Ik.- PADS 8ZZ Due to Twin -Power Detection 9 Tubes do the work of 11 Tubes BRENTWOOD MODEL Jicohrjn Contole with 9-tube Super-bHnodfM QumU indadioK Spray-ShiflA, Malli Ma td Prntode Tnbr. Tin Power Detrrtioa. Grind Optra speaker. Complete with Kogen Goarantrcd Tube. in the 1932 ofmesiic RADIO From "the Perfect Quality Receiver" in the Science Mueum at South Kensington, London, come the principle of Tirin-Potrer Detection found in the 1932 Majestic Superheterodyne, Due to this principle, nine tubes do the work of eleven in these models. Two of them are the new "2 17" Pentode Tubes, each of which has the power output of two ordinary "245" tubes. These new Majestic have all the power and efficiency of an 11-tube set with the low cost of a 9-tube set. Make this Christmas memorable icith a Majestic '. . See today ROSE, COWAN & LATTA LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. If You are one of the few People Who do not already Take the Daily News We suggest it would be a good thing to get in line with progress. Telephone for the boy to call and then pay him a dime a week and live happy ever afterwards. Be an optimist. Subscribc'to the paper that radiates optimism. THE DAILY NEWS Telephone 9S XCW) Third Avenue MORE THAN A MILLION A DAY h a r milt -v J Cigarettes 14 Cigarette for Fveiy lasie" I TOT DAJLT NZWS Monday, December y. y31 COUNCIL AT GREENVILLE Dominion .Constable Newnham Has I to Held r-oU j GREENYILIX Dec. 3: The el-ectaon of the Green rtUe natiT? 'council for 1SZ was attended hr events this yea? which wUl long be Ovine to the recent heavy thaw, the Kua River had been dangerous for travel for a Wfc and all hope had been given q that Christmas suonbec which had hten ordered, would be brought up to time and i: was thought that there would be no chance tor anr 'one to come in 10 take the eJecttoa until after the New Year. Accord tngiy the natives canted on witn their public work and were very busy sawing lumber with which to bund a new church. Late one afternoon Rev. W. S Cooper raa into the Tillage and said that somebodr was shouting about a mile away on the river and passably was in trouble with the ice A heavy fog bad arisen but Jonah utay went out and found Domin ion Constable E O. Newnham of the Indian Department and Ar thur Nelson of Kmeolith. both of held up by thin ice but so the right direction by the noise of the sawmill Other wiae they might have been lost tai the flog. Both bad had several turn bles and wen wet through but Jonah Gray led them on to i toe and they reached Greenvflle in safety. finmrtahle Newnham acted as de puty for the Indian Agent and took . line esectaon the following day. In the preliminary oroeeadnin he gave out some straight talk and useful information about the laws and new fisheries recu- lataons. Me was assisted at the elec tion by Rev. J. W. Weaver, assistant school teacher and recently annota ted to take charge of the Church Amy at OreehviBe under the Augural CharchT The result of the el ection waa a follows : Chief Councillor. Sam McKay. Councillors. John Gre-n Nelson. Johnson Rua George Martin. Peter CaJder. Leonard Douglas and Charles Leeson. Appointments made were: ! Chief Constable and Truant Of- j fleer. Chart McNeill. I Assisting Chief Constable. Sam jTalt. I Village Constable, Henry Robin son. Chris CaMer. Wm. Martin and Jonah Gray. A large party accompanied Constable Newnham down to open water to meet his boat from Kincouth which brought up the Christmas supplies Sam McKay and others took the opportunity of getting! down to Prince Rupert In order to confer with the Indian Agent and Bishop Rix and to gat more Chrtet- imas supplies. If the thaw keeps up. t m npecieo wai we rror win open up and they will be able to re turn to Greenville all the way by boat. A. Ingram, who has been In tht employ of the bride inrtm. of the Canadian National Railway at naaeiion. arrived In the city by train from the interior on Than day and sailed that evening on tht rnnce Kupert for his home tn Vancouver. Mr. Ingram was hen. with the Hazelton baseball dub at the Fair last fall. C. .V R. TRAINS Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl- .... 3 pm. iuesaays. Thursdays and 10 40 am Watch This Space I Tomorrow For Specials Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where DolLrn Have More Cent" No. 1 Slore fifth Ave. Phone 11-11 No. Z Store 315 Third At. Phone 3C No. 3 Store 717 Third At Phone 37$ Bt'NOZ is srEAKr.it ttootiBued frura page one) 'the State should intervene to see that each obtain his own. but not under any other circumstance. This mode of reasoning is by do rm&iu cocrtnchic to a fatr-mtrKifd 'man. for' there ate mrooHant 'con siderations which it lea res out of view altogether. To lab4r is to ex ert onecen for the sake of procnr ing for the purpose of life and most of aH for seif-presenvalion. In the sweat of thy brow shall thou eat thy bread Gseests. Therefore, a aan's labor has two notes or char actors. First of all it is rtenonaL for- the exerUonof indrHdea pow er belongs to the individual who puts it forth, employing this power for that personal profit