rii D1-, u. Ai r November 12, 1931 Tbur THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREB OAL 1 Hir rtal Coal our f-' Nan and Cavftdy- I'ul'tle Valley HJ. ' tiU Kobh, llmxl Flour. hw Feed Co 'l.)M;.s ft AND 568 Had Eczema Air Over Her Body Mrs. Leo Wwdler, Bprineford, Ont., write: "For a long while I wu troubled with eciema all over my body, It would burn and itch so at night I could not rest I tried different remedif but of fio avail. I wm adrined to take Burdock Blood Bitten, and after taking five bottles my blood wu completely cleared of the eciema." ii ini and tore; manufactured, for U. put U raart, only by TU l.tJ . Turaata, Oat. Kantlfeek and Maximum Hot Water Bottles .;;( tro value leaders of the season. These ; re n oulded in one piece of the finest quality and are guaranteed for two years. Priced Kantleek, $2.25; Maximum, $1.50 Zffifi Pioneer Druqgists THE REXALL STORE i t s si and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. FAMILY SHOE STORE r. ix 1581 A. J. WKKBEK, Msr. of Telephone 3S7 peaal Uearance Ladies' Shoes Satin St ap S'ippers Just the thing for round '...iL-c. Kc.uular, $6.5 SI 95 t.eu in citai' at '; Knee Rubber Boots With -an hct !:, ree. 53.25. Marked to clear $1.95 v.p of Women's Shoes embracing a variety of rs and sizes. S3.95 ialiy marked to clear at Tie? anl Straps Cuban and high heels, Reg. $4.85 , , laily Marked to clear at Orders Given Prompt and Careful Attention PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Delivery Tree! UNO THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. rhone 619 I 'affTffitiaarmnn'll'1" 1 1 1 B 1 1 1 III II III I SAFE WINTER TIRES SURE FOOTED Ceodrl cm di vmowDs Get Them Now! Rupert Motors C"l! and Servlc. Station Phone 5C6 (Night calls 161) ISTRIBI I ( it: IK) I) nr. and PLYMOUTH CARS if you want anything, try a classified ad. Local Items Basketball, Auditorium, Friday. Dinnerware, china, crockery glassware. Heilbroner's store. For Nanaimo - Wellington coal phone 771.-1-C. C. Ketchum ti Co. tf . W. Happdtll Is sailing tonight on the Prince, Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Rev. J. S. Brayfleld, Anglican Church rector tat Anyox, sailed by the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on his return-to the smelter town after a two-day visit to town Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for Lot 16 Block 31, Sec. 5, with building thereon up to Friday the 20th Inst. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. J. Mathe son, Treasurer. Announcements Moose Carnival and Dance No. 12 and 13. Baptist sale of work, Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar, No vember 19. Varden Concert, November 19. Eagles' carnival and dance, November 20. Ladles refreshments Gents 50c. Recreation Club November 20. , Phone 933 bery Jam WEEK-END SPECIALS Scotch Dana- Parish Hall Seal Cove Dance November 37. ! United church Banar Dee. 3. I.OD.E. hard time dance 4. High School concert, 10 and 11. Beektst Honey Fancy Jar 2 for - Macaroni 4 lbs. for Little Chip Marmalade- per Jar December ct xra re msss ur ti ixi ! hi n il Cash and Carry Chocolate Eclairs per lb per 40-os. Jar .Ontario Cheese I 3 lbs. for . Oxo Cubes j per large tin ; Smyrna Flga Reg. 10c per ! lb. Special, 2 lbs. for 9 I Phone 953 35c 1 Pkg. Gloss Starch, 1 Pkg. Blueing, 3 Dob. Clothes . Puis 2 6 C All For 25c 22c 1 Pkg. Swansdown Cake Flour and 4 Lbs. Brown 8ugar OAK Clp The two for I Lb. Malkln's Best Tea and 1 Lb. Malkln's Best Coffee OCp The 2 for-""' 45C Your phone order gets (he same care as your personal visit would receive. 35c 25c 15c Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over W. Aird of Paclf arrived to th? cty on Tuesday afternoon's tram from the interior for a brief visit to town. Mrs. G, A. Bryant, who has been visiting for the past month or so in Seattle, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert yes terday morning. W. J. Rooney, superintendent of plant, Canadian National Tele graphs, with headquarters In Ed monton, arrived In the city from the east on Tuesday afternoon's: train in the course of one of his periodical inspection trips. George Keep of C.N.R. investigation department with headquarters in Prince George arrived in the city from the interior on Tuesday afternoon's train in the course of one of his periodical visits on off! clal duties. He returned to Prinw George yesterday 'morning. H. N. Brocklesby, acting director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex perimental Station, was the speak er today at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ra tary Club. Presientd O. H. Munro was In the chair. Thomas Johnson, local fish pack er, left on yesterday morning's train for New York where, on De cember 8. he will embark on the steamer Stavwngerfjord for Kris flans and S. Norway, where he will spend the winter at his home. NOTICE Our coal is in a dry shed. Don't buy water. Buy coal and get your