Stops Body Odours Photograph of thumb print left by robber. They Leave Prints Many robbers arc identified by finger prints they leave on things they touch. If the robber is a known criminal, his prints are on file, his description and his record are there, too. These finger prints never lie. They cannot Iks forged. When cxhincd as abovon, a screen to'a jury, yieyjWentifyithe man beyond poubtf jj. All finger prints are divided into four types: arches, loops, whorls and compositos. The eye needs but a few minutes study to decide whether two finger prints were made by the same person or not. . Over 200,000 finger prints of known criminals are kept on file in Ottawa and the number is added to daily. Watch Your Prints You are not a robber, of course, but remember no one can touch anything without leaving a print. It is often a dangerous print laden with germ infections. Hands pick up germs all day long. Often by touching things others have touched, or by shaking contaminated hands. Any piece of food you touch may carry those germs to the mouth. "' 'ej Life Extension Institute lists 27 diseases wfiiich may be conveyed In this way. Colds are themost common conveyed by bands which are used to check a sneeze or' a cough. That is a reason for Lifebuoy Soap a germicidal 6oap. It cither kills germs or makes them inactive. Wash your hands with Lifebuoy often, and always before a meal. See that your children do it. Otherwise, you are sure to convey germs to tho mouth, where they bree'H. Also Fights Odours Lifebuoy Soap also kills body odours. Use it in a bath, and you are safe for hours. No perfume in it, but a germicide a mild, refreshing scent of 6afety that disappears in a few minutes. Yet Lifebuoy is also a dainty soap, based on two palm oils. Nq beauty soap was ever created to do more for the skin and complexion. Millions of people, tho world over, are protecting themselves in this delightful way. They get all the joys of an exquisite soap, with all this protection added. You will join these millions when you know Lifebuoy. Make it easy for tho family to benefit day-in-day-out by Lifebuoy's protection. Keen a cake at the wash basin and the bath. Ask your dealer today for Lifebuoy. Lever Brother! Limited. Toronto Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Germicide RCWNTREE'S their buds owing to the long con tlnued mildness. The second fire alarm In one day aroused the residents very thoroughly on Friday night shortly af ter eight o'clock. Just at the time Dr. Mandy was lecturing to an audience of about 120 in the theatre. With the sound of the siren his hearers melted away as by magic. An overheated chimney at the Philbert hotel was the cause, but the danger was soon over and the brigade found Its services unwanted, though the equipment was run out briskly. Dr. Mandy's audience returned and all ended happily. The local unemployment relief committee met on Monday night and concluded Its business. Dr. J. T.' Mandy, resident mining engineer. Prince Rupert, left on Monday for Usk where he Is to deliver a course of lectures to pros pectors and miners under the aus-pices of trie Department of Mines. Rev. E. A. A. McCarthy was suffi ciently recovered to preach In the' Anglican Church on Sunday morn ing. Prayers and lessons were read by Mr. Halliwell. The evening service was not held. ' Esther Taft went up to Usk on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nash Journeyed to Prince Rupert on Sunday. Mrs. Nash is to receive medical attention. The wife and family of E. Wlllee of the Terrace Hotel arrived from tho east on Sunday. The local commissioners met' on Monday and decided to undertake further relief work to the extent of $000. This will Include the grading of Attwood Street and extensions to the water system. A benefit dance on behalf of R DeKergommeaux and family who lost everything In the fire on Friday morning last, has been arranged to ' be held in the Legion Hall on Friday. NEW HAZELTON During the week from March 4 to 1 1 u series of highly interesting and valuable lectures was held in Hazelton under the auspices of the Department of Mines. Many prospector and others interested in mining were in attendance. A the recent Presbytery meeting in Prince Rupert, Rev. T. H. Wright, who has been stationed at Hazelton for the past three years, applied for a change of pastorate with a view :o goin'i south after the conference in May Mr. Wright's departure from tle ertliwpiiWbe generally r ir iy ' regretted. t a bridge party given by the Hwlton Social Club, in Rodder's Hail. Miss Vivian Chappell and Mrs. William Oow were the prize-winners. