Wednesday .September 9, 1931 THS DAJLT NSW8 !- pack nva The Daily News " Classified" is the Poor Mari s Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASS or rent.' for sale and all other .mail advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cent ! word per insertion with six insertions for the juice of four. By the month the charge b-tte a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c FOR RENT for RENT five roomed coitagv T!iir1 Ave. Apply Dally News. I I ATS FOR REKT-5 nd 6 rooms .in U bath on Sixth Avenue West. hone Blue 802. tf1 l or KENT Newly decorated furnished modern two-room suits. Palmer Apartments. Phone Rtl 444. . tl FOR RENT Pianos, phonograph? sewing machines and tars. Walker's, cor. Second Avenue and Fourth Street. tl FOR RENT Clean, well furnished housekeeping apartments, one or two room suites, half block Iron, Post Office, .835 Second Avenue West. Phone'2a0. 229 For RENT Choice G-room flat $35 Modern 4 -room flat, Clapp Block, Monarch Range $25. a looms down town, suitable for rooming house $25. Westenhaver Bros. tf FuR RENT cottage on Thlfd Avenue suitable tor business re quiring publicity such as tearoom, dressmaker, taxi-stand lunch room, antique furniture or curio store, home made candy factory, pressing and cleaning establishment S rooms and mo (tern conveniences. Dally News. FOR SALE MR SALE Franklin Heater. Phone Red 601. . 214 f-FALERS for sale 60c. and 70c. a dozen Phone Red 687. 11 -- - - ; 1 i " For 3ALE Good used cars at nght prices. Kalen Motors Ltd. f or Sale wicker Daby ouggy. Can " seen at Dally News building. upstairs. ' tf FuR SALE Household goods including Kitchen Cabinet and other utensils, cut glass, mat tress, etc. Apply 408 8th Ave. W., utter 10 ajn. or Phone Black 518. 215 FOR SALE 33 Business and Residence Lot In Sections Oik and Two. Also Lots 5 and 6, Blk, I Sec. 0 for $25. $50, $100 and $204 ' irh, plus the tar.. Westenhaver Bros.. J. C. McLennan, agent. 213 Auction SALE Of TWO AUTOMOBILES SATURDAY. SKIT. 12, at 2:30 p.m. OR. 2ND AVE. and 4th STREET 'tructett by Walker Motor Co., J-'"-. I will sell by Public Auction ONE CHRYSLER SIX CYLINDKR WR DOOR SEDAN, year model 14, nd one PLYMOUTH FOUR-UOOR SEDAN, year model 1930, b"'li cars licensed for 1931. 'J'i'rms 1-3 cash, balance can be " mged on monthly payments Mtn very reasonable finance fee. frich of these cars has run lesi fli:m miles, and can be seen wd tried out at the above addrett " v time before the sale, and must bl' sold irrespective of price, oh nbove date. G.J. Dawes Auctioneer Phone- Mack 120 Res. Red $31 FIED ADVERTISEMENT HELP WANTED WANTED at onto, cxperlcnar-d maid, good cook, references required. Phone 948 212 WANTED smv.rt young man for tore. Must have goad reforenc-.r ' Apply by letter Dox 103, Daily : News. i chiropracth; Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nerv6us, Female and Children' , Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL 'Graduate Chiropractor) 4! and 7 Exchange, Block ' Green 241 Black 2R.1 Public Stenographer MIMEOORAPHINO, Muriel Morris,' Phone 782. (O-l) TRANSFERS B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204.' ti NEWS AGENTS ANY Publications on Earth, Bes&er News Stand. s3l TAXI CALL Hopenjs Taxi. Phone 855. SUnd at Central Hotel. (213) VIOLIN TUITION WORD has been received that LOST LOST Camto. Ring afop hear Ex hlbitton Hill Thursday, Tele- phone Black 271. 212 -s HOARD AND ROOM kM AND HOARD. J'hone Hwl THE INLANDER Board or robn Phone 137. BOARD and Room In prlvatehome Apply J. Storrlngs, 217 Eighth Avenue West, or Phone Oreen 731. 