March 18, 1331. THE DAT.Y NEWS PA 02 R71 Why Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etcw-TObub . FOR KENT fOR RENT -Furnished 4 room flat Wlth bian. rnone on. u nVE roomed Hat for rent, steam 1 ti ' mr jieat''l rnone mug w job RKNT-- Housekeeping? rooms furnished, Phone ureen47i. 65 FOB EKNT By day, week or month rurnisnca apartment, prion- Red C07. tf ; fob iKNT nve-roomed rurn- jghcn apartment. Apply Muaml-lem I'hone 18. tf FOR SALE FOR RALE Small unfinished! D0U5. Seventh, Avenue E., ner 8ca! C ove. SePatmore and Frt (on . ; Phone" 76. ' HELP WANTED CIVIL SERVICE IHEM.C.C CIVIL SKRVICB School no oldest correspondence icho' i in Canada, specializing In preparing candidates by mall for thv Canadian Civil Service. Get ready for the spring examina 'i tion- for positions as Letter Car tie:- Mail Clerks, Customs Clerk" Stenographers, Typist? t' Booklet free on request. The M.C.C Ltd.. 401 Kensington Bldg. Winnipeg. "DIESEL FOWFRED RACING , jOAR DIESEL Ppwered AJtpla A truck stages, antfgjow mo1 neir ue-aca atfflcunutiww machinery "U nowTeijulpped the wonder Diesel Engine al one-eight ii the operating expense sr. : aitn greater power and pt !; ht,( v Thousands of men wi tn : '.his highly-paid field j)f ttv opportunity through our In tensifiprt practical Diesel training W have a new illustrated tooki' "Diesel OpportuniUes of Ml It's free. Write for your "ib:. 40c per hour spare time ; rrc whUe learning. Hemphill I By Instruction received I wll Sell Dir?, : Engineering Schools. 1043 1st Public Auction, Stock and Fix-tmir, street West. Vancouver.! turcs of B 416 Baft St, Seattle Wash. Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Westen taw 1 Block, Phone 7R2. rRIVATF RtonnrorVior Pr.Tn. Uruetor in Commercial Subjects. 51fi 6th Ave.. Wett, P.O. Box 304. - BOARD AND ROOM 1 l 0OM and Board.lPhone RM 12,, U. SHOE REPAIRS fOB 1 inest Work try Louis Shiblg, ' Second Avenue West, Box 30. pf it Rupert, B.C. tt AUCTIONEER , -.If t .rr We buv. srll or fxchanee anv 1 of furniture or household Eood? musical instruments ma-Winery, etc. Oeneral repairs, gating packing and shipping. "Wkmanshlp guaranteed. Just Phono Black 120 and we will J,1". Q, J. DAWES, Auctioneer "deral Block. tf PALMISTRY fAlMlSTRY Readings by appoint- Phone Green 127. URs JAMES CLARK. Palmistry") ill nl Crystal Reading. Whit "ouw -225 Second Ave., Tele Phone 767. TRANSFERS cAMF,roN.8 Transfer. Phone 177. Ufy Birch. Cedar and Jack Tine. tf fcD1 TRANSFER. Cartage and --"mure Moving. Phone 204. tt . - my News want-ad win pa riiulta. DRESSMAKER M183 N. ROGERS. Phone Black 236. . , VIOLIN TUJTION VACANCIES For day or evening pupils. Miss Nellie Lawrence, Phone 177. LODGE MEETINGS ELKS' meeting nights First and Third Mondays, Metropole Hall. CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Rav TrfatmintK Nervous, Female and Childrns' Diseases Specially Treated W. a ASP1NALL (Chiropractor) Phone Oreen Z11 it 7 Exchange Bis,. tOpp. Orme's) SALVAUK AND TOWING If it's on or under the water we do It in c 1 r 1 1 acuicoaivage v-o. L.ia. FuL'y Equipped for Diving and eneral Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOFE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand tnd Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Pbone, Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1561 SALE Geo. D. Tite Ltd. on THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY -'iMarch 19, 20, and 21 l 2 " SXCK jm' ,ne. and futures, consisting of 1 - ton Delivery Car 8 Showcases. Furniture, Awning, Fixtures, Crockery, Sewing