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police force at Hazelton was brought !up to full strength, last week, with I the arrival of two more men from The Prince George Board of Trade at Its monthly luncheon, on Wednesday last, decided to proceed with the establishment of a creamery here, providing that the provincial government will assure the assistance usually lent to such an undertaking in the form of a loan to cover the cost of necessary machinery together with the payment of a butter maker's salary for one year. STEWART A three-cornered badminton tournament was staged here on Sa turday with players representing Anyox,, Premier and the Canadian Legion of Stewart participating. Much interest was taken in the play. Hector Stewart, formerly of the Stewart News staff and now identified with the Comox Argus at Courtenay, was a member of a Court enay badminton team which recently won the Northern Vancouver Island championship by defeating Nanatmo In the finals. Under an agreement which hat been reached between the board of village commissioners and the provincial government, the sum of $2,000 will be made available for carrying on of unemployment relief work here. St. Mark's Anglican Church here at its annual congregational meeting last week, elected the following officers: rector's warden, O. N. Mainsbrldge; people's warden, A. Russwurn; church committee, Mrs. II. P. Gibson (Sunday-School superintendent), Mrs. J. V. Clegg, C. G. Jackson, II. C. Bennett, G. P. Heinekey, J. O. Lyon and E. T. Ap-plethwalte.' O. A. Yardley, inspector of ous- ftclal duties, sailed last week on his torn, after a brief visit here on ot-return to Victoria. Stewart Tennis Club has elected officers for the year as follows: president, Mrs. II. P. Gibson; vice-president, A. Russwurn; secretary. Miss W. M. Mellon executive, Mrs. S. G. Lawrence. L. S. Davidson and C O. JacKson. An Interesting season is being anticipated. Mrs. W. R. McDonald of Hyder, who had been on a trip south, returned last week. Mrs. E. Thursday south. Harris returned Inst morning from a trip MEAT Market Pork Specials Fresh side I'ork, 3 lbs. for .... 13c. Shoulder I'ork, 3 lbs. for COc. Loin of I'ork, 4 lbs. for ...... $1.00 Loin I'ork Chops, per lb. 23c. I'ork Steak, 2 lbs. for 1 35c Lrz of I'ork, per lb. .... 35c. Sparc Ribs, 2 lbs ."33t. Mussallem's Meat Market Phones 18 & 81 417 Fifth Ave. F. The Wills Navigation has star-1 ted running Into Hydar with the1 motorshlp liner Zapora, which Is under command of Capt. Fireman, j Fortnightly whist drives of the Canadian Legion continue to en joy, much popularity. Prizes are such useful things jas slabs of b-con, sacks of sugar, etc."' 4 Frank Riva Is recovering nicely in the Stewart General Hospital after having undergone a successful operation. W. Etherlngton Is recovering nicely from an attack of pneumonia as Is J. Bouzek from a recent accident. George Young Is also getting along well., W.' L. Anderson sailed last week for a trip to Vancouver. A badminton tournament for members of the Canadian Legion opened this week with a large entry list. HULATT J. Borsuk of Hulatt spent a few days In Prince George and returned on Menday nignt. ' Miss L. II. Adair was a visitor at Vanderhoof on Saturday. Miss J. Borsuk made a brief (rip to Endako at the end of last week nid returned on Sunday morning's train. Wednesday Mr.r-b 18 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS 1031 How Robbers , Are Caught uilh tht polic. IDEUTIFICATIOU WASTES CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ul'KKAriNfi (J. T. T. 20.00U-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlarksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworker, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 OUR COAL IS IN A DRY SUED When you are buying coal look on the economical side of life. If yuu buy wet coal, you are losing; 10. So start today and burn dry coal and see what 10 means to you. PEMBINA EGO Delivered, Per Ton !..$12.50 MINEIIEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINER EAD LUMP Delivered, Ter Ton 13.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PIIONE 580 Hecausc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS SMITHERS Reginald Colllson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Colllson. returned to his home here a few days ago, from Terrace, to receive surgical attention necessitated through losing two fingers while at work In the George Little Lumber Co.'s sawmill. Two fingers were completely severed and a third was badly lacerated. Merely for lack of leadership, an unemployed demonstration here on Monday of last week failed to mater ialize. There was quite a gathering of men assembled in response to notices, but they did not march to the provincial government buildings to demand assistance as nad been planned. As It turned out, there was not very much to It. Hockey, skating and curling have 1 again been popular sports here this week, following the return of odd weather on Sunday. Hockey Is going In earnest and two