t Prince Rupert Club Ball Wednesday .Vijht Was As Usual Dtlijht--luIAffatr As usual, the annual New Year's Bve ball at the Prince Rupert Club was a great success. About 115 persons gathered Wednesday evening in the beautifully decorated club-rooms for the affair which commenced at 9:30 pjn. and cc eluded at 4 a.m. when it was voted unanimously a most delightful party. Fine music was provided for the occasion by Walter Howarth'a stx-plcce orchestra and at midnight Piper James Sturgeon appeared on the scene to help the gathering to usher In the New Year in a most enthusiastic manner. Noise makers helped to contribute to the brief pandemonium. During the midnight Interval, Miss Nan Craig entertained with a delightful exhibition dance. Refreshments were delicious, indeed, and played no unimportant part in the general enjoyment of the occasion. O. P. Tinker was master of ceremonies and chairman of the general committee for the dance. Paul Armour was chairman of the decoration committee which did such good work. Aid. J. H. Pillsbury and P. M. Ray were in charge of refreshments. A. L. Holtby handled the laming of invitations. C. C. Mills, vice-president of the club, and Mrs. Mills received the guests in the absence of John Dyb-havn, president. CHIBOPPAQIC yor HEALTH A HAPPY YEAR! Many times you have thought that you would try Chiropractic. Why not make this the year of sincere effort to escape old ailments that persist despite treatment by old, unavailing methods? Chiropractic has helped so many to escape un-happmessl A few adjustments may do much for you. Make it a New Year's resolution to investigate at once! W. C. ASPINALL 617 Exchanre Blk. Green 211 "lack 283 SALVAGE AN I TOWINQ "If It's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Kul'y Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EAST1IOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of ail descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Rarcalns In Gas Entincs Northern- B.C. Distributors Coolldje Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity, delivered anywhere by water I'lione. Hay or Night 561 P.O. Box 1564 BRINGING UP T WA (K& BOSS OF MV Hi I 0 Friday, January 2, 1931. THE DAILY NEWS PADS rX73 tassme Advertise Bents usiness and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices. A DAM NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED. PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! FOIt KENT FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Bloc Enquire store. ti FOR KENT Modem house, j rooms' 'incl bath. Apply Munro " ' Tollcnt Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer- Rentals $10 to $1C monthly )VEB APARTMENTS 3K1 AVL. FOR SALE . FOR SALE Bicycle, A 1 condition. $12. Phone Green 901. 3 FOR SALE little old Ournev heter. Price $5. Daily News, tt FOR 8 A LB fl-pl&e dining room suite, 2 piece bed-room suite in good condition, also heater and household utensils. Pttone Red 333. 2 J SITUATIONS WANTED PRIVATE stenographer, 513 CUi Ave. West, P. O. Box 306. 29. OIRL wants general housework-Phone Red 339 between 5 and 6. RELIABLE woman wants work by day or hour.' Phone Blue 411, j from 11 to l. 7 1 1 RELIABLE middle aged lady wants hoselfeeping. practical nursing . ccaspanlon help. Phone Oreen 338. 2 ij . - . . j HELP WANTED '-AJ?ANTBD 3i i ii j i. - reliable maid, aiet in. apply 2136 Oraham Avenue, or Thone Blue 272. tt J SAL&sifcJJSN WANTED To sell . ' Changtable Signs. Have men ' ,'lltriow making over $100 per week. ' JJkWilto Oeneral Alvertlatng Aasn . 'p415 Oraham Avenue. Winnipeg, ; ' Msn. 2 " ' "K AGENTS WANTED THE jj R WATKINS COMPANY lias an opening in the City of Prlnee Rupert for a real Mrs man to take over the sale and distribution of their products serving hundreds of satisitad customers. This is an opportunity of getting Into a paying bar-nets of your own. Apply 8W Hornby 8t. Vancouver. D.C. 308 LOST LOST on New Year's Eve, gold earring with green Jade and single pearl pendant. Finder please re-torn to Daily Newss Offfee. 1 MUSIC 81NOINO Leewms evenings. J. E. Davey, Phone Btaek 396. J17 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture br household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone BlacK 120 and we will call. O. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tf TRANSFERS ' . '(CAMERON'S Transfer, Thone 177. Dry uircn. ictiur una waca. rum Jtk - - RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 e & 7 Exchange Blk. iOpp. Orme's) NEW YEAR WELCOMED oklo, Japan, appear in mass driL'.s death of late Emperor Medji Se THESE GIFTS COMPLIMENTS of your newspaper merely as a means of what the famous people in the world are thhjking? As an impersonal record of events concern you at all? We have something more you. For instance: today with our compliments these things the coming year, which you'll find in and better ways of performing old household means of savings steps, time, effort . . . devices . . . short-cuts to efficiency . . . "Why," you say, "you're probably talking advertisements !" Just so we are. advertisements and read them as news. of goods and things . . . news of scientific accomplished for your benefit . . . you far more directly than an account disputes in Baluchistan can ever concern you. advertisements regularly, and use them as people are doingto save you time, effort, trouble, when it comes to buying the things little easier ... a little brighter. Reading will keep you in step with the rapidly of living in Canada today. something new in the advertisements the front page. Re informed on all sides! 5RE-C-r40f' WHEtfE HAVE -Ml ffi -n FAMier- rVJrjr--, n I Students of colleges c , T on occasion of observance of 0KK;OKHKKKHKKvH ACCEPT OUR ii YOU think DO finding out doing, saying, which do not than that to offer Pleafo accept a a gift throughout our pages: New tasks . . . labor-saving money-saving. about the Think of the News of the world achievement news that concerns of boundary Read the millions of other money, that make life a the advertisements advancing standard Every day there's as well as on FATHER . I'VE BEEM M W HOMHSf-MOONJ- (SOT as part of nation-wide tsu. Medjl Shrine Stadium WITH Douglas Fairbanks Is Off to China On Hunting Expedition LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2; Douglas Fairbanks, noted moving picture fstar, left here yesterday for French Indo-Chlna on a hunting expedition. While In the Orient, he will pay visits to the Emperor of Japan, the King of Slam and other Eastern : monarchs. SMART. MAYOR OF TORONTO TORONTO, Jan. 2: In the mayoralty election here, William J. Smart, for seven years an alderman, was elected over Sam McBrlde, a former mayor, by 331 vote Bert Wemp, last year's major, did not seek re-election. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Jan. 2: Wheat was quoted at 53c on the local exchange today. Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday i 10.30 ajn. From the East Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday . 350 pjn For Vancouver . Tuesday ..1 noon Thursday .. 9 pin. Friday 11 pjn Jan. 14 and 28 pjn. From Vancouver Sunday . 4 pjn Wednesday 10.30 pjn Friday - pjn. Jan. 10 and 24 pjn. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday 7 pjn. Wednesday 3 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 11.30 am. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday 11.10 ajn. For Queen Charlottes- Wednesdays 7 pju. From Queen Charlottes- Sundays ajn. For Alaska 1 Jan. 10 and 24 ajn. From Alaska-Jan. 14 and 28 .. pjn. i LIGHT CAKES that keep moist for days are obtained by using 1 tablespoon less per cup of Purity if your recipe calls for ordinary pastry or soft wheat ilour. FLuUR Unrivalled for Broad 1 The Drarkman-Krr Limited MllUng At all Principal D.C Total. Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Paymtnti As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines re-. paired. McKAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITERS! Vff Mhrr valne ran appnMrn (hr perlal REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 vry ev tfrm All olhnr makt from $1.1.00, Mt'vnsTiMvn AiiniNfi MACHINES United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER. B.C MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading While House 223 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignole Permanent Wave- Guaranteed $750 Skilled artists in all branches of beauty culture 211 Third Street Phone Blue 561 Wood and Coal Cheer up! The best was coming. Now It's Here Try our new coal just arrived CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. Telephone 303 , SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP GEORGE SKIDOFF DECEASED ALIAS noava SKIZAK auas jurko ski- EAK AUAS JURKO 3KIDIFT. NOTICE la hereby given that alt per- ! mm having claims against tLe above named lat of Anohorage. Territory, ot Alaska, United 8tatea of ' America, aod , formerly of the city of Prlnee Hupwt, In the Province of British Ooluiuhla, Canada, who died at Anchorage aforementioned on the Sth day of February I ivaw. are mjuum to avuu p&nicuMua thereof, duly vertlfled. to the undersigned on or before nc 5th day of Jan- . I uary. 1031. after which date tt 'will I nro-ecd to distribute the ai seta of the ; I Deceased among the persons entitled ' ' thereto, having regard only to the ' claims of which It shall then have had notice. DATED at Vancouver. B.C. this 17th ' day of November, A D. 1030. MONTREAL TRUST COMPANY. 614 fender Stree West Vancouver. B.O. Administrator of the Estate, ef tho above-meutloned Owm Skldoff. Deceased within the ' Province of British Columbia, aae, d3-io-i7. By George McManus II .Tt.ooKsrr-otD mmi H II UJ ( 'T (BSi I