r- TliT DAILY :,TTC3 PAGE FOUK. Ladles' SInttes and Doubles, and Men's Sintles Completed at Week-End The following finals were played over the wek-end in the city tennis championship tournament: Men's Single W. L. 8tamfoftl beat Col. 8. P. MeMordle, 3-8, 8-4, 6-3. 8-8. Ladles' Singles Mist Vera Smith beat Mrs. 11. L, Shadwell. 2-6, 6-3, 6T3. Ladles Doubles Mrs. 8. P. MeMordle and Mrr H. L. Shadwell beat Mrs W. W. Currle and Miss Betty Edgeumbe, 8-4, 8-3. Playing of the finals in mixed and men's doubles has been postponed, possibly until next week-end. Old Country Soccer Bcottlsh Leagie Second Division. Stenhousemulr 1. East Stirlingshire 4. This You can pay more but you cannot find purer., clearer 9in than . . . IN SOCCER; )ld Rivals Battle in Labor Day Program to 3 to Nil Score The old rivals, Borden and Booth, net in a Junior football game as me of the events in the Labor Day irocrara of sports, the Booth team winning by three goals to nil. RECORD IS FINE ONE: Miss Helen Madison of Seattle Has Set Sixteen New World's Aouatlc Marks SEATTLE. Sept. . During her rise of the past two years from obscurity to national fame, Miss $1.50 Rep. Pint STERLING London Dry GIN $3.00 Rep. Quart nor one that equals Sterling for smooth delicate flavor nd vsloe. tm mU Vi ar fn lW Uu Control Ro4 M.U I, VleMrU, II. U, advertisement Is not published or displayed Control Board or by the Government, of British Columbia. by ii-n tne Liquor 4 Miss Mary McHale of Dallas. Tex., who won wo tennU titles at Detroit. Mich. Now she's United States national public parks tennis champion for 1931 New Hazelton Defeats Hazelton By Score of 9 to 5 and Takes Central Interior Sail Title In spite of the fact that the teams months owing to Khoof boiioys?the ! The Hazelton Baseball Club, which met its Waterloo boys put up anr interesting gamerduring the Exhibition here last week after having cut such M6rgan gave a good display in the a swathe throughout the central interior during the sum-Borden goal, and Fisher tackled mer, suffered another reverse -at the Talkwa Barbecue on V? SmSLIX Monday of this week when it was defeated by New Hazel- jsual and Williscroft strong V. game ;. r r v i - i was another good halfback. For- 9 to 5, fin the final game of a series for the central rard Borden did not get going well T ter'!L 'f!11. PP- jTeportefT pitched for Haielton and hough WilsonCampbell and Llnd- v .howprf orwi fnothnii at timM j. s . ISpooner for New Haaelton. in.-, am ,n in th. nth trnnt RULING RULING OF OF UMPIRE UMPIRE ! New Hazelton and Haielton had ind Ferguson and Eby were fairly safe at back. Cromp, Christlson md XfrMeekln made a rood half- ruck line, with McMeekln making a Association has received a 4 ( era Fair, verv eood showlne. Nelson used his ruling by wire from the Sport- i 4 ordering the runners back to ' their bases. This was the rul- ing that was made by Umpire Oeorge Brooks. The Elks were, therefore, entiUed to their win and the right to meet Sons of Canada this evening in the final play-off to decide second '4- Helen Madison, SeatUe girl swim- half honors. mini star, has shattered no les than sixteen world's aquatic re-ords, it has been revealed. Miss Madison's most notable achievement has been the setting of the 1.000-metcr distance for women, with a time of 14 minutes 39 2-5 seconds. IS HELD CORRECT -qualified for the final at Telkwa by The Prince Rupert Baseball spectlvely during the recent Smith- meed to food advantage, and San-! tog News of St. Louis on a con .urbane played a hard game. Goals tenUous point in regard were obtained by 'Nelson. Ritchie umpiring which came up and Ivarson. J. Campbell refereed, with A Clapperton and H. Dyer linesmen. Sunday afternoon In the Senior t League baseball play-off be- , tween Elks and Old Empress 4 and which resulted in the lat- ter team protesting the game in which they were defeated. EXTENDS DEMPSEY I Former Heavyweight Champ Finds liusby opponent in Jimmy