlie 1 Various reports were received and Baptie scored a big win of 259 to'the tJectlon ot officers resulted as 157 over M M. McLachlan for ajfoUow8C Canadian Legion credit. The one re- i Honorary prasldents-Rt. Hon. W. mafning garae-A. Murray fCana- ju Mackenzie- King and T. D. Pat-dian Legion vs. George Waughjtull- (Grotto Is to be played tonight Honorary vice-presidents Ofof The Grotto is leading in this fixture ' Haiuta MJ. and Dr. H. C. Wrineh, by 907 to 840. 1M.L.A. One more game was ateo run off j President-R. W. RUey. last night in the Hks vs. Canadian j Vice-president W. A. Klrkpat- Leglon fixture from last Krida.incK- l . Charlie Baptie again winning by scoring a 250 to 222 victory for the Legion over M. E. Young. Games of William- Mitchell (Blksr vs. A. Murray 'Legion and W. E. WiHiscroft vs. G P. Tinker will be cleaned up rhis evening In this fixture the Le gion is leading 718 to 608. vention of th Skeena riding Liberal Association: Messrs. Kenney, RUey, Frank, W. KirkpaMck. HaUfweU and Kfhg for Terrace; 3. Couture for Kalum Lake; II. Freckman for Lakelse; L. G. Skinner for Copper City, and C. Llndstrom for Remo. A discussion of organization matters concluded a very successful meeting. GYRO CLUB COMMITTEES President C .C. Mills Makes Selections' for 1931 The following Qyrtt Club committees have been appointed by President C. C. Mills for 1931: Civic Frank Dlbb. M. M. Mac-Lachlan. Clab AetlvHiea W. H. Tebey. Dr. L W. Kergin, M. H. Blott. M. A. Burbank. Entertainment Wm. Crulek-shank and T. W. Brown. Membership C. A. KlrkendaU. Attendance W. Mitchell and A. S. Nlekerson. Custodian of Property J. Far-quhar. Song Leader- -M. H. Blott. Serge.-at-Arm H. MeEwen. Musician C. P. Balagno. Reception a. a Arteneau, R MeN'anghton. C. E. Starr, Dr. J. Carson and A. L. Holtby. Correspondent O. A. Hunter. Atheltlcs J. Furquhar. N. Freeman, T. W. Brown and W, F. H L. M. Watt. Raffles S. J. Jabour. Iniriatlon R. McNaughton and Past Presidents. PREMIERS QUARREL Differences Between Bennett and Tolmie Are Delaying Peace River Outlet VANCOUVER, Feb. 9:-Co-oper-ativc action by the Dominion and British Columbia governments towards providing a rail outlet for the Peace River is being hampered by a feud between Premier Bennett and Premier Tolmie, it is said here. The two government leaders are hardly on speaking terms, according to well Informed Conservatives. In the general election campaign last summer, Premier Bennett pledged himself to Immediate ac-tlon on the outlet question. Six months has elapsed and i hothing has been done although British Columbia is pressing for actlo'rt 0 ! If the views of Premier BenneHfti' and Premier Tolmie could be brought together, the whole prob lem might be solved and the construction brought under way this coming summer. There Is ample time for the two premiers to get together If they would only bury the hatchet. T. C. Wilding returned to thj city on yestirday afternoon's train " i from Kamloops where he soent ten BAD FIRE IN SOUTH Four 'J J Persons Secretary-treasurer-J. McLaren, i V. ,n,a, I and Many Fine , . ..Horses Perished In Oakland Today OAKLAND, Cal Feb, 9: At least four persons perished and possibly 46 of the finest horses of the west were burned to death to Jay when fire of undetermined orlsin destroyed the sixth: annnaf Oakland Horse-Show which was housed In temporary