Today's Weather Prince Rupert -jjg g :loudy, calm; barometer, jC a ipcra-turc, 39; sea smooths Vol, XXII., No. 300 GA&dm Liberty Would Not Hesitate at Making This Sacrifice to Give Freedom to India Will Try Peaceable Way First, However BOMBAY, India, Dec. 28:-Mahatma Gandhi, in his first speech following his return from London where he attended the Indian round table conference, told a crowd of fifty thousand white-capped Nationalists in an open field today that he would not flinch from sacrificing the lives of a million people as the price of India's liberty. "However," he added, "I will save the nation from a fiery WAS KILLED AT TERRACE Mrs. Herman Frelekman Lost Lift In Truck Accident on Christmas Eve TERRACE. Dec. 28: On Christmas Ere Tmtw was visited by trsgtdjr. Mr. Herman Frelckman, wife of a well known tie and pole operator of the Terrace district, was instantly killed in a truck accident near here. While riding home atier their Christmas shopping about one hundred yarda south of the Skeena River bridle. Mr Frelckman was trying to get the truck back in the Icy track of the road when it turned turtle. Mr. Frelckman was In the net of climbing out of the cab when it overturned pinning her beneath the cab causing instant death. This sad tragedy on Christina. Evr cast a Bloom over the whole community. Funeral took place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. POSITION-ABOLISHED C. J. Smllli Retires and C. N. K. Will Not Have Another European Vice-President MONTREAL. Dee. M: The re tirement l announced, effective December 31. of C. J. Smith. European vice-president of the Cana-j I dlan National Railways. The position will be abolished. P. A. Slewes, European traffic manager, la appointed acting manager In charge of the European organisation. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 28:-Wheat was quote dst OOttc on the local exchange today. I'll.CIIAIM) TLANT ON WJST COAST BURNED DOWN A FT Kit STORM l vinrnniA Dec. 28:-The .. naw ttttrhard nlant on the . . . CMM I' . .... . triiniiniivrr ISI- weai vov u " "w - and near Ahouaat was struck by lightning late Saturday af- ! ternoon and burned to the ground. Living quarters, the , 1 store, fish oil tanks and a B , station were saved. 1 IS of His Land not abandon attempts to ordeal. FISHERMEN ORGANIZING Further Steps Taken Last Night In Connection With Halibut Branch of N. B. C F. A. Further organization of a hali but branch of the Northern British Columbia Fishermen's. Association was effected at a meeting of between sixty and seventy halibut men last evening. A communication was read from the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association In which It was stated that this organliatlon was prepared to recognize. In Its deal-inn, anv association of fishermen -mrantzed alonz union lines and would expect members of any imaller organisation to adhere to my agreements drawn up with a arger organisation ol fishermen. Tht) meeting adopted the consti tution of the Northern British Co lumbia Fishermen's Association as well as a recommended set of by laws for the proposed nauoui branch which was considered clause by clause. Dues were set at $6 per year to be payable on or before June 1. There Is a special application card for those unable to pay their dues in time. Quite a number of these were signed at this meeting. A resolution was passed urging Premier R. B. Bennett to put forth all efforU with a view to having the two-cent per pound duty on Canadian halibut entering the United State removed. Oeorge Murray presided over the meeting. Miss Jessie Brand and Thos. Harvey Are Wedded Lately The marriage took place quietly on December 19 at the parsonage of First United Church. Rev. Alfred Wilson officiating, of Miss Jessie Brand., elder daughter of Mr and Second Ave- Mrs. William Brand. . Thnmu Harvey also of tnn city. Attendants of the couple were j Mis Minerva Brana w MrC' Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Harvey Harvey are ic taking .m residence in the city. Tney wm have the hearty congratulations and nrt wt best wuhes wishes oi of nw..jr many frienai The bride has lived her. -to l the staff of D. and R- Transfer. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1931 HEARD IN BOMB A Y TOD A Y MRS. HERMAN FREICKMAN LOST Mahaima Would Have Million Killed For Wreck A dlvei irom the salvage ship Ranger is seen here about to go down to examine the steamship Duke of Lancaster, wmch caught lire and same in Heysham haroor, Lancashire, recently. LOCAL BANKER M0VINGS0UTH II. J.. Shadwell, Commerce Accountant, Going to Vancouver C. Fyfe of Prince George, Here H. L. Shadwell, for nearly four years accountant in the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, will report shortly to the superintendent's office in Van couver for transfer. He expects to leave for the south in about a week or ten days' time. Mrs. Shadwell and son sailed on the Cardena Fri- 'Jay night for Vancouver. Mr. Shadwell's successor In the ocal branch will be Charles Fyfe, it present accountant at Prince Oeotge. Denarture from Prince Rupert of ooth Mr. and Mrs. Shadwell will be regretted by many friends. Mr. Shadwell has become .well known ind esteemed In business circles here. Mrs. Shadwell has become xpular socially. PASSING OF GRAIN MAN Charles M. Hall, Former General Manager of Alberta Pool, Was Known In This City CLAOARY, Dec. 28: Charles M. Hall, aged 45. prominent grain man of Western Canada, died last night following a short illness. Mr. Hall was formerly general manager of the Alberta Wheat Pool, having retired from tha position two years ago. to be succeeded by R. D. Purdy. Before coins to the Pool. Mr. Hall . ...mb wAMAwni manaitAr nprflt ni y n f Alberta Pacific Grain Co. Three or! four years ago he suffered the loss of a leg The 'late Mr. Hall paid a visit tr Prince Rupert some three or four years ago when general manager of the ,AJb;rto . Wheat Pool, belnr accomponi&I fcCtbl iM bj jjenry Wise Wood, president of the Wheat Pool. FINED AT HAZHLTON Oeorge Alfred Leake of Dorreen . . ,, pcno ary Magistrate Starkey at Haielton for traDDlng without a 11- announced at divisional ' 0, the provlntlal po. lice here. of ss. Duke of Lancaster ; v J. DONATION WAS . L.KGtSF"XETTO' SALV.UIO.N AKMV The largest individual dona- tlon to the Salvation Army fund was received at Christ- mas from a person who wishes his name withheld. He sent a check for $120. The Rotary Club at Its meeting last week voted $50 for the Salvation Army relief fund. Another friend sent a dollar, all since the last previous acknowledgement. COAST HAS BIGST0RM Tempest Visits Region Between Se attle and California Following Christmas SEATTLE. Dec. 28: A terrific storm visited the Pacific slope between Seattle and California the day after Christmas. Telegraph lines went down, train and high way traffic was disrupted, shipping was paralyzed and even radio communication was interfered with. PASSNGOT" CONTRACTOR Mike Shcady, Located Here In Early Days, Dies in Edmonton Today EDMONTON, Dec. 28: Michael Sheadv. nloneer railway contractor " . . ... - - . at iht ae ot 76 ycar' The late "Mike" Sheady was en-ased in rullway oonstruction work lut of Prince Rupeit on the Grand Trunk Pacific In the early days. He 111 be remembered by many pioneers of the city, having become ery .well known and popular dur-ng his stay here. WEATHER REPORT Triple Island Clear, light southeasterly wind; sea moderate. Langara Island Clear, light easterly wind: light swell. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, light southwest wind; barometer. 29.40; temperature, 38; light swell. HER LIFE ON XMAS EVE 1BUN0Z IS SPEAKER Relationship Between Iteligion and Business Depression Discussed "The relationship between religion and the present business depression" was discussed at some length and with great Interest by Right Rev. Bishop E. M. Bunoz M. !. at the noonday luncheon of the Rotary Club the day before Christmas. BishoD Bunoz explained that there was nothing depressing about religion but quite the opposite. He recognized that the world was not a paradise and that the mlllenium was not here yet. Problems such as the present one of unemployment must be met and solved. Governments had tried to solve the problem but It was too big for them. So far they had failed, so It seemed the path of wisdom for religion to point the way. Forty years ago, the Bishop poin ted out. Pope Louis XIII wrote an encyclical on the condition of labor. This was at a time when the masses were In dire poverty and the wealth of the country "was in the hands of a few people. This "Reram Novar- um called me woria oacx vo mei Christian life as the first essential and dealt as follows with the question of wages: , A Living Wate "We now approach a subject of very great importance, and one on which, if extremes are to be avoided, right ideas are absolutely nec essary. Wages we are told are fixed by free consent, and, therefore, the emnlover when he Days what was ; agreed upon, has done his part and is not called upon for anything further. The