nyrnes EUGENE, Oregon, Sept. 9. Jimmy Byrnes, 203-pounder, following a : four-round exhibition with the former world's heavyweight cham jpion here, was declared by Jack Dempsey to be the best opponent he had met since the start of his ; present tour. A wildly cheering I crowd of over 8,000. fans saw Demp- sey and Burns fight toe-to-toe In the centre of the ring for the most I of the four rounds. Try as he would Dempsey was unable to dispose of his opponent. Dempsey scaled 108 pounds, the first time he has weighed over 196 pounds elnce the start of his tour. Built Into the top of a new card table Is a revovllng score pad for contract bridge. , defeating Tkwa and a in liners re i 6 to 5. The Sporting Newt has i ruled that the umpire, when interfering with the play at the i home plate, was quite right In laSBig League Scores FRIDAY SCORES National League Brooklyn 0, New York 3. Boston 1. Philadelphia 11. Chicago 3, Cincinnati 12. St. Louis 1, Pittsburgh 3. American League: American League Philadelphia 2, 6; Boston, 0, 1. New York 4, Washington 5. Detroit 4. Chicago 3. SATURDAY'S (JAMES National League Brooklyn 1.1; New York. 5. 10. Boston 5. 4; Philadelphia 12, 6. Chicago 3. Cinclnnattl 4. St. Louis 5, Pittsburgh 8. American League New Yrk, 7, 7; Washington. 0. 3 Philadelphia 8, 3; Boston 0, 0. Detroit 8, Chicago 3. Cleveland 10, St. Louis 5. SUNDAY'S SCORES American League Cleveland 7, St. Louis 5. New York 1. Washington 4. Chicago 4, Detroit 1. Philadelphia 5, Boston 3. National League Philadelphia 8, 2; Brooklyn. 4, 7. St. Louis 3, 7: Cinclnnattl, 0, 0. Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 4. Boston 4, New York 0. MONDAY'S SCORES National League St. Louis 1. 8; Chicago 0, 3. Philadelphia 0. 1; New York. 6, 2. Cincinnati 1, 2; Pittsburgh 6, 4. Boston 4, 0; Brooklyn 5, 2. American League New York 15, 9; Philadelphia 3, 4. Washington. 15; Boston 5, 1. Chicago 2, 2; Cleveland 8, 5. St Louis 2, 11; Detroit 3, 7. A receptacle for a fountain pen or clear lltrhter is inserted In a new English walking stick. Athletics Defeat Senators; Robins Still Going Strong NEW YORK. Sept. 9. Philadelphia and New 'York Giants split a dcubie-hervder here yesterday. The Brooklyn Roblhs'eontlnued the winning streak whfch recently landed them in third place by vanquishing the Boston Braves. The Braves and Phillies are now tied for sixth phw". ' In the American League. Lefty Drove pitched the Philadelphia Athletics to an easy victory over Washington Senators to increase the Mackmen's league leadership to fourteen full games. 1 , Yesterday's scores: National League Philadelphia 3. 3: New York 1. 4. Cincinnati 0. Pittsburgh 3. , Boston 6, Brooklyn 10. American League Washington 1. Philadelphia 10. St. Louis 3. Detroit 2. . Chicago 7. 3; Cleveland 8. 6. Saseball Standings National League Won Lost Pet St. Louis 83 48 .647 ; New York 82 58 .594 Brooklyn 72 65 J26 Chicago 71 68 Jll Pittsburgh 68 70 .485 Boston 60 77 .438 Philadelphia 60 77 .438 Cinclnnatt 50 88 .362 American Learue ' Won Lost Pet. Philadelphia M 40 Washington - 81 54 ,7041 .8ooi :Jtfw, York. ...... .80 55 .J593 Cleveland 69 64 .518 St. Louis 57 79 Detroit 1... 56 80 419 .412 I Chicago -s ..u 52 84 .382 Boston,. , 50 84 .373 ! SANDWICH ! WON RACE Orpen'Second'and Sir Andrew Third in St. Leger Stakes Today DONCASTER, England, Sept. 9, Sandwich won the St. Leger Stakes here today. Orpen was sec ond and Sir Andrew third. Ten horses ran. Camerontan. the favor Ite, was -unplaced. The secret of keeping fresh Mi The great secret of feeling fresh U to let p the mouth frrth. The cool flavor of WrIgUY'S rtfrrahet the mouth. It rtmotti (II tract of eating. or imoklng, twert. em breath. TAXIDERMY Furs Made Up 18 Years' Experience All Kinds of Mounting J.A.LESTIN Prince George INEXPENSIVE ATisrviNe Wednesday Sr'?