pAoe sec $)t Competitive ' its superior tone! IN the midst of confusing and unsupported claims of radio performance, General Electric offers definite proof of superior tone. Time after time, (ieneral Electric Radio has been placed in comtctition uith other leading radios. All models have been hidden from view. Various juries of music critics have been asked to rote for the one set of the four which bad the best reception. In every lest, General Electric Radio icon more votes than all the other sets combined! That is why we urge you to hear the General Electric Itadio and "believe your own ears." Compare Its tone w ith that of any other receiver and judge for yourself its absolute fidelity of reproduction. Trices of General Electric Radio are lowest In history and you can buy on easy terms. Arrange to bare your demonstration today. littrn tt Gmrrai Elrttrie fmtoMi tvrry Tutiaay nttwork. NX m m MADE IN jp) CANADA LIMITED WO PAntoin Strrrt -JAts ojjir Cxpuvs -Jpril 30 pJ2 Strong 13lndi AIIIMINtlH TheFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Do you read the classified advertisements? ests General Electric For Sale by- RM031C mm NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ; ' POWER COMPANY, LTD. C&NADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC & EKEE in ocdiance iotf 50 X bit Bed Wrappers HHandy in any Mtchcn - convenient for making rich e&Q wavy New Books In Library Here Announced Following are new non-flctlon books which hare been added to the shelve of the library: Sociology England! Crisis, by Andre Slewed. Hard Times, by II. T. Ely. How To Study, by P. M. Science and Useful Arts American Electrician's Handbook, by Terrell'Croft. Mechanical Engineer's Handbook by L. S. Marks. Romance of a Modern Liner, by E. O. Diggle. Skyways, by William Mitchell. Rltvwnrrt hv Tl P. tlvrrt ildrens Colds Checked without I1J i uosmg. nun on i No No. VapoRuS 1VU XI.'.lHIM.'WH.UIUJA''j THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, November 12 1831 ARMISTICE DAY HERE (Continued from Page 1) today says: 'Wq are Inescapably the , trustees of their memory and the principles for which they fought.' In faithfulness to our trust this day has been set apart as a National Day sacred to their memory. Throughout the whole Dominion we, I as a people, present ourselves before i the Lord God of our fathers, know ing that He is working His purposes out in the realm of history, and that our comrades did not die in vain. I "As a result of the sacrifice made ! in the Oreat War, we are witness-' ing today a new civilization struggling to its birth, a civilization in which national hatred and war will be ultimately discarded. This is seen in the evergrowing opposition to war, and in the remarkable achievements of the League of Nations. In this connection the disarmament conference to be held at Geneva in February next is of vital Importance. The eyes of the world are fixed upon it. National and international leaders are demanding that it shall not fail in its deliberations. What failure would mean Is clearly set forth by the Hon. N. W. Rowell K.C., who was a member of Canada's first delegation to the League of Nations. He says: 'If it fails it will mean revolution or war.' General Currie says: 'Its failure will mean the downfall of our Institutions and our western civilization.' The conference will hold the peace of the world In its hands, and for thl3 reason it must not fail. Nations Betray Trust "In spite of the great mass of public opinion against war, there Is no disguising the fact that there arc powerfully growing elements making for war. These elements come not from our former enemies, but from our former allies. At the Peace Conference in 1919 it was a u reed, after the disarming of our' I Thrifty Prices Thrifty Housewives We list below afew of our price-savin; staples. A. visit to any of our stores will be convincing evidence to you that it pas well to deal with us. B. C. Eggs Extras 3 doz. for Creamery Butter Forest dale. 3 lbs. for Dates 7 lbs. for Corn Starch per pkg ....... Blue Ribbon Tea per lb Blue Ribbon Coffee per lb per 12-oz. tin . Terrace Potatoes Best of cookers, per sack ... 15 lbs. for Pray Bentos Corned Beef l's, 3 tins for Yacht Brand Salmon l's 3 tins for .'. Malkln's Best Honey per 4-lb. tin Malkln's Best. Tomatoes 2 tins for Malkln's Best Asparagus l's, 2 tins for Cottage Roll Try this at per lb. Gainer's Machine Sliced Bacon, per lb Ways of the Sea, by C. O. Davis. ;BreRd- universe Around Us, by S'r James Jeans. Travel Bagdad and Points East, by R. J. Casey. Bast Africa, a New Dominion, by Archibald Church. Corsica the Beautiful, by A. R. Dugmore. If your Dally News does not arrive Phorie the office $1.00 70c 50c 10c 45c 45c Blue Ribbon Baking Powder nnn $1.50 25c 50c 29c 75c 23c 75c 18c 25c 7n Out of town orders receive from us the same attention as your personal visit would receive. Mall your orders and be convinced of our saving on your purchases. Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents'' We Solicit Mail Orders, and Give Personal Attention to Packing and Shipping No. 1 Store Fifth Ave. Phone 18-81 No. t Store 319 Third Av-Phonc 3 GO 3 Store 127 Third Av Phone 375 1 enemies, that the allied nations would reduce their armaments to a minimum. What has been the re sult? France, Italy and the United States betrayed their trust They have perfected their fighting machine to the highest point of efficiency. The United States, responsible for the embodiment Of the i League of Nations in the peace treaty, and for the Kellogg Pact, strangely has been the chief ag- gressor. These armaments, unfor-' tunately. in spite of covenants and; treaties to the contrary, reveal a mentality which regards war as aj normal condition. ' "There are economic armaments, as well as military, which are Just as serious a menace in making for war. War debts and' reparations are a danger to the peace of the world, France and the United States demand that debts due to them be paid In gold, the world's medium of exchange of which there Is a universal shortage. The credit nations have to a large extent been bereft of their purchasing power with the result that millions of people have been thrown into poverty while there is the incongruous situation of a surplus of all the commodities of life. "The "problems confronting the coming disarmament conference are indeed serious and difficult to Seal with. In an appeal. General Currie says: 'I appeal to the veterans of the war. and to the youth of '.he world to see that their governments determine to disarm now, for here will be no other chance.' Our government has the support of all members of the Canadian Legion and, should have the backing of every cltrsen of the Dominion,' In '.ts objective at the conference. Britain Gives Lead "The great principle which our comrades gave their life for was the abolition of war, the establishment of peace for their children and the generations yet unborn. To this the Empire has given itself wholeheartedly. Oreat Britain has given a lead to the world in reducing her armaments to the minimum of natlona' safety, and Is ready to make further reductions when the other nations agree to reduce theirs. With the most to lose, she offered to cancel her war debts, providing the Uni ted States did likewise, an offer! which I am safe in saying, is still open. The Empire lias shown itself ever ready to give effect to the urlnctple which our comrades gave their lives for. "The principle for which we fought is embodied in the Union Jack which flies unfurled above our heads. In it are the crosses of St. Andrew, St. Patrick and St. Oeorge; these are the symbols of sacrifice and of the Oreat Sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary. Unselfish sacrifice always has the approval of heaven and the blessing of Ood, and this enables us to come before the Eternal Presence with confidence and gratitude for the sacrifice of our comrades. "In loving commemoration for our beloved dead, In their name and in the name of Ood Almighty, I call you to dedicate your lives to the cause of universal peace! This Is our heritage. Throw to the wind every shred cSf pessimism, ever remembering that in the strength of Ood. "The human will, that force unseen. "The offspring of a deathless soul, "Can hew its way to any goal "Though walls of granite Intervene.' Close of Proceedings There was placing of wreaths on the base of the cenotaph by representatives of the various organisations and private Individuals. The impressive proceedings came to a Mose with the sounding of the Reveille and the singing of the National Anthem. The various parade, groups marched back to their respective headquarters to be dismissed. Mrs. II. Johnson of Juneau, who has been visiting here for the pass ! ten days, will sail by the Princes Norah Saturday morning on her return to the Alaskan Capital. Hotel Arrival? New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY ANII UP J. Zarelll TflfplioW tsl Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's loadiug family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J, PltimilOMMn, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8U. I evei Wednesday & Thursday iwo MIUWS 7 & 9 PJU Feature Starts at 7:15 & 9.4$ Admission 20c & 63c They are Dressing- rccurus ff.. . n StJita wionKey Business You don't have to guess about this one, It is the year's screamlngfst comedy A Paramount Picture Comedy "Back Pare" Screen Song "Betty Co-Ed' Hodge Podge "Wonder Trails" ( FOX NEWS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "I TAKE THIS WOMAN" Glasses often improve the appearance. They correct the effect of noses that are too short or too long; faces that are bottom-heavy; cir-cles under the eyes; and detract attention from weak mouths and chins. We are especially skilled in fitting glasses that enhance the appearance. Let us show you what we can do for you. JOHN BULGER KEOISTFItED OPTOMETRIST SPECIAL! Friday, Saturday and Monday Nov. 13, 14, and 16 14 Boys' Mackinaw Coate, heavy quality QQ 05 Sizes G to 15 yrs. reg. up to $G.i)o. Special V " u Child's White Rubbers. Sizes 7 to 10. QOn Keg. 85c. Special Price OUK' Misses' Slickers in green and red. Sizos 12 to 17. Special Price Girls' Health Brand good quality Winter Qo Combinations, sizes 22 to 81, reg. to $1.75 1 u 27-Inch White Flannelette Q1 AO Special Price, 7 yards for V-luu 3 Pieces Check Coating. Priced up to $3.76. O Qo Special Price 47 uv 4 Pieces Winter Weight Dress Goods. Q5C Keg. $1.75. Special Price uu Girls' and Boys' Good Quality Sweaters. QfiC Sizes 28 to 34. Special Price vu 300 Yards White Cotton. Priced up to 80c 1 gfi 36 inches wide. Special Price A Children's English Felt House ftQ & QSfi Slippers. Sizes 5 to 2. Special u;i' uu Boys' English Felt House Slippers. fi7C Sizes 1 to 5. Special Price U Boys' Tiger Brand Knee Length Winter Cornea; St0.32' 89c & 51.49 COME AND SEE OUR WINDOWS JABOURS LTD, Smith Iilock 533 Tliird Ave Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products. It does pay to buy those advertised.