is h. PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Friday, January 2, fs3i The Daily News 1 ; ; i World's Wheat Champioii Given World Tour to. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 1 . - m r 1 i v i ! fs 1 tj wi rr Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ULLEN - ,r -iiiuanaKi ,ManagiiigrEditor ir t tir n ' lisiJBCRIPTION RATE? , By mail to nil other parts of British, Columbia the British Em- 3. pire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6, jjBy mail to all othar countries, per year .. 7, By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, p paid in advance for yearly period ,;;;.. Ji,. 3 fLegal notices, each insertion, per aga'te'.ine li Transient advertising ori'front page, per inch ...... & jjLocal readers, jper insertion, per line m . ....ii...... Transient display advertising, per-tlncn, per insertion .'jti. .v 1 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Or four months for 1 For lesser period, paid tn advance, per month .. City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, Daid in advance $5 Contract rate on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone , Member of Audit Tiureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION . Sir Henry Thornton Is Full .98 .86 Arrlgo Balboni. Lew Angeles, kn wn as "Flying Junkman," provides haven for aeroplanes i hat have flown their last mile. 00 50 .00 .15 .80 .25 .40 .02 .00 .50 .00! Friday, January 2. 1931. of ConSdence Last Nidit In Dominion-Wide Radio Address (Continued from Page One) to it Industrial life and spirit can only see to it that the foundations technical achievements leading In our day are well and truly laid "Eight years ago," he went on, "our first and urgent problem was to create a homogeneous railway system out of a number of unrelated properties. This demanded co-ordination, the provision of modern appliances and facilities and, what was more Important, the establishment of an efficient organization of enthusiastic officers and men to the end that the transportation responsibilities of the enterprise might be effectively performed and a way opened to increased earning capacity. , . , .. . It mueb,be remembered .that un tlonal development, and in many the way In the art of transport. "Happily," said Sir Henry, "our major and more Important expenditures in capital account are fairly well behind us. Our task is now the display of prudence and Judgment, together with the continued consolidation of our position In the effective and economical employment of the machinery we now possess. I feel sure that the skill, Industry, pride and enthusiasm of all the people which have led us thus far on our way may be relied upon for the effective accomplishment of that immediate objective." in conclusion, sir nenry wisneq til the year 122 the Oanaillan Na- the invisible audience a happy and tional Railways system as a whole prosperous New Year on behalf of never earned iU operating expen- the administration and staff of the ses and even in that year - barely system and added a warm personal broke even by a small amount. It greeting. He thanked the public of will be interesting to observe that in Canada for confidence and good the year 1920 the deficit, after Inter- will and said: "By prudence, indus- est due to the public was pa,ld, try and enthusiasm we shall en- amountcd to sixty and a half mil- deavor to earn during the oncoming lion dollars; in 1921, it was nearly year, a continuance of the amiable fifty-three million dollars, and In relations which have existed be- 1922, thirty-three millions, figures tween the people's railway and its which, In subsequent years, are proprietors." Mr. Robb brought a happily not encountered." 'special greeting to the French The railway president referred to speaking citfeens of Canada. In dis- the ill-equipment of the railway In cussing present conditions, he said: the early days for economical oper- "In this difficult period CanaH Is atlon, the lack of homogenlty and suffering less than probably any pride of undertaking. Today, how- other country," and declared that ever, the Canadian National Rail- difficulties were but a challenge to ways represented a "reasonably the best In Individuals and nations, modern effective transportation He congratulated the French speak- machlne." "It is In a position," he ing citizens on their example of said, "to serve the country satlsfac- thrift. Industry and cheerfulness. torlly In the movement of freight Thrift, he thought, would help the and passengers, comparing favor ably with the best railways In the world, contributing its share to Na- worW, suffering from a top-heavy financial structure, more quickly than anything else View of world's first triangular bridge railroad span located at Duren, near Berlin, Germany. This new type of bridge Is brain child of Dr Z. Tl!s,noted Oerman engineer. MAYOR IS DANCE WAS SPEAKER City in Good Shape Financially Some Interesting Facts Revealed in Address While a great many lots have reverted to the city for non-payment of taxes, these constltuto only 12.7 of the total assessed value of them all. This statement was made by Mayor Orme Wednesday afternoon at the Rotary Club lunceon when he gave a fholt talk on civic matters. He spoke optimistically of the financial condition of the city and remarked that, with careful administration, everything should carry on without difficulty. In speaking of the work of the past year, Mayor Orme referred to the spirit of co-opjratlon that had been In evidence throughout th; year among the members of the council. Work had been carried out conscientiously and he believed In the Interests of the city. The chief Idea had been to carry on as economically as possible. In connection with the unemployment work which had come under some criticism, Mayor Orme said the city council had been disappointed in the amount of help they had received, but the work was being done as economically as possible and he believed ths city was getting 100 per cent, fsr every dollar expended. "In conclusion trnncarrledit "I concur with Mr. Rorie In be-Ueving that the city 's in sound financial condition and there is no reason why the old ship should not be kept on the same even keel." declared the mayor. He then quoted some figures to show the financial condition. T.he total as-yesement for the year 1930 was $3,- 027.383 and for this year It had had been dropped to $2,742,530, a reduction of $284,803. The reversion of the Duthle property had meant $93,000 and In other parts of the city there were reverted .lots amounting to $87,001). While the total number of reverted lots was 11,600, the value of these was not large. At the conclusion Mayor .Orme was thanked by Chairman Geo. Munro for his Interesting and Informative address. SCALE OP CHARfJES ' . !''' The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices! Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. name. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral. Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Flowers 10c per SUCCESSFUL ,Ons of the most successful ol thei .New.! Year's Eve tvents In Prince Rupert was the dance stag ed In their hall by the Mtxw Lodge. At times during the evening, there, were upwards of four hundred persons In attendance. The affair started at 10 pm. and did not conclude until 4 v a.m. Splendid music was furnished bv the Premier. Orchestra. Refreshments took the form of hot dogs and coffee and the stall where these were served did rushing business, being at timn almost unable to cope with the demands. , Glllls Royer was master of ceremonies and J. M. Morrison an J Ted Rorvlfc presided at the door, Others who took part Id connec tion wun me staging or me dance were B. J. Bacon, W. Logan, Joe Ratchford, P. O, Peterson Pete Thompson, N. S. K. Brewer, Rich ard Long, Fred Scadden, Pete Pe terson, Charlie Lemon and W. B. McCa)lum. SCOTCH DANCE BIG SUCCESS Advent of New Year. Celebrated In Right Good Style About one hundred and fifty la dies and gentlemen gathered In the I. O. D. E. Hall on Wednesday eve nlng to "tfip the light fantastic toe" during the remaining hours of the Old Year and to welcome the New Year in right good style. Scotch and Canadian dances were taken part In with great gusto, Jas. Hadden and Dave Ritchie acting as masters of ceremonies, The Scotch orchestra consisted of J. Lee, J. Bremner, J. Mackay and J. Watt, provided excellent Scotch dance music while the young lads. Messrs, Colussl, Bussanich brothers and W. Murray, played snappy music for Canadian dances and earned for themselves well merited praise. Delicious refreshments were served at 11:30 p.m,. alter which the Old , Year was piped out and 1931 welcomed by stirring bagpipe strains, with Piper Gunn In full regalia and Drummer Kelly leading a grand march, All Joined heartily In the fine New Year's song, "A Quid New Year," after which dancing was resumed till 2:30 a,,mjlap-py folk danced with right good will. Practleallyt'all remalned'tcrvjolnJIri the closing VAuld Lang Syne'Mol-lowed jby cheers of, tbanks4the orchestra. ' All agreed the Hogmanay Dance ,was a great social as well as finan cial success. Those in charge were Mr. and Mrs. J. Watt (convener of committee) Mr. and Mrs. D. Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadden (secretary-treasurer). Funds are to be devoted to relief purposes. i M-T ee w t V '' ' WINNER of the world's wheat championship at Chicago's International Livestock I air for the second time. Herman Trelle. Wembley, Peace River District, has been singularly honored by E. W. lleatty. chairman and president of the Canadian Pacific Railway, at whose invitation he will make a trip around the world. Trelle, though Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 2, 1911 To My Fellow Citizens, Everywhere in Canada. elated at his outstanding success, attained with hard red spring, was even more pleased with the third he was awarded for hard red winter, whi :h, he maintains, demonstrates the feasibility of raising it in Western Canada and also that he has moved' the winter wheat line just 700 miles further north. Insert shows Mr- Trelle and Mr. Beatty. pear before Magistrate Alfred Carss .champion, announces his on a charge of corruption. The of- rnent from the ring. fleer Is alleged to have accepted; protection money. S. M. Newton has been summoned jto appear in police court on a 'charge of libelling Aid. F. II. Mob- As a result of statements made by ley. The case Is arousing a great alleged blind pig operators, a well. deal of Interest around the city, known police officer has been sus- pended from the force and will ap- Tommy Burns, former boxing C. N. K. TRAINS retire- From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 pjn. Fur Bust Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 11:30 ajn. Days. Uiu Ad. rcadintc natm. II Department of Trade and Commerce . Ottawa, Canada December 27th, 1930. , Ring Out the Old, Ring in the New! Another few days and 1930, with whatever it has brought us of success or of failure, will have passed into history, and our thoughts will be centred on alk new year, ana on me Detter times we sincerely hope it has in store for u. While the opportunites of the paat are gone beyond recall, the future is Ours to make of it what we will. And we can make it a far brighter, a far more prosperous future, for ourselves individually and for Canada as a whole, If we all resolve to profit by the lessons our experience has taught us. Among those lessons, surely we have learned how dependent each of us is for his own opportunities and his own advancement upon the well-being of Canadian producers as a class, and how much better it would be for every One of us if in our daily buying we were all to favour Canadian products. If you believe that "Produced-in-Canada" doctrine is sound common sense, that it points the logical way not only to relieve unemployment but to Jay broader and deeper the foundation! of our natioriat prosperity, why not make the practice of it one of your foremost resolutions for 1931 ? Celebrate the new year by ringing out old habits of carelessness in buying, and ringing in the new resolve henceforth to be studiously careful. For 1931 let this be your creed: , "I believe in Canada. "I love her as my hqme. I. honour her. Institutions, J rejoice in the abundance of her resources. "I glory in the record of her achievements, I have unbounded con fidencein the ability of her people to excel In whatsoever they undertake. I cherish exalted ideals of her destiny as a leader among world nations. "To her I pledge my loyalty. To the promotion of her best interests I pledge my support. To her product! I pledge my patronage. And to the cause of her producers I pledge my devption," If you are willing to embrace this creed, a copy' of same artistically executed in colours, and on heavy stock suitable for uiei as a wall hanger or for framing Is yours for the asking. Just Hip and fill In the coupon herewith. Address your envelope as showq orl the coupon. Mail It without affixing stamp, for this particular letter will be carried free. ' Very, sincerely yours. The Minister of Trade and Commerce Ottawa, Canada Please mail copy of "MY CREED" to Name. Address. Post Office. Minister of Trade and Commerce. M Btrt m SLR. 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