-vr- 9 !9-(, ' ' . III " M News and Views of the Sport World TRACK CLUB DATES FOR , SUCCESSFUL BIG SERIES 1 Spartan Organisation Justified Its' Baseball Classic to Open on Existence Monday j October 1 in National i League City Fj6m the results of the Labor Day ' . track meet, sponsored by the Trades 1 NEW YORK, Sept 9, Following and Labor Council Monday, mem- a conference with official of bers of the Spartan Athletic Club j the National and American Lea feel that they fully Justified their organization this spring. From a very humble beginning they have developed Into a group of athletes who dominated nearly every major event at Monday's meet. In the 100 yards (open out of eight entrants, seven were Spartans, who took the first five places. In the 220, the first four places were taken by Spartans, while In the 880 yards the first three, and in the rnll'execond, third and fourth places "wr.re captured. All the jumps except the high Jump were" won by the Spartan Athletic Club. First three places in the broad jump and first two places in the pole vault being taken. Finally, rounding off a great series of victories, the Spartan medley relay team ran their opponents completely into the ground. Although severely handicapped by a complete lack of training facilities, the boys feel after yesterday's performance that they are doing what, they set out to do, namely improve the calibre of track and field sports in the city. Weather permitting, the club will wind up. its. season's activities with a meet on Saturday, September 12, at 3:30 o'clock immediately after the Junior football game. 0NTARI0NS WIN FIRST Brampton Defeats New Westminster & to 4 in. Opening Game of Mann Cup Series WESTMINSTER. Sept. Brampton' Excelsiors, defending champions, defeated the New Westminster Salmon Bellies, eight goals to four, Monday night in the first of three-game series for the Mann Cup. emblematic of the Dominion lacrosse title. TENNIS FINALS lues and of the clubs which may be concerned, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Land is, comm'-alonc of organised baseball, announced that the 1931 World Series would open on October 1 in St. Louh t New York, the later city still having a remote chance to win Hi National League pennant. The second game will bs played !n tin Nat'onal Leagu City on October 3 and the series will then move to Shibe Park, Philadelphia, where the Athletics, al-icadv assured of the American League pennant, will be at home to the National League visitors on October 5, 6, and ". The two remaining games, if necessary, will be played in St. Louis, New York or Philadelphia alternately. BOOTH WON U.S. National Parks Tennis Champion GROVE WON HIS GAME any way jmi look at tb v v THERE are few foods you can bujr that give you as inuehatiffaction for your money si Kellogg's Corn Flakes. Out of a single package you get many delicious servings at a cost of only a few cents. Kellogg's are delightful for breakfast or lunch, with milk or cream, fruits or honey addeil. Great for the children's evening meal or for a taoly snack lx-fore going to Led. So healthful and easy to digest. No other rcadyto-cal cereal In the world is so popular. No other corn flakes have ever been able to duplicate Kellogg's own matchless erispnrtts and flavor. That Is why wise buyers will accept no substitute for genuine Kellogg's. They know that Imitations are never "just like" the original of all corn flakes. Look for the red-anthgreen package at your grocer's. "Wills the exclusive Inner-ceal waxtite wrapper that keeps the flakes ovenfreh even after opening. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. YoaTI tnjof Ktllogtfi Slumber Mailt, broadeui ottt lt mni mstorlatrd ilatlont of tht N, B. C rtrry Sunday evening al 10 JO E.P.S.T. AUo in Lot JngrUt, somo Seattle at 10.00, ond SO A Denut I 10.30. I I CORN FLAKES m I These fine liquors are famous for their uniform high quality. You can buy these brands with every confidence, ""his advertisement Is not published or displayed by tM Liquor Control Bonrd or by the Government of British Columbia.