Si " PAH?! POTO CONCERT AT SKIDEGATE, DelightiS. Chrbts Closin; En-! tertainment Staged at Island Town Last Thursday Evening SKIDEGATE. December 23 The Christmas carols and solos. The Dufferin Pattullo public school here program wu arranged by .Mrs. F. was crowded to the doors last N. Good and was greatly apprecia-Thnrsday evenjnf when a splendid ted by patients and siaff alike. Christmas destpg program, under At the conclusion of the program, the arrangement of Jack Gillatt Miss Jean Harrison R. N., lady su-the tear.her, was presented All pre-jperintendent, thanked the ladies of sent azreed that the entertain si.cji. tvtu icij ucuiuiuu; w .a-. concerned. After the dose of th' program refreshments verc servd to all the children and visitor, progam was as follows: Song of Christmas The School Recititkm "How Santa Clause Looks," Harry Pallant. Monologue "Dick s Christmas? Shopping," Dick Pallaht. Sket: h "A Different Christmas" Jerry Jean Marintyre. Song-'The First Newell," the acnooi Recitation "All He Wants," Al-wyn Cbastney. Sketrh "Whew Are You Going?" Helen Turner and Leslie Cel-lison. Recitation "A Big Boy'sReeita-Uon." Monty Macintyre. Song "Hark! The Herald Angles Sing," the School. Recitation-"A Sick Doll," Helen Turner. Sketch "Courting Under Difft- eolti." five children. Song "Silent Night, Holy Night School. n.P!ayrHDr;CU!J:'' V2Tnl.8ldcd and gave a' short address on Dick Pallant, Csasle . Maeintyrs tne worIc and nurno th. w Helen Turner, G. Turasr. LesUelm!,n' Am trin t,. -tr Maetntyre and AJ-.j wyn Chastncy Sketch "An Interrupted Recitation," Leslie Colhson and Dick Pallant. "O Canada," the School ELEVATOR IS NEARLY FULL The Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator is nearly filled to capacity with grain now and. as a consequence, shipments from the prairies are commencing to slow up. There is no word yet as to when vessels may be expected hen? to load for export. years, members of the Ladles' Mu- isic Club visited the Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday after-1 noon and rendered a program of the club, anaphase ousting for the entertainment. Tea was served at the Nurses' Home. The Droeram Included aonro- priate hymns by members of thef club; vocal solo, "The Olft," by Mrs. C. E. Cullin; vocal solo. "Star of Bethlehem," Mrs. Ernest Anderson; vocal solo, "The First Christmas Morn," by Dr. R. G. Large, and vd- Kl0t -Nazareth," by Mrs. F. N. Qood Accompanists were Mrs. E. J. SmIthi Mrs c E. Cullln and c p Balagno. Woman's Auxiliary At Massett Names Officers For 1932 MASSETT. Dec. 28 The annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary !of St. John's Anglican Church, OM Massett. was held on Wednesday! (afternoon, December 9. in the Mls- inn Wall Rov R T riflViim n,n. "wkWUh bod U T Work God. Therefore let us co-operate with God in the work and messag of the ehurch." The officers elected for 1932 are: Honorary Presidents: Mrs. G. A. Rlx and Mrs. H. R. Frost President Mrs. Robert Ridley. Vice-President Mrs. William Matthews. Secretary Mrs. J. Otllett. Treasurer Mrs. Roger Wlat. Dorcas Secretary Mrs. Alfred Adams. T. S. MasKay. accoutftanTfbr 'the Premier Gold Mining Co! Ltd., sailed by the Catala last evening on his return to Premier after havinr spent Christmas in town. i ! j j Mm j j a FOR YOUR v CONVENIENCE We maintain a day and night service. Our garage Is open from S ajn. to 1 a.m. You will like our service Please try It KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Telephone 52 TNI STILLED In accordance with MJ time-honored London tradition, these .brands are notable for their age, crystal purity and matchless flavor. Enjoy them during the holiday season.' This advertisement b not published or displsyed by ti Liquor Control Board or by the Goverament of Britiah ColesoUa. Cut Down Prices on STOVE WOOD 12, 14 or lC-lnch length DRY SPRUCE and CEDAR GRKEN HEMLOCK, ALDEIt and JACKPINE Cedar Pilings and Radio Poles N. Carlson & J. Floslrand Telephone Green 556 Carols Sung Hospital Wlowtag th custom of many ' 1 w Miss Gladys Qo'iid oX Chicago, is the fir.-.t Aiiit'iican girl to pass with highest honors in entrance examinations at the national music conservatory in Paris. ORGANIZING OF NATIVES : i Xatlve motherhood of British Columbia b Formed at Port Simpson PORT SIMPSON. Dec. 23: A Na- rtive convention of importance was held In Port Stmpson December 15, 16, 17 and 18, and representative from a large area from the-Haldas, Hartley Bay, Kitkatla, Port; Ellington, Metkkatta and Port Simpson. During the convention steps were taken to organise, resulting in the formation of what la now known as The Native Brotherhood of British Columbia. The objective will be for the advancement of the welfare of the natives and to co-opt rate with nil endeavors on their behalf. Many topics were taken up day ,-ifter day, matters dealing with fdiicaticr and further advancement -vere utodied. Topics dealine with their every day life were also ; studied and will result in memorandums that will be presented to he different authorities concerned The officers selected for this year were as follows: President, A. Reid. Vire-Pro.tfdcnt, Alfred Adams, Generpl Secretary. W Benyon. Trep'.ircr, E. F. D'tdoward. Rrcordtne. Secretary. H. Bailey. Th next convention is called for Port Stmpson next year. Carol Service At Cathedral Chrktms MiMle Much Enloyecl By Larre rmierevatln After Chorch Lat Nifht After the regular evenma service. spiendM proaram of ChrMmas earok ami anthems was presented last night bv the choir of St. Andrew'? Artllean Cathedral. There was a good attendance and all present were verv appreciative. The chair wax under the direction of A. J. Lancaster and Peter Lien presided at the .organ. D&n Gibson ' " ": presided. Soloists were Mrs. J. H. MeLeod. Mrs. A. a. Webber. Mm. J. A. Hln-ton, Mrs. Chris Pert- Ml Molly Cross, H. Lincoln and A. J. Lancaster. HOCKEY SCORES j ' 'Thuisdity " Toronto 2, Canadiens 1 (overtime). Friday New York Ranger 0, New York Americans 0. Saturday Canadiens 2, Toronto 0. Boston 4, Montreal 4. Sunday Chicago 1. New York Rangers 2. New York Americans 0, Detroit 1. THE DAILY NEW8 to. IV XMAS TREE ENJOYABLE .Sons ,f 'orway Celebrated1 Both Saturday Afternoon and Eve ning:' Good Program There were seventy children and about eighty adults in attendance at the Sons of Norway Christmas Tree entertainment on Saturday afternoon. The affair was one of much interest and enjoyment. The proceedings were opened by Rev. P. M.Fosse after which com- munlty singing was enjoyed by all.! A song and drill by six little girls i aged from 6 to 9 years was followed i by a play entitled "The First! Christmas" in which Misses Inger and El:ie Murvold took part. After this there was another song "Away in a Manger" by the six little glrfi followed by a Christmas drill by eight girls.1 In the play "Mrs. Handey's Christmas.'' Mrs. Hans Underdahl, Miss Gad rum Welle. Miss Audrey Surensen, Miss Agnes Wick. Miss Viola Dybhavn. MUs Maghnild ' Ston eth. Miss Edith Murvold and ! i Miss Violet Wick took part. I I During the course of the proceed- j ags the Scandinavian custom of , ; dancing around the Christmas Tree . was indulged in with Peter Lien at the piano. John Fredhetm was) : chairman. , ' In the evening there was a pro- j gram for adult followed by danc-1 . ins until 2 a.m. The play "The New i Idea" was presented with great ; success. The Varden Sugars, under j direction of Peter Lien, also took part in the program. Mrs. Hans Underdahl was chair man in charge of the Christmas 1 Tree proceedings. Other members! of the committee were Mrs. Olotj Skog. John Fred helm. Thomas! Murvold. Han Knutsm. Harold J Helland. Erting Ktestrand and Er- i ling Wltlc About to Enter Grocery Store? William Murray, Arrested Early This Morniiiz, Bein; Held By City Polite Alleged to have been about to make entry Into Watts' -Grocery store from the lane to the rear. William Murray was apprehended by Provincial Constable Alex Liv ingstine of the city detachment land C. N. R. constable David Oed-I dea at 2:30 this morning and Is nov.