full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFER, rhone 580. Tf SAF, SPEEDY ; PROVEN! ' Safe BucUtt cenarai t ea cone. boiyrelr Mi. forduUna and adulta. Spdr Aa liV. a angla mf proma U. Prawwi Tbauaaada laaiuua-kla and M larf.at aaU of aar cough nmadf io Canada ara too- ' vinonc tnUact of ita aaada. M-l- Week-End Specials Purity Quick Oats With new china, per pkg Orchard City Tomatoes 2'i's, per tin B. C. Peas Slse T per tin 1 Malkin'a Best SockeyV Salmon, per 1-lb. Mh ... Sunlight Soap per carton New Season's Mince Meat 25 g Malkln's Best Asparagus Tips, 2 tins Sunnybrook Creamery Qf)p Butter, 3 lbs 2C Kraft Cream Cheese Va-lb. Dkft 7?P Storace Ebbs First Honey Graham Wafers- 21C!Fds Naptha Soap- P-16-08 I 3 cakes... Malkln's Best Gold Seal Pack Straw-!Makln Dwt slrMlch. 2Mt's, per tin Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. Whole Mixed Perl per lb. - Royal City Plum Jam per 4-lb. tin Small White Beans 4 lbs. 30c 10c 10c 35c 20c 45c uvv 20c 81.00 25c 20c 25c 25c 40c 25c Alberta Market I OAMULA. loprfetor Mflh Street Phone 20S Glasses fitted by 'registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Ratepayers' Association meeting Friday, Nov. 13. Election of officers 264) This afternoon's train, due fror,i the East at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Ray Commons, accountant in the local branch of the R6yal .Bank ol Canada, left Tuesday for Smlthers to pay a brief visit. There was no regular monthly business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club on Tuesday as scheduled. Instead, there will be a directors' meeting on Tuesday of next week. Government Agent Stephen H. Hoskins of Anyox. who arrived in the city from the smelter town earlier in the week, left yesterday by train to pay a brief visit to Smlthers where he was formerly located. Judge F. McB. Young, who conducted a session of County Court at Ocean Falls for hearing of naturalization applications, and H. F. MacLeod, court registrar, returned to the city from the paper Jown on the Prince Rupert yesterday morning. Owing to (he Remembrance Day holiday, the regular monthly meeting of the board of schocl trustees, scheduled for -last night, was postponed until tonight. Th. regular monthly meeting of thf hospital board was postponed until Wednesday evening of next week. PURE FOOD SPECIALS For Friday & Saturday Quaker Oats With Chlnaware, per pkg Ginger Snaps Fresh and I Urleu lprkots j per lb 28c 14c 14c Smyrna coukii)g ngc New OCTf oJoxtlA nop, 4 io Del Monte Prunes Medium OAn .x. ... ... , ...in ntrj mmsJX1 Toilet Paper -a-o. .Uli 24c Peanut Brittle A delicious and iu a i an ui conl ectidn si 1 1 n &VK pur io . Borden s Malted Milk per i-iD. tin a oiiet Soap Many Flowers 3 bars HW. Aylmer Soups Tomato per tin Vegetable per tin Oxtail per tin y 55c Nabob Red Plums No. 2 tins QOn 3 Uns Aylmer Sliced Peaches per tin Spitaenbcrg. Apples Unwrapped 5 , OQp 0i' per lbs. box SUawborry Jam Argood per 4-lb. Un Red Plum Jam Empress per 4-lb. tin Blue Ribbon Tea per lb ! Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb $1.65 48c 42c 44c 44 c Royal City Tomatoes, Choice quality No. 2 tins Qp per Un r. No. 2V Uns per tin 8c 10c 10c 19c 11c i Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester McRAE UROS., LTD. Fine tea is far the most enjoyable mm 'Fresh frm the gardens1 isiit lit Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores J Select Your Greeting Cards From Our Choice Collection It's the wise shopper who takes advantage of our complete selection of cards now. You avoid disappointment . . .you relieve yourself of the rush and hurry that Is part of . Christmas shopping. Cards of distinction and charm are avaUable at the lowest prices In years. We are equipped to print and deliver your personal cards in our own plant in 21 hours Prices from $2.25 per dozen Accept our Invitation; sec for yourself the many beautiful designs we show! ' . , PRINTERS AND STATIONERS ' Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg ,...$11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TALK ABOUT HARD TIES A FAIR EXCHANGES-TWO 50c PIECES FOR $1 NO. 1 ALIJERTA EGG, Per Ton $11.00 COAL - CASH ONLY Also Nanalmo-Wellington Lump and Nut Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. 116 Telephone 117 UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION FARES BffooUv November lot (Ootrl to Feonary 39. 1M3. , , REDUCED FIRST-CLASS RETU1N FARlH Prom PStNCE RUPERT (including MU. and Berth) To V.nooum and Viet art. flfl.ou rri. TO miNCE .RUPERT (Including MmIi mm Berth) From OCEAN FALLS S31.31 re. Ftero ANYOX . I133S rtt. Fctfl STEWART SJS.70 ret. IMMUMn Inn Prim Rupert (or Vancouvr-EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 p.m. SB C ATA1.A i EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT 18S CAItDKN A 'PUU information wwrval lotir. .ml ti'-kt from R M SMrt'H Prime Rupfii Vki-iiiy Sn-oml .lleniif. Phone W ' ':' ; - f ; ! 1 I k4 5: