Monday; December" 28, 1931 THE DAILY KEWH PAGE THREE We are Agents by Appointment foi SAPP'S 1 . - r uiicouuer- jls t CHOCOLATES Always Fresh OrmeslM. Pioneer Druqtjists THE REXALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. CW QPM EUROPEAN EXPEKT -' Vi-"kJl-ill WATCHMAKER Five years' apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA Qs LAMP to workbij. . . cleaning dusting . . . . BAKING sewing . . ironing . . every moment, your eyes arc busy I Guar J your eyes . . and avoid wrinkles, headaches and "nerves." Fill your sockets with Edison Mazda Lamps . . for their soft, restful light helps you to do your work faster, and more comfortably. ma EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of tho best quality. They are a discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rujiert people not taking, the Daily News regularly wo suggest that they are making a mistake in not taking the best. Tho price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district. Call up the Daily News businoH office and ask that the boy call and collect. 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow Local Items Come to the Oyro's Turkey Shoot Jan. 1, 19322 to 6 p.m. tf Leif Erlckson Xmas Tree Dec. 30 at 8:30, Metropole Hall Admfo-sion 50c.' Eeyb'6ay Welcome. 'B$2 Oddfellows - Rebckahs Christmas Tree, Metropole Hall tomorrow 3 pjn. Visitors welcome. 300 T. J. Shcnton, Inspector of mine sailed last evening on the Catala for a trip to Anyox on official du ties:- ' ' Gordon Fraser, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Fraser, sailed Friday night on the Cardena for a holi day trip to Vancouver. Alberta Sootless Kgg, $11.00; Tclkwa Lump, $12.50; Nanainio-Wellington Lump, $13.50. lit Alberta & McCaffery, 117. Voting for election of officers Deep Sea Fishermen's Union tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec. 20. Voting 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Regular meeting 7:30. 300 MIm Jessie McAfee arrived in the city from Vancouver on the ss Princess Mary Friday afternoon to pay a visit in the city with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McAfee. Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Rochester and daughter, Janet, returned to the city on Saturday morning's train after spending Christmas at Port Ewtagton with Mrs. Rochester's mother, Mrs. James A. Brown. Union steamer Cardena, Capt Andrew Johnstone, arrived in port at 5:40 Friday evening from the south and tailed at 12:30 midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypoinU. The vessel brought north a rather light list of Union steamer Catala. Capt. A E Dickson, arrived in port at C o'clock last evening from the south and sailed at 0 p.m. for Anyox, , sirwart and other northern point : whence she will return here to j narrow morning ennmte bark U Vancouver and waypotnts. ' Establishment of a radio broad-j a'tinn station In Vancouver of i sufficient power to be heard regu- hi north coast is urged by a pendent from this district in a letter to the editor of Vancouver Pilnee. Mrs Desmond D.. Murphy of Prince Rupert will spend the next 'w months in the city as the jueat of her parents. Major and rs. H. B. King. Angus Drive, vhile Mr Murphy is at Camp Bor-len taking special training In mil-.-ty aV.atlon.--Vanei;iver "Muild It. C. Payrolls" Yuletide Season Wo that NOTICE On and after this date. I will not j be responsible for any purchaser made tor my account, unless do-' IWered on my written order, oi : made by me In person. , CARL JOHNSON December 14 th. 1931. Nonet Our coal is In a rtrr shed. Don't buy water. Hur rual and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, Thone 580. rf are ire jnpw 4nthe season a iwakejilsiftesb thouehts of lovcTmtho,peind makes for Paplfle Mljk a specially useiul place as shown by the sharp increase in the Pacific Milk "100 II. C. Owned anJ Controlled'1 PLANT AT AltnOTSFOKI) Pol ds Checked Basketball, row. Bv modern vaDoririnz ointmentJust rub on VICKS VapoRui Auditorium, tomor- C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. S. K. O ray, arrived in port at 1:30 Friday afternoon from the south and sailed at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and Miss Laura Stephens sailed nlsht on thepardena lor Van couver enroute to San Francisco where she will spend a vacation visiting with her brother, Melvln Stephens. T. A. M. Honey, customs excise examiner at Takp Itlver and form erly a member of the Customi House staff here, has been trans- I erred to Dawson, Y.T., as cus toms excise examiner, it Is an nounced. Mrs. George D. Tlte and da ugh ter, Miss Eleanor Tite, returned to the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver where they have been visiting for several months with Mra. Tite's daughter. Mrs. Fred Clendennlng. Miss Margaret Kergln, RN.. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. T Kergln. arrived in the city on the Announcements Xmas Tree and Demonstration Salvation Army Citadel, Dec. 18. Hogmanay dance I.O.D.E. Hall December 31. Oyro's Turkey Shoot, Jan. 1. 1932. Eagles' Social Dance January 8. GenUemen 50c. Ladies Presbyterian Burns Banquet 23. FROM "ST. JOHN To Glasgow-Bcllast-Livcrpool tDoc. SI. xJt. 2fl MoiUcUr- fWb S. Ma. 4 Montreal xJan. 10. xPeb. 13 Mallti Jan. 22, Feb. 10 Mo-rtoaJiii l Call at Olaagow UvarpooJ only. To Grernock-nrlfast-Mverpool Jan. 8 DucheM of York To Cltrrbotirg-SouUianiptoii I -... w . . i iitiuiuuiE I April It MoiU'lm I April ai Meatolw j FR031 NEW? YORK : I To Chcrbourj-Soutlumplon- Aprtl 8 Smpreaa of BrtUn. trmu V.lM'nltr.K miO l(TO!l To IUallJaNiu-(iilni.rhlllpKlneii xJau 3. xMar. 13. tmp. of Cann-J i XJan IA. Mat. 99. 'Erap 'or Ituin .i xJan soxApr. 0. . Kmp of Jh" Icb 27. Apr 23 Kmpreaa of A mi iCalia at HnollUU. AdoIv to Aeentt everYwueri or 1 J.'tStHSTKR Httanuhlp Oenl Paaa. Agent OP R SUUon VipoouTor Telephone Ttlnttr 1151 Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Phone Red C03 DOMINION DAIRY "ii. . Have a good time and bring home the Turkey. ' tf Glasses fitted by registered I optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Local fresh eggs 35c. a dozen, 3 doz for $1.00. Frizzell's Market. Mr. and Mrs. Bert F. Smith sail ed by the Catala last everting on their return to Premier after having spent Christmas here as thu guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Car- on, Fourth Avenue West. Mr. Smltn is assistant manager of the Premier Oold Mining Co. Northland' Navigation '-Col's mo- torship liner Norco, 1 Capt. LenV Williams, arrived in port Saturday evening from Ketchikan and, after discharging three carloads of fro zen fish for transshipment over th Canadian National Railways to the United States, sailed for SeatUe. An automobile owned by Ounnar Anderson and driven by Bud Banie skidded while crossing Morse Creek bridge Christmas night and tooK out about fifteen feet of the railing on the south side. The cai stayed on the bridge and was but slightly damaged as a result of tht accident, nobody being hart. TENDERS INVITED Tenders are Invited in writing for removing two Commissary Buildings from their present site on our property, the ground to be left In a clean and tidy condition on Princess Mary on Friday afternoon j completion of removal. from Toronto where she rentlyi Further details are to be had at completed a course of nurses' training in the Toronto General Hospital. She will take up nursing here. Miss Peterson of Ketchikan, call ed home while on a trip to Seattle owing to the death of her mother at Ketchikan, .arrived In the city from the south on the Princnu Mary Friday afternoon. She was met here by her father, Capt. Pe terson, with his halibut schooner Attu nnd continued to Ketcjiikan on that vessel. How German Treatment Stops Constipation Acting on BOTH upper and lower Dowei. irce uerman Trocar AOtenKa stops constipation. It brings out the poisons which cause sas bloating and bad sleep. Orme's. Ltd., Drugs. our office, and tenders to be sub mitted not later than noon December 31st, 1931. to this office in sealed envelopes marked "Tender for removal of Buildings." Best or any tender not necessarily accepted. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK. (302) LOW ROUND TRIP FARES for NEW YEAR'S . HOLIDAYS Between all Station in Caiia ta Fare: One and One-Quarter for tlte Round Trip Minimum F.F M CVwt Coin datrti Dee. 30, 31, 1931 and January 1, 1912. Return limit up to and including Jan. 4, 1932. f nit pmrtieulmrm frmm any fo&f mg ml V-tll Canadian Rational Hotel Arrival New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH "WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. l'ER DAY AND Ur -J. Zarelll Telephone tSI A Blazak. Doreen; F. Lukwtll, Usk; John Dodds, C.NJt.: FnnK, McOibney. Prudhomm? Lake; J. Rlnze, Stewart; S. Harradlne, and Mike Kozln. city; Jdhh Haakla' Anyox; Lee Sing, Hazelton. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. PRUDIIOMJIE, Prop. Jjor. of Fraser and Fjfth Sts. A. Oregory, Skeena: O. Chrlstln. I Oaspaco; Jack HanSoh, lath; O Olson. A. King, L. Wester, M. Pe-derson and II. Deerlng, CN R : John H. Eassle. Cloyali: W. Har . Kltwanga: A. Pedrrsen. city; R. A MeKy. Vancouver. wi ,y i' ii TELEPHONE. 657- VALENTIN DAIRY FOK SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throuihont the City THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL UK1TISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers ot ELEPHANT Brand CIIKMICAL -FERTILIZERS -Producers ti RIners,qL , TADANAC - Urn nd ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TKIPLJ5. .S.UPERPH.O.SPJIATE. LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES. Effective November 1st (Oood to February 29. 1932. . REDUCED FIRSTrCLA8S RETVRN PARE8. Ftom PRINCE i RUPERT (Including McaU and Berth) To Vancouver and Vlstorla Sliruo ret. TO PRINCE RUPERT (Including Meata and Brth ' 1 ' ' lYom OCEAN FALLS 2l3t ret. From ANYOX $13,95 Tet From STEWART S16.70 ret. Steamer leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. (8J5. CATALA.) EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOHT (SS. CARDENA.) Full Information, reservations and ticket fronv-, R. M. SMITH. Prince Rupert Ajeiiey. Second .Jvrnue. Phone Wis . ..t- tT tt UK YOU'LL DISTINCTIVE ,vc 1 uu H 4 m "THE NEXT TWO WEEKS SHE GAINED 15 OUNCES" Excuse me, dear reader, just a min ute, while I open my mail. Here's a letter from London, Ontario, that sounds interesting. Perhaps you'd like w near a. I'Dear Mary Blalce." it berins. "I must tell you what Carnation Milk has done for my baby. At seven weeks I took her to a ipecialist, for she was under-weight and had gained only 2 ounres in two weeks, lie put her on a formula using Carnation Milk and in the next two weeks she gained 15 ounces I "She is a year old now and has had no other milk since. She is not fat. but well filled out and the correct weight, and has a very happy disposition. Her teeth, which she has cut just lately, have caused no upset in her digestion, and she has been free from the ailments so common to many babies." That is interesting, isn't it? Did you know that Carnation Milk is now being prescribed by the very greatest specialists as the ideal milk for bottle-fed babies? Well, it is and the reason is that it has been found to be far easier to digest than any other form of cow's milk. You see. Carnation is heat treated: and that causes it to form very fine, soft, flaky curds, which the baby's stomach can digest almost as easily as the curds of mother's milk. Carnation is homogenized, too, so the butter-fat USE THE PRODUCED IN CANADA I Mai- I is in tiny particles which do not tax the digestion. Besides being more digestible. Carnation is fully equal in nutrition to the very best of bottled milk. It is unsweetened evaporated milk only water is taken out pi pure whole milk ; nothing is added. Butter-fat. carbohydrates, minerals all are there. The vitamins are the same as in bottled milk, so only the usual supplements orange juice and cod-liver oil are needed. Really, I wish every mother knew about this wonderful milk. Think of the safety of mi'k that cranes sterilized in an air-tight can. protected from any possible contamination. Think of bang saved the bother of bating or pasteurizing. Think of how the uniformity of this milk prevents upsets. Think of being able to get the same milk anywhere, if you happen to be traveling or visitine. Do vou uondtr that I ret hsaps of enthusiastic letters from mothers of Carnation babies? If You'd like to know metre arnit Carnation Milk for babies please write for the new Carnation booklet, "Baby Feeding Simplified." It will show you what medical authorities sav about this good milk. And, if you are interested in novel delicious recipes, -send for the Carnation cook book. Both are free. Address Carnation Co.. Limited, IM Abbott Street Vancouver. B.C SAFEGUARDED MILK Protect your baby from diet upsets by using the milk of un-chiaging goodness. Guard your baby's health by using the milk that is always ste because sterilized. The greatest baby-feeding authorities say that Carnation Is just ss nourishing from tho standpoint of vita rains, minerals, etc, as the best bottled milk, betides being lit ttsitr to digest. tft Milk from CtntdUa cows, picked in T Csasdt in Ctatdisa etas tad esses. "from Contented Cows' (Jet the habit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of the help thev bring you.