-n ci'sttdy at the city Jail. Accord- Ing to the police window and door of the store were open when Murray r.a ; apprehended. Established 1849 LAMB'S RUM AGED. BLENDED AND MATURED AT THE LONDON DOCKS "Lamb's Fine Old Navy" PROOF OVERPROOF Old and Good! Ask the British Navy! On sale at Liquor Vendors or direct from Government Liquor Control Mail Order Department, Victoria, B.C. I'hia advertisement i no. published or dlsvfayeu by lh Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British HritUh ColiimM Rupert MotGrs Dodge & Plymouth Dealers Phone 566 We specialize in complete .overhaul Jobs and all kind of automobile repair work Nirht Calls: 161 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wtlllnrton In any quantities. Also Bulaley Valley Hay, Grain anJ Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rapert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 5S8 1 Scotch wMir.m 'HACK 4 WWITt' ,' . t ois scotch mm I ll l ,lliM DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IF I For tale at Vendors or direct Iran "Mall Order Depl' Liquor Control Board. Victoria. Br This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. BASKETBALL TIME TABLE December IS 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tuxis vs. Merchants. Comets vs. A masons. Scouts vs. Japanese Ass'n. January 4 Panthera vs. 32 Taxi. Hlh School vs. Merchants. Cardinal m Comets. Rovers vs. Scouts. SECOND HALF January 8 Pantlisra vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. High School. Amazons vs Cardinals. League of Nations vs. Japanese. January 12 . 32 Taxi vs. C. N, R. Tuxls vs. Merchants. Comets vSf Amazons. Rovers vs. Japanese Ass'n. . January 15 Panthera vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comets. League of Nation vs. ScouU. January 19 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tuxls va. High School. Amasont vs. Cardinals. Rovers va. League of Nations. January 22 32 Taxi vs. C. N. Rt Tuxls vs. Merchant. Comets vs. Amazons. ScouU vs. Japanese Ass'n. January 26 Panthers vs. 38 TaxL ' , High vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comets. ScouU vs. Rovers. January 29 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. High School. Amazons vs. Cardinals. League of Nations vs. Japanese. February 2 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R - , vtruxis vs. MirchanU ComeU vs. Amazons. Japanese vs. Rovers. February 5 Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. MerchanU. Cardinals vs. Comets. . ScouU vs. League of Nations. February 9 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. High School. Amazons vs. Cardinals. Rovers vs. League of Nations, Deservedly Popular The nsmo "Black & Whilo" on bolt! of whisky li as absolute a guarsnlsa Ih hallmark on irlrer. It assures that subll difference In flavour and quality which distinguishes this whisky from all others, ll guarantees thai only the finest materials have been used and that always everywhere the qualify is the same. ,0, BUCHANAN'S "BUCK & SCOTCH WHISKY Fetrnary 12 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. MerchanU. ComeU vs. Amazons. Japanese vs. ScouU. February IS Panthers vs. 32 TaxL High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. ComeU. Rovers vs. ScouU. February 19 Panthers vs C. N. R. Tuxls vs. High School. Arnaaorw vs. Cardinals. Japanese vs. League of Nations. February 23 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. TuxU vs. Merchants. ComeU vs. Amazons Rovers vs. Japanese. February 26 Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Comets. League of Nations vs. Scouts'. I March 1 Panthers vs. c N. R. Ttrxls vs. High School. Amazons vs. Cardinals Rovers vs. League of Nations. fine WHITE" IH SCOTLAND " March 4 32 Taxi vs. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. Merchants. Comets vs. Amazons SemU vs. Japanese. March t Panthers vs. 32 Taxi. High School vs. Merchants Cardinals vs. Oomeu Rovers vs. ScouU. March 11 Panthers vs. C. N. R. Taxis vs. High School, ekrdtttals vs. Amazons Lesvgoe of Nations vs. Japanr March IS 32 Tmxl vs. C. N. R. Tttxli vs. MerchanU. Comeu vs. Amazons, Rovers vs. Janatkese. March It Panthets vs. 32 Taxi, lyih School vs. Merchant Cardinals vs ComeU. League of Nations vs 8cou! D. L. Coulter of Premier arrived In the cttt from the north on tht Prince Rupert Thursday t-stntot land, after spending hrrt sailed by the Catala last tfrnttK on his return to Premier. CORN FLAKES for breakfast or lunch equally good for children's suppers or a wholesome hetltlmd snack. No trouble to serve. Delicious. Healthful. Economical. Iu truth, Kcllogg'i are a wonderful buy Ifc CORN m HAKES If: MA ii l?xfr good trlth ruin er Atfrtay. iluj, lr Klto$$ln LvnJan.OniarU.