Machine HRcmnants. Blind Fixtures, Cash Register, Large Safe and other At- . tirles. MUST BE CLEARED! WITHOUT RESERVE G. J. DAWES, ! : Auctioneer Phone Black 120 j , Demand the B. B. Brand ; I of Fresh smoked Haddie Cured Fillets ALASKA BLACK COD KIPPERS and BLOATERS Put up by die v BACON FISHERIES On sale at all local stores BRINGING UP "ho-hom- SC nil C:,0 to 5iT honis Vl, li T1RE.O OUT . .JAM A LlAMn DAV- flK.RC W A MAP- Country Readers of "The Daily News" To thc readers of the Daily News who live out of town, we suggest that the classified columns of the paper, pro vide an excellent medium for the disposal of arliclesHhey may have for sale or exchange. Last season a lady at Smithers did a large business in selling fresh eggs direct from the farm by advertising in this paper. Chickens, implements, household goods, boats, fishing gear,, guns, cordwood, furs and dozens of other articles , inav be disposed of. The charge is two cents a word but irjii r n e e ! ma nines gues Many THE MISF.HAL ACT (T.KTII ICATK OF IMPROVEMENT NOTICE I 1 Lot 468S OoksoBda: Lot 4664 Brok.n HUl: Ibt 487 Kinburn: Lot 4688 Bur- . nr- Lot aea Lut Chance: . Lot 4690 1 Mottwr Lodt; Lot 4601 Renfrew; Lot 449 Apt; Lot 8480 Reliance; Lot 8487 j RMiown, Mlntral Claim ltuat tn th ! Atlln Mining DlvKkm of Gulir Din- , tnet. Loodted on white Muose Mountain on South West tide or Weit Tkku Arm. TAKE NOTICE that Maurice LorJ Eg- ertou oi Ttttton tnd Estate of Otto H. Prtride. Free Miner's CerttlleatM Ncs 44101 D. tnd 30S91 D., Intend, tlxty dtVa from the dtt hereof, to tpbly to Uie Mining Recorder for t CertltletU of ImpmemenU tor the purpc. rf obttUnmg a Crown Orant of the tbovp claim And further take notke that action, u tutor Met Ion 8fi. tnuat be commenoed before the iMuanoe of such Orttflcato or ImpreinnU. Dated this 1Mb day of January, . IM1. It. MtN. FRASER. ml9. Agent. Oet the AO. reading nabtt It nays. FATHER lur uiv price ui iuur. people get good results. Why not you? DAILY NEWS Classified Department PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday and Saturday . 1050 ajti. From the Fjist Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 1,30 p.m For Vancouver-- k Tuesday ,....-4 .... 12.30 Thursday 3 pjn. Friday ,. 11 pjn. March 22 pjn. From Vancouver- Sunday 4 p.m Wednesday . 10.30 p.m Friday pjn. March 18 and 28. For Anyox and Stewart Wednesday .... 3 oai. Sunday -... 7 pjn From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays 11.30 ajn. ' Thursdays 8 p.m. For N" as River and Port Simpson- Sunday 7 pjn From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11 .30 ajn. For Queen Charlottes-March 21 tajn. From Queen Charlottes-March 19 , 9 pjn. For Alaska-March 18 and 28 ajn. From Alaska-March 2i i pan. ADVERTISING COPY MUST RE IN EARLY Copy for display odvertisc- mcnts should be In the hands 4 of the printers not later than 4 4 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- 4 4 cation. This is necessary to en- 4 4 able beet positions to be se- 4 cured. 4 444444444 THE MARKET Following are retail prues current here today: Apples-Yellow Newton, household $2.2a Yellow Newton, fancy box 2.75 Newtons "C" ; 2.5t Staymah's Wlhesaps, tox 2.05 Spitzenberg, fancy. 2.75 Spitzenberg "C" ..... 2.50 Winter Bananas, fancy . 2.75 1 Delicious, fancy ...... 