Batt'Ihe" BattrJ'nn hlV'tlnn vlinn lpft. lah pnt hv Kid Oho.-olat? du ing encounter which won decision for Battallno PUCK GAMES THRILLING Several Close Encounters Staged Last Evening in National League TORONTO, Jan, 2: The Maple Leafs gained third place in the Canadian section of the National Hockey League by defeating New York Americans in a hectic contest last Montreal Maroons strengthened their hold on second position by defeating Ottawa Senators. Siebert starred in 'the Maroons' victory with two goals and one assist. At New York, Boston Bruins defeated New York Rangers in an exciting overtime battle. Beattie, a former Vancouver player, scored the winning goal. Jerwa, another former Vancouver player, scored twice for the Rangers. At Chicago, the Black Hawks had little trouble in walloping the hapless Philadelphia Quakers. New York Americans 0, Toronto 2. Maroons 3, Ottawa 2. Boston 4, New York Rangers 3. Philadelphia 3, Chicago 10. mN mm ay " ALSO IN IMPERIAL CALLON JARS 259 PLUS 30FCR (CNUINCR UUHSUlt) i MATURED AMD EOTTIED BY VICTORIA WINERIES (PRimH U"ltMfU)UMITir VICTORIA CCj iisfniwBaaitiis This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia English League First Hfvision Blackburn Rovers nil; Manchester City 1. Bolton Wanderers - Liverpool, postponed. Manchester United nil; Leeds United nil. Hibernians 2; Hearts 2. Kilmarnock 2; St. MIrren 3. Morton 1; Lelth Athletic 1. Queens Park-Ayr United un played. Rangers 1; Celtic nil. Scottish League Second Division between Third Ave. and Thomp son Street. Finder please return! to Dally News. Reward. TODAY'S SCORES Scottish League Scottish Division Alloa 3; Albion Rovers 3. Ralthrovers 2; Boness nil. Third Lanark 3; Arbroath 3. HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED 7; More and more people are turning to the classified columns of the Dally News to find what they want. Used cars, furniture for sale, lost and found, houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. All sorts of things are advertised there. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try it today. VANCOUVER. January 2 Taca ma Tigers dropiied out of Uu P,i c'fi: Coast Ho:!:cy League ;'ol'ov I In? last nleht's dojble-head. against the Lions here. Lack of : rink in Tacoma was the cause or dropping the franshlse. The play ers will be sold with other clubs of the league getting first call. The league wijl finish the season with the three remaining teams Vancouver, Portland and Seattle. Vancouver went into first plac as a result of defeating and tyln Tacoma. The score of the fir.;', game was one to nothing and a" the second three to one. SPORT CHAT Feminine basketball teams will have to look to their sartorial honors, says Phyllis Griffiths in the Toronto Telegram. West End "Y" seniors appeared for their opening game in all the glory of gold-colored sweat suits with new-faneled . I "zippers" to make them fit tightly A. p p llM I filUlfrV .Snrrpi at the ankles and when these V1U VsUUllll J UU CI removed for the start of the NEW YEAR DAY SCORES 4 game, pure white uniforms were disclosed. The Lizzies sweat suits are bright red, with a white "lieht- nlng streak" across the tops, and the uniforms are of the same lurid hue with white trimmings. Both are male teams. There has certainly been a big change in girls' sports fashions dur "'5 ing the last wjii nan half dosen uuwn years. years, Long uone ..,. , . . , Middlosborough2; Grimsby To n stocklngg( full Woomsn6 1 . buIkJ uiuuaea ui sweaters nave eiven wav Newecastle United 2; Aston Villa to ankle-high socks, abbreviated L . , r rr , !Mhort" or tight-fitUng bloomers, Sheffield Wednesday 2; Hud- anH trim w., r,A ,i, .k,h -. demiela Town 1. ;the chanm ha tint, hn English League Second Division! better? The players have greater ..... iVwvuui t iireeaom 01 movement, and un- Everton 3; Bury 2. Oldham 1; Reading 1. Scottish League rirst Division Aberdeen 6; Dundee 1 . Clyde 1; Partlck Thistle 2. East Fife nil; Cowdenbeath nil. Falkirk 1; Alrdrie 3, Hamilton Academicals I; Moth erwell nil. jdoubtedly present a smarter ap pearance. Back in 1924 the Varsity women's! intereollegiates team did battle against McGlll and Queen's In or dinary navy blue middles (with sleeves rolled above the elbows if you wished), voluminous navy blue serge Dioomers hanging well below the knee, and full lenuth black silk stocking. The Blue and White girls une wnue was accounted for by white silk middy ties and white headbands) won the title, too, and repeated the next year In the same outfits. The Varsity took a radical step, and sent the team into staid old (MVU McGUt equipped cuiyiJCTj with win! blue iuue and ana Albion ,, Rovers 2; Stenhousemulr . wWUs S0Cks reaching only to the Arbroath Sj'Wfiw Athletic 3. Boneee 2; Alloa 1. Brechin City 2: Montrose 1. Dumbarton nil; Clydebank 2. I -1 . it. . . . Aiirc, uurt oiue Dioomers or some .in. . - . ... ... . . iuk material wun wnite striDea down the sides and short-sleeved blue blouses also trimmed with WhltP The Vfnntrsul Mnm AatntaA Dundee United U St. Johnston a column to descrihinu- thn onifit. 1- .which contrasted greatly with the Dnafwmllne j; Armadale nil. tunics worn by the McGlll and Kings Park 2; East Stirlingshire Queen's teams. Now the Varsity girls Queen of South 1; Third Lanark St. Bernards 1; Ralthrovers 1. ; LOST Gold bar pin with topar. are even more modern, with blue and white Jerseys, short white-striped blue bloomers, and ankle socks. Things do move. Bagshaw-Wendle Bout Arranged Local Boys Signed up For Important Match This Month Prince Rupert fight fans will bo greatly interested In the announcement of a ten-round boding match between Billy Bagsha.v and Benny Wendle to be held this Jnonth at the' Empress Social Club Boxing Arena. Wendle and Bagshaw, who are considered two of the classiest performers In the city, will undoubtedly put up a wonderful exhlb!-jtlon and the scrap may prove to be the local "sport classic" of 1031. I The bpys have already commenced training and further details ot I the match will be announced shortly. T.ov. mrm T&K DAIL.Y Friday, January 2, j DROF OUT OF LEAGUE laccma Tigers (uit Because They Mil i Have No liink a. fr,o id ft? y Reconstructed picture of one of iva iir .:Uis. lin i ::ow ncJ . . w.i i. u.ib a; Camden for Unit d state.- lines', largest American pa-.-:etjycr ships m-t ., built in t:uwd Static of Amcm-i mm m with all his worldly goods - ' TTERE, in this old strong-box, so long guarded and locked, is his "estate" ... the "worldly goods" -which he has bequeathed to her. One by one her adviser takes out the temptingly engraved certificates and examines them. One by one he lays them down with a sorrowful shake of tha head Slowly the truth dawns upon her. Those wonderful purchases that were to make them rich ... independent. These specula- tions that were to lead them Lite Snsttri to fortune . . . many of them now arc WORTHLESS 1 But at the bottom of the box there lies an unpretentious document, which suddenly she recollects. cannot have depreciated, must still be safe and sure ... She reaches in and draws forth his Life Insurance PtMicy. Amid the wreckage of thousands of estates, Lifo Insurance stands as the final and enduring refuge in .ime of need. M A'ever Dl.u -Slf It is the one investment no Irian can afford to be without, mxxM i n If your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Phone 98