only way In which Injustice could happen would be if the master refused to pay the whole of the wages or the work- iman would not complete the work i . . .... . i i. UnaenKen. wneu mis uuppeus, ; (Continued on page six.) CULBERTS0N WELL AHEAD NEW YORK, Dec. 28: With 55 rubbers left to be played. Ely Cul-bertson, who has played with three different partners, has a lead of 17.000 points over Sidney Lenz and Oswald Jacoby in their 150-rubber bridge marathon. Salvation Army Instrumental In Gladdening Many Hearts In Prince Rupert Over Christmas No Less ThaR 250 Men Were Provided With Christmas Dinner and Supper at Citadel Fifty Hampers Sent Into Needy Homes As a result of the efforts of the Salvation Army and the generous support of the public as a whole, the hearts of many local folk, men, women and children, who would not have been so happy otherwise, were gladdened at the Christmas season. The Army did splendid work on this occasion at a time when help was greatly needed by many. Capt. Steele and her assistants won the appreciation of many people OfTTrpifrl s OTTD and the admiration of all. uUU 1 llllAiJ 1 UK No less than 250 men partook of Christmas dinner and supper at the I O flK S II 11 ll Citadel on Christmas Day. full! LVUIiU course meals being served both atj noon and in the evening The Cita- rradc 0fe Con. del was prettily decorated for the Be Closed In occasion and the atmosphere wiu . h,and Pf , permeated with a healthy andi happy spirit of Christmas cheer. , S RtiP i opi SKIDEOATE, Dec. 28: Dcvelop- charge and members of Toe H as - slsted with the serving ot the meals. The cooking was carried out on the premises. 2UftES3f && leering their talents for the occa-j sion. The merriment continued well Into the evening and the occasion was a memorable one. In addition to providing the Christmas meals for the men, the Salvation Army was Instrumental In sending out fifty well-laden hampers to homes In the city where need was felt. Volunteers gave of their services In connection with the distribution of hampers. BIRTH A daughter was born Thursdar evening. December 24, at the Prince .Rupert General Hospital to Mr. and .Mrs. H. R. Hamilton. Dlgby Island. ; Potential New Gold Camp Is Reported to Have Been Found On Mainland South of Here A potential new gold camp mainland, opposite Butedale, coast from here, by Jack Pedersen, pioneer mining man of the north, and Hall Carpenter, who recently explored the area. The area, according to the locators, is in the gold belt which extends from Princess Royal Island across into the KhuUe Inlet area. It was on this belt that the old Surf Inlet mine a few years ago produced considerable gold. Noah Timmlns and Interests recently bought the Surf Inlet and other properties. Mr. Pedersen says that the new discovery is in a formaUon similar to that which produced the Surf oreea living at n.uwmnia, w. eu-Irftet jrim- The ort Is a gold-bear- tenced to men days' Imprisonment ins Quarts In a schist near the srVanUe contact which cuts through 'hit part of the country. Whew Pedersen and Carpenter reached the district, the weather changed and snow drove them out but not until they had succeeded In doing sufficient prospecting to convince them that the area has cxtrnordtniry merit. They intend to start development on the property next spring. Tomorrow's Tides Tuesday, December 29. 1931 High 4:25 a.m. 19.1 ft. 16:07 p.m. 19:9 ft Low 10:19 a.m. 7:9 ft 22:50 p.m. 3:7 It. TAXI 32 Prompt 24 Hour Service PRICE: FIVE CENTS )"1 th jtsauxt Eagle Mines Ltd. of he Southeaster mine near Skldegate continues to disclose large bodies of high grade ore. The - tor a teng- dlsurnethe' 100-foot level. Violent Robbery Charge Is Laid Walter McLean and Crandall Dickie Itemanded For Eight Days In City folice Court Walter McLean and Crandall Dickie, charged with robbery with violence of Mrs. Minnie Sullivan, appeared before Magistrate Mc-Clymont In city police court this morning and were remanded for eight days. has been discovered on the about sixty miles down the KITWANGA MAN GETS SEVEN DAYS Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised that Joseph Farlcelll half- by Stipendiary Magistrate Starkay at Haielton for breaking into the dwelling of Edwin Utterstron at Kltwanga and taking foodstuffs, .herefrom. LIN SEN IS ELECTED NEW CHINA PRESIDENT r- NANKINO, China. Dec. 28: Lin Sen. 67-year old president of the Legislative Yuan, was today elected chairman of tho Chinese National government In succession to General Chiang Kal Shek, who recently resigned.