212 , : AUCTIONEER j PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION mXrT J We buy. sell or exchange anvj kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments ma ehlnery. etc General repair crating, packing and shlppinn Workmanship guaranteed. Jus-phone BiacK 120 and we wiP call G. ). DAWES. Auctioneer Federal Block tf SHOE REPAIRS MAC Shoe Hospital. Shde repairr of all kinds. Second Avenue West. if SHOE REPAIRS Best materials- finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Office, tr SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on or under the water do it- Aftnts for EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descrir tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 561 P.O. Box 1564 - 4 4 : The Dally News can be pur. chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 4 Oranvllle St. Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. - General Store, Anyox. 4 Smithers Drug Store, Smith- ert. D C. . , If '4 .4.4,4.4 4 4 4 4 C. TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. E. TOILER" . .ir-1! 1 All EKCEED "tWE AiU SPEEO Li MIT 7 v. Professor Pryce will not resumsl pacific Salvagc Co. IjtrJ, work" here. Miss N. Lawrence Ulpy Equipped for Diving ant: open to take several new pupils. aeneral Salvaee Work for similar work. Phone 177 tf PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Federal Block. Phone Green 701. PATENTS 3 ELL your patent or Invention hv exhibiting your, model or draw - j Ing at the Second and Greater I tut-mttlTTnWAT DATPMT CV. POSITION, CHICAGO. Thousands ol manufacturers and patent buyers will Inspect new devices and patents for marketing. Very low rates. If you have no model, drawings and descrlp' tlon will do. Send for free pamphlet. B. Hamilton Edison, Man aging Director, International IT . pa ., . I tent Exposition, Mercnanaisej Mart, CHICAGO. 213 C. N. TRAIN For the F.ait Mondays. Wednesday and Saturdays, 12:30 noon. From the East Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays, 1:30 pm "TILLIE THE IF TWA-T!& FOB MB I'M BUbV 1 BE. DOMB TOO AS Auction SALE of Imnxrimrri r.nnhK. Thurutiv. " " " . !""Pif muer ju. ai y.m p.m. Ui inrtnwttons from Prof PRYCE who ta at present n France I have' caused ta be moved to ray sales rooms next Federal Block, 3rd Avenue and will sell by public auc-j tion ONE EVANS PIANO, walnut case, Kitchen Range, Tables,1 D. R. Table, chairs, buffet, . 4 violins, 2 wicker chairs, VICTOR ELECTRIC RADIO, lino rugs, lot:p. mirror. 2 dressers, 2 camp coU. 1 full size bed. brldee lamD. earnet rubber boots, tennis rackets, wal- nut chlffrobe and dresser, and mlscelaneous articles. Terms Cash, G. J. Dawes Auctioneer Phone Black 114 ' - 1 1 i 4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : , This is to certify that the r Auction tsaie toanaucrea dv ti . ill, ! vjcu. j. uaweroi my nouse- noio gooas ana cnaiieis nas T been conducted, in a highly sa- ttsfactory manner and Uie prompt settlement of all ac- counts connected therwith leaves ribthlng-furtner to be desired. I gladly recommend Mr. Dawes to any person In need of the services of a first-class Auctioneer. ti (Signed) Alex Mardonald 212 Summit Apts. 4 i 4 4 Silversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Latia Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C. M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory, , Harmony. C ounterpoint. Telephones Red 394 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged ' Mrs. thomasson Dressmaker & Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St, Phone