for which it was gtren. "Secondly, man's labor Is neces sary, for without the result of la bor a man cannot live: and self- conservation is a law of nature," which it is wrong to disobey. Now. if we were to consider labor merely so far as it Is personal. doubtless it would be within the workman's right to accept any rate of wages whatever, for in the same way as he is free to work or not so he is free to accept a small remun eration or even not at all. Bat this s a mere abstract supposition; ttte labor of the working man is nt -mly his personal attribute, but it necessary, and this makes all the ifference. The preservation of life s the bounden duty of each and all. it nd to fail therein is a crime. It allows that each one has right to roc lire what is required in order o live, and the poor can oroeure it n no other way than by work and wages- Let is be granted then that, as rale, workman and eraolover should make free agreements and to particular should freehr agree as to wages; nevertheless there Is a dictate of nature more hnpertotM and more ancient than any bargain between man and man. that the re muneration should be enough to support the wage earner m reas- i and frugal comfort. Ifi through necessity or fear of a worse' jvtl the workman accepts harder, amdtttais because an employer or contractor win give him no better he Is the vieUm of force and injus tice" The enr vcncal dealt with the matter of property and mentioned thst ownership of property was a dtvtae right Instead of suppressing it. as some would do. its application vwuid be extended. Ownership cave an interest In a community. On the other hand the Pope looked upon the great corpora tisns as a possible danger as concentrating power In the bauds of a few. Ood gave the earth to mankind so that all might secure soatManr from The Bishop went on to sav that Chrrn did not come to teach peo-we how to enaage in trig rmitnmi but how to get along together. H mentioned the progress that had been made In the world. This cam from development of the bitcllee- tua. side of man's nature hat u ss the moral side that oaty relkt- Wm could control This was vh devotion to a higher power became necessary. Negotiations inonr n. tlona also required dhrme guidance. Any economic and social ytem must have a religious basis In order to be surceasful. Typewriters FOR RENT Call or Phone 6 McRAE BROS., LTD. BOAT ENGINES II toe I1J rrom $8.50 Also Generators from $5.50 and Guaranteed New Storage Batteries from S73S VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1313 CranvlUe SU Vaneturer Branch Yard at 3M Second Ave. East CONCERT BY BAND Moose Legion Group Makes An-. other Appearance Before Re- sponsive'vAuditncc The Moose Hall was filled almost to capacity last evening when the Moose Legion Band, under direction of Robert Greenfield, made its third public appearance, presenting an excellent program in a very effective manner. In addition to the band numbers, there were selections by assisting artists. All in all. the entertainment was very accep table and was fully enjoyed by aU present. The program was as follows: "O Canada." March. "American Belle,'- Land. Vocal solo, selected. Miss Betty Cameron. i String quintet Bert Cameron's I Orchestra. ! Novelty number. "Kentucky Wed- i ding Knot." Band. Violin solo, selected. Bert Cam-1 eron. Walt. "On the St. Lawrence." Band. "One Man Orchestra, 3. Slaggard. String trio. Miss N. Lawrence. Miss M. Lawrence and B. Cameron. Soto, selected. J. A. Teng. Humorous March, "Jolly Copper smith." Band. Accordion trio, selected. N. Col- usst P. Vaccher and T. Bussanich Cornet solo. "Somewhere a Voice is Calliig." R Oreenf teld with band. March. Band. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rupert Brand" TAtXsi; SMOKED LACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. A Product of B.C. NESTLE'S EVAP NESTLES own 5 HE' UAer srzx MILK QANADIAN houiewivei have come to know that tHry can depend on N'ssni'S Eva ported MJ& a product of Canada. For tab delicious, creamy milk never varici to quality. Pure cow's milk, uniformly tkh ; rrj J safe by ster ilutko j kept safe by sealing in airtight containen. NESTJ.rS VnVt Lrgnt PrtJmtrt J StUtrt CJtnttJ U EtvpntttJ MJtL A) Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. Vs. k. sm Monday and Tuesday Two Shows - 7 and 9 p. Feature Starts at 7 it & j Admission 20c k A GREAT HUMAN DrtA.M. Which Words Cannot Describt 'SILENCE' With Clive Brook. Pesgy Shannon, Marjorie Rambeau, Charln Starrett. The price of hi? life a woman's good name A Paramount Picture ComedyZaiu Pitts & Thclma Todd in "Pa jama Tarty Novelty (Colored) Beauty Srrrtts of Hollywood' PARAMOUNT NEWS Wednesday and Thursday "CAUGHT PLASTERED' Jack HUdJtch arrival w. from Haaelton on Saturdi ing's train aad. after pa. brief visit with friend, !,. on this afternoon's train n:. turn to the interior ALL OUR GOALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are aurrd in gelling full weiht NO. 1 ALHKRTA EGG For Cash 811.50 NO. 1 ALHERTA LUMP For Cash 12 "0 PEMBINA EGG For Cash 11,30 Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580