wooden structures back of the civic auditorium. The fire damage Is estimated at $325,000 of which $300,000 was represented by the lost horses. ExecuUve committee iL King. -v,0 IjCO Y C H. Freekraan. H. HalBwelL H. L. ' Frank. T. J. Kirkpatrkk. O. Cobb; W. Jordan, E. T. Kenney, G. Taft, V. Soucie and J. Spa'rkes. E. T. Kenney. R. W. Riley, W. A. ; Kirkpatrkk, J. McUren and H. Freckman were nominated' commia Panama After " 48-Hour Stay PANAMA CITY. Fh Th- APPOINTED A,C' GOVEUNok OF J ..JjConttnued from , ITW Duneannan ,n 1 ."T Deeraap h . Lord a Rnr p 8. in 1921. Hp h, ' 8a 1 Paul,, Ttce-ciiairman dated Mines O If,..... stonere for placing voters' names on Prince of Wales and Prince George of ,th.c fnew ? ,n w . m- vt aa It was announced that the revU- ter a two dj stay In this city. The on court would be held on April .6. Prince wen honored at a ball A membership committee conrtst- while here and lqsal society biasing of the commissioners appointed somed form In 14 finast loveliness was set up and the following were to greet Their Royal Highnesses, nominated to attend the next con- Halibut Boat Owners MnliP Xfl nVil'nn nn being awaited on the subject so it is announced (hat no decision will be made before Wednesday night at this week. WHEAT PRICE IS UP AGAIN TODAY VANCOUVER. Feb. 9: Wheat showed further gain from Saturday, today's high price bemg 63Se per bushel. V thrra ii jutt o. Rh The Ear I -f d 1913. and a d born in I9is The Besboro!i!;h te the Seventpen'h family name bi iiv Jonn Pbnsonbv The Earl was eral staff ofti" th' end of th' '".ir. major of spena i ; RuFin ,r s clas Legion of the Boat Share Question SLreUlT" n,. j.. ...L... l8Tanee and. n Aire murauutii iiaiioui vessel Gwners' Association, meeting yes-; terdav. rtltrniMd th mitr nf kwi i .v. .... I ' r "T" i -aore or !ef in : Jr mm residents of uuv luniier inianmuon is i.'Qnov. amp rha; of I; 11(111 )' ''We: married in ioi-j r H,.hr'"ro ,fle, the only tout ,Neuflta of Pari, 7.,,.' ; ViBCOUnt,.T Juan oi lujuiiti mo st t ,r,jj jaiy. we uraei uf the Rp ureeee ana tnr Order u The date :r.C.' a .r.'h :!. (9 uk n- , ;:-.H at an early d,v.- not in time for llamcnt. P.-omhlfnt Frri The Countess o? cornea of n d.-;in.'i famUy. Her f.. ii -r i rTeufltee. a - xc-1 en' m bankinv : IffaUor. it .!. rv-y ' ; il ' : '. ( Bat :: .18 the Ottoman Imp-rni F r.k The Neufirr ! n. j 11.1'" v t Oi; w.i A' the leading Pn.v-..i.' : Fiance. Mail Schedali or the Eait-Mofiday. WmIi: r. prday From the i-stt Sunday. T'ie.srii v saaaM Ham m taal sT saTr wm K.j f IH aV EvtKMUi Lauerhiti jr w 7ONLY Mm M TF YOU buy radio batterin on iht ba thing you ncd to Kn thy art Ev'.ad t aycrbilt. Thm you ! of mors dfptidjbU power. clarr rc i't longtr lif. Din to U excluiiva flat-lav. Laytrbilr Bittern, contain ntarly twic .' " BVEREADY Radio Batteries powrr-producing mau n. battrrlrt of equal iw- 1 ' bjltery economy, insist made only by Everr."! largest builden of dry SoU at Radio Slorti CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO. Caliary Vancouver TORONTO Moimt.i 1 . jnd " orrA ' i . , , 'ji T. 35SS5 ' anH jht aw miv n sa. "Aaa MAKES DELICIOUS SANDWICHES idaya, viitfn with Mrs. wiidin Het h knhit r i: ai t' i m thitf" . - - v.w...n - w v- iMiiiiL lis s i iiiiintr iiaa nriirnFricnmi'ii hi 1 tlTl( I -afiri a m m I ft T Ul 1 i5 V I and inking ntlvantajrcof the help ihey IninT)1