Blue 901 When "No" Means "Yes" VCOUCDAi'T- WA't- I'LL ASH MAC r . r 17 M hr8ZL Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday nnd Batur- day ll:3J am. From the East Sunday,' Tuesday and Thurs- day 1:30 p.m. For Vancouver Siitwlav . . .0 ti m Tuesday" ....L;.I....:.12:30 rwn ......4:30 jt.'nn . vTcuurouajr, vxn. Thursday 9 p.m. Friday .11 pjn. Saturday .4:30 .m. From Vancouver-Sunday 1 .4 pm. Wednesday .....11:30 a.m. Friday pjn. Saturday 10:30 tun. v For Stewart and Anyon Sunday . ...7 pm. Wednesday ., 4 pjn, Saturday 1: 4 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Sunday ....8 pm. Tuesday ;.........ll;30 ajn. xnursauy a pjn. Saturday 6 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday :. 7 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuosday 11:30 tun. From North Queen Charlottes mursaay ...iu:au ajn. For Queen Charlottes " From rromOueen Queen Charlottes- Charlottes tsepi. a ana a a.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our Prince Rupert Prices: t t c t 41u- 1 B vc $3.75 r jj0 l 3x rer M No. 2 per M.' .. 2.7J ROBERTSON & S DIPS ON Massett B.C. Aent: Hyde -Transfer. Phone 380 Mrs. Hickey B. M. Beauty Parlor 121 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving, Marcelling, Electric Facials, Scalp Treatment for falling hair and dandruff. Permanent Waving by Mrs. Stephens. Fair Week Only. Phone Red 251 Guide to Correspondents The Dairy News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other sub Jectof public Interest but letters must be brief and to the point The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must hare the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities arid the language should be such as would be allowed in the ordinary rules of debate. voOOLD DaJlV BE h PICKS OU"" v-"- AlOlPOSnivJELV 30' amu iuw jwv vy ,. "TOO WHAT fePtPpV v)Ozs CAliS M ALJAVG to ec A CHAMGE..' THE MARKET L. , ' . . . . vwa, .c tl follows.' CO. New Potatoes, 15 lbs. . 55 ack B, C. Deeti, l)nnrh, 5 for . .15 "lev hjrti ..... ... .10 ty?. head, . 11 . Vetotaht Vegetable Marrow: Marrow; I! lb.v ... ninach, tl. tX, lb ...... .10 fr'! innorwi. per in Wax Beana, . Oreen Beans, lb. 10 b!nf. fttm n hesi Htti"ft head , 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes' . 2 lbs. Field Tomatoes, lb nreen Pepprs ..i,2....y. 2 lbs. .35 tljin!v-h, outdoor, lb. .05 Isgj Plant, lb. A jBC. Cauliflower bd,.., 15c to j B, C. Bunch Carrots . .05 Outdoor cucumbers, each 5c to .10 Y umpKin. ID. .01 Hubbard Squash, lb, Xfi Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 5 Oreen Onions, 3 bunches .. .10 'ad'shes. 3 bunches . I Onions,' e lbs . .25 Tmported Spanish Onions lb. .10 Apple-. , i Green Cooklne Annies, lb. 4C. to A nstelnS,-lb .10 Wealthy, 3 lbs .25 ; f?ruitj (Valencia Oranges 20c to j Lemons, Amsterdam, large .... California Grapefruit . ..7Vie to Bananas, lb Calif. Seedless Grapes, lb .20 Cal. Malaga Orapes, lb. - 2$ Cal. Reblere Grapes, lb. JO Canteloupes, Oliver ........ 10c to .15 Pears, doz, - . 45c to .J0 Plums, lb ....w. .15 I Pears, Okanagan, doz. 35c to ... 0 Elberta Peaches, doz .45 Watermelons, lb .n Italian Prunes, crates ........ IJD0 Dried trulta-Rxtracted honey, uer Jar , ,,, COmb honey , , Si oatej, bulk, lb. i. .12 ' Raisins, bulk. lb. .13 ! Lemon and orange peel.. JO I Mlack cooking figs. lb. .15 : Currants, lb. .15 ! Citron peel - 33 ! White ties. 10 ,-. . ....... , . .15 Apples, dried fpeaches, peeled (Apricots, lb. .20 Prunes, 60-70, lb. u. .10 prunes, 3U-4U, id. .13 Prunes, 40-50, lb. .12 K Meats- Fowl, No. 1, lb. 30 Roasting Chicken, lb .41) Ham, sliced, first grade, . .45 Cottage, rolls, lb .23 Ham, picnic, first grade .25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade . Pork, shoulder - .18 Pork, loin .28 I Pork, dry salt J30 ,Pork, leg , 30 Ayrshire bacon, lb. 35c to M :Veal. shoulder .23 IVeal, loin, 35 Beef, pot roast 15c, to J20 Beef, bojllng 10c to .14 Beef, roast, prime rib 20c to Lamb, shoulder 2 Beef, steak 24c to 33 Lamb, leg 33 Lamb, chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder .- 20 j Fish I Smoked kippers, lb. -, .15 I Salmon, fresh, lb. r. 25 Halibut, fresh', lb .20 Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, dot. 35 iB.C. fresh firsts, doa 37 !B.C. fresh extras, doz .40 Local, new laid, . .45 I Butter-Fancy cantoned, lb 30 No. 1 Creamery, 3 )bs. -.- .80 IMEOE'S MAC S A DEA12. W Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Sunday ss. Pr. George ...10 pjn, Tuesday s. CaUla 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr, Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ks. Princes Mary 10 pjn, SS. Cardena, midnight Ccpt. 2 ss. Prln. Alice . ..5:30 pjn. ept. 5 S3. Prln, Louise 5:30 pjn. Jept. 14 ss. Prln. Louise 5:30 p.m. Sept 23 s. Pjln. Louise 5:30 pjn. in.rrom Vancouver Siimlay ss. Catati pjn. Wed. s. Pr. Rupert 10:30 ajn. Frlday-i. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss. Cardena pjn. JUtur. si. Pr. George 10:30 ajn. Si"pt. 10 ss. Prln. Louise ...B am. Sept 19 ss, Prln. Louise B ajn. Sept. 20 ss. Prln. Louise .B ajn. i' Naas Rrver and Port Simpson-Sunday- ss. Catala 8 p.m. From Naas River Si Port Simpson-Tuesday s. Catala .. .11:30 a.m. r Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. CaUla J8 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. Oeorge ....4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Pr. George B pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala . .11:30 ajn. Thurs. s, Pr. Rupert ..8 pjn. For Ocean Falls-Sunday ss. Pr. George ...10 pjn. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn, Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10" pju From Ocean Falls-Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert . ..10:30 a.m. Friday- ts. Cardena pm ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn Sat as. Pr. Qeorge ....10:30 ajn. For Queen Charlottes-Sept 10 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. Sept. 24 ss. Prince John 10 pjn. From Queen Charlottes-Sept 8 ss. Prince John jun. Sept. 22 ss. Prince John ........ajn. For Alaska-Sept 10 ss. Prln., Louise 11 ajn. 8ept. 19 ss. Prln.' Louise 'il ajn. Sept. 30 ss. Prln. Louise 11 ajn. From Alaska-Sept 2 ss. Prln. Alice 4 pjn. Sept 6 ss. Prln. Louise .. .4 pjn. Sept. 14 ss. Prln. Louise ..4 pjn. Sept. 23 ss. Prln. Louise ..4 DJn. From Skeena River 1 Fridays ss. Cardena .pin. Flour Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.70 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. . . 20 Sugar Yellow. 100 lbs. 5.10 White. 100 lbs. . 5.63 Lard-Pure ...., 17 U Compound Ittfc Feed ' Wheat No. 3 Alberta 175 No. 5 Alberta l,W Oats i,C5 Bran 1.40 Shorts i 1.50 Middlings 1 90, Barley 1,05 Laying Mash 2.S3 Oyster Shell ,.. 1,80 Beef Scrap $,75 Ground Oil Cake w.i....L. 3.45 Fine oat chops 1,75 Crushed oats ...v i.J5 Fine barley chop 1,75 . Nut3- Almonds. shelled Valenclas 1. 0 California soft shelled walnuts 35 Walnuts, broken shelled .45 Walnuts, shelled . halves .......... 5 Peanuts '., ' .. , Cheese ' Ontario solids ,25 Stilton, lb as Rouquefort ,80 Get Quick results with a want id By Westover