town teams are again being seen In action. In tribute to the memory of the late Charles A. Chapman, who died a few weeks ago, local friends of the deceased are to lnstal in the Smlthers Hospital a bed of the latest type for the treatment of patients with broken limbs. The bed will cost about $100. It is being put In Instead of having sent floral tributes to the funeral. The local assembly of Native Sons jf Canada has again petitioned the federal government for recognition of a distinct Canadian nationality in connection with the forthcoming :ensus. BURNS LAKE As a result of Its operations- for Lhe past year, the Omlneea Ski Club has a balance on the right side of $35.46, the secretary-treasurer, Miss 3 race Wahman, reports. A. M. Ruddy has resigned as a nember of the board of village commissioners. He was chairman of the board since his election a year ago. A successor has not yet been appointed. The 'village commissioners have under advisement a plan for the raising of the taxes on dogs to $2.50 and $3.50. A mill rate of 10 has been set by the board of village commissioners. This rate will apply upon the full value of the land and on fifty per :ent of Improvements. The thermometer In this district last week took the lowest dip of the winter, going down to from 10 to as much as 20 degrees below aero. R. O. Stearns, of Tintegpl, was a business visitor In Burns Lake last week. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hultkrans and daughter, Helene, of Forestdale, were visitors In town last week. A bazaar and tea under the aus pices of Holy Angels Church, is being held here this afternoon. TERRACE Quito a galaxy of Rupertltes visited Terrace on Wednesday to attend, an important Masonic Complaints are being made of depredations by Indians in the neighborhood of Copper City, traps and beaverdams being reported broken down, tho latter resulting in the loss of a whole colony of beaver. Among visitors who came into Terrace from the east on Thursday were Capt. Wlllman, Mrs. E. Wlllman and Miss Dorothy Whitlow of Usk, and Mrs. Ragcn of Vanarsdol. Billy Donald, who has left the Sundal store, went out on Thursday's train to visit In Vancouver and Seattle. He was given a send off by a number of friends. The cold snap, which made its appearance the week-end before last, persisted throughout the week though it moderated somewhat towards the end of the week. Snow fell intermittently on Sat urday. Fears are felt that the fruit: trees will be sufferers because oft so many of them having burst - Vancouver. There are at present four men, In addition to the sergeant, in the local detachment. Rev. T. II. Wright, of Hazelton, went to Kispiox on Monday of last week to officiate at no less than four native weddings. Work on the Bulkley River high level bridge near here is progressing favourably. The high line has been completed, and actual steel work started at the first of the week. If fine weather continues, it Is hoped to complete the steel work by the middle of May. An enjoyable dance was held In the New Hazelton Community Hall, In aid of school funds. Music was furnished by a seven piece orchestra from Kltwanga. PRINCE GEORGE Wednesday &Thur J two snows -it iffl MArtr ( LEWIS STONE THE OFFICE WIFE What Happens when a Fit tatlous wife discovers tb her husband is in ovt ,r his pretty secretary?? Comedy ! "RACKET CHEEKS" Novelty "OLD MAN wiioorru.' Scenic "GLIMPSES of GASPESU Talkertoon "ACE OF SPADES" FOX NEWS. "Don't Miss This Prm-rann Feature starts at 8 and 'Or ADMISSION - jflcig TI1URS. MATINEE at 2;3 15c. and 10c. I Feature htiru :n Friday and Saturday- j ' "THE GANG BUSTER." MEAN? Don't be helpless when you suddenly get a headache. Reach in your pocket for immediate relief. If you haven't any. mpirm with you, get some af the first drugstore vou come to. Take a "tablet or two ami h! day." They will always ease a throbbing head. Quiet a grumbling tooth. Relieve nagging ins of neuralgia or neuritis, Si r check a sudden cold. Even nd of the pain. Take promptIyipl GYrgle with Aspirin tablets Nothing is gained by waiting;: ' at the first suspicion of snre to sec if the pain will leave of its own accord. It may grow worse! Why postpone relief? There arc many times when Aspirin tablets will "save the hcumalisrh has lost its terrors for those who have learned to depend bn these tablets. throat, and reduce theinfection. Look for Aspirin on the box and the word Genuine in red. Genuine Aspirin tablets do not depress the heart. ASPIRIN TRADEMARK RCO. Made in Canada The Fish which made Prince RuperlFamous I : "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK co: Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd- PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Sale of Odd Pieces of Furniture at Half-Price Watch Our Windows Barrie's Home Furnishings