Monday, December 28, jmj, PAOE TWO THE DAILZ NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except . Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenu1 ''H. P. POLLEN - Managing-Editor . SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, , paid In advance..- $5.00 For lesser periods, palJ In advance, per week 10c By maH to all of Nurthern anu Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em Dire and United States, paid In advance, per year . $6 00 By mall to all other countries, per year . 9 00 i ADVERTISING RATES J Transient display advertising, per inch, per tnserU.r.i . . :. 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertton, per word .. ... .'. , .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line . .25 ; Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15! Contract rates on implication. FdlUr and Reporters' Telepnenr ..-..86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone ... 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circuit sris DAILY EDITION -A.' Monday, Dec. 38, 1031 HAPPY CHRISTMAS Most people spent a happy Christmas. In a good many cases the festivities were curtailed very considerably but with others there was no change from the oidinary yule-tide celebrations they have held in the past Possibly the worst time was that of the families affected by the recent shutdown of city relief employment. They found themselves in the predicament of having to conserve every cent because of the possibility of not being able to get any more. A few of the local merchants criticized tVt city council for announcing the shutdown just a few d.ys before the holiday and thus interfering with the Christmas business, j Most of the men affected, however, appreciated being told : in'time so that they might not spend money needlessly which afterwards would be so badly required. i KOSE TO THE OCCASION People who have not been badly affected by the depression, this year rose to the occasion well and saw thac none in the city went without Christmas things. Some churches and other organizations looked after their own people while the Salvation Army got much better suppor; than ever in the past They did excellent work, indicating that the people trusted them to handle the funds to the Lest advantage. We can assure those who gave the money for groceries that there were dorens of people made happy who otherwise would have had a cold Christmas. On behalf of the contributors we thank the Salvation Army for acting as their acrents and doing so well a work which was so necessary at the holiday season. The Letter Box APPRECIATION Editor. Daily News: We. The Queen Charlotte Islanders, once more wish u thauk you and your most valuable paper for your continuing efforts to boost for our Islands, better known as the Honolulu of the North jftciflc. While 1931 has not been a prosperous year for the Islands, we believe that It Is always darkest before tr dawn and . "pe that with the ioeJp of your valuable paper, 1432 will be a more successful year .'or the Q. C. I. Wishing you and vour staff a Very Merry Chr'.ttmas aid a Happy and Prosperous Nw Ye;ir. I&LANDER. Promise Yourself MASONS AT CATHEDRAL Special Service For 'Members of Craft Conducted at St. Andrew's Last Evening ' jr Last evening's service In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral was designed particularly for members of the Masonic Craft a goodly number of whom attended In a body. There was an appropriate sermon by the dean. Very Rev. James B. Gibson. Opening were taken by Rev. W. E. Colllson, the lesson was read by C. V. Evitt and Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix, Bishop of Caledonia, pronounced the concluding prayer and the Beendictlon. The anthem "Arise. Shine, for the Light Has Come," was sung by the choir with H. Lincoln and A. J. Lancaster as soloists. Peter Lien presided at the organ. The subject of the Dean's sermon was "The Building of the Temple'' and his text was from I Kings VI:6 "The Temple was Built in Silence." All Gods temples the Temple of the Universe, the Temple of History and the Temple of Religion were built In stlince. So were the temple of people's own lives built with mar terial found within the quarry of the mind, the quarry of the heart and the quarry of the will. Christian Science Subject Sunday To Follow Christ Way of God's Appointing Must Be Taken The subject of the lesson-sermon in all Christian Science churches and soeleUes on Sunday was "Christian Science," Among the Bible texts Included in the lesson-sermon was the following from John 4: 49. 50: The nobleman salth unto him. Sir, come down ere my child die. Jesus salth unto him. Go thy way; thy son llv-eth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him. and he went his way.' The lescon-sermon also Included the reading of citations from the Christian Science textbook, "Sci ence and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, one passage being as follow?: "If we wish to follow Chttst, Truth, It must be in the way of God's Mrs. Charles E. Motte, who had been spending a few days In the city following her arrival from Burns Lake, sailed Thursday o.i the Prince Rupert for Victoria where she will Jom Mr. Motte lormerly pastor of Rupert East United Church here, who was moved south recenUy. To be strong, that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. 