355 Delicious "C" 2.75 Fruits-Naval Oranges 15c to J 1.00 Lemons, Bunkist, dot 40 Florida Grapefruit 12'c to .2" California, Grapefruit .. .6c to ,12' Bananas, 2 lbs 3a Extracted honey, per Jar Comb honey -,.... ...... . .35 Dates, bulk, lb ..... .12 ' . .15!' Raisins, bulk, lb. u.. Dried inuts Lemon and orange peel . JO Black cooking tigs. lb. . I .15 Currants, lb. . ... .15 Citron peel ....... J5 White figs. lb. .15 Apples, dried .... .20 Peaches, peeled .20 Apricots, lb. .20! Prunes, 60-70, lb. .... .10 Prunes, 30-40, lb. ... .15 Prunes, 40-50, lb. .. 12V, Nuts-Almonds, shelled Valencias .50 California soft shelled walnuts .35 Walnuts, broken shelled .35 Walnuts, shelled halves . .40 Peanuts J 5 Lard I Pure . - 25 Compound 25 1 Eggs B.C. fresh pullets, doz. 32 B.C. fresh first, doz. 33 B.C. fresh extras, doz 40 Local new laid, doz. . .50 Sugar . . Yellow. 100 Jbs. 5,00 White. 100 lbs. - 5.60 Butter No. 1 creamery, lb. .. .40; wo. d creamery, j 10s. i.ia Vegetables- Flour Potatoesrnetted-Jems. 9 Ibi, Flour, 49s, No. 1 hard wheat .... 1.90 sack Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. QiPbtatoes Feed Wheat. No. 3 Alberta No. 5 Alberta Oats !Bran Shorts v l-6rj6arlic, lmported Jb Middlings . ?."iLeekJ, bunch Baney Laying Mash .......u..- 3.10 Oyster Shell 1.93 Beef Scrap 3.95 urouna ou case Fine oat chops 2.00 Crushed oats 2.00 1Mn harlnv rnnn 1 R5 j r -. cneese McLaren's Cream, Jars, 45c and .85 Camembert. 8-oz. pkg. .65 Krait Limoerger. s .35 Ontario solids JO New Zealand sollas .. JO Stilton, lb . .40 Kraft .45 Norwegian goat .60 Napoleon Limberger .. 70 Roquefort Swift's Brookfleld. lb. 45 uorgonzola, lb. 0 Brookfleld Bwlss. V4-lb. pkg JO ii ru ye re 45 Rrnokfleld Canadian cheese, Vl-lb. pkg. ... 2i Qolden Loaf. lb. .45 Meats-Turkey - J5 Fowl, No. 1, lb 38c and .35 Roasting Chicken, lb .40 Broilers - .45 Ham, sliced, first grade 55 Ham. picnic, first grade JO Cottage rolls, lb J5 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .53 Veal, loin Pork Shoulder Pork, dry salt i Ayrshire bacon, Jb. ...35c to Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3.00 per month Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. !n interior decorating, painting and sign Writing Very moderate prices. JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter ahd Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave. W. Silversides Bros. Third Ave. Phone 22 Window Glass and Glazing BLASTING AND EarthWork NELS ROKKJAR 811 Fraser Street Phone Blue 823 Evenings Beefi pot roast ; .-. JO, in Beef, boiling 15c to 'fo Beef, roast, prime rib .,..... -30 Lamb, shoulder . 33 Beei. steak -15c to JO Lamb, leg .. ,40 Lamb chops ;40 Mutton, shoulder - 20 By George McManus XTWWW I I WHCT THE 1 1 1 THAT Oo Of J AMO T fOU if" '. ! IF ill T- ryxr hi wrzsz, . LJrAen: owti ...j mm nan " j " ' ' , tn. i rlrIm 3 18 Fish-Smoked kippers, lb. ,15 Salmon, frozen, lb .23 Halibut, iffizerXb ... JI5 .23 2.50 6 lbs. 2,15 :.10 iMo California Celery, head .25c and .30, "jSplnac CaUfornla,,lb ...u,.... .15 .40 Cabbage. B.C .06 Onions, 6 lbs . California hear! lpttiirp hd .15 , Mexican, outdoors, Tomatoes, Io J3 , Braue3 Sprouts 0 Qulk TurnlDS 7 lbs 25 CauUf lowp CallfornIa hd jj5ta5 ; v: Rrtuoarb, hothouse 2 lbs. .25 Parsnips, 4 lbs 25 Carrots, 6 lbs .... SJ3 Beets, lb .nH ' '..iV C. N. R. TRAIN! 1 From East Sundays, Tuesday! ieojand Thursdays, 3:30 pjn. ; , , 1 .-I . . .1. . ' -. r or isisu ivionuays, weanesaays tnd Saturdays. 11:30 a.m. " . 4444444 4444 44 .44 The .Dally News can be,pur- 4 chased at i4 Post Office News Stand, 325i4 Granville St., Vancouver. 14 Karl Anderson, Prince 4 George, B.C. if R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C, if General store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store. Smith -4 4 ers. B.C. i. 1