fAQE FOUR. TH2 DAILY N2W8 WjatB After The Game Awwnlfd tl,e covpted ccrti- ficutp of purty merit and '' fiMPljty ly J'ib Institute of Hygiene, London. Refresh ivilh Old Milwaukee . . . THE traditional Nineteenth Hole can be made the most pleasurable and satisfying of any Golf Course. The delicious flavor, the dependable quality and invigorating strength of British Columbia's own famous malt beverages, add a new zest to the day golf enjoyment. Order a Carton today. It costs no more in this Convenient Container. $2.0 PER DOZEN At Cttrnnwnl Atom Superior Quality Guaranteed The new Junior An 8-rube screen-grid superheterodyne. Full size dynamic speaker. Compact and porfabfel Antique bronze handle for carrying. Widely vorl-able tone control.ond phonograph comec-tlon. Housed In rich woU nut cabinet of 18th cen- $QO C f tury mantel clock detlgn. O iDU CompUtewHhRadlotrons, ' Pay Only $1 O00 XV Down it This artiement is not publislied or displayed bj the Iitiuor Contro tkArd or bj the Government of llrttish Columbia. f cttlic Iiabit of reading the advertisements in this paper, and taliinir advantage of the help they hrinir you. WEVEG . : , Basketball Season Opens With Large Crowd at Auditorium to Witness Four Good, Fast Games Senior LeaguePanthers, 19; C. N. R., 15. Ladies' League Amazons, 8; Blue Birds, 2. Intermediate League Tuxis. 27; Merchants, 12. Junior League League of Nappns, 17; Rovers, 12. City League basketball commenced on Tuesday evening at the Auditorium with one of the best crowds at a learnie iiujjruveu coiiuiuojis u is noneu mat me puDiic win lane an .... r. e:iu in basketball thu . . . ' . v,intar and give their support byi 3, w Jonnson style8 The new Junior Console An 8 tuba screen-grid superheterodyne, daiigned to harmonize with smaller homes and apartments. Full-size dynamic speaker. Widely variable tone control, and phonograph tBil. .... . wniivjiyii twin vvmvif a walnut cabtnat. Price. complete withRadiotrons, 119.50 Nortlicm BrKisk Coiumbia Power Company Limited (4). B. wL "IZT. T? "Stalker 2i. Lamble 2.. w ball with ..k began, a good start for ,, there was a crowd of about one hun- . ... m? . "rt of th drl ana fifty In attendance Tues- ' twcen tne Amazons and the Blue day evening ThM wAt'A fnu. emmno iJ Birds was very exciting. They did iDlngwell (4), 3. Currle. C. Hlckey I id. D. BaoMt, Blrreii, total (12). j Junior Game The Juni&r game between the League of IfaWons and the Rovers, was clean and last. The first half was very oktfe, the score being 11-9, in favor qJ the Lt-ague. In the second half, due to good combination ( Dy uomuiaio, units ana xager uie Leaeuc of Nations drew ahead of the Rovers and the game ended 17-12 in their favor. ; Individual scoring: ' League of Nations Domlnato io. Yiger (6). Antenello a), ail-1 Us. Arney, IIU1, total (17). : Rovers McKtnley 2i. McMeekln 6i Palmer (4). McRae, Bremner.l Wllscroft, tetal (12). ' J. W. Plosaawr and Dan Morrison "ie reed the anus. Dill Vance was Urn "-keeper tyA (CQrekeeper and Oioi IlAiifpn fnu reverter. 1 The cutstinding feature was the way Ir vhll tbc ,games were run off on rsheduk. with no wayg bet vet n periods. Oames were over at 10:30 run. Bennett to Visit In Old Country OTTAWA. Nov. 12: It is under-ll3id that Piemief R B. Bennett will leave shortly for a holiday trip to the Old Country- The Premier has beefrtrellng the effects of work recently. CAR SHOPS STILL LEAD Canadian National Recreation Association Cribbage is Played - - Canadian National Recreation Association Cribbage League results Tuesday ntght were as follows: Station 13. General Office 14. Car 8hopa 16, Round House 11. game since the days when basketball was played in the par Shoos .League Standing lighted and has a large seating capacity. Through these Rouni llone : 1 lSiJ ;x 1 . I- -lF. 1 i n General on oral flfflr Offices 50 50 W. L PU. 59 49 W 55 53 55 .52 56 52 53 50 BADMINTON ' IS PLAYED gama proving to be the most Inter- mt paM the baM and as a resu,t Prince Kupert and C. N. It. Clubs ... ... . thrn ms rwilv rvrt ruulrftt. unrut 1 1 n. .11... esting. The first half was rough inri lant-H tan work- ThprP Tr.n Su8ie "" a ,0nB ne i""-"" uae rw ,uw Amelia PUUbury. they took the the ball ball right right the the aiVT Ttr Oilier IPS SUs,t???l up up floor, floor, , 7 COAST UTESKieS LBMITHlE) d the Utter swred, McNulty I Morgan. "fJ D. towed suit and sank three baskets In quick succession. Before full time 8yle& scored two under the basket and the final whistle slew with a score of 19-15 tor the Panthers. Individual scoring: Panthers Macdonald . (2), Mc-Nulty (9), Cross 2), Irvine 16), Kelsey. C N. R. E. Smith 4), D. Morris- OTEM! Genera Electric's new Junior and Junior Consoe COME In to-day and compare the were the unanimous choice over newG-E Junior and Junior Console, competing small setsl with any other "smaller" sets Before buying a radio, hear these you've ever heard I So good S&s. tine new sets. Backed by our is their performance that, In a K&fffl standard service policy. Easy masked test, G-E small sets np terms. Come In to-dayl Have Get-Togcthrr four fouls In the first three mlri-from wntre In seeond quarter' A Yery enjoyable evening was uies of play. Morrison opened the Ith Btw Blrds playcd t01" -pent on Tuesday when the Prince scoring for Ue C. N. B. when he more made the,r on,y c"e ta Rupert Badminton Club enter-?unk Om tottner on Irvine's foul.!"16 gaffie when Lllllan l!0e talned members of the C. N. It. Stalker foUowed by sinking a lpng!on a 8K)d pM" from Jean Rithle- Club at the Mclntyre Hall courts, one from the side. Irvir-i opened for' Th A"1880114 U1" ot control of An American tournament had the Panthers by dropplr- two flejd,tne btH and Rdded tw0 bacti be i been ararnged. It was In charge of baskets from centre. Before the first ' fore naWtlme whtaUe. making Ernest Wilding and James Farqu-ha:r closed the Panthers added two thfJlcore 62- ' har, and was so well organised that more baskets leaving the spore 11-5 e ectnd hslf opened vigorousl) , verythlng went along without a with the Blue Birds checking hard. In their favor. niuh- In the 8fcond half he C. N. R As a resuit Amasons were only mai game was between the had by far the better combination. abte 10 gpt one before full winners of Court One and the wln- Thsy played fait and Smith scored tUn' Dot Pritchard Vfza high scorer n8r, ot court Two. These were two baskets and Lambie one. Ir- wlln tvo bakets- ! spectively J. Horton and Miss LUian vine and Macdonald broke when! lndlvWual scoring: HalllweU against J. Stamford and E. Morris, Connie1 tn the end. Miss Plllsburv and Pritchard 4), total 8). Mr. Stamford won. the scores belnsr Blue Birds Jean Ritchie. Lillian j 15.12 15-8 Lowe (2.. P. Stone. V. Krlkeysky After refreshments had been Cathie Irvine, total 2. j served wUh Mls 3. Moffatt uj Intermediate Came I charge, the final game was played The Intermediate game between , nd then Eric Oe. th president, the Tuxls Byt and the Merchants, ' with few well chosen remarks, pre-, was probably the fastegt game of ! sented the prize to the winners the ereninj. The Tuxis started off j A marked feature of the evening at a fas pace. Kakamfito opened ' the spirit of fun and good ftl-1 rnnrinn in nm.A ifA(H lnwahfn ihnwn hv all U'h.n thai nm f vwfc ivu. tttuiiiwu j ""-j. .. - ....... -. w r cored a b( jurap shot. The Tuxis euests left, they all expressed them-tiad g ejlgbt advantage and they ad- J v"y "uch in favor of these ded te more baskets in quick sue-1 Informal Inter-club games. " CftJlpP T)?f rchants pagan when i Eric prnjr'W 4nk two near the bVki. Hr?j43 (he end of Xho first hf. Ustre wcrt numerous fouls. Use MerehMts added one more has A. Arthur Cox Vancouver archl-ct arrived tn the city on the P'tnrc Ruport yesterday morning. ket before half time when the score j F ta e.on Pfl buHnm stood 11-7 for the Tuxis. I m conntTUOn Wlln consmjcuon . . . . . I of the Masonic Temple which will TnU in r ta hatt duatortrong ,'Ie be ,eted. m retumj backklngby Nakamoto. Hsn-1 h , son and Smith, the Merchants get " only five points. The guards gave 1 - - the forward good support and the , ' whole Tuxk team worked together. As a result they more than doubled I their score. When the fulltlmel j whistle blw the score was 27-12 for ; : the Tttxia. , Individual scoring: ( Tuxis-vMorrUon 6), D. Thurber aoi. D. Moxley i7, K. Nskamoto ; Mt, C. Srrjtth, O. Hanson, total (27).; : Me:chanl-P. Diogwell (7). E. QUART A GILT-EDGED INVESTMENT IN PURITY EQUALITY suklXt MO THE ALE nt;'miaaiK.tx'ji Famed the world oyer as "Old Njfk Kum" his udverlisemeii! is not pUDlKt: c or dUpi.i Control noanJ or by the Government GORDON'S GENUINE LONDON GISl 00 advertisement is not published or cu.-: of BHtl'.h r.Tl'imb'- ES!W.a. :KaJSaW .nfjjit 1 vnawi (DaaMaVSMI Chief FictotJimei ONMrch16th(1843 Doug!J telecled a site at Csmosun, on the southern end of Vancouver bland", and commenced thereon the erection of Fort Victoria. The building wa$ of hewn timbers throughout end cons ructed withou) the use of a single ntil. At this time Molton's Ale was well ever its first half century of public preference which it still enjoys everywhere. YOUR. C PE AT In Hoirn ami GRANDFATHER. IhlJ-Jottn Catloni D R A N This advertisement is nor published or displayed by the Liquor Conuol Board or by trie Government of British Columbia. m.ii