7 o talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything, and so make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, and to expect only the best. To be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and to press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too big for worry, too noble for dhgeri'too strong for fear and too happy to permit thepr&l"'k sence of trouble. A WEEKLY SERMON Christmas and After Not Necessary That Christmas 'a'ccling Should lie Confined to Christmas Season Bv Very Rev. J. B. Gibson. Dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral) The Wheel of Time has made another revolution and j Christmas Day, 1931 is numbered with the past. But it is jnot necessary that the Christmas feeling (I almost wrote i "spirit" but that is liable to misinterpretation) should be (confined to the Christmas Season. Would it not be splendid if all the year were Christmas Time when we forget ! he things that separate us and t-iink only of those that unite ns? I we iiutc a generous luiguiiumcs around December 25. Why not keep It m) Tf aivino sanAmilctv in nrlriflr . 1 . ,1. filnn. .t.neM iiseemeu mat c w Mtxh the wild beasts of the lonely .orbiddlng silences. If the spirit of he Christ child remains within our ' beuU as our guest the beasts that i joyful surprise works at Christmas wi .Time, why not all the year? Unex-' 1 ed their desire to do evil, pected kindness Is a Christlike thing and the Christ spirit is not Tbm out one thing more won-born ' 'n mn-buried anew in us at Christmas to be a week after in mouldy f1 ln j heart of rata for this brings peace flshness the!'" nd oodwl" men' U amone of We have been reminded visit of the shepherds to the stable1 : .jr of Bethlehem and the strange sight, they gazed upon. There was the-little Babe, so Innocent, with such, marvellous powers of growth, pos-j , swing Intellectual and spiritual , ; capacities and there were the j beasts, so stupid, so satisfied and 'content with the commonplace. That is a tree representation of the . world as man has ever found it. For ours is a strange world with! ' the oddest contradictions and an-' ' tagcnlsms. The late Studdard Kennedy said that "the world has a ! face as ugly as sin and as beautiful ' as an angel, as cruel as the sea and as tender as a woman. It Is a world of stars and snakes, of viojfts and vermin, of laughter and tears, of peace and pain, of Joy and sorrow.". Yes. in the world we see the Babe and in the world we see the beast , goodness and evil within the same stable stall. j And when we think of our own I lives how often are our hearts torn t by contradictions' 6f good and evil jof the Babe and tjie beasts? We are , stirred at timet, by Impulses of llb-jeral generosity and we are. at othr (ers given to narrow, petty crttle-flsms and Judgments. We know how hard and how difficult life Is. We ' arc aware that much is hidden from ' our knowledge and that, if wc knew all the 'circumsuncos in a given 'case, very likely our sympathy would be aroused rather than our : condemnation. We expect that 'nthr u'lll h BMirniM In thrlr Judgments upon us and we are pre-: pared to do as we would be done by! and then in sotne little insignificant thing the beast of ungenerous sar-1 cat m comes tearing out of its hid j !ng place. Envy, hatred, malice and ! all uncharitabienflas, these are the! beasts that rush out unexpectedly from the hidden reeesses of our' hearts ofte". afterwards to our own deep sorrow There are times when the spirit of nagnanimity raises us to heights . of forgiveness and enable us to re-' tain our faith in human nature .ind , then some beast of pride or selfish ! neas will urge us to get even with ! the one who has wronged ns. And in igetUng even we lower oureeirea to I the same level of the one who hat i acted unfairly toward us. I We all feel within tu a reaponse to goodness and to love, a responsiveness to all that represents the jbest, and then too we are face to I face with the temptations of our lower nature and we know some- ; thing of the terror of Jesus when, j i during His temptation in the wil- Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinlngMaehlncry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Bra is Catting Electric and Acetylene Welding M-Ua Derrick for Heavy Lifts ,! PC tun Experimenting With Cancer Feeding human cancer cells at the Cn cker Institute of Cancer Research. New York Cells are in row of button-llki dishes uwi the tubt- contains special Its u Id diet. One germ floaUac thioi v'